171 research outputs found

    A Koppányvölgyi lepkefauna (Lepidoptera) vizsgálatának első eredményei

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    The Lepidoptera fauna in the Külső-Somogy region (Somogy County) in southwestern Hungary is generally under-recorded, despite the fact that the area hosts a diverse landscape and a wide range of natural and semi-natural habitats. As part of the landscape-scale habitat rehabilitation program the authors conducted a series of surveys on the butterfly and macro moth fauna (Rhopalocera and Macroheterocera) of the Koppány valley between the villages Somogydöröcske and Gerézdpuszta in 2010 including the catchment area and the floodland of the stream Koppány. In total 192 species were recorded between April and October. The Lepidoptera fauna is characterized by species associated with wet habitats near the stream ( Lycaena dispar rutilus, Chariaspilates formosaria ), but is also influenced by the warm broad-leaved woodlands and orchards that surrounds the valley ( Meganephria bimaculosa ). The change of land-use in the study area threatens the butterfly fauna through the intensification of agriculture (application of pesticides), and the complete cessation of animal husbandry

    Cinkiont tartalmazó oldatok és felületek szerkezetkutatása = Investigation of zinc containing solutions and surfaces

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    A kismolekulák Pd/Zn felületi ötvözetein történő adszorpció során megmutattuk, hogy az adszorpciós energiák és a felület elektronszerkezete között összefüggés van. Megmutattuk hogy a felületi ötvözetben jelentős töltésvándorlás figyelhető meg a cinkről a palládium irányába. Elméleti eredményeinket kísérleti (STM, RAIRS) mérésekkel vetettük össze. Oldatfázisban új módszert vezettünk be mikroheterogenitások vizsgálatára. Kísérletileg és elmélti számítások segítségével bebizonyítottuk a hidroxidion körül a hiperkoordináció jelenlétét. Feltártuk a folyadék diklórmetán és nitrometán lokális szerkezetét szimulációs és röntgendiffrakciós mérések segítségével. Megmutattuk hogy a hidratált kationok első szférájában a vízmolekulák dipólusmomentuma jelentősen megnő. Megmutattuk hogy ennek a hatásnak 90%-a elektrosztatikus eredető. Az oktaéderes elrendeződésű vízmolekulák taszítják egymást, amely ezen vízmolekulák dipólusmomentumát csökkenteni igyekszik. A NaNO3 vizes oldatának szerkezetét vizsgáltuk széles koncentrációtartományban szimuláció és diffrakciós módszerek segítségével. | We presented the correlation between the electronic structure of Pd/Zn surface alloy and the adsorption energies of small molecules on the surface. Significant charge transfer from Zn to Pd is observed in the surface alloy. Our theoretical results were compared to STM and RAIRS measurements. We introduced a new method in order to describe properly the microheterogenities exists in condensed phases. We prooved the existence of hyper-coordinated hydroxide anion in aqueous solution using X-ray diffraction and theoretical methods (CPMD and MD). We characterized the local order in liquid dicloromethane and nitromethane using X-ray diffraction and molecular dynamics simulation. We showed that the dipole moment of water molecules in the first hydration shell of any cations increases compared to bulk water molecules. According to our results this effect origins in roughly 90% from electrostatic interactions. Water molecules arranged in octahedral position repelled each other and resulted in the decrease of their dipole moments. We investigated the solution structure of NaNO3 in water in a wide concentration range using simulation and X-ray diffraction methods

    Roughness replication in neutron supermirrors and periodic multilayers

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    Interface roughness strongly influences the reflectivity of neutron supermirrors (SM) the major components of neutron optical devices. The in-plane and out-of-plane correlation of the interface roughness was studied using neutron and X-ray off-specular reflectometry in DC-sputtered Ni-Ti SMs and periodic multilayers. Roughness correlation is manifested in diffuse scatter plateaus and peaks which are interpreted in terms of Resonant Diffuse Scattering (RDS). A lower estimate of a few 1000 Å out-of-plane correlation length was found by off-set X-ray diffuse scans for periodic Ni-Ti multilayers of various bilayer thicknesses. Detector scans were carried out to observe off-specular neutron scattering from normal and reverse layer sequence SMs. The first order RDS is absent in normal but present in reverse sequence SMs, which is qualitatively explained by kinematical considerations. Distorted Wave Born Approximation simulations of off-specular scattering pattern both of normal and reverse SMs quantitatively reproduces the characteristic features of the measured curves with reasonable parameters, i.e. in-plane and out-of-plane correlation lengths and Hurst parameter of 1200 Å, 4000 Å, 7 Å and 0.5, respectively. The out-of-plane correlation length estimations deduced from SM and periodic multilayer reflectivities are in reasonable agreement with each other

    Box Tree Moth – Cydalima perspectalis (Walker, 1859), new member in the Lepidoptera fauna of Hungary (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)

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    Cydalima perspectalis (Walker, 1859) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) was found as new to Hungary during moth trapping in the Botanical Garden of the University of West Hungary, Sopron. The species is a well known pest in Asia on Buxus and might become invasive in Central Europe

