9 research outputs found

    Uma nova espécie de Paralithoxus é descrita do rio ajarani, um pequeno tributário da bacia do Rio Branco, Estado de Roraima, Amazônia Brasileira

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    A new species of Paralithoxus is described from the Ajarani River, a small tributary of the Branco River basin, Roraima State, Brazilian Amazon. The genus Paralithoxus comprises species described from the Essequibo drainage in Guyana, Approuague and Maroni in French Guiana, Suriname River in Surinam, and more recently, from Jari and Amapá rivers, in Brazil. Despite occurring in a rock-bottomed fast-flowing stream as the other species of Paralithoxus, this is the first species of the genus collected at 900 m altitude, in the Serra da Mocidade highlands, an isolated and poorly accessible small mountain chain at the southern border of the Guiana Shield. The new species is distinguished from its congeners by having truncate teeth, color pattern with green spots on dark olive-brown background, alternating dark and light blotches on fins and by the pelvic fin being as long as or longer than the pectoral fin. Sex dimorphism of the species is described. Comments on morphology and osteology are provided and compared with congeners. © 2019 Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia

    Análise multicritério para a seleção de uma área de conservação na maior savana da Amazônia

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    A maior área contínua de savana do Bioma Amazônia situa-se no estado de Roraima sendo conhecida localmente como Lavrado. Este trabalho apresenta o método estabelecido por gestores, e pesquisadores analistas ambientais para indicar áreas potenciais para a conservação do Lavrado baseada em multicritérios quantitativos que deveriam: (1) valorizar a heterogeneidade da paisagem, (2) considerar as propostas de uso do solo do Zoneamento Ecológico Econômico de Roraima (ZEE-RR) e (3) facilitar o processo de gestão e fiscalização de uma unidade de conservação (UC). Doze critérios e seus indicadores quantitativos foram definidos para calcular o valor de conservação das áreas considerando a representatividade dos indicadores e o peso atribuído para cada critério. Três regiões foram pré-selecionadas pela baixa ocupação do solo. A Serra da Lua obteve maior pontuação (15,18), seguida pela Serra do Tucano (10,35) e Rio Jauari (9,81). Os pontos somados nos três principais critérios (área de lavrado, insubstituibilidade das fitofisionomias e heterogeneidade da paisagem) igualam as regiões em termos de valor ecológico. Os critérios relacionados à gestão de UC foram imprescindíveis para o desempate das áreas. A região da Serra da Lua se destacou por apresentar 69% da sua área indicada para conservação no zoneamento estadual. A falta de dados atualizados sobre o uso da terra e de dados sistematizados sobre biodiversidade foram as principais dificuldades enfrentadas nesta avaliação. Esse estudo representa a primeira iniciativa conhecida de integração de órgãos de gestão ambiental e pesquisa para indicar uma área de conservação no estado de Roraima a partir de critérios quantitativo

    Parque Nacional Serra da Mocidade: Notas sobre os aspectos históricos, identidade paisagística e rotas fluviais

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    O Parque Nacional Serra da Mocidade faz parte de um mosaico de unidades de conservação localizados na região do baixo rio Branco, estado de Roraima, norte da Amazônia brasileira. Como é uma área de difícil acesso, os estudos científicos relacionados à região são escassos e esporadicamente disponibilizados, não refletindo a real importância geográfica, histórica e ecológica dessa região da Amazônia. Desta forma, este trabalho possui como objetivo apresentar o resultado de uma expedição científica-exploratória realizada ao Parque Nacional Serra da Mocidade, dispondo todas as informações coletadas sobre os aspectos geográficos, históricos, identidade paisagística e principais rotas fluviais. Essa visibilidade é importante porque providencia uma base histórica e geográfica de informações para os grupos de trabalho que estão atualmente desenvolvendo estudos sobre diferentes aspectos ambientais do Parque, permitindo melhor planejamento científico em função do prévio conhecimento das feições paisagísticas e rotas de acesso

    Health Risk Assessment Attributed to Consumption of Fish Contaminated with Mercury in the Rio Branco Basin, Roraima, Amazon, Brazil

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    The aim of this study was to assess the health risk attributable to the consumption of mercury-contaminated fish for the urban and non-urban populations living in the Roraima state, Amazon, Brazil. Seventy-five fish specimens distributed across twenty different species, comprising four trophic levels (i.e., herbivore, omnivore, detritivore, and carnivore), were collected at four locations in the Branco River Basin. The fish samples were sent to the Toxicology Laboratory at Evandro Chagas Institute to determine the total-Hg levels by using the cold vapor atomic system (CVAAS). The total-Hg levels ranged from 0 to 3.159 µg/g. The average concentration in non-carnivorous species (n = 32) was 0.116 µg/g, and among carnivorous fish (n = 43), it was 0.869 µg/g. The weighted average of contamination levels for all samples was 0.545 µg/g. The health risk assessment was conducted according to the methodology proposed by the World Health Organization and different scenarios of human exposure were considered, based on three levels of fish consumption (low: 50 g/day; moderate: 100 g/day and high: 200 g/day). Women of childbearing age ingest 5 to 21 times more mercury than the dose considered safe by the U.S. EPA and intake a dose from 2 to 9 times higher than the safe dose proposed by FAO/WHO. Children under 5 years of age ingest from 18 to 75 times the dose proposed by the U.S. EPA and from 8 to 32 more mercury than the limit proposed by FAO/WHO. In summary, regardless of the level of fish consumption, type of residency (urban or non-urban), and the subset of the population analyzed, anyone who consumes fish from the locations sampled is at high risk attributable to mercury ingestion, with the only exception of adult men, who consume an average of 50 g of fish per day

    The Silent Threat of Non-native Fish in the Amazon: ANNF Database and Review

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    Non-native fish (NNF) can threaten megadiverse aquatic ecosystems throughout the planet, but limited information is available for the Amazon Region. In this study we review NNF data in the Amazonian macroregion using spatiotemporal records on the occurrence and the richness of NNF from a collaborative network of 35 regional experts, establishing the Amazon NNF database (ANNF). The NNF species richness was analyzed by river basin and by country, as well as the policies for each geopolitical division for the Amazon. The analysis included six countries (Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela, and Colombia), together comprising more than 80% of the Amazon Region. A total of 1314 NNF occurrence records were gathered. The first record of NNF in this region was in 1939 and there has been a marked increase in the last 20 years (2000–2020), during which 75% of the records were observed. The highest number of localities with NNF occurrence records was observed for Colombia, followed by Brazil and Bolivia. The NNF records include 9 orders, 17 families and 41 species. Most of the NNF species are also used in aquaculture (12 species) and in the aquarium trade (12 species). The most frequent NNF detected were Arapaima gigas, Poecilia reticulata and Oreochromis niloticus. The current data highlight that there are few documented cases on NNF in the Amazon, their negative impacts and management strategies adopted. The occurrence of NNF in the Amazon Region represents a threat to native biodiversity that has been increasing “silently” due to the difficulties of large-scale sampling and low number of NNF species reported when compared to other South American regions. The adoption of effective management measures by decision-makers is urgently needed and their enforcement needed to change this alarming trend and help protect the Amazon’s native fish diversity.

    Containment measures

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    OBSOLETE (project finished) - Description of containment measures during COVID'19 lockdown, in the context of SIlent Cities project. Please request access to Silent Cities if neede

    Archived - General Information (DO NOT USE)

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    DO NOT USE - The goal of this component was to document the data collection process of the Silent Cities Dataset. This component is just left for archive