183 research outputs found

    The Evolving Diversity Rationale in University Admissions: From Regents v. Bakke to the University of Michigan Cases

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    Deep-space navigation applications of improved ground-based optical astrometry

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    Improvements in ground-based optical astrometry will eventually be required for navigation of interplanetary spacecraft when these spacecraft communicate at optical wavelengths. Although such spacecraft may be some years off, preliminary versions of the astrometric technology can also be used to obtain navigational improvements for the Galileo and Cassini missions. This article describes a technology-development and observational program to accomplish this, including a cooperative effort with U.S. Naval Observatory Flagstaff Station. For Galileo, Earth-based astrometry of Jupiter's Galilean satellites may improve their ephemeris accuracy by a factor of 3 to 6. This would reduce the requirements for onboard optical navigation pictures, so that more of the data transmission capability (currently limited by high-gain antenna deployment problems) can be used for science data. Also, observations of European Space Agency (ESA) Hipparcos stars with asteroid 243 Ida may provide significantly improved navigation accuracy for a planned August 1993 Galileo spacecraft encounter

    Systems analysis for ground-based optical navigation

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    Deep-space telecommunications systems will eventually operate at visible or near-infrared regions to provide increased information return from interplanetary spacecraft. This would require an onboard laser transponder in place of (or in addition to) the usual microwave transponder, as well as a network of ground-based and/or space-based optical observing stations. This article examines the expected navigation systems to meet these requirements. Special emphasis is given to optical astrometric (angular) measurements of stars, solar system target bodies, and (when available) laser-bearing spacecraft, since these observations can potentially provide the locations of both spacecraft and target bodies. The role of astrometry in the navigation system and the development options for astrometric observing systems are also discussed

    A decade of Australian Rural Clinical School graduates: Where are they and why?

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    Introduction: The Australian Rural Clinical School (RCS) initiative has been addressing the rural medical workforce shortage at the medical education level for over a decade. A major expectation of this initiative is that it will improve rural medical workforce recruitment and subsequent retention through a rurally based undergraduate clinical training experience. The longitudinal nature of these workforce initiatives means that definitive evidence of its impact on the shortage of rural doctors is yet to be provided; however, to date cross-sectional studies are accumulating a measure of efficacy for these initiatives by monitoring early career factors such as internship location choice and speciality choice of RCS graduates. This article reports on a study in one RCS that is monitoring the impact of rural undergraduate clinical training on trends in workforce participation patterns of its graduates as long as 9 years in the workforce. Career location and speciality choice are reported as well as perspectives on early career intentions and the reality of making career and life decisions as a doctor in the medical workforce

    Portable virtual vestibular stimulation

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    Observational detection of eclipses of J5 Amalthea by the Galilean satellites

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    We carried out observations of the small jovian satellite Amalthea (J5) as it was being eclipsed by the Galilean satellites near the 2009 equinox of Jupiter in order to apply the technique of mutual event photometry to the astrometric determination of this satellite's position. The observations were carried out during the period 06/2009-09/2009 from the island of Maui, Hawaii and Siding Spring, Australia with the 2m Faulkes Telescopes North and South respectively. We observed in the near-infrared part of the spectrum using a PanStarrs-Z filter with Jupiter near the edge of the field in order to mitigate against the glare from the planet. Frames were acquired at rates >1/min during eclipse times predicted using recent JPL ephemerides for the satellites. Following subtraction of the sky background from these frames, differential aperture photometry was carried out on Amalthea and a nearby field star. We have obtained three lightcurves which show a clear drop in the flux from Amalthea, indicating that an eclipse took place as predicted. These were model-fitted to yield best estimates of the time of maximum flux drop and the impact parameter. These are consistent with Amalthea's ephemeris but indicate that Amalthea is slightly ahead of, and closer to Jupiter than, its predicted position by approximately half the ephemeris uncertainty in these directions. We argue that a ground-based campaign of higher-cadence photometry accurate at the 5% level or better during the next season of eclipses in 2014-15 should yield positions to within 0".5 and affect a corresponding improvement in Amalthea's ephemeris.Comment: Published in A&A in 2010; 6 pages, 2 figures, 3 table

    Systematic grid-wise radon concentration measurements and first radon map in Cyprus

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    A systematic study of the indoor airborne radon concentration in the central part of the Nicosia district was conducted, using high-sensitivity active radon portable detectors of the type "RADIM3A". From a total of 108 measurements in 54 grids of 1 km^2 area each, the overall mean value is 20.6 \pm 13.2 Bq m^-3 (A.M.\pm S.D.). That is almost twice less than the corresponding average worldwide value. The radon concentration levels in drinking water were also measured in 24 sites of the residential district, using the high-sensitivity radon detector of the type "RADIM3W". The mean value obtained from these measurements is 243.8 \pm 224.8 mBq L^-1, which is relatively low compared to the corresponding internationally accepted level. The associated annual effective dose rates to each measurement were also calculated and compared to the corresponding worldwide values. From the geographical coordinates of the measuring sites and the corresponding radon concentration values, the digital radon map of the central part of the Nicosia district was constructed for the first time, by means of the ArcMap software package.Comment: 21 pages including 2 tables and 8 figure