14 research outputs found

    First detection of Pasteurella multocida type B:2 in Hungary associated with systemic pasteurellosis in backyard pigs

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    This is the first report of Pasteurella multocida type B in Hungarian pigs. This disease was observed in backyard-raised pigs in three households within a small area. Neither the source of the infection nor the epidemiological connection between any of the premises could be determined. The most consistent lesion was dark red discolouration of the skin of the ventral neck and brisket, with accompanying oedema and haemorrhages. The morbidity was low and lethality relatively high, with three dead (50%) and two euthanised (33%) out of six affected animals. A total of three isolates of P. multocida (P55, P56 and P57) were cultured from these cases and examined in detail. These were identified as P. multocida ssp. multocida biovar 3. All were toxA negative and belonged to serotype B:2. Multilocus sequence typing was used to assign these to a new sequence type (ST61) that is closely related to other haemorrhagic septicaemia causing strains of P. multocida regardless of the host. M13 polymerase chain reaction and virulence-associated gene typing also show that type B strains form a highly homogeneous, distinct phylogenic group within P. multocida

    First detection of Pasteurella multocida type B:2 in Hungary associated with systemic pasteurellosis in backyard pigs

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    This is the first report of Pasteurella multocida type B in Hungarian pigs. This disease was observed in backyard-raised pigs in three households within a small area. Neither the source of the infection nor the epidemiological connection between any of the premises could be determined. The most consistent lesion was dark red discolouration of the skin of the ventral neck and brisket, with accompanying oedema and haemorrhages. The morbidity was low and lethality relatively high, with three dead (50%) and two euthanised (33%) out of six affected animals. A total of three isolates of P. multocida (P55, P56 and P57) were cultured from these cases and examined in detail. These were identified as P. multocida ssp. multocida biovar 3. All were toxA negative and belonged to serotype B:2. Multilocus sequence typing was used to assign these to a new sequence type (ST61) that is closely related to other haemorrhagic septicaemia causing strains of P. multocida regardless of the host. M13 polymerase chain reaction and virulence-associated gene typing also show that type B strains form a highly homogeneous, distinct phylogenic group within P. multocida

    Studia Litteraria

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    Bevezető p. 5-7. IMRE LÁSZLÓ: A romantikus irodalomalapítás ambivalenciái (Kisfaludy Károly) p. 7-22. TAXNER-TÓTH ERNÕ: Töredékek. (A karthausi újraolvasási kísérletébõl) p. 22-40. KONDOR TAMÁS: Katarzisértelmezések a XIX. századi magyar tragikumelméletekben. (Kölcseytõl Péterfy Jenõig) p. 40-65. BÉNYEI PÉTER: Elbeszélések a személyiség identitásvesztésérõl (Kemény Zsigmond: Ködképek a kedély láthatárán) p. 65-84. GÖNCZY MONIKA: Az Özvegy és leánya szövegvilágai (Palimpszeszt-kedély) p. 84-114. S. VARGA PÁL: Szentenciák és kontextusuk Az ember tragédiájában p. 114-128. BLASKÓ KATALIN: Hatalom, legitimáció, karizma (Arany János: Buda halála) p. 128-143. ÁCS GÁBOR: Adalékok Kiss József pályakezdésének vitatott kérdéseihez p. 143-157. SZABÓ LEVENTE: "Hogy a nemzet magára ismerjen benne" (Gyulai Pál kritikai normarendszere és a nemzeti nagyelbeszélések) p. 157-180. NAGY MIKLÓS: Az újjászületés, újjáteremtés és a sziget (Jókai két mitikus motívuma) p. 180-189. SZEREDI ORSOLYA: Mitopoétikai és etnográfiai elemek a novellaciklus egységesítése szolgálatában. (Mikszáth Kálmán: A jó palócok) p. 189-201. KUNKLI ENIKÕ: "Nagyot koppan akkor, azután elhallgat" - avagy az önmagát olvasó (nyom)olvasás mint antimûfaj (Mikszáth Kálmán: A sipsirica) p. 201-220

