8 research outputs found

    Soins obstétricaux d'urgence et mortalité maternelle dans les maternités de troisième niveau du Cameroun : approche évaluative d'une intervention visant à améliorer le transfert obstétrical et la prise en charge des complications maternelles

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    Despite numerous initiatives undertaken by health authorities in the past years, maternal mortality remains a major public health issue in Cameroon. Against this background, research was conducted (i) to determine the maternal mortality patterns in 7 tertiary maternity centers in Cameroon, (ii) to document various stages of an intervention for improving referral system and the management of obstetric emergencies and (ii) evaluate the effect of these measures on maternal mortality and propose future actions. The research was conducted in three phases. A retrospective review of the aggregate data for the period 2004-2006 was performed including all births, obstetric complications, caesarean sections and maternal deaths. Then 33 months intervention has been set up in 22 peripheral maternities and in three tertiary maternity centers where maternal mortality was very high. The evaluation of the intervention was made using the quasi-Experimental design. This method combined the pre- and post- intervention study as well as the study of the maternities where there was intervention compared to the control group. Two years after the intervention, maternal deaths recorded in the target tertiary maternity centers decreased by more than half (P = 0.000001). The case fatality rate decreased from 2.2 to 0.7% in the same group (P = 0.000001). Moreover, the number of deaths among referred women decreased significantly and the case fatality rate was less than 1%. The research findings highlight the impact of capacity building providers, improvement of the referral system and quality of care on maternal mortality.Malgré de nombreuses initiatives entreprises par le gouvernement au cours des dernières années, la mortalité maternelle demeure un véritable fléau au Cameroun. Pour cette raison, une recherche a été conduite pour déterminer l'ampleur de la mortalité maternelle dans les 7 maternités de troisième niveau du Cameroun, décrire les différentes étapes d'une intervention visant à améliorer le système de référence et la prise en charge des urgences obstétricales et évaluer son effet sur la mortalité maternelle.La recherche a été menée en trois phases. Une revue rétrospective des données agrégées de la période 2004 à 2006 a été réalisée incluant tous les accouchements, les complications obstétricales, les césariennes et les décès maternels. Ensuite une intervention de 33 mois a été mise en place dans 22 maternités périphériques ainsi que dans 3 maternités de troisième niveau où la mortalité maternelle était importante. L'évaluation de l'intervention a été faite à travers la méthode quasi expérimentale combinant l'étude avant-Après à l'étude ici-Ailleurs. Deux ans après l'intervention, les décès maternels enregistrés dans les 3 maternités cibles avaient diminué de plus de la moitié (P=0,000001). Le taux de létalité des complications obstétricales observé dans les mêmes maternités est passé de 2,2 à 0,7% (P=0,000001). Par ailleurs, le nombre de décès observés chez les femmes référées avait diminué et le taux de létalité était inférieur à 1%. Les résultats de la recherche mettent en évidence les conséquences du renforcement des compétences des prestataires, de l'amélioration du système de référence et de la qualité des soins sur la mortalité maternelle

    Emergency obstetric care and maternal mortality in tertiary maternity centers in Cameroon : an approach to evaluate an intervention aiming at improving the obstetric referral and the management of maternal complications

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    Malgré de nombreuses initiatives entreprises par le gouvernement au cours des dernières années, la mortalité maternelle demeure un véritable fléau au Cameroun. Pour cette raison, une recherche a été conduite pour déterminer l'ampleur de la mortalité maternelle dans les 7 maternités de troisième niveau du Cameroun, décrire les différentes étapes d'une intervention visant à améliorer le système de référence et la prise en charge des urgences obstétricales et évaluer son effet sur la mortalité maternelle.La recherche a été menée en trois phases. Une revue rétrospective des données agrégées de la période 2004 à 2006 a été réalisée incluant tous les accouchements, les complications obstétricales, les césariennes et les décès maternels. Ensuite une intervention de 33 mois a été mise en place dans 22 maternités périphériques ainsi que dans 3 maternités de troisième niveau où la mortalité maternelle était importante. L'évaluation de l'intervention a été faite à travers la méthode quasi expérimentale combinant l'étude avant-Après à l'étude ici-Ailleurs. Deux ans après l'intervention, les décès maternels enregistrés dans les 3 maternités cibles avaient diminué de plus de la moitié (P=0,000001). Le taux de létalité des complications obstétricales observé dans les mêmes maternités est passé de 2,2 à 0,7% (P=0,000001). Par ailleurs, le nombre de décès observés chez les femmes référées avait diminué et le taux de létalité était inférieur à 1%. Les résultats de la recherche mettent en évidence les conséquences du renforcement des compétences des prestataires, de l'amélioration du système de référence et de la qualité des soins sur la mortalité maternelle.Despite numerous initiatives undertaken by health authorities in the past years, maternal mortality remains a major public health issue in Cameroon. Against this background, research was conducted (i) to determine the maternal mortality patterns in 7 tertiary maternity centers in Cameroon, (ii) to document various stages of an intervention for improving referral system and the management of obstetric emergencies and (ii) evaluate the effect of these measures on maternal mortality and propose future actions. The research was conducted in three phases. A retrospective review of the aggregate data for the period 2004-2006 was performed including all births, obstetric complications, caesarean sections and maternal deaths. Then 33 months intervention has been set up in 22 peripheral maternities and in three tertiary maternity centers where maternal mortality was very high. The evaluation of the intervention was made using the quasi-Experimental design. This method combined the pre- and post- intervention study as well as the study of the maternities where there was intervention compared to the control group. Two years after the intervention, maternal deaths recorded in the target tertiary maternity centers decreased by more than half (P = 0.000001). The case fatality rate decreased from 2.2 to 0.7% in the same group (P = 0.000001). Moreover, the number of deaths among referred women decreased significantly and the case fatality rate was less than 1%. The research findings highlight the impact of capacity building providers, improvement of the referral system and quality of care on maternal mortality

