14 research outputs found

    Rzeczownikowość a czasownikowość kategorii słowotwórczych rzeczownika w języku polskim

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    The article has one aim: research correlation between Nisbett’s conception of geography of thought and its linguistic confirmations, on the word-formation level. I analysed word-formation categories of Polish noun. Thesis about Western property of Polish derivative system (and polish thought, categorization) take the confirmation.The article has one aim: research correlation between Nisbett’s conception of geography of thought and its linguistic confirmations, on the word-formation level. I analysed word-formation categories of Polish noun. Thesis about Western property of Polish derivative system (and polish thought, categorization) take the confirmation

    Qualitative and quantitative analysis of lexical, quasi- and non-lexical components of utterances in task-oriented “origami” dialogues

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    In this text, an analysis of the lexical material obtained from the recordings of Polish task-oriented dialogues is presented. Some findings regarding quasi- and non-lexical units are also mentioned. The dialogue task involved the reconstruction of a figure made of paper. It was carried out in two settings: Mutual visibility and limited visibility. The analyses of the vocabulary are focused on finding its specific features and the differences between the structures of the vocabularies of instruction givers and instruction followers in the two settings. Frequency lists as well as most frequent bigrams extracted from the material are discussed in terms of their relatedness to the settings, the roles of the speakers and some other factors. In this text, an analysis of the lexical material obtained from the recordings of Polish task-oriented dialogues is presented. Some findings regarding quasi- and non-lexical units are also mentioned. The dialogue task involved the reconstruction of a figure made of paper. It was carried out in two settings: Mutual visibility and limited visibility. The analyses of the vocabulary are focused on finding its specific features and the differences between the structures of the vocabularies of instruction givers and instruction followers in the two settings. Frequency lists as well as most frequent bigrams extracted from the material are discussed in terms of their relatedness to the settings, the roles of the speakers and some other factors.

    Przejawy internacjonalizacji we współczesnej polszczyźnie na przykładzie zjawisk słowotwórczych

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    In this paper I present the results of the DiaGest Research Group studies on multimodal interpersonal communication (interpersonal verbal and nonverbal communication behaviours). For the purpose of this paper I have analysed word-formation structures which occur in the DiaGest Research Group database (this database collects spoken Polish utterances), in search for derivatives with foreign, non-Polish components (e.g. formative stems or suffixes). However, I found only a few derivatives with the foreign component: scarcely 4,5% of whole word-formation collection in the DiaGest’s database. This result suggests that the internationalisation processes in modern Polish (in spoken Polish), particularly in the word-formation system, described by Waszakowa (2005), and also to some extent Jadacka (2001), are not as advanced as might appear from these two studies.These facts point to the need of a fresh reconsideration of the theoretic model of modern Polish word-formation system, a model which would include spoken Polish.In this paper I present the results of the DiaGest Research Group studies on multimodal interpersonal communication (interpersonal verbal and nonverbal communication behaviours). For the purpose of this paper I have analysed word-formation structures which occur in the DiaGest Research Group database (this database collects spoken Polish utterances), in search for derivatives with foreign, non-Polish components (e.g. formative stems or suffixes). However, I found only a few derivatives with the foreign component: scarcely 4,5% of whole word-formation collection in the DiaGest’s database. This result suggests that the internationalisation processes in modern Polish (in spoken Polish), particularly in the word-formation system, described by Waszakowa (2005), and also to some extent Jadacka (2001), are not as advanced as might appear from these two studies.These facts point to the need of a fresh reconsideration of the theoretic model of modern Polish word-formation system, a model which would include spoken Polis

    Yury Fedorushkov, Adaptacja warsztatu leksykograficznego do automatyzacji rozpoznawania frazemów w systemie uczącym się (na przykładzie konstrukcji werbo-nominalnych języka rosyjskiego), Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznań 2019, ss. 292

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    Recenzja. Yury Fedorushkov, Adaptacja warsztatu leksykograficznego do automatyzacji rozpoznawania frazemów w systemie uczącym się (na przykładzie konstrukcji werbo-nominalnych języka rosyjskiego), Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznań 2019, ss. 292Recenzja. Yury Fedorushkov, Adaptacja warsztatu leksykograficznego do automatyzacji rozpoznawania frazemów w systemie uczącym się (na przykładzie konstrukcji werbo-nominalnych języka rosyjskiego), Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznań 2019, ss. 29

    Prawnie istotne aspekty interpretacji językoznawczej – przykład 2: zakres znaczeniowy leksemu zboczeniec (i czy jest nim homoseksualista?)