    Rhodococcus equi induced abscess and septicaemia in a cat - Case report

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    SUMMARY The authors report a case of Rhodococcus equi induced disease in a 3.5 month old female Birman cat. The animal showed severe respiratory symptoms few days after the purchase. On the gross pathological examination two abscesses with a diameter of 2 cm and without a wall were found in the mediastinum and in the right caudal lung lobe. The peribronchiolar lymph nodes and the liver were enlarged, and several greyish-white foci with a diameter of 1-2 mm were evident in the liver. With histological examination neutrophilic granulocytes and large number of macrophages were present in the abscesses. Pyogranulomatous inflammation was observed in spleen, peribronchiolar lymph nodes, and the lungs, and foci of necrotic inflammation were found in the liver. Gram positive cocci were detected in the abscesses, peribronchiolar lymph nodes, spleen, lungs and liver, which proved to be VapA negative R. equi, using immunohystochemistry. High number of R. equi colonies was cultured from spleen and liver, and the strain was identified as intermediately virulent with PCR method. Feline panleucopenia, feline leucosis and feline immunodeficiency viruses were not found. To the author’s knowledge this is the first case to detect intermediately virulent R. equi in an affected cat. This is also the first case that R. equi induced disease was found in a species other than horse in Hungary

    A survey of equine abortion and perinatal foal losses in Hungary during a three-year period (1998-2000)

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    Cases of equine abortion and perinatal foal losses were investigated in Hungary during a three-year period (1998-2000). Samples from aborted equine fetuses and newborn foals (total n = 96) were examined using bacteriological, virological, pathological, immunohistochemical (IHC), molecular biological and serological methods. The cause of abortion and perinatal foal loss was identified in 67/96 cases (70%); viral infection was found in 22 (23%), viral and bacterial coinfection in 1 (1%), bacterial infection in 23 (24%), protozoan infection in 1 (1%) and fungal infection in 2 cases (2%). Morphological lesions suggestive of infection were recorded in 2 (2%) and non-infectious causes in 16 cases (17%)

    Detection of porcine circovirus in rodents — Short communication

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    Porcine circoviruses (PCV) are present worldwide, infecting domestic pigs and wild boars alike. Studies under laboratory conditions indicated that PCV can be taken up by mice and the virus can replicate in these animals. The possible role of rodents in maintaining and transmitting PCV2 infection in the field has not been investigated yet. The present study reports the detection of PCV2, the pathogenic form of the virus, in mice and rats. A number of rodents, such as mice, rats and voles, were collected at PCV2-infected farms and also outside pig herds and tested for the presence of the virus by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The results indicated that PCV2 can be present both in mice and rats (65.0% and 23.8% positivity, respectively) on the infected premises, but those rodents that were collected outside pig farms remained negative for PCV2

    B:2 típusú Pasteurella multocida törzsek okozta megbetegedés előfordulása sertésekben. Irodalmi összefoglaló és esetismertetés.

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    A szerzők irodalmi áttekintést adnak a B:2 típusú Pasteurella multocida törzsek okozta vérfertőzéses pasteurellosis előfordulásáról sertésben. Ez a heveny, gyakran elhullással végződő kórkép elsősorban a bivalyokat és szarvasmarhákat érinti, de egyéb állatfajok is fogékonyak a betegség iránt. A szerzők beszámolnak a vérfertőzéses pasteurellosis sertésben észlelt első hazai felbukkanásáról. Ismertetik a 2013 augusztusában háztáji sertésekben észlelt megbetegedések körülményeit, és részletesen tárgyalják a kórbonctani, kórszövettani és immun-hisztokémiai vizsgálatok során talált elváltozásokat. Részletes ismertetetik a megbetegedések hátterében álló P. multocida törzsek jellemzéséhez felhasznált biokémiai, szerológiai és molekuláris biológiai módszerek eredményeit is

    Disease caused by Pasteurella multocida type B:2 in pigs - Review of the literature and case report

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    SUMMARY The authors give an overview of septicaemic pasteurellosis in pigs caused by Pasteurella multocida type B:2. This acute and frequently fatal disease primarily affects buffaloes and cattle, but other species are also known to be susceptible to the infection. This paper describes the first occurrence of septicaemic pasteurellosis in swine in Hungary. Detailed description is given about the circumstances of the disease observed in backyard pigs in August 2013, and the results of the pathological, histopathological, and immune-histochemical analysis are also presented. The most characteristic lesion was dark red discolouration of the skin of the ventral region of the neck and the thorax accompanied by oedema and haemorrhages. The P. multocida strains isolated form the diseased pigs proved to represent capsular type B, somatic serotype 2, and biovar 3. Multihost multilocus sequence typing (MLST) assigned these strains to a new sequence type (ST61). RIRDC (Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation) MLST demonstrated sequence type 122 that is characteristic for strains causing haemorrhagic septicaemia