22 research outputs found

    Catastrophe écologique, fragilité du mouvement vert : la voïvodie de Katowice

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    Expressions d’un processus de colonisation intérieure, l’hyperconcentration d’industries anachroniques et le fonctionnement dévoyé du pouvoir ont eu dans la voïvodie de Karowice des conséquences dramatiques sur la situation écologique et l’état de santé de la population. Les partis et mouvements écologistes qui s’y constituent depuis quelques années présentent un faible degré d’organisation et sont fortement fractionnés.Ecological disaster, fragility of the Green movement : the Voïvodie of Katowice Significant of a process of internal colonization, both hyperconcentration of anachronistic industries and longtime inconsequent political ruling have had in the voïvodie of Katowice drastic consequences ont the ecological situation and on the health problems of the local population. Since a few years, ecological parties and movements which have set up in the area are still kknowing a low level of organisation and are divided into various trends

    Catastrophe écologique, fragilité du mouvement vert : la voïvodie de Katowice

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    Expressions d’un processus de colonisation intérieure, l’hyperconcentration d’industries anachroniques et le fonctionnement dévoyé du pouvoir ont eu dans la voïvodie de Karowice des conséquences dramatiques sur la situation écologique et l’état de santé de la population. Les partis et mouvements écologistes qui s’y constituent depuis quelques années présentent un faible degré d’organisation et sont fortement fractionnés.Ecological disaster, fragility of the Green movement : the Voïvodie of Katowice Significant of a process of internal colonization, both hyperconcentration of anachronistic industries and longtime inconsequent political ruling have had in the voïvodie of Katowice drastic consequences ont the ecological situation and on the health problems of the local population. Since a few years, ecological parties and movements which have set up in the area are still kknowing a low level of organisation and are divided into various trends

    Modulation of the Blazhko Cycle in LS Her

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    We present analysis of the RR Lyrae star, LS Her and confirm the previously reported modulation to its Blazhko cycles. We performed Fourier analysis on two sectors (Sector 24 & 25) of data from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) spanning 53 days. We find LS Her to have a primary pulsation period of 0.2308 d and a Blazhko period of 12.7 d in keeping with previously reported results. We also identified side-band frequencies around the Blazhko multiplets suggesting the Blazhko cycle is modulated on a time scale of 112 days. Analysis of the Blazhko effect using the TESS data clearly shows a changing amplitude and phase throughout the four Blazhko cycles. We compared our modeled results, which were based on our TESS frequency analysis, to TESS data (Sector 51) taken ~700 days later and found our modulation model was not a good representation of the data. We then coupled our TESS analysis with the modulation frequency results from Wils et al. (MNRAS 387 (2008) 783-787) and found excellent agreement with the Sector 51 data. To further test this result we obtained ground-based, V-magnitude observations of LS Her in the summer of 2022. This data also showed excellent agreement with our coupled modulation model. We have verified that LS Her is a Blazhko star with a modulated Blazhko period of 109 days, stability over the 862 days of observations, and possible stability lasting over 15 years. We discuss the ramifications of the modulation for other Blazhko stars that show Blazhko effect changes over time.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Canine Respiratory Coronavirus, Bovine Coronavirus, and Human Coronavirus OC43: Receptors and Attachment Factors

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    Despite high similarity of canine respiratory coronavirus (CRCoV), bovine coronavirus, (BCoV) and human coronavirus OC43 (HCoV-OC43), these viruses differ in species specificity. For years it was believed that they share receptor specificity, utilizing sialic acids for cell surface attachment, internalization, and entry. Interestingly, careful literature analysis shows that viruses indeed bind to the cell surface via sialic acids, but there is no solid data that these moieties mediate virus entry. In our study, using a number of techniques, we showed that all three viruses are indeed able to bind to sialic acids to a different extent, but these molecules render the cells permissive only for the clinical strain of HCoV-OC43, while for others they serve only as attachment receptors. CRCoV and BCoV appear to employ human leukocyte antigen class I (HLA-1) as the entry receptor. Furthermore, we identified heparan sulfate as an alternative attachment factor, but this may be related to the cell culture adaptation, as in ex vivo conditions, it does not seem to play a significant role. Summarizing, we delineated early events during CRCoV, BCoV, and HCoV-OC43 entry and systematically studied the attachment and entry receptor utilized by these viruses

    A survey for variable young stars with small telescopes: VI — Analysis of the outbursting Be stars NSW284, Gaia19eyy, and VES263