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    In the article, I discuss the legal aspects of language: using linguistic analyses for the benefit of the courts. I discuss linguists’ court communication situation and the expectations towards them. The starting point is one exemplary court case in which an expert linguist was appointed to issue an opinion on the evidence. The conclusions fall into two categories: linguistics and forensic science. Linguistic conclusions, developed in accordance with traditional methods of lexicographic analysis and lexicological and semantic analysis, are not necessarily (because they would not have to be) innovative for linguists. It was more important to show the situation of a linguist in court, the structure of judicial opinion and the procedures for building the linguistic response to a process inquiry as seen from the forensic perspective. ­In the article, I discuss the legal aspects of language: using linguistic analyses for the benefit of the courts. I discuss linguists’ court communication situation and the expectations towards them. The starting point is one exemplary court case in which an expert linguist was appointed to issue an opinion on the evidence. The conclusions fall into two categories: linguistics and forensic science. Linguistic conclusions, developed in accordance with traditional methods of lexicographic analysis and lexicological and semantic analysis, are not necessarily (because they would not have to be) innovative for linguists. It was more important to show the situation of a linguist in court, the structure of judicial opinion and the procedures for building the linguistic response to a process inquiry as seen from the forensic perspective.&nbsp

    Ewelina Woźniak-Wrzesińska, Dwie twarze humanistyki. Rozproszenie a spójność – terminy i pojęcia, t. 1–2, Wydawnictwo Rys, Poznań 2022, ss. 246, 230

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    Recenzja: Ewelina Woźniak-Wrzesińska, Dwie twarze humanistyki. Rozproszenie a spójność – terminy i pojęcia, t. 1–2, Wydawnictwo Rys, Poznań 2022, ss. 246, 23

    Trigramy, czyli powtarzalne trzywyrazowe struktury w dialogach zadaniowych

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    The present article analyses trigrams – words constructions that have properties of phrasemes. The studied trigrams have been excerpted from task-oriented dialogues (conducted between participants of a linguistic experiment). It turns out that phrasematic trigrams perform different communication and semantic functions: establishing and enhancing contact, feedback positive, “simple adverbiality” and “complex adverbiality”. The article is a follow-up to the author’s previous article on bi-grams: Bi-grams – Repetitive Two-word-structures in Task-oriented Dialogues.19151644Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcz

    O projekcie słownika polskiego parlamentaryzmu XX WIEKU (lata 1918-2018): Etap wstępny – korpus parlamentarny

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    The article discusses the preliminary results of research into the language corpus of the Polish parliamentary transcripts. Emphasis has been placed on a study of the emotional level of randomly selected transcripts. Two important lexemes (concept): niezawisłość and niepodległość have been studied by academics in terms of their use in transcripts. The frequency of these words has been estimated. Moreover, the semantic transformations of these words depending on the use of these lexemes in this discourse have been subjected to an academic studyThe article discusses the preliminary results of research into the language corpus of the Polish parliamentary transcripts. Emphasis has been placed on a study of the emotional level of randomly selected transcripts. Two important lexemes (concept): niezawisłość and niepodległość have been studied by academics in terms of their use in transcripts. The frequency of these words has been estimated. Moreover, the semantic transformations of these words depending on the use of these lexemes in this discourse have been subjected to an academic stud

    Nowe formy wyrazowe dla tradycyjnych znaczeń leksykalnych. O wariantywności słowotwórczej i leksykalnej we współczesnej polszczyźnie (na podstawie badań ankietowych)

