12 research outputs found

    Numerical analysis of the potential for mixed thermal convection in the Buda Thermal Karst, Hungary

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    The pilot area has high geothermal potential characterized by prominent thermal anomalies, such as thermal springs and spas which tap the Triassic carbonate aquifers. Therefore, numerical simulations were carried out to examine the temperature field and flow pattern considering three successive heat transport mechanisms: thermal conduction, forced and mixed thermal convection in order to highlight the role of different driving forces of groundwater flow in the Buda Thermal Karst. New hydrological insights for the region: Compared to thermal conduction, topography-driven heat advection increases the surface heat flux. The superimposed effect of free thermal convection facilitates the formation of time-dependent mixed thermal convection from the deep carbonate layers. The Nusselt number varied between Nu = 1.56 and 5.25, while the recharge rate (R) ranged from R = 178 mm/yr to 250 mm/yr. Radiogenic heat production and hydraulically conductive faults have only a minor influence on the basin-scale temperature field and flow pattern. Boundary conditions prescribed on the temperature and pressure can considerably affect the numerical results. In each scenario, independently of the model parameters, time-dependent mixed thermal convection evolved both in the deep and the confined parts of the karstified carbonates of the Buda Thermal Karst system

    Numerical investigation of the combined effect of forced and free thermal convection in synthetic groundwater basins

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    The theoretical examination of the combined effect of water table configuration and heat transfer is relevant to improve understanding of deep groundwater systems, not only in siliciclastic sedimentary basins, but also in fractured rocks or karstified carbonates. Numerical model calculations have been carried out to investigate the interaction of topography-driven forced and buoyancy-driven free thermal convection in a synthetic, two-dimensional model. Effects of numerous model parameters were systematically studied in order to examine their influence on the Darcy flux, the temperature and the hydraulic head field. It was established that higher geothermal gradients and greater model depths facilitate the evolution of time-dependent free thermal convection in agreement with changes of the thermal Rayleigh number and the modified Péclet number. However, increasing water table slope and anisotropy coefficient favor the formation of stationary forced thermal convection. Free thermal convection mainly affects the deeper part of the midline and the discharge zone of the synthetic model. In the examined model basins, the position of the maximum hydraulic head is located within the bottom thermal boundary layer near the recharge zone. This divergent stagnation point underlies a local downwelling zone characterized by underpressure. These simulations draw attention to the importance of understanding the combined effect of forced and free thermal convection in sedimentary basins regarding regional groundwater flow patterns, and temperature distributions

    Isoform-Dependent Changes in Cytochrome P450-Mediated Drug Metabolism after Portal Vein Ligation in Rat

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    Surgical removal of complicated liver tumors may be realized in two stages via selective portal vein ligation, inducing the atrophy of portally ligated lobes and the compensatory hypertrophy of nonligated liver lobes. Unlike morphological changes, functional aspects such as hepatic cytochrome P450 (CYP)-mediated drug metabolism remain vaguely understood, despite its critical role in both drug biotransformation and hepatic functional analysis. Our goal was the multilevel characterization of hepatic CYP-mediated drug metabolism after portal vein ligation in the rat.Male Wistar rats (n = 24, 210-230 g) were analyzed either untreated (controls; n = 4) or 24/48/72/168/336 h (n = 4 each) following portal vein ligation affecting approximately 80% of the liver parenchyma. Besides the weights of ligated and nonligated lobes, pentobarbital (30 mg/kg)-induced sleeping time, CYP1A(2), CYP 2B(1/2), CYP2C(6/11/13), CYP3A(1) enzyme activities, and corresponding isoform mRNA expressions, as well as CYP3A1 protein expression were determined by in vivo sleeping test, CYP isoform-selective assays, polymerase chain reaction, and immunohistochemistry, respectively.Portal vein ligation triggered atrophy in ligated lobes and hypertrophy nonligated lobes. Sleeping time was transiently elevated (p = 0.0451). After an initial rise, CYP1A, CYP2B, and CYP3A enzyme activities dropped until 72 h, followed by a potent increase only in the nonligated lobes, paralleled by an early (24-48 h) transcriptional activation only in nonligated lobes. CYP2C enzyme activities and mRNA levels were bilaterally rapidly decreased, showing a late reconvergence only in nonligated lobes. CYP3A1 immunohistochemistry indicated substantial differences in positivity in the early period.Beyond the atrophy-hypertrophy complex, portal vein ligation generated a transient suppression of global and regional drug metabolism, re-established by an adaptive, CYP isoform-dependent transcriptional response of the nonligated lobes

