191 research outputs found

    Sensory evaluation of selected plant-based milks and drinks

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    Introduction and purpose of work: Milk is a product that accompanies man from the first days of life. Due to the richness of minerals and vitamins, milk and dairy products should be introduced into the diet, as they have many health-promoting properties. In addition to traditional cow's milk, lactose-free milk and vegetable milk substitutes are available on the food market. The aim of the study was the sensory evaluation of selected milks and plant-based drinks available on the Polish market. Material and methods: The research material consisted of 7 types of milk, including 2 cow's milk and 5 plant milks of one of the brands available on the Polish market. 51 students of clinical dietetics (21 first-cycle students and 30 second-cycle students) joined the study. The taste of the products was assessed using a proprietary sensory evaluation card. A 5-point scale was adopted as the evaluation value. In addition, the ability to identify the type of milk through the sense of taste was tested. Results: Milk and vegetable drinks, according to the respondents, differed significantly due to sensory assessment. The milk samples that received the highest number of points contained the vegetable rice drink and lactose-free cow's milk (sample "B" and "F"). In contrast, the plant-based almond drink (sample "D") was rated the worst in taste. The greatest difficulty in identification occurred in the case of samples with code B and D (rice vegetable drink and almond vegetable drink). Conclusions: The almond plant drink was chosen as the least tasty by the vast majority of the respondents. On the other hand, the coconut vegetable drink had the best taste. Second-cycle students were more likely to identify samples correctly

    26. Międzynarodowa Konferencja Historii Kartografi i w Antwerpii, 12–17 lipca 2015 r.

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    Koncepcja wolności w ekonomii konstytucyjnej Jamesa M. Buchanana

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    Tekst składa się z trzech części. W pierwszej Autorka przedstawia podstawowe informacje na temat poszczególnych etapów rozwoju intelektualnego Buchanana, zwracając jednocześnie uwagę na to, pod wpływem i za inspiracją czyjej twórczości kształtowała się jego myśl. Druga część tekstu poświęcona jest krótkiemu przedstawieniu programu badawczego ekonomii konstytucyjnej, który Buchanan stworzył, a jego koncepcja wolności jest z tym programem nierozerwalnie związana. W trzeciej, zasadniczej części tekstu zajmuje się szczegółowo koncepcją wolności w ujęciu Buchanana. Tekst kończy podsumowanie.Publikacja dofinansowana ze środków przyznanych w ramach dotacji dla Wydziału Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego na rozwój młodych naukowców i doktorantów

    Rozwój zintegrowanych systemów informatycznych zarządzania

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    Przedsiębiorstwa, które chcą aktywnie uczestniczyć w sferze biznesu związanego z Internetem, będą zmuszone funkcjonować w zintegrowanej strukturze, zarówno z biznesowego jak i technologicznego punktu widzenia. Obecnie najbardziej rozwiniętą formą umożliwiającą takiego rodzaju powiązania jest system ERP II, jednakże podstawą jego istnienia są wcześniejsze modele. Artykuł przedstawia rozwój zintegrowanych systemów informatycznych zarządzaniaCompanies that want to actively participate in the space of business connected with internet, will be forced to function in integrated structure, both from business and technological point of view. Currently, the ERP II system is the most developed form that allows that kind of relationship. However, the basis of this system are earlier models. The following article presents the development of integrated information system of managemen

    XII Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa „Jakość w procesie integracji systemów zarządzania”

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    System informacyjny w zarządzaniu współczesną organizacją

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    One of the primary determinants of the decision is information. Having it helps to more quickly respond to accidents occurring and allows dominance over the competition. Information system can be called a multilevel structure that allows its user to transform specific information. The result of obtaining this information are certain decisions. The article presents the essence and role of information system in modern organizations and their managementJednym z podstawowych czynników warunkujących podjęcie decyzji jest informacja. Posiadanie jej pomaga szybciej reagować na zachodzące wypadki oraz umożliwia dominowanie nad konkurencją. Systemem informacyjnym możemy nazwać wielopoziomową strukturę, która umożliwia jego użytkownikowi transformowanie określonych informacji. Efektem uzyskania tych informacji są określone decyzje. Artykuł przedstawia istotę i rolę systemu informacyjnego we współczesnych organizacjach i zarządzaniu nim

    XIV Konferencja Studenckich Kół Naukowych „Nowe nurty w nauce młodych”

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    Energy content in relation to the population dynamics of Mysis mixta (Lilljeborg) from the Southern Baltic

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    The energy content of Mysis mixta from the Southern Baltic in relation to its body weight was studied in June, August and October 1986, and April and May 1987. In June, immature animals (4-13 mm) and adult females (18-25 mm) dominated. The same composition was found in August, although the size had changed: the immature animals ranged from 10 to 21 mm and adult females from 21 to 30 mm. A more homogeneous population ranging from 12 to 22 mm was found in October. Males occurred in large numbers only in autumn. The dry weight was 15.04 % of the wet weight, and included 8.18% ash. The relationship between dry weight and body length fitted the power function W = 0.714 L2.835. The average energy content of M. mixta was high: 24.748 Jmg-1 OW and 27.055 Jmg-1 AFDW.There was no significant difference in energy content between adult females and males in October, when both sexes were present. Energy content per dry weight increased with the size of the animals. M. mixta obtained in the study area showed similar energy content to each other

    Current state of knowledge and concerns regarding cardiopulmonary resuscitation performed in the setting of out-of-hospital sudden cardiac arrest among adult, non-medical rural residents

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    INTRODUCTION Every year in Poland 56,000 outside the hospital there is a sudden cardiac arrest. OBJECTIVES The aim of the study was to determine the level of knowledge of basic life support undertaken in prehospital management in rural areas. The second objective of the study was to assess needs for cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR) training among adults in rural areas. MATERIAL AND METHODS The study was carried out with the use of an original questionnaire based on the review of literature and guidelines of the European Resuscitation Council. The questionnaire was shared by social media. The questionnaire consisted of the following parts: metric, experience of previous CPR, knowledge about CPR, assessment of demand and interest in expanding knowledge and skills in CPR. A total of 501 responses were collected, of which 316 from adult, non-medical rural residents were analyzed. RESULTS Over 85% of respondents knew how to assess consciousness of the victim, 95% of respondents knew when to start CPR. About 33% of the respondents did not know the correct location of  chest compressions. Moreover 65% of them could not identify the correct frequency of compressions. Although rib fracture was one of the most commonly cited concerns, it was a potential reason to discontinue CPR only for 4.5% of respondents.  CONCLUSIONS It was observed that there is a need for additional CPR training among rural adult residents. The information collected in this study may allow for the planning of appropriate educational activities to increase the level of knowledge about CPR in heart accidents.&nbsp