15 research outputs found
Protective Action of Xymedon on the Morphological Structures of the Pancreas of the Rat in Ischemia
© 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Pathologic processes associated with the effect of ischemia on the pancreas are not yet fully investigated and searching for ways of reduction of the damaging effect of ischemia for providing full organ regeneration are of certain interest. Protective properties of xymedone with regard to pathologic processes in pancreas were studied on a model of total ischemia created by ligation of the coeliac and cranial mesenteric artery for 0 to 90 min. Pathologic structural changes in the pancreas in case of ischemia lasting up to 30 min are minor and therefore fully reversible. On the contrary, ischemia duration of more than 60 min in the group of animals not injected with xymedone can be seen as critical. We conclude that prior intraperitoneal injection of xymedone in the dose of 3.3 mg/kg helps to delay the development of pathologic processes in pancreatic parenchyma by approximately 30 min
Allogenic adipose derived stem cells transplantation improved sciatic nerve regeneration in rats: Autologous nerve graft model
© 2018 Masgutov, Masgutova, Mukhametova, Garanina, Arkhipova, Zakirova, Mukhamedshina, Margarita, Gilazieva, Syromiatnikova, Mullakhmetova, Kadyrova, Nigmetzyanova, Mikhail, Igor, Yagudin and Rizvanov. We examined the effect of transplantation of allogenic adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) with properties of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) on posttraumatic sciatic nerve regeneration in rats. We suggested an approach to rat sciatic nerve reconstruction using the nerve from the other leg as a graft. The comparison was that of a critical 10 mm nerve defect repaired by means of autologous nerve grafting versus an identical lesion on the contralateral side. In this experimental model, the same animal acts simultaneously as a test model, and control. Regeneration of the left nerve was enhanced by the use of ADSCs, whereas the right nerve healed under natural conditions. Thus the effects of individual differences were excluded and a result closer to clinical practice obtained. We observed significant destructive changes in the sciatic nerve tissue after surgery which resulted in the formation of combined contractures in knee and ankle joints of both limbs and neurotrophic ulcers only on the right limb. The stimulation of regeneration by ADSCs increased the survival of spinal L5 ganglia neurons by 26.4%, improved sciatic nerve vascularization by 35.68% and increased the number of myelin fibers in the distal nerve by 41.87%. Moreover, we have demonstrated that S100, PMP2, and PMP22 gene expression levels are suppressed in response to trauma as compared to intact animals. We have shown that ADSC-based therapy contributes to significant improvement in the regeneration
The management of acute myocardial infarction in the Russian Federation: Protocol for a study of patient pathways [version 2; referees: 2 approved]
Source at https://doi.org/10.12688/wellcomeopenres.12478.2. Background: Death rates from cardiovascular disease in Russia are among the highest in the world. In recent years, the Russian government has invested substantially in the healthcare system, with a particular focus on improving access to advanced technology, especially for acute myocardial infarction (AMI). This protocol describes a study to understand the management of AMI in different Russian regions, investigating the role of patient, clinical, and health system characteristics.
