78 research outputs found

    Effect of information on the risk perception of food additives : a quantitative survey in Hungary, Spain and Romania

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    Consumers might feel aversion to food additives due to unreliable and controversial information received and their low level of knowledge. The aim of our study was to evaluate the judgement and acceptance of different groups of food additives before and after providing information in three European countries (Hungary, Spain, and Romania). For this purpose a self-administered questionnaire was developed and filled out via Internet in the three countries. 437 completed questionnaires were collected in Hungary, 348 in Spain and 386 in Romania. Data were analysed with SPSS 17.00 statistical software. The following food additive groups were perceived as the most hazardous ones: "preservatives" in Hungary, "bulking agents" in Spain and "colourings" in Romania. However as the less hazardous group "antioxidants" was indicated in the countries. After providing specific information Hungarian and Romanian respondents showed more positive opinion about the listed groups of food additives, while Spanish participants did not at all. When natural and artificial food additives were analysed separately it was observed that respondents confounded "antioxidants" with the nowadays popular healthy compounds - which have the same name - , because after information provided both the natural and artificial groups got more negative acceptance. The findings of this study highlighted that the communication methods have to be adapted to the countries' characteristics. Consumers" confidence could be enhanced by better and more targeted information supply about the groups of food additives, furthermore in some cases the term •"natural" could increase the level of acceptance

    The food supply system part 2 - domestic challenges, possible solutions

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    Social, economic and environmental changes pose a serious challenge to the complex Hungarian food supply system with many stakeholders, the elements of which have a significant impact on each other as well. In order for the system to respond flexibly and adapt to change, and to ensure its stability in the future, it is necessary to have a thorough understanding of the current situation and to anticipate future challenges. In the course of the present work, the challenges facing the Hungarian food supply system, the answers to them and possible solutions were examined during a series of workshops consisting of three events, within the framework of the Policy Lab work of the FIT4FOOD2030 project. Based on the results of the work, it can be stated that the Hungarian food supply system has strong foundations, but in order to adapt to the challenges of the coming years successfully, significant changes must be made. Production based on innovative solutions that respect natural conditions is of paramount importance, taking into account the expectations and safety of consumers, as well as the needs of the stakeholders of the supply system. Cooperation of the stakeholders is essential for this process, increasing their openness, improving their responsiveness, as well as thinking in a system, while focusing on the problems of the given sector. In addition, policy measures are needed that support the complex use of research, development and innovation related to food supply systems, and involve a wide range of stakeholders in the building of innovative and integrated value chains with regard to sustainable management systems, environmental challenges and human health

    Risk perception of food additives in Hungary

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    On the basis of international surveys, Hungarian consumers stated serious aversion against food additives. The aim of our work was to get more detailed information about Hungarian consumers' risk perception with special regard to food additives. For this purpose a self-administrated questionnaire was developed. Four hundred respondents completed the questionnaires in 2009. The collected data were analysed by the SPSS 18.0 statistical software. Respondents expressed serious aversion against food additives amongst different risk factors. The responses on different statements highlighted that consumers did not have proper knowledge about food additives. In order to explore the directly not perceptible connections, factor analysis was done, but the "goodness-of-fit test" did not show significant fitting. So with the help of the factor analysis' results 5 principal components were created. According to the results it can be slated that - similarly to previous studies - Hungarian respondents felt food additives to be hazardous. On the basis of the principal components respondents who were not satisfied with the quantity of the information about food additives, had mixed and ambiguous knowledge about food additives. Thus Hungarian consumers need more authentic information to help their food choice to be more established and be more conscious