    A gyermekvédelmi szakellátásban élő fiatalok médiahasználatát és digitális profilozását célzó akciókutatás

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    In the autumn of 2021, we examined the media use habits of young people living in state foster homes and foster care. We were primarily interested in the extent to which these young people are exposed to the risks of the digital world. In order to display the results, we created different digital profiles (persons) that clearly show the degree of risk. The thematic block contains the results and lessons learned from this multi-stage research. The first paper briefly summarizes the aims, circumstances, and basic hypotheses of the research.2021 őszén az állami gyermekotthonokban és nevelőszülőknél élő fiatalok médiahasználati szokásait vizsgáltuk. Elsősorban arra voltunk kíváncsiak, hogy milyen mértékben vannak kiszolgáltatva ezek a fiatalok a digitális világ kockázatainak. Az eredmények megjelenítése érdekében különböző digitális profilokat (perszónákat) hoztunk létre, amelyek szemléletesen mutatják a kockázatok mértékét. A tematikus blokk ennek a több szakaszból álló kutatásnak az eredményeit és tanulságait tartalmazza. Az első írás röviden összefoglalja a kutatás céljait, körülményeit és alapvető hipotéziseit

    Primer szklerotizáló cholangitisben szenvedő, májtranszplantációra váró beteg sikeres várandóssága

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    A primer szklerotizáló cholangitis (PSC) nőkben különösen ritka, progrediáló, cholestasissal és gyakran colitis ulce- rosával járó, súlyos formájában szervátültetést igénylő májbetegség. A teherbe esés esélyére és a várandósság kiviselésére gyakorolt hatását hazai közlemény eddig nem elemezte. Közleményünk célja a súlyos colitis ulcerosával és cholestasissal szövődött PSC mellett fogant várandósság lefolyásával foglalkozó irodalom áttekintése, egy fiatal, először várandós sikeres szülése, majd postpartum colectomiája kapcsán. A 37 éves, májátültetésre váró primigravida várandóssága spontán fogant, és súlyos májbetegsége mellett, a gyógyszeresen kezelhető magas vérnyomás ellenére, zavartalan lefolyású volt. A harmadik trimeszterben cholestasisa jelentősen fokozódott, a szérum-összepesavszint 100 μmol/l fölé emelkedett, de napi 8 g kolesztiramin adásával az érték rövid időn belül a normáltartományba csökkent. Késői koraszülése a fekélyes vastagbélgyulladás akut fellángolása következtében kialakult chorioamnionitis miatt indult meg. Császármetszéssel eutrófiás, jó általános állapotú gyermek született, aki azóta is egészséges. A korai gyermekágyban a colitis ulcerosa tovább súlyosbodott, gyógyszeres kezeléssel a beteg szeptikus állapota nem volt kezelhető. Góctalanítás érdekében subtotalis colectomiára került sor, amely után 12 nappal a beteg jó állapotban otthonába került. A műtét után 3 hónappal a tehermentesítő ileostoma zárásra került. A máj állapota miatt a gyermekágyas ismét májátültetésre vár. Esetünk az irodalmi adatokkal egyezően arra utal, hogy a colitis ulcerosával szövődött PSC mellett fogant várandósság – szoros belgyógyászati és szülészeti ellenőrzés mellett – vállalható, de a bél- és a májbetegség mind a várandósság alatt, mind a gyermekágyas időszakban progrediálhat. Kolesztiramin adása alkalmas lehet a magas összepesavszint gyors, jelentős és biztonságos csökkentésére

    Isoform-Dependent Changes in Cytochrome P450-Mediated Drug Metabolism after Portal Vein Ligation in the Rat

