90 research outputs found

    A vesetranszplantáció sikerességének pszichológiai tényezői. A szorongásszint és a szerv intrapszichés integrációjának hatása a gyógyulási folyamatra

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    Järnvägsstationer är att betrakta som offentliga platser och regleras av transportpolitiska målsättningar om jämställdhet och tillgänglighet för alla (Prop. 2008/09:93). Trots det saknas forskning om hur genus påverkar resenärer vid deras vardagliga vistelser på järnvägsstationer. Det övergripande syftet med denna avhandling är därför att ur ett genusperspektiv undersöka hur manliga och kvinnliga resenärer i sin vardag använder och upplever järnvägsstationer som fysiska platser och sociala rum. Det empiriska materialet baseras på resedagböcker, intervjuer med resenärer, deltagande observationer och intervjuer med planerare och förvaltare av järnvägsstationer. Kimstad pendeltågsstation, Norrköpings järnvägsstation och Stockholms Centralstation ingår i studien. I avhandlingen kombineras olika teorier som gör det möjligt att betrakta genus som rytm. Genom detta teoretiska ramverk undersöks hur genusmaktordningen återverkar i tid, rum och mobilitet. Resultaten av studien visar att resenärer är påverkade av genusmaktordningen, som återfinns såväl i kollektiva föreställningar som i materialiserade objekt som möter resenärer när de vistas på järnvägsstationerna. Sammanfattningsvis visar studien att såväl manliga som kvinnliga resenärer påverkas av denna maktordning. Även om denna ordning påverkar alla tycks kvinnor vara de som påverkas mest negativt, eftersom de genom en manlig normerad blick betraktas som antingen ärbara eller sexuellt tillgängliga objekt, därutöver att de är tvungna att förhålla sig till risken att utsättas för sexualiserat våld från män. Av dessa anledningar tenderar kvinnors livsrum att inskränkas, oavsett ålder och plats.Railway stations are perceived as public spaces and are regulated by national transport goals of equality and accessibility for all (Prop. 2008/09:93). However, hardly any research has looked at how gender affects commuters in their daily life at railway stations. The overriding aim of this study is to examine how male and female commuters use and experience railway stations as gendered physical places and social spaces, during their daily travels. The empirical material is based on travel diaries, interviews with male and female commuters, participant observations inspired by auto-ethnography and interviews with planners and managers of the railway stations. Stations included in the study are Kimstad commuter rail station, Norrköping railway station and Stockholm Central station (all in Sweden). In this thesis this combination of theories makes it possible to define gender as rhythm. Through this theoretical frame the thesis analyses gendered power relations of bodies in time, space and mobility. Results from the study show that individuals are affected by gendered power relations that dwell in collective believes and in shape of materialized objects that encounter the commuter when visiting the railway station. In conclusion the study shows that both female and male commuters are affected by gender power relations while visiting railway stations. Even though they affect all, women seem to be most negatively affected by these power relations, since women by gender as rhythms are considered as either objects of decency or as sexually available to heterosexual men. Further, female bodies negotiate the risk of encountering sexual violence therefore gender as rythm tend to decrease the extent of women’s everyday living spaces, regardless of age and place

    The slow component of the delayed rectifier potassium current in undiseased human ventricular myocytes

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the properties of the slow component of the delayed rectifier potassium current (I-Ks) in myocytes isolated from undiseased human left ventricles. Methods: The whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique was applied in 58 left ventricular myocytes from 15 hearts at 37 degreesC. Nisoldipine (1 muM) was used to block inward calcium current (I-Ca) and E-4031 (1-5 muM) was applied to inhibit the rapid component of the delayed rectifier potassium current (I-Ks). Results: In 31 myocytes an E-4031 insensitive, but L-735,821 and chromanol 293B sensitive, tail current was identified which was attributed to the slow component of I-K (I-Ks). Activation of I-Ks was slow (tau = 903 +/- 101 ms at 50 mV, n = 24), but deactivation of the current was relatively rapid ( tau =122.4 +/- 11.7 ms at -40 mV, n = 19). The activation of I-Ks was voltage independent but its deactivation showed clear voltage dependence. The deactivation was faster at negative voltages (about 100 ms at -50 mV) and slower at depolarized potentials (about 300 ms at 0 mV). In six cells, the reversal potential was -81.6 +/- 2.8 mV on an average which is close to the K+ equilibrium potential suggesting K+ as the main charge carrier. Conclusion: In undiseased human ventricular myocytes, I-Ks exhibits slow activation and fast deactivation kinetics. Therefore, in humans I-Ks differs from that reported in guinea pig, and it best resembles I-Ks described in dog and rabbit ventricular myocytes

    A veseátültetés első 50 éve Magyarországon

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    The first Hungarian kidney transplantation was performed by Andras Nemeth in Szeged in 1962, approximately 50 years ago. A preliminary agreement with Eurotransplant was signed in 2011, and special patient groups gained benefit from this cooperation in 2012, wnich lead to a full membership to Eurotransplant. This event inspired the authors to review the history of Hungarian kidney transplantation of the past 50 years, from the first operation to recent via the specific cornerstones of the transplant program. The donor of the first Hungarian kidney transplantation was the brother of the recipient. The operation itself was technically successful, but the lack of immunosuppression caused graft rejection, and the patient died after 79 days. His brother, the donor, is still healthy, after 50 years, and he encourages everybody to donate organs. Organized kidney transplant program started more than 10 years later, such as 1973, in Budapest. The program was supported by the Ministry of Health. New centers joined the program later, Szeged in 1979, Debrecen in 1991 and Pecs in 1993. These four transplant centers work currently in Hungary, and 6611 kidney transplantation has been performed up to the end of year 2012. Orv. Hetil., 2013, 154, 846-849