    Emergency obstetric care and maternal mortality in tertiary maternity centers in Cameroon : an approach to evaluate an intervention aiming at improving the obstetric referral and the management of maternal complications

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    Malgré de nombreuses initiatives entreprises par le gouvernement au cours des dernières années, la mortalité maternelle demeure un véritable fléau au Cameroun. Pour cette raison, une recherche a été conduite pour déterminer l'ampleur de la mortalité maternelle dans les 7 maternités de troisième niveau du Cameroun, décrire les différentes étapes d'une intervention visant à améliorer le système de référence et la prise en charge des urgences obstétricales et évaluer son effet sur la mortalité maternelle.La recherche a été menée en trois phases. Une revue rétrospective des données agrégées de la période 2004 à 2006 a été réalisée incluant tous les accouchements, les complications obstétricales, les césariennes et les décès maternels. Ensuite une intervention de 33 mois a été mise en place dans 22 maternités périphériques ainsi que dans 3 maternités de troisième niveau où la mortalité maternelle était importante. L'évaluation de l'intervention a été faite à travers la méthode quasi expérimentale combinant l'étude avant-Après à l'étude ici-Ailleurs. Deux ans après l'intervention, les décès maternels enregistrés dans les 3 maternités cibles avaient diminué de plus de la moitié (P=0,000001). Le taux de létalité des complications obstétricales observé dans les mêmes maternités est passé de 2,2 à 0,7% (P=0,000001). Par ailleurs, le nombre de décès observés chez les femmes référées avait diminué et le taux de létalité était inférieur à 1%. Les résultats de la recherche mettent en évidence les conséquences du renforcement des compétences des prestataires, de l'amélioration du système de référence et de la qualité des soins sur la mortalité maternelle.Despite numerous initiatives undertaken by health authorities in the past years, maternal mortality remains a major public health issue in Cameroon. Against this background, research was conducted (i) to determine the maternal mortality patterns in 7 tertiary maternity centers in Cameroon, (ii) to document various stages of an intervention for improving referral system and the management of obstetric emergencies and (ii) evaluate the effect of these measures on maternal mortality and propose future actions. The research was conducted in three phases. A retrospective review of the aggregate data for the period 2004-2006 was performed including all births, obstetric complications, caesarean sections and maternal deaths. Then 33 months intervention has been set up in 22 peripheral maternities and in three tertiary maternity centers where maternal mortality was very high. The evaluation of the intervention was made using the quasi-Experimental design. This method combined the pre- and post- intervention study as well as the study of the maternities where there was intervention compared to the control group. Two years after the intervention, maternal deaths recorded in the target tertiary maternity centers decreased by more than half (P = 0.000001). The case fatality rate decreased from 2.2 to 0.7% in the same group (P = 0.000001). Moreover, the number of deaths among referred women decreased significantly and the case fatality rate was less than 1%. The research findings highlight the impact of capacity building providers, improvement of the referral system and quality of care on maternal mortality

    Improving health worker motivation and performance to deliver adolescent sexual and reproductive health services in the Democratic Republic of Congo: study design of implementation research to assess the feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of a package of interventions