    Principal Component Analysis of the Potential for Increased Rail Competitiveness in East-Central Europe

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    Increased rail competitiveness has been the objective of many countries around the world, including member states of the EU. Although railway market liberalization has always been accompanied by high expectations of increased efficiency and competitiveness, the overall impact of such decisions can be considered controversial. This paper aims to contribute to the scientific debate by conducting a factor analysis of some East-Central European countries from the aspect of rail freight competitiveness. Since many highly correlated factors influence competitiveness, its mathematical&ndash statistical representation and analysis is difficult due to the high number of dimensions of the factor space. Moreover, competitiveness cannot be measured directly only as a latent variable which is a feature of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The introduced PCA, model by way of reducing the number of dimensions, can highlight the relations among the attributes and determine the most crucial issues capable of increasing rail competitiveness in the given countries and also of clustering those national railway markets. Recommendations for structural changes in national rail freight markets of the region are also supplied. Our results show that international rail competitiveness depends rather on market efficiency than on market liberalization due to the fact that the Global Competitiveness Index and Export/Import attributes did not significantly correlate with market concentration. As for the larger domestic rail freight sectors, small freight forwarders&mdash spawned by liberalization&mdash are shown to play a significant role in increasing competitiveness. Document type: Articl


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    The 21st century came with drastic social and economic changes bringing about the era of the knowledge economy. With increased significance of knowledge, there was a change in its nature and the expectations towards it. Th e traditional approach both in secondary and higher education is not capable of satisfying the needs of qualified trainings in strategic industries. Education institutes dealing with knowledge creation, exploitation, dissemination and reproduction have become the grounds of the knowledge based society. Today the role and tasks of higher education institutions are re-evaluated across Europe, which will lead to new approaches in economic and social roles and projects. Universities make a fundamental contribution to the reproduction and adaptation of human resources, and their importance is growing among regional actors. The part that higher education institutes play in supporting regional governance is widely respected. Our research focuses on career motivation of high school students in North-Transdanubia region of Hungary, which is the most important industrial basis of the country, the centre of the Hungarian vehicle industry. The paper is based on a survey conducted among 2000 respondents. Their personal motivation determine the survival of higher education institutions in the circumstances of increasing competition, and they have an influence on improving regional competitiveness. Th e research used some statistical methods such as frequencies, means, cross-tables, ANOVA, factor and cluster analysis. The main goal of the research is to highlight the connection between higher education and regional economy through the example of the industrial district of Győr and to demonstrate how quality industry in the knowledge economy can influence the career motivation of youngsters in the field of choosing their future education area, and how they can imagine their employment opportunities and expected income in the labour market in the future, or whether they would choose to move abroad.U 21. stoljeću došlo je do drastičnih socijalnih i gospodarskih promjena: započelo je razdoblje gospodarstva znanja. Zbog sve većeg značaja znanja, promijenila se i priroda znanja kao i očekivanja koja imamo od njega. Tradicionalni pristup u srednjoškolskom i visokom obrazovanju ne može zadovoljiti potrebe za kvalifi kacijama u strateškim industrijama. Obrazovne institucije koje se bave stvaranjem znanja i njezinim iskorištavanjem, širenjem i reprodukcijom postali su podloga za društvo utemeljeno na znanju. Danas se uloga i zadaće visokoobrazovnih institucija ponovno ocjenjuju u cijeloj Europi, što će dovesti do novih pristupa u ekonomskim i socijalnim ulogama i projektima. Sveučilišta daju temeljni doprinos stvaranju i prilagodbi ljudskih resursa, a njihova uloga raste na regionalnoj razini. Visoko se cijeni uloga koju imaju visokoobrazovne institucije u potpori regionalnom upravljanju. Naše istraživanje usredotočuje se na karijernu motivaciju srednjoškolaca u sjevernom dijelu Zapadnog Podunavlja Mađarske, koje je najvažnije industrijsko središte u zemlji i središte mađarske automobilske industrije. Rad se temelji na anketi provedenoj među 2000 ispitanika. Njihova osobna motivacija određuje opstanak ustanova visokog obrazovanja u sve jačoj konkurenciji, a može utjecati i na poboljšanje regionalne konkurentnosti. Istraživanje je upotrijebilo neke statističke metode poput određivanje frekvencija i prosjeka, tablicu frekvencija, analizu varijance te faktorsku i klaster analizu. Glavni cilj istraživanja je istaknuti vezu između visokog obrazovanja i regionalnog gospodarstva kroz primjer industrijske regije Đura (Jura) te pokazati kako kvalitetna industrija u gospodarstvu znanja može utjecati na karijernu motivaciju mladih ljudi prilikom biranja područja budućeg obrazovanja, te odrediti njihova očekivanja u pogledu mogućnosti zapošljavanja i budućeg prihoda na tržištu rada u budućnosti, kao i bi li umjesto toga odabrali iseljavanje