Methods: A prospective observational study has recruited a representative sample of AMI patients within 16 hospitals from 13 regions across Russia. Criteria for inclusion are being aged 35-70 years with a confirmed diagnosis of AMI and surviving until the day after admission. Information being collected includes health system contacts and features of clinical management prior to the event and in the 12 months following discharge from hospital. Following initial exploration of the data to generate hypotheses, multivariate analyses will be applied to assess the role of these characteristics in both treatment decisions and any delays in time critical interventions. Between June 2015 and August 2016, 1,122 patients have been recruited at baseline and follow-up to 12 months post-discharge is scheduled to be completed by autumn 2017. The study is unique in examining patient factors, clinical management prior to admission and in hospital in the acute phase and throughout the critical first year of recovery across a diverse range of geographies and facilities. It uses standardized instruments to collect data from patients and health care providers and includes regions that are diverse in terms of geography and development of cardiology capacity. However, given the limited health services research capacity in the Russian Federation, it was not possible to obtain a sample that was truly nationally representative
Hospital Stage of Myocardial Infarction Treatment in 13 Regions of Russian Federation by Results of the International Research
Aim. To describe the characteristics of the patient with MI who is admitted to a hospital and to characterize the main diagnostic and treatment interventions in clinic. Material and methods. This study is observational and the part of big international project. It includes a representative sample of patients with MI admitted to 16 clinics in 13 regions of Russian Federation (Arkhangelsk region, Belgorod region, Bryansk region, Tver region, Saratov region, Rostov region, Samara region, the Republic of Tatarstan, Perm region, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous district, Kemerovo region, Altai region). Patients were selected at random from among those experiencing a MI that were alive on the next morning after hospitalization. Enrollment took place from June 2015 to August 2016. Results. Of 1,128 patients included in the study, 872 were male (77.3%) and 256 females. 21.4% of patients had a previous MI, 8.3% had undergone PCI, and 2.2% CABG. Turning to cardiovascular risk factors, 46.2% of patients smoked prior to hospitalization, 34.6% were obese and 52.1% had a high cholesterol level. Only 40.0% of patients had no contact with the health care system within 12 months before the MI. Every fourth patient (25.1%) had undergone dispensarisation within 12 months before MI, women significantly often than men (33.5% and 22.6%, p < 0.001). Initial revascularization was performed in 73.2% of patients, PCI was the initial revascularization attempt in 49.4% of patients, and PCI with stenting in 46.7%. Conclusion. Patient with a MI in Russian clinics is likely to have had a history of cardiovascular disease, and to have regular contact with the health care system within 12 months before the development of cardiovascular event. We demonstrated the high rates of appropriate MI treatment, without significant gender and age difference (except for thrombolysis), however, there is a reserve for increasing the proportion of patients who are undergoing revascularization
Методичні рекомендації щодо порядку та строків внесення до особової справи поліцейського відомостей про застосовані до нього заохочення та дисциплінарні стягнення : науково-методичні рекомендації
Методичні рекомендації щодо порядку та строків внесення до особової справи поліцейського відомостей про застосовані до нього заохочення та дисциплінарні стягнення: наук.-метод. рек. / О.І. Безпалова, О.В. Джафрова, С.О. Шатрава, В.Б. Пчелін, С.А. Резанов, В.С. Селюков, О.М. Галкіна, Л.С. Кацалап, Д.Є. Денищук, О.В. Погорілець, М.С. Сиромятнікова, Харків: Харк. нац. ун-т внутр. справ. 2019. 27 с.У науково-методичних рекомендаціях розкрито розуміння основних понять, порядку застосування заохочень, проведення службових розслідувань, застосування дисциплінарних стягнень та облік заохочень та стягнень в органах Національної поліції України.The understanding of the basic concepts, the procedure for the application of incentives, the conduct of official investigations, the application of disciplinary sanctions and the accounting of incentives and penalties in the bodies of the National Police of Ukraine are revealed.Раскрыто понимание основных понятий, порядка применения поощрений, проведение служебных расследований, применения дисциплинарных взысканий и учет поощрений и взысканий в органах Национальной полиции Украины
Науково-методичні рекомендації
Методичні рекомендації щодо типової форми висновку, складеного дисциплінарною комісією за результатами проведеного службового розслідування за фактом порушення поліцейським службової дисципліни : наук.-метод. рек. / [уклад.: Безпалова О.І., Джафарова О. В., Шатрава С. О. та ін.]; Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ, Наук.-досл. лаб. з проблем протидії злочинності, Каф. поліц. діяльності та публ. адміністрування. - Харків: ХНУВС, 2019. - 20 с.Методичні рекомендації відображають порядок оформлення висновку, складеного дисциплінарною комісією по результатам проведеного службового розслідування за фактом порушення поліцейським службової дисципліни. В рекомендаціях містяться відомості про нормативні документи, що регламентують здійснення службових розслідувань, зазначено порядок проведення, визначені особи, що беруть участь у процесі розслідування та їх повноваження, охарактеризовані функції дисциплінарних комісій тощо.The methodological recommendations reflect the procedure for drawing up an opinion drawn up by the disciplinary commission based on the results of an official investigation into the violation of official discipline by the police. The recommendations contain information about the normative documents governing the implementation of official investigations, the procedure for conducting it is indicated, the persons who take part in the investigation process and their powers are identified, the functions of the disciplinary commissions are described, and more.Методические рекомендации отражают порядок оформления заключения, составленного дисциплинарной комиссией по результатам проведенного служебного расследования по факту нарушения полицейским служебной дисциплины. В рекомендациях содержатся сведения о нормативных документах, регламентирующих осуществление служебных расследований, указан порядок проведения, определены лица, которые принимают участие в процессе расследования и их полномочия, охарактеризованы функции дисциплинарных комиссий и тому подобное