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    During its last funding cycle from 2018–2020, the Global Fund in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, World Health Organization, and implementing partners Cordaid and Santé Rural (SANRU), implemented a multi-sectoral, contextualized approach to improve the sexual and reproductive health of adolescent girls and young women in two regions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which included community-based, school-based and health facility-based actions. This implementation research focuses on the health-facility component. The objective of this research is to evaluate the feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of a package of interventions to improve health workers’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes in providing sexual and reproductive health services to adolescents, whilst concomitantly creating an enabling work environment for building health workers’ motivation. The package includes a combination of job descriptions, training and refresher training, desk reference tools, and collaborative learning. The package did not focus on improving amenities, providing or repairing equipment, or providing medicines and supplies. The underlying theoretical framework informing the project and the implementation research draws from Social Network Theory, Diffusion of Innovations and Normalization Process Theory. Qualitative and quantitative process and outcome data from in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with health workers and health managers, field notes, monitoring reports, costing sheets, and health worker surveys, adolescent mystery client assessments, and exit interviews with adolescents will be collected as part of a time-series study. The findings from this implementation research will be utilized to inform future adaptations and/or scale-up of the package of interventions to improve health worker motivation and performance in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and elsewhere. The findings will also contribute to advancing the use of theoretical approaches within the field of implementation research

    Improving skills and institutional capacity to strengthen adolescent immunisation programmes and health systems in African countries through HPV vaccine introduction

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    Several African countries have recently introduced or are currently introducing the HPV vaccine, either nationwide or through demonstration projects, while some countries are planning for introduction. A collaborative project was developed to strengthen country adolescent immunisation programmes and health systems in the African Region, addressing unique public health considerations of HPV vaccination: adolescents as the primary target group, delivery platforms (e.g. school-based and facility based), socio-behavioural issues, and the opportunity to deliver other health interventions alongside HPV vaccination.Following a successful âtaking-stockâ meeting, a training programme was drafted to assist countries to strengthen the integration of adolescent health interventions using HPV vaccination as an entry point. Two workshops were conducted in the Eastern and Southern African Regions. All countries reported on progress made during a final joint symposium.Of the 20 countries invited to participate in either of the workshops and/or final symposium, 17 countries participated: Angola, Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, Seychelles, South Africa, South Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Countries that are currently implementing HPV vaccination programmes, either nationally or through demonstration projects, reported varying degrees of integration with other adolescent health interventions. The most commonly reported adolescent health interventions alongside HPV vaccination include health education (including sexually transmitted infections), deworming and delivering of other vaccines like tetanus toxoid (TT) or tetanus diphtheria (Td).The project has successfully (a) established an African-based network that will advocate for incorporating the HPV vaccine into national immunisation programmes; (b) created a platform for experience exchange and thereby contributed to novel ideas of revitalising and strengthening school-based health programmes as delivery platform of adolescent immunisation services and other adolescent health interventions, as well as identifying ways of reaching out-of-school girls through facility and community based programmes; and (c) laid a foundation for incorporating future adolescent vaccination programmes. Keywords: HPV vaccination, Adolescent health, Africa, Capacity building, School-based vaccination, New vaccine introductio

    Effectiveness of a participatory approach to develop school health interventions in four low resource cities: study protocol of the ‘empowering adolescents to lead change using health data’ cluster randomised controlled trial

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    Introduction Comprehensive local data on adolescent health are often lacking, particularly in lower resource settings. Furthermore, there are knowledge gaps around which interventions are effective to support healthy behaviours. This study generates health information for students from cities in four middle-income countries to plan, implement and subsequently evaluate a package of interventions to improve health outcomes.Methods and analysis We will conduct a cluster randomised controlled trial in schools in Fez, Morocco; Jaipur, India; Saint Catherine Parish, Jamaica; and Sekondi-Takoradi, Ghana. In each city, approximately 30 schools will be randomly selected and assigned to the control or intervention arm. Baseline data collection includes three components. First, a Global School Health Policies and Practices Survey (G-SHPPS) to be completed by principals of all selected schools. Second, a Global School-based Student Health Survey (GSHS) to be administered to a target sample of n=3153 13–17 years old students of randomly selected classes of these schools, including questions on alcohol, tobacco and drug use, diet, hygiene, mental health, physical activity, protective factors, sexual behaviours, violence and injury. Third, a study validating the GSHS physical activity questions against wrist-worn accelerometry in one randomly selected class in each control school (n approximately 300 students per city). Intervention schools will develop a suite of interventions using a participatory approach driven by students and involving parents/guardians, teachers and community stakeholders. Interventions will aim to change existing structures and policies at schools to positively influence students’ behaviour, using the collected data and guided by the framework for Making Every School a Health Promoting School. Outcomes will be assessed for differential change after a 2-year follow-up.Ethics and dissemination The study was approved by WHO’s Research Ethics Review Committee; by the Jodhpur School of Public Health’s Institutional Review Board for Jaipur, India; by the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research Institutional Review Board for Sekondi-Takoradi, Ghana; by the Ministry of Health and Wellness’ Advisory Panel on Ethics and Medico-Legal Affairs for St Catherine Parish, Jamaica, and by the Comité d’éthique pour la recherche biomédicale of the Université Mohammed V of Rabat for Fez, Morocco. Findings will be shared through open access publications and conferences.Trial registration number NCT04963426