10,828 research outputs found

    Comparison of the effects of manual acupuncture, electroacupuncture and TENS on regional pressure pain thresholds : examination of the reliability of baseline alogmetry pressure pain threshold readings

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    University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Science.Background: Since 1999, research at the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) has focused on the effects of a series of manual acupuncture (MA) interventions upon regional pressure pain thresholds (PPT). The present research contains two separate studies and both provided a replication of manual acupuncture (MA) to Large Intestine 4 (LI4) (the standard UTS intervention) and an acupoint, Liver 3 (LR3), that has been used in a previous UTS study. The current study extends the research to examine the effects of electroacupuncture (EA) and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) on regional PPT. In addition, the research examined a range of variables that could possibly influence the PPT values obtained, independent of experimental interventions, and thus impact on the reliability of the algometry technique and experimental design employed. Aims: Study 1: To compare the effects of MA to LI4, TENS to LI4, EA to LI4 and EA to LR3 on PPT measured at ten regional sites. Study 2: To compare the effects of MA to LI4, MA to LR3, EA to LR3 and EA to a nonacupoint (NAP-Foot) on PPT measured at ten regional sites. The reliability of algometry study: To compare mean PPT values (kg/cm2) by regional site and gender. To evaluate the stability of regional PPT values (kg/cm2) by site over time with respect to two timeframes; (i) extended time frame of at least four weeks; (ii) sequence of five measures within ten minutes. Design: Both Study 1 and Study 2 were within subjects experiments that used the same research paradigm including randomisation and dual blinding (subject and assessor) and involved healthy volunteers. PPT was measured before and after each intervention at ten PPT measurement sites (both acupoints and nonacupoints) across the body. In addition, subjects rated their levels of pain, intervention sensation and tension experienced during, and anxiety prior to the intervention, on visual analogue scales (VAS). The data for the reliability of algometer study were collected as the baseline PPT values (kg/cm2) for all subjects and across visits in Study 1 and Study 2. Results: Study 1: Among the ten sites significant increases from preintervention PPT means were obtained at eight sites following MA to LI4 (mean PPT range 3.5%- 10.4%), six sites following TENS to LI4 (3.4%-10.9%), and nine sites following both EA to LI4 (6.4%-15.8%) and EA to LR3 (6.4%-10.9%). The effects on PPT of EA to LI4 were significantly greater than that produced by TENS to LI4 at four sites; and that of MA to LI4 at two sites. EA to LR3 significantly elevated PPT more than TENS to LI4 at two sites; and that of MA to LI4 at one site. Study 2: Following both MA to LI4 and EA to LR3 significant increases in mean PPT were achieved at all ten sites (ranging from 9.6% - 15.6 and 8.6% - 16.9% respectively). For both MA to LR3 and EA to NAP-Foot the significant increases involved nine of the ten measurement sites (ranging from 8.1% - 16.4% and 7.1% - 12.7% respectively). EA to NAP-Foot was significantly less effective than MA to LI4 (two sites), MA to LR3 (two sites) and EA to LR (three sites). The effect on PPT of MA to LI4 and EA to LR3 were statistically greater than that produced by MA to LR3 at one site each. For both studies, the analyses of the subjective perceptions associated with each intervention showed that nonspecific effects did not appear to contribute to changes in PPT. Results from Study 1 and 2 found that TENS, EA and MA were all effective in increasing PPT. While TENS was less effective it should be noted that the way the TENS intervention was set up was not typical of a clinical treatment. The results from the reliability of algometry study showed that typically males had higher PPT values (kg/cm2) than females. While mean PPT values remained stable in a sequence of five measures over a ten minute period, the longer timeframe of four weeks did affect mean PPT levels, independent of gender. Typically, for both genders, mean PPT was lower at the first visit compared with the fourth visit. This may reflect changes in familiarity with the experimental protocol. Conclusions: The PPT effects following MA to LI4 were consistent with previous research at UTS. The interventions of EA to LI4 and EA to LR3 elicited similar significant increases in mean % PPT to those following the UTS standard intervention of MA to LI4. The results of the reliability of algometry study illustrate the importance of well controlled experimental design. The randomisation process must ensure equal proportions of subjects will receive each different intervention at each visit in sequence and if males and females are involved, a stratification of randomisation is required so that a balanced design by gender and visit is achieved. Where possible, a within subjects experimental design should be considered

    Motion Capture System for Finger Movement Measurement in Parkinson Disease

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a chronic neurodegenerative disorder that affects almost 1% of the population in the age group above 60 years. The key symptom in PD is the restriction of mobility. The progress of PD is typically documented using the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS), which includes a finger-tapping test. We created a measurement tool and a methodology for the objective measurement of the finger-tapping test. We built a contactless three-dimensional (3D) capture system using two cameras and light-passive (wireless) reflexive markers. We proposed and implemented an algorithm for extracting, matching, and tracing markers. The system provides the 3D position of spherical or hemispherical markers in real time. The system’s functionality was verified with the commercial motion capture system OptiTrack. Our motion capture system is easy to use, saves space, is transportable, and needs only a personal computer for data processing—the ideal solution for an outpatient clinic. Its features were successfully tested on 22 patients with PD and 22 healthy control subjects

    Freeze-out parameters: lattice meets experiment

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    We present our results for ratios of higher order fluctuations of electric charge as functions of the temperature. These results are obtained in a system of 2+1 quark flavors at physical quark masses and continuum extrapolated. We compare them to preliminary data on higher order moments of the net electric charge distribution from the STAR collaboration. This allows us to determine the freeze-out temperature and chemical potential from first principles. We also show continuum-extrapolated results for ratios of higher order fluctuations of baryon number. These will allow to test the consistency of the approach, by comparing them to the corresponding experimental data (once they become available) and thus extracting the freeze-out parameters in an independent way.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, revte

    Freeze-out parameters from electric charge and baryon number fluctuations: is there consistency?

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    Recent results for moments of multiplicity distributions of net-protons and net-electric charge from the STAR collaboration are compared to lattice QCD results for higher order fluctuations of baryon number and electric charge by the Wuppertal-Budapest collaboration, with the purpose of extracting the freeze-out temperature and chemical potential. All lattice simulations are performed for a system of 2+1 dynamical quark flavors, at the physical mass for light and strange quarks; all results are continuum extrapolated. We show that it is possible to extract an upper value for the freeze-out temperature, as well as precise baryo-chemical potential values corresponding to the four highest collision energies of the experimental beam energy scan. Consistency between the freeze-out parameters obtained from baryon number and electric charge fluctuations is found. The freeze-out chemical potentials are now in agreement with the statistical hadronization model.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, references added, discussion added to the introduction, results unchange
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