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    Surgical removal of complicated liver tumors may be realized in two stages via selective portal vein ligation, inducing the atrophy of portally ligated lobes and the compensatory hypertrophy of nonligated liver lobes. Unlike morphological changes, functional aspects such as hepatic cytochrome P450 (CYP)-mediated drug metabolism remain vaguely understood, despite its critical role in both drug biotransformation and hepatic functional analysis. Our goal was the multilevel characterization of hepatic CYP-mediated drug metabolism after portal vein ligation in the rat.Male Wistar rats (n = 24, 210-230 g) were analyzed either untreated (controls; n = 4) or 24/48/72/168/336 h (n = 4 each) following portal vein ligation affecting approximately 80% of the liver parenchyma. Besides the weights of ligated and nonligated lobes, pentobarbital (30 mg/kg)-induced sleeping time, CYP1A(2), CYP 2B(1/2), CYP2C(6/11/13), CYP3A(1) enzyme activities, and corresponding isoform mRNA expressions, as well as CYP3A1 protein expression were determined by in vivo sleeping test, CYP isoform-selective assays, polymerase chain reaction, and immunohistochemistry, respectively.Portal vein ligation triggered atrophy in ligated lobes and hypertrophy nonligated lobes. Sleeping time was transiently elevated (p = 0.0451). After an initial rise, CYP1A, CYP2B, and CYP3A enzyme activities dropped until 72 h, followed by a potent increase only in the nonligated lobes, paralleled by an early (24-48 h) transcriptional activation only in nonligated lobes. CYP2C enzyme activities and mRNA levels were bilaterally rapidly decreased, showing a late reconvergence only in nonligated lobes. CYP3A1 immunohistochemistry indicated substantial differences in positivity in the early period.Beyond the atrophy-hypertrophy complex, portal vein ligation generated a transient suppression of global and regional drug metabolism, re-established by an adaptive, CYP isoform-dependent transcriptional response of the nonligated lobes

    Phenogrouping and risk stratification of patients undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy upgrade using topological data analysis

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    Choosing the optimal device during cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) upgrade can be challenging. Therefore, we sought to provide a solution for identifying patients in whom upgrading to a CRT-defibrillator (CRT-D) is associated with better long-term survival than upgrading to a CRT-pacemaker (CRT-P). To this end, we first applied topological data analysis to create a patient similarity network using 16 clinical features of 326 patients without prior ventricular arrhythmias who underwent CRT upgrade. Then, in the generated circular network, we delineated three phenogroups exhibiting significant differences in clinical characteristics and risk of all-cause mortality. Importantly, only in the high-risk phenogroup was upgrading to a CRT-D associated with better survival than upgrading to a CRT-P (hazard ratio: 0.454 (0.228–0.907), p = 0.025). Finally, we assigned each patient to one of the three phenogroups based on their location in the network and used this labeled data to train multi-class classifiers to enable the risk stratification of new patients. During internal validation, an ensemble of 5 multi-layer perceptrons exhibited the best performance with a balanced accuracy of 0.898 (0.854–0.942) and a micro-averaged area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.983 (0.980–0.986). To allow further validation, we made the proposed model publicly available ( https://github.com/tokmarton/crt-upgrade-risk-stratification )

    Topological data analysis to identify cardiac resynchronization therapy patients exhibiting benefit from an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator

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    Background: Current guidelines recommend considering multiple factors while deciding between cardiac resynchronization therapy with a defbrillator (CRT-D) or a pacemaker (CRT-P). Nevertheless, it is still challenging to pinpoint those candidates who will beneft from choosing a CRT-D device in terms of survival. Objective: We aimed to use topological data analysis (TDA) to identify phenogroups of CRT patients in whom CRT-D is associated with better survival than CRT-P. Methods: We included 2603 patients who underwent CRT-D (54%) or CRT-P (46%) implantation at Semmelweis University between 2000 and 2018. The primary endpoint was all-cause mortality. We applied TDA to create a patient similarity network using 25 clinical features. Then, we identifed multiple phenogroups in the generated network and compared the groups’ clinical characteristics and survival. Results: Five- and 10-year mortality were 43 (40–46)% and 71 (67–74)% in patients with CRT-D and 48 (45–50)% and 71 (68–74)% in those with CRT-P, respectively. TDA created a circular network in which we could delineate fve phenogroups showing distinct patterns of clinical characteristics and outcomes. Three phenogroups (1, 2, and 3) included almost exclusively patients with non-ischemic etiology, whereas the other two phenogroups (4 and 5) predominantly comprised ischemic patients. Interestingly, only in phenogroups 2 and 5 were CRT-D associated with better survival than CRT-P (adjusted hazard ratio 0.61 [0.47–0.80], p<0.001 and adjusted hazard ratio 0.84 [0.71–0.99], p=0.033, respectively). Conclusions: By simultaneously evaluating various clinical features, TDA may identify patients with either ischemic or nonischemic etiology who will most likely beneft from the implantation of a CRT-D instead of a CRT-P

    Combining state-of-the-art deep learing tools for the improvement of skin cancer detection

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    The thesis discusses ways to improve and extend an automatic AI melanoma detection system using state-of-the-art deep learning tools

    txtUML modellek előállítása Eclipse UML2 reprezentáció

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    futtatható txtUML modellek generálása UML2-bő