1,194 research outputs found

    Photometry of SN 2002bo with template image subtraction

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    VRI photometry of the type Ia supernova 2002bo is presented. This SN exploded in a dusty region of the host galaxy NGC 3190, thus, subtraction of a template frame was necessary to obtain reliable photometry. We used a template frame of NGC 3190 taken during the course of our galaxy imaging project, fortunately, just a few days before SN 2002bo was discovered. The aim of this project is to collect template frames of nearby galaxies that are potential hosts of bright SNe. Subtraction of pre-SN images helped us to exclude the background light contamination of the host galaxy. The maximum occurred at JD 2452346, with maximal V brightness of 13.58. MLCS analysis led to T0(B)=JD 2452346.1 pm 0.8 (fiducial B-maximum), E(B-V)=0.24 pm 0.02, mu0=32.46 pm 0.06, Delta=-0.14 pm 0.04. E(B-V)=0.24(2) indicates a significant extinction in the host galaxy as the galactic reddening is negligible toward NGC 3190. The accepted value of Delta indicates that SN 2002bo was a slightly overluminous SN by about 0.14 relative to fiducial SN Type Ia. The distance turned out to be 31.0 pm 3 Mpc. In addition, the heavily obscured SN 2002cv was also detected on the I frame taken on JD 2452434 (June 8, 2002), and a variable star is found in the field, very close to the host galaxy.Comment: accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    User-Interface Modelling for Blind Users

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    The design of a user interface usable by blind people sets specific usability requirements that are unnecessary for sighted users. These requirements focus on task adequacy, dimensional trade-off, behaviour equivalence, semantic loss avoidance and device-independency. Consequently, the development of human-computer interfaces (HCI) that are based on task, domain, dialog, presentation, platform and user models has to be modified to take into account these requirements. This paper presents a user interface model for blind people, which incorporates these usability requirements into the above HCI models. A frame-work implementing the model has been developed and implemented in an electronic speaking bilingual software environment for blind or visually impaired people and in an educational system for children with special educational needs

    Survival of ancient landforms in a collisional setting as revealed by combined fission track and (U-Th)/He thermochronometry: A case study from Corsica (France)

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    The age of high-elevation planation surfaces in Corsica is constrained using new apatite (U-Th)/He data, field observations, and published work (zircon fission track, apatite fission track [AFT] data and landform/stratigraphical analysis). Thermal modeling results based on AFT and (U-Th)/He data, and the Eocene sediments uncomformably overlapping the Variscan crystalline basement indicate that present-day elevated planation surfaces in Corsica are the remnants of an erosion surface formed on the basement between ∼120 and ∼60 Ma. During the Alpine collision in the Paleocene-Eocene, the Variscan crystalline basement was buried beneath a westward-thinning wedge of flysch, and the eastern portion was overridden by the Alpine nappes. Resetting of the apatite fission track thermochronometer suggests an overburden thickness of >4 km covering Variscan Corsica. Protected by soft sediment, the planation surface was preserved. In the latest Oligocene to Miocene times, the surface was re-exposed and offset by reactivated faults, with individual basement blocks differentially uplifted in several phases to elevations of, in some cases, >2 km.Currently the planation surface remnants occur at different altitudes and with variable tilt. This Corsican example demonstrates that under favorable conditions, paleolandforms typical of tectonically inactive areas can survive in tectonically active settings such as at collisional plate margins. The results of some samples also reveal some discrepancies in thermal histories modeled from combined AFT and (U-Th)/He data. In some cases, models could not find a cooling path that fit both data sets, while in other instances, the modeled cooling paths suggest isothermal holding at temperature levels just below the apatite partial annealing zone followed by final late Neogene cooling. This result appears to be an artifact of the modeling algorithm as it is in conflict with independent geological constraints. Caution should be used when cross-validating the AFT and (U-Th)/He systems both in the case extremely old terrains and in the case of rocks with a relatively simple, young cooling history

    Activity of 50 Long-Period Comets Beyond 5.2 AU

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    Remote investigations of the ancient solar system matter has been traditionally carried out through the observations of long-period (LP) comets that are less affected by solar irradiation than the short-period counterparts orbiting much closer to the Sun. Here we summarize the results of our decade-long survey of the distant activity of LP comets. We found that the most important separation in the dataset is based on the dynamical nature of the objects. Dynamically new comets are characterized by a higher level of activity on average: the most active new comets in our sample can be characterized by afrho values >3--4 higher than that of our most active returning comets. New comets develop more symmetric comae, suggesting a generally isotropic outflow. Contrary to this, the coma of recurrent comets can be less symmetrical, ocassionally exhibiting negative slope parameters, suggesting sudden variations in matter production. The morphological appearance of the observed comets is rather diverse. A surprisingly large fraction of the comets have long, teniouos tails, but the presence of impressive tails does not show a clear correlation with the brightness of the comets.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in A

    The 21-item Barratt Impulsiveness Scale Revised (BIS-R-21): an alternative three-factor model

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    Background and aims: Due to its important role in both healthy groups and those with physical, mental and behavioral disorders, impulsivity is a widely researched construct. Among various self-report questionnaires of impulsivity, the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale is arguably the most frequently used measure. Despite its international use, inconsistencies in the suggested factor structure of its latest version, the BIS-11, have been observed repeatedly in different samples. The goal of the present study was therefore to test the factor structure of the BIS-11 in several samples. Methods: Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted on two representative samples of Hungarian adults (N 5 2,457; N 5 2,040) and a college sample (N 5 765). Results: Analyses did not confirm the original model of the measure in any of the samples. Based on explorative factor analyses, an alternative three-factor model (cognitive impulsivity; behavioral impulsivity; and impatience/ restlessness) of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale is suggested. The pattern of the associations between the three factors and aggression, exercise, smoking, alcohol use, and psychological distress supports the construct validity of this new model. Discussion: The new measurement model of impulsivity was confirmed in two independent samples. However, it requires further cross-cultural validation to clarify the content of self-reported impulsivity in both clinical and nonclinical samples

    Wireless sensor networks for in-situ image validation for water and nutrient management

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    Water and Nitrogen (N) are critical inputs for crop production. Remote sensing data collected from multiple scales, including ground-based, aerial, and satellite, can be used for the formulation of an efficient and cost effective algorithm for the detection of N and water stress. Formulation and validation of such techniques require continuous acquisition of ground based spectral data over the canopy enabling field measurements to coincide exactly with aerial and satellite observations. In this context, a wireless sensor in situ network was developed and this paper describes the results of the first phase of the experiment along with the details of sensor development and instrumentation set up. The sensor network was established based on different spatial sampling strategies and each sensor collected spectral data in seven narrow wavebands (470, 550, 670, 700, 720, 750, 790 nm) critical for monitoring crop growth. Spectral measurements recorded at required intervals (up to 30 seconds) were relayed through a multi-hop wireless network to a base computer at the field site. These data were then accessed by the remote sensing centre computing system through broad band internet. Comparison of the data from the WSN and an industry standard ground based hyperspectral radiometer indicated that there were no significant differences in the spectral measurements for all the wavebands except for 790nm. Combining sensor and wireless technologies provides a robust means of aerial and satellite data calibration and an enhanced understanding of issues of variations in the scale for the effective water and nutrient management in wheat.<br /