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    The article presents the results of the analyses of the material collected by means of questionnaires, in which the informants are asked to complete a specific meaning of a real lexeme (excerpted from the lexicographical studies into modern Polish) with a linguistic form, which—in the opinion of the respondents—is supposed to be a carrier of a particular meaning. Our aim has been to describe new language signs for traditional meanings of linguistic units. Word-formative structures underwent observation; the analyses were also conducted on the lexical level by probing into the semantic connotations revealed in the answers of the informants. In the answers proposed by the respondents one can notice a marked divergence with regard to both form and semantics. On the level of word formation, the proposals of the respondents often go beyond the semantic boundary—defined by a derivative being an original form—of word formation category. Word-formative formal analysis revealed a multitude of elements by means of which these word formation variants were created (there exists a relationship: the more precise the meaning of the original form, the more word formation variants). Moreover, the lexical analysis demonstrated that the semantic divergence of variants was influenced by the fact that the respondents disposed only of the real meanings of the original forms. The respondents sometimes made an attempt (not very successful) at interpretation of the original definition, taking advantage of, for example, the phenomenon of connotation and association: when an evaluating lexeme appeared in a definition, in the process of categorizing variants there dominated an axiological factor over the semantic one. Additionally, it has been observed that in the case of an imprecise or syntactically complex definition or the one determining a poorly known designate, the phenomenon of structural suggestion is observed: a language user proposed a variant derived from one of the words included in definiendum. The completed observations allow scholars to formulate the following hypothesis: the traditional meanings, known from lexicographical studies, are either not understood or mistakenly interpreted, or, cannot be seen as a point of departure for the study of the semantic and formal structure of the Polish language. Thus, the so-called ordinary users of language may not think about the relationship between reality and its intellectual categorization and a linguistic sign being the culmination of a cognitive processes, and this, in turn, illustrates the standard of their knowledge—a common knowledge

    Nowe formy wyrazowe dla tradycyjnych znaczeń leksykalnych. O wariantywności słowotwórczej i leksykalnej we współczesnej polszczyźnie (na podstawie badań ankietowych)

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    The article presents the results of the analyses of the material collected by means of questionnaires, in which the informants are asked to complete a specific meaning of a real lexeme (excerpted from the lexicographical studies into modern Polish) with a linguistic form, which—in the opinion of the respondents—is supposed to be a carrier of a particular meaning. Our aim has been to describe new language signs for traditional meanings of linguistic units. Word-formative structures underwent observation; the analyses were also conducted on the lexical level by probing into the semantic connotations revealed in the answers of the informants. In the answers proposed by the respondents one can notice a marked divergence with regard to both form and semantics. On the level of word formation, the proposals of the respondents often go beyond the semantic boundary—defined by a derivative being an original form—of word formation category. Word-formative formal analysis revealed a multitude of elements by means of which these word formation variants were created (there exists a relationship: the more precise the meaning of the original form, the more word formation variants). Moreover, the lexical analysis demonstrated that the semantic divergence of variants was influenced by the fact that the respondents disposed only of the real meanings of the original forms. The respondents sometimes made an attempt (not very successful) at interpretation of the original definition, taking advantage of, for example, the phenomenon of connotation and association: when an evaluating lexeme appeared in a definition, in the process of categorizing variants there dominated an axiological factor over the semantic one. Additionally, it has been observed that in the case of an imprecise or syntactically complex definition or the one determining a poorly known designate, the phenomenon of structural suggestion is observed: a language user proposed a variant derived from one of the words included in definiendum. The completed observations allow scholars to formulate the following hypothesis: the traditional meanings, known from lexicographical studies, are either not understood or mistakenly interpreted, or, cannot be seen as a point of departure for the study of the semantic and formal structure of the Polish language. Thus, the so-called ordinary users of language may not think about the relationship between reality and its intellectual categorization and a linguistic sign being the culmination of a cognitive processes, and this, in turn, illustrates the standard of their knowledge—a common knowledge