57 research outputs found

    Exploring the 7p22.1 Chromosome as a Candidate Region for Autism

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    A high incidence of de novo chromosomal aberrations in a population of persons with autism suggests a causal relationship between certain chromosomal aberrations and the occurrence of autism. A previous study on a Tunisian boy carrying a t(7;16) translocation identified the 7p22.1 as a positional candidate region for autism on chromosome 7. The characterization of the chromosomal breakpoints helped us to identify new candidate regions on chromosome 16p11.2 which contain no known genes and the other one on 7p22.1 containing a portion of genes (NP 976327.1, RBAK, Q6NUR6 also called RNF216L and MMD2). We proposed Q6NUR6 (RNF216L) as a candidate gene for autism due to its vicinity to the translocation breakpoint on the chromosome derivative 7. Q6NUR6 is predicted to be an E3ubiquitin-ligase. Quantitative PCR demonstrates that Q6NUR6 gene has an ubiquitous expression and that it is strongly expressed in fetal and adult brain. The Q6NUR6 expression is increased in the patient blood cells in comparison to controls. This is the first report of Q6NUR6 gene (E3 ubiquitin ligase TRIAD3 EC 6.3.2) increasing blood levels in a patient with autism. It's probably caused by a position effect involving this gene and modifying its expression

    De Novo Balanced Translocation t (7;16) (p22.1; p11.2) Associated with Autistic Disorder

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    The high incidence of de novo chromosomal aberrations in a population of persons with autism suggests a causal relationship between certain chromosomal aberrations and the occurrence of isolated idiopathic autism. We report on the clinical and cytogenetic findings in a male patient with autism, no physical abnormalities and a de novo balanced (7;16)(p22.1;p16.2) translocation. G-banded chromosomes and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) were used to examine the patient's karyotype as well as his parents'. FISH with specific RP11-BAC clones mapping near 7p22.1 and 16p11.2 was used to refine the location of the breakpoints. This is, in the best of our knowledge, the first report of an individual with autism and this specific chromosomal aberration

    Mutation screening of ASMT, the last enzyme of the melatonin pathway, in a large sample of patients with intellectual disability.

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Intellectual disability (ID) is frequently associated with sleep disorders. Treatment with melatonin demonstrated efficacy, suggesting that, at least in a subgroup of patients, the endogenous melatonin level may not be sufficient to adequately set the sleep-wake cycles. Mutations in ASMT gene, coding the last enzyme of the melatonin pathway have been reported as a risk factor for autism spectrum disorders (ASD), which are often comorbid with ID. Thus the aim of the study was to ascertain the genetic variability of ASMT in a large cohort of patients with ID and controls. METHODS: Here, we sequenced all exons of ASMT in a sample of 361 patients with ID and 440 controls. We then measured the ASMT activity in B lymphoblastoid cell lines (BLCL) of patients with ID carrying an ASMT variant and compared it to controls. RESULTS: We could identify eleven variations modifying the protein sequence of ASMT (ID only: N13H, N17K, V171M, E288D; controls only: E61Q, D210G, K219R, P243L, C273S, R291Q; ID and controls: L298F) and two deleterious splice site mutations (IVS5+2T>C and IVS7+1G>T) only observed in patients with ID. We then ascertained ASMT activity in B lymphoblastoid cell lines from patients carrying the mutations and showed significantly lower enzyme activity in patients carrying mutations compared to controls (p = 0.004). CONCLUSIONS: We could identify patients with deleterious ASMT mutations as well as decreased ASMT activity. However, this study does not support ASMT as a causative gene for ID since we observed no significant enrichment in the frequency of ASMT variants in ID compared to controls. Nevertheless, given the impact of sleep difficulties in patients with ID, melatonin supplementation might be of great benefit for a subgroup of patients with low melatonin synthesis

    Identification et études fonctionnelles de nouveaux gÚnes impliqués dans l'autisme et les déficiences mentales