    Risk perception of food additives in Hungary

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    On the basis of international surveys, Hungarian consumers stated serious aversion against food additives. The aim of our work was to get more detailed information about Hungarian consumers' risk perception with special regard to food additives. For this purpose a self-administrated questionnaire was developed. Four hundred respondents completed the questionnaires in 2009. The collected data were analysed by the SPSS 18.0 statistical software. Respondents expressed serious aversion against food additives amongst different risk factors. The responses on different statements highlighted that consumers did not have proper knowledge about food additives. In order to explore the directly not perceptible connections, factor analysis was done, but the "goodness-of-fit test" did not show significant fitting. So with the help of the factor analysis' results 5 principal components were created. According to the results it can be stated that - similarly to previous studies - Hungarian respondents felt food additives to be hazardous. On the basis of the principal components respondents who were not satisfied with the quantity of the information about food additives, had mixed and ambiguous knowledge about food additives. Thus Hungarian consumers need more authentic information to help their food choice to be more established and be more conscious

    A magyar fűszerpaprika érzékszervi egyedisége és jelentősége az imázsformálásban = The sensory uniqueness of Hungarian paprika and its significance in imagemaking

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    A kalocsai és a szegedi fűszerpaprika leghíresebb hungarikum aink közé tartozik. A fűszerpaprika ágazatban az elm últ évtizedekben bekövetkezett változások (pl. a csökkenő hazai term elés okozta im port hozzákeverése a hazai kereskedelm i fűszerpaprikákhoz) időszerűvé tették a m agyar paprika egyedi sajátosságainak kutatását a régi hírnév alátám asztásának, valam int hazai m arketingjének elősegítése érdekében. Hazai nagy- és kisüzem ekből, kisterm előktől továbbá paprikaim portőröktől beszerzett fűszerpaprika-őrlem ényekből reprezentatív minta kiválasztást követően (5-5 kalocsai és szegedi, 10 magyar, 10 bekeveréshez használt im port fűszerpaprika) szakértői egyszerűsített érzékszervi profil- és felhasználói (laikus fogyasztók és vendéglátóipari szakem berek) rangsorolásos érzékszervi vizsgálatokat végeztünk. Többtényezős statisztikai elem zésekkel igazoltuk a hazai és im port paprikam inták közötti érzékszervi különbséget. A szakértői bírálóbizottság eredm ényeit többdim enziós skálázással feldolgozva sikerült elkülönítenünk a m agyar és a külföldi fűszerpaprikák m intacsoportjait egym ástól, am it kétdim enziós ábrán (térképen) szem léltettünk. Az alkalm azott eljárások nem tették lehetővé a kalocsai és a szegedi fűszerpaprika egym ástól, illetve a többi m agyar fűszerpaprikáktól való m egkülönböztetését. Ehhez további vizsgálatok szükségesek. A felhasználói érzékszervi vizsgálatokat laikus fogyasztók (223 fő) és vendéglátóipari szakem berek (47 fő) körében végeztük. A három hazai, három külföldi és egy kevert m inta bevonásával végzett felhasználói rangsorolásos vizsgálatok nem igazolták azt a hipotézisünket, am ely szerint a vakon történő vizsgálat során a hazai fűszerpaprika kedveltebb, m int az import. Ugyanakkor kim utatható volt a hazai paprikák tendenciaszerű jobb preferenciája. Vizsgálati eredményeink összességükben a bekeveréshez használt im port paprikákkal szem ben a hazai paprikák kellem esebb arom ájára, fűszeresebb ízére, továbbá élénk, kevésbé mély színére m utattak rá. Eredm ényeink egyrészt felvetik a fogyasztók képzésének, tájékoztatásának szükségességét a m agyar fűszerpaprika jellegzetességeiről a hazai paprikák előnyben részesítése végett. M ásrészt javasolható, hogy az előállítók tegyenek hatékonyabb minőségbiztosítási lépéseket a term ékjellegzetességek m egőrzése, a karakteresebb term ékek piacra jutása céljából, különös tekintettel az eredetvédett term ékek (kalocsai, szegedi) esetében. Kalocsa and Szeged paprika are among our most famous hungaricums. Changes that occurred in the paprika sector in recent decades (e.g., admixing of import paprika with domestic commercial paprika due to decreasing domestic production) made the time right to research the unique properties of Hungarian paprika, in order to strengthen its old reputation and promote its domestic marketing. Following the selection of representative samples from ground paprika obtained from large and small domestic plants, from small producers and paprika importers (5 Kalocsa, 5 Szeged, 10 Hungarian and 10 imported paprika for admixing), a simplified expert sensory profile test and a user sensory ranking test (by non-professional consumers and hospitality professionals) were performed. By multifactor statistical analysis, the sensory difference between domestic and imported paprika samples was confirmed. By processing the results of the expert panel using multidimensional scaling, the sample groups of Hungarian and foreign paprikas could be separated, which is demonstrated on a two-dimensional figure (map). The procedures used did not make it possible to differentiate Kalocsa and Szeged paprika from each other, or from other Hungarian paprikas. To be able to do se, further studies are needed. User sensory tests were performed with non-professional consumers (223 people) and hospitality professionals (47 people). User ranking tests involving three domestic, three foreign and one mixed sampledid not confirm our hypothesis that, in blind tests, domestic paprika is more popular than the imported one. At the same time, a trend for better preference of domestic paprikas could be shown. Overall, when compared to imported paprikas used for admixing, our test results showed the more pleasant aroma, spicier taste and bright, less deep color of domestic paprikas. On the one hand, our results suggest the necessity of consumer education and information about the characteristics of Hungarian paprika, in order for Hungarian paprikas to be preferred. On the other hand, it is recommended that producers take more effective quality management steps to preserve product properties and to market products with more pronounced characters, particularly in the case of products with protected designation of origin (Kalocsa, Szeged)

    A spanyol nyelv oktatásához használható online tananyagok bemutatása

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    Relationship between the Dietary Fibre Consumption and the Level of

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    Frequent consumption of dietary fibres can have favourable effect in the prevention and treatment of several diseases. Despite of these positive effects, Hungarian consumption of dietary fibre, as well as fruits and vegetables are below the recommended levels. Thus the aim of this study was to analyse the fibre consumption habits, the related level of knowledge, as well as the recognition of the potential information sources to ensure authentic information about dietary fibres. For this purpose a questionnaire survey was completed with the help of 303 Hungarian participants in 2014. Results showed that participants with higher level of consumption of fruits and vegetables had higher level of knowledge about dietary fibres. Even though respondents were aware of the positive health effects of dietary fibre, their consumption habits do not reflect that. Internet was proved as a utilized and preferred information source, so stressing of the authentic websites for the consumers about dietary fibres is an outstanding task. Results indicated that regarding the multiple beneficial effects of dietary fibres, for the supporting of mindful consumer decisions accurate and reliable information must be ensured for consumers, as well as authentic sources have to be designated

    Az ismeret hatása az élelmiszeripari adalékanyagok fogyasztói elfogadottságára = The effect of knowledge on the consumer acceptance of food additives

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    Részben a fogyasztói igények, részben pedig az előállítói és kereskedelmi szempontok miatt élelmiszereink különböző adalékanyagokat tartalmaznak, ami a fogyasztók egy részében aggodalmat kelt. Jelen munkánk célja az adalékanyagokkal kapcsolatos ismeretszint, valamint az észlelt kockázat csökkentése érdekében nyújtott információ hatásának vizsgálata volt. Kérdőíves megkérdezésünk eredménye rámutatott, hogy az információ kedvező hatást gyakorol az élelmiszeripari adalékanyagok fogyasztói elfogadására, így a hiteles és közérthető tájékoztatás rendkívül fontos a hazai fogyasztók tudatos vásárlási döntésének meghozatala érdekében. Partly because of consumer demand, and partly because of manufacturing and commercial aspects, our foods contain different additives, which is worrisome to some of the consumers. The goal of the present work was to study the level of knowledge related to additives, and the effect of the information provided in order to reduce the perceived risk. Results of our questionnaire survey showed that information has a beneficial effect on the consumer acceptance of food additives, and so credible and easy to understand information is extremely important for domestic consumers when making conscious decisions by