Protective Action of Xymedon on the Morphological Structures of the Pancreas of the Rat in Ischemia
© 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Pathologic processes associated with the effect of ischemia on the pancreas are not yet fully investigated and searching for ways of reduction of the damaging effect of ischemia for providing full organ regeneration are of certain interest. Protective properties of xymedone with regard to pathologic processes in pancreas were studied on a model of total ischemia created by ligation of the coeliac and cranial mesenteric artery for 0 to 90 min. Pathologic structural changes in the pancreas in case of ischemia lasting up to 30 min are minor and therefore fully reversible. On the contrary, ischemia duration of more than 60 min in the group of animals not injected with xymedone can be seen as critical. We conclude that prior intraperitoneal injection of xymedone in the dose of 3.3 mg/kg helps to delay the development of pathologic processes in pancreatic parenchyma by approximately 30 min
Музично-терапевтичні технології як складова змісту професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів
В статье рассмотрены педагогические возможности использования музыкально-терапевтических технологий как способа, позволяющего
воздействовать на эмоциональное состояние личности, а также содействующего приобретению новых знаний и практических умений в области искусства, накоплению опыта творческой деятельности и формированию коммуникативных способностей.In the article pedagogical possibilities of the use of musically-therapeutic technologies are considered as a method, allowing to affect the emotional state of personality, and also contributory infringement to acquisition of new knowledge and practical abilities in area of art, to the accumulation of experience of creative activity and forming of communicative capabilities
Analyzing the Effectiveness of Adipose Tissue Stem Cell and Microvesicle Therapy in Premature Skin Aging Caused by Chronic Exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation
© 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADSCs) and microvesicles (MVs) isolated from ADSCs are promising therapeutic agents for various pathological and physiological skin conditions. Investigate the effects of ADSC and MV therapy on skin regeneration under photoaging conditions in vivo. CD-1 mice were exposed to a course of UV radiation exposure for 6 weeks. After 4 weeks, the animals were injected by multiple intradermal punctures with ADSCs, MVs, or PBS. To analyze the effectiveness of ADSCs and MVs, changes in the microcirculation within the dorsal skin of the mice was assessed using laser Doppler flowmetry. Morphometric and morphological assessment of histological changes were also performed. No differences in skin perfusion were identified at 4 weeks post-injection of ADSCs and MVs. However, histological analysis showed treatment with ADSCs and MVs both led to a decrease in UV-mediated epidermal thickening and improved organization of the dermal layer. ADSC- and ADSC-MV-based therapy acts to prevent skin damage caused by UV photoaging
A Mediação como meio de resolução de litígios administrativos: Uma avaliação dos aspectos históricos e jurídicos
The purpose of the article is a scientific analysis regarding the understanding of the essence and content of mediation as one of the most effective means to resolve administrative and legal disputes, as well as the latest draft laws, developed by the Government of Ukraine regarding the regulation of the mediation procedure, are analyzed, as a result of which own comments are expressed and recommendations for improving their provisions are provided. The methodological basis of this article was the methods of scientific cognition, which are mostly used in legal science nowadays, namely: formal-legal, analytical and structural-functional.
The historical and legal aspects of the development of the institution of mediation are being analyzed in this work. Based on scientific sources, the essence of mediation has been clarified and the mediation procedure as one of the promising means to resolve administrative disputes has been analyzed. The impact of mediation on the quality of resolving administrative and legal disputes which occur between the subjects of administrative and legal relations is also determined.
The main principles of the mediation procedure are defined and characterized, in particular, such as voluntariness, confidentiality, "sincerity of the parties", neutrality. Proposals are provided regarding the intensification of the use of modern means of mediation during resolving administrative disputes. Emphasis is placed on the successful experience of a number of developed foreign countries in the researched area and the possibilities of its use in Ukraine. The authors conclude that the resolution of administrative disputes through the use of mediation is a quite effective means to resolve conflicts. One of the key advantages of this means is its voluntary and informal nature, which gives ample opportunities for negotiations to the disputing parties.