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    L autisme et les déficiences mentales (DM) sont deux pathologies dont les causes sont encore mal connues. L objectif de notre travail est d apporter des éléments de réponse sur les causes de ces deux pathologies grùce à l étude des remaniements chromosomiques apparus de novo chez des sujets autistes et/ou retardés par la stratégie de clonage positionnel. Ainsi, nous avons identifié un nouveau gÚne GPD2 , rompu par une translocation réciproque équilibrée présente chez une fillette atteinte d une déficience mentale. Cette rupture a pour conséquences une diminution du taux de transcrit du gÚne ainsi qu une diminution de l activité enzymatique de la protéine. Nous avons également étudié una autre translocation chez un patient atteint d autisme. Deux gÚnes ont été identifiés et sont en cours d analyse. Enfin, nous avons mis en évidence une nouvelle mutation de novo dans la région promotrice du gÚne NLGN4X chez un garçon atteint d autisme et de déficience mentale profonde.Autism and mental deficiency (MD) are complex disorders with a strong genetic background. To identify candidate genes, the physical mapping of balanced chromosomal aberrations is a powerful strategy since several genes have been characterized in numerous disorders. Using this strategy, we identified a novel gene GPD2 disrupted by a translocation appeared de novo in a girl with MD. The disruption of this gene leads to a decreased level of GPD2 transcripts as well as a decreased activity of the encoded protein. The study of a second translocation appeared de novo in a boy with autism enabled us to identify two candidate genes which are currently under studies. Lastly, we identified a de novo mutation located at the promoter region of the NLGN4X gene and associated with overexpression of NLGN4X transcript in a boy with autism and profound mental retardation.TOURS-BU Médecine (372612103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    L’apport de la gĂ©nĂ©tique Ă  la comprĂ©hension des origines de l’autisme

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    Les progrĂšs de la gĂ©nĂ©tique, des neurosciences cognitives, des sciences de l’éducation, de l’imagerie cĂ©rĂ©brale ont transformĂ© la comprĂ©hension des origines et de la nature des troubles du spectre de l’autisme (TSA), appelĂ©s aussi troubles envahissants du dĂ©veloppement (TED). En consĂ©quence les pratiques recommandĂ©es pour l’accompagnement de ces personnes ont radicalement changĂ©.À la dĂ©couverte de l’autisme expose l’état actuel des connaissances scientifiques sur l’autisme, la situation des personnes avec autisme en France, ainsi que les recommandations de bonnes pratiques de la Haute autoritĂ© de santĂ© (HAS) et quelques fondements de ces recommandations.Cet ouvrage est le fruit d’un travail collectif et s’adresse Ă  un large public s’intĂ©ressant aux troubles du spectre de l’autisme : parents, enseignants, personnels soignants – mais aussi Ă©lus, et toute personne appelĂ©e Ă  rencontrer, intervenir, ou organiser l’accompagnement de personnes avec autisme. Il rassemble, dans un langage simple, les points de vue de personnes avec autisme, de parents, de mĂ©decins, de professionnels mĂ©dico-sociaux, de chercheurs et d’enseignants

    Obésité syndromique - syndrome MOMO - et translocation réciproque homozygote t(16;20)(q21;p11.23) (caractérisation des points de cassure et recherche de gÚnes)

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    Il existe un grand nombre de syndromes génétiques dans lesquels l obésité représente un des critÚres diagnostiques les plus importants. Le syndrome MOMO (Macrosomia, Obesity, Macrocephaly, Ocular Abnormalities) est un syndrome ayant comme signe majeur une obésité morbide avec probable hyperphagie. Nous avons identifié une translocation réciproque équilibrée héritée à l état homozygote chez un patient porteur d un syndrome MOMO. Cette observation exceptionnelle permet de poser l hypothÚse d un mode héréditaire autosomique récessif et de localiser deux points de cassure en 16q21 et 20p11.23 susceptibles de posséder un gÚne impliqué dans ce syndrome. Nous avons caractérisé les points de cassure par FISH, LR-PCR et séquençage. La responsabilité de cinq gÚnes candidats, RP5-872K7.2, NKX2-2, FOXA2, CDH8 et C20ORF19 a été investiguée chez ce patient et sur une cohorte de sujets porteurs d un phénotype compatible.There are a great number of genetic syndromes in which obesity represents one of the most important diagnostic criteria. The MOMO syndrome (Macrosomia, Obesity, Macrocephaly, and Ocular Abnormalities) is an overgrowth syndrome characterized by a morbid obesity with probable hyperphagia. We identified a balanced reciprocal translocation inherited as homozygous in a patient with MOMO syndrome. This exceptional observation allows to suggest a recessive autosomic hereditary mode and to localize the two breakpoints in 16q21 and 20p11.23, which likely to harbour a gene implied in this syndrome. We characterized the breakpoints by FISH, LR-PCR and sequencing. The responsibility for five candidate genes, RP5-872K7.2, NKX2-2, FOXA2, CDH8, and C20ORF19 was investigated in this patient and on a group of subjects carrying a compatible phenotype.TOURS-BU Médecine (372612103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Le syndrome FG (recherche des gÚnes impliqués)

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    TOURS-BU MĂ©decine (372612103) / SudocPARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF