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    This paper is one in a series reporting results from small telescope observations of variable young stars. Here, we study the repeating outbursts of three likely Be stars based on long-term optical, near-infrared, and mid-infrared photometry for all three objects, along with follow-up spectra for two of the three. The sources are characterised as rare, truly regularly outbursting Be stars. We interpret the photometric data within a framework for modelling light curve morphology, and find that the models correctly predict the burst shapes, including their larger amplitudes and later peaks towards longer wavelengths. We are thus able to infer the start and end times of mass loading into the circumstellar disks of these stars. The disk sizes are typically 3 – 6 times the areas of the central star. The disk temperatures are ∼ 40 %, and the disk luminosities are ∼ 10 % of those of the central Be star, respectively. The available spectroscopy is consistent with inside-out evolution of the disk. Higher excitation lines have larger velocity widths in their double-horned shaped emission profiles. Our observations and analysis support the decretion disk model for outbursting Be stars

    Gates of Heaven and Damned Places. Two types of ghettos in Upper Silesia

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    Współczesne miasta Górnego Śląska charakteryzuje obecność dwóch uspołecznionych form przestrzeni o biegunowo odmiennej specyfice. Są to stare i nowe osiedla zamknięte. Pierwsze z nich to tradycyjne familoki oraz osiedla epoki industrialnej. Drugie to zamknięte przestrzenie rodzącej się klasy średniej. Z jednej strony mamy zatem getta biedy, z drugiej getta bogactwa. Getta biedy powstały w wyniku zewnętrznej ekskluzji oraz auto-zamykanie się mieszkańców na szanse jakie oferuje świat zewnętrzny. Specyfiką górnośląskich gett biedy jest swoista wspólnota – wspólnota kryzysu. Łączy ona odrzuconych przez otaczającą ich rzeczywistość, która lepiej zaadoptowała się do nowych warunków. Getta biedy charakteryzuje homogenizacja społeczna, czyli wspólny scenariusz codzienności ich mieszkańców decydujący o jednolitości i spoistości grupy. Getta biedy powstające w sąsiedztwie zamykanych hut i kopalń poddają się coraz wyraźniejszej destrukcji samych osiedli oraz pogłębiającej się marginalizacji zamkniętych w nich ludzi. Getta bogactwa (gated communites) trudno jest scharakteryzować ponieważ dopiero się tworzą ale już dziś stanowią ekskluzywne przestrzenie miejskie. O ich istocie stanowi przede wszystkim ekskluzja wewnętrzna czyli wycofywanie się ich mieszkańców z życia szerszej wspólnoty. Getta bogactwa odróżnia od gett biedy ich heterogeniczna natura, która wynika z faktu silnego wewnętrznego zróżnicowania rodzącej się w Polsce klasy średniej. Rytm życia tych ludzi, rozkład ich codziennych obowiązków czy formy spędzania czasu wolnego znamionują ich głębokie różnice. Zamykanie się w gettach bogactwa do przede wszystkim poszukiwanie bezpieczeństwa i spokoju, jak również namiastka wspólnotowego życia. Dwie skrajnie odmienne przestrzenie miejskie będą nadal tworzyć ikonosferę śląskich miast. Intuicyjnie można wnioskować, że getta biedy będą przeobrażać się w siedlisko underclass a getta bogactwa uszczelniać swoją wyobcowaną wyniosłość.The presence of two various socialized forms characterizes contemporary cities in Upper Silesia. These are old and new closed housing estates. The first ones are commonly known as 'familok' and industrial housing estates. The second ones are closed areas of rising Polish middle class. Thus, on the one hand we have ghettos of poverty, on the other ghettos of riches. The ghettos of poverty resulted from the outside exclusion and closing of the residents for the possibilities which the outside world offers. The characteristic feature of ghettos of poverty in Upper Silesia is a specific community - community of crisis. This community connects people who have been rejected by the surrounding reality. The reality which adopted itself to new conditions better. The ghettos of poverty are characterized by social homogenization that is a common screenplay of the resident's everyday reality which decides on the group's uniformity and cohesion. The ghettos of poverty, established in close vicinity of steelworks and coal-mines which are being closed currently, are subject to a destruction of housing estates and deepened marginalization of its residents. It is difficult to characterize the ghettos of riches (gated communities) because they are establishing currently, yet these are exclusive city areas today. Their specific feature is an internal exclusion, that is withdrawing of their residents from the life of a community. The ghettos of riches differ from the ghettos of poverty in their heterogeneous nature which results from a strong internal diversity of a rising Polish middle class. The lifestyle of these residents, every day responsibilities and ways of spending free time emphasize the difference. The closing in the ghettos of riches is, first of all, looking for safety and peace as well as a substitute of community life. These two extremely different kinds of city space are still going to create a specific picture of Silesian cities. We can say that ghettos of poverty are going to transform themselves into area for underclass and ghettos of riches are going to tighten their isolation from the rest of the city