538 research outputs found

    Brazília : a modernizációs diktatúrától a hibrid posztdemokráciáig

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    In South America in the 1960s and 1970s the contradictions of economic, social and political structures were deepening. The excepcional states of the new militarism appeared on the continent. Formally these state systems were set up by the institutional takeover of the armed forces. The military governments strove for the total reorganization and modernization of the societies in their all ‒ economic, political and ideological ‒ territories. The break-down of the military dictatorships in South America, in the one of three semi-peripherical areas of the world, took place in the 1970s and 1980s and 1990s and it was followed by the restoration of the civil governing in the form of hybrid systems. All these processes constituted the parts of the democratization. However in those societies have been present the authoritarian enclaves and the so-called “powers that be” as well as the inherited non-elected system of institutions of the controlled democray endangering the democratic establishment. The study aims at analizing these processes, the governmental and the state structures and the Económic transformations on the ground of the Brazilian experiences

    SOD activity of immobilized enzyme mimicking complexes

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    A binuclear, imidazolato-bridged, possible superoxide dismutase-mimicking complex (Cu(II)-diethylenetriamino-μ-imidazolato-Zn(II)-tris-aminoethylamine-triperchlorate) was prepared and immobilized on silica gel or among the layers of montmorillonite. The superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity of the complex before and after immobilization was studied by a SOD assay. It was found that the SOD activity of the host-free complex decreased somewhat when montmorillonite was the host, however, using silica gel as host it increased

    There Is no Mercy : In memoriam Sándor Loss

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    This article offers a case study from the “law and literature” perspective implying the presentation of the legal material of the Pusoma case, the drama written from it by Elemér Magyar, the documentary fi lm made from the case by Norbert Komenczi, and the film adaptation of the drama directed by Ragályi Elemér. The study concludes with indicating the directions of the further multidisciplinary studies involving literary studies, forensic linguistics, legal anthropology, criminology and legal sociology

    The formation of carbonaceous layer from ethylene over various transition metal catalysts – an FT-IR study

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    The ethylene-derived carbonaceous overlayers were studied over silica-supported Pt, Pd, Rh and Cu catalysts by FT-IR spectroscopy under desorption conditions. As a general feature it was observed over all catalysts that upon increasing the desorption temperature the overlayer gradually became poor in hydrogen. The structure of the overlayers was similar over the silica-supported Pt, Pd and Rh. On increasing the reaction temperature the σ-adsorbed half-hydrogenated species are transformed to adsorbed ethylidyne. On the Cu catalyst prepared with ion exchange a similar picture emerged, while on those prepared with precipitation ethylidyne soon became the predominant species. Hydrogen swept off the carbonaceous species from the transition metals, however, copper retained large portions of it

    Az identitás régészetének elméleti alapjai

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    Jelen tanulmány megkísérli röviden összefoglalni az identitásrégészet f? kutatási irányait és szempontrendszerét. Tárgyalja az identitás ? értve ezalatt a státuszokat és szerepeket, amelyek meghatározzák az egyén viszonyát, kapcsolódását közösségekhez és más egyénekhez, melyek így lényegében a társadalom összetartó és szervez? elemeit jelentik ? elvi m?ködésének, kialakulásának témakörét és csoportosítási lehet?ségeit, valamint megértésének és kifejezésének módját a kulturális memórián és az anyagi kultúrán keresztül