41 research outputs found

    Growth and Value Effect on Jakarta Islamic Index: Analysis towards Performance of Sharia Equity Mutual Fund

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    This study provides evidence that value and stocks’ growth able to explain Net Asset Value of Shariah Mutual Fund. It is important for investment managers and investors to estimate future profit or loss that may happen on their mutual funds prior they venture into the investment platform. This study therefore is conducted to prove that factors including value and growth may affect the future profit of Shariah Mutual Funds. Based on quantitative analysis with secondary data from companies indexed in the Jakarta Islamic Index and Sharia Mutual Fund from year 2013 to 2017, it is found that both growth and value of stock have equally affected the profit of Sharia Mutual Funds. In addition, growth of stock has a larger R-Square than its value which means that the investors or fund managers would need to observe the stock growth more often than its value in order to predict future profitability of Shariah funds.  It is expected that the results of this study can provide additional insight to investment managers when choosing a portfolio for investors. For investors, this information is useful to predict the risk and return that they will receive from the investment

    The Cooperative Establishment Program as a Capital Solution for Fishermen in Surabaya

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    This community service activity aims to provide training and assistance to the Nambangan and Cumpat fishermen group at KedungCowek Village, Kenjeran Sub-district, Surabaya. These programs are focused on solving the management problems of a fishermen cooperative. Fishermengroups are given training for establishing the cooperative legal entity and assistance for preparing the establishment documents. These fishermen group’s training and assistance activities are considered effective in solving management problems in a cooperative way by the fishermen group namedKoperasi 64 Bahari Surabaya. The result of this program is the collection of documents for the establishment of a cooperative legal entity at the Koperasi 64 Bahari Surabaya. These programs also increase the trust of the Nambanganand Cumpat fishermen groups towards the cooperative. It is evidenced by the significant increase in total member savings since December 2019

    Faktor Dominan pada Indeks Inklusi Perbankan Syariah Sektor Pertanian di Indonesia

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    The importance of financial inclusion in Islamic Bank is not only affordable for business level, but also agricultural sector. Indonesian Islamic banking as one of the providers of financial services continued to grow, but its market share is still small compared with conventional banking. Therefore financial inclusion Islamic banking, especially in reaching out to the agriculture sector, need to be improved. This study aims to measure the value of financial inclusion Islamic banks in Indonesia province in reaching the agricultural sector, both provincial and district or city. Indexing method factor analysis (Principal Component Analysis) using 14 indicators that have been adapted to the concept of Financial Inclusion Index (FII). Data correlated with Islamic Financial Institution availability can be divided into two factors which are of Islamic banking (including Islamic windows of the conventional bank) and Islamic Rural Bank. The result of the analysis is indicating that the most dominant factor provided by Islamic banking (including Islamic windows of conventional Bank). The result also present the highest index score reached by West Java Province and East Java, while the lowest index score reached by East Nusa Tenggara and West Papua Province.Keuangan inklusi bagi bank syariah sangatlah penting, bukan hanya memberikan pembiayaan pada sektor bisnis namun juga untuk sektor pertanian. Bank syariah di Indonesia sebagai salah satu lembaga keuangan yang terus berkembang memiliki potensi untuk mengembangkan keuangan inklusi walaupun pangsa pasar dari bank syariah masih lebih kecil dibandingkan konvensional. Keberadaan keuangan inklusi di bank syariah khususnya pada sektor pertanian masih perlu ditingkatkan Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur nilai keuangan inklusi di bank syariah pada sektor pertanian di seluruh provinsi yang ada di Indonesia, baik pada level provinsi, kabupaten dan kota. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode index faktor analisis (analisis komponen prinsip) dengan 14 indikator yang diadaptasi dari konsep Indeks Inklusi Keuangan. Data-data berkenaan dengan lembaga keuangan Islam yang tersedia dapat dibagi menjadi dua factor, yaitu faktor yang berkaitan dengan bank syariah (termasuk unit usaha syariah) dan Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang paling dominan adalah faktor yang berkaitan dengan bank syariah dan unit usaha syariah. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa angka indeks tertinggi diraih oleh provinsi Jawa Barat dan Jawa Timur, sedangkan angka indeks terendah diraih oleh provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur dan Papua Barat

    Diversitas Produk Anti Polutan Dan Marketing E-Bisnis Pada Desa Maesan, Kec. Mojo Kediri

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    Maesan Village is located in Mojo District, Kediri Regency, East Java Province. In this village, there are farmer groups who have major problems, including in this case pollution due to the use of tin waste, secondly it is still dependent on middlemen who provide low interest prices so they need a way to release dependence on middlemen, third is about financial records. With the case study method of the Kembang Karomah farmer group, in this community service, the solution that will be discussed in this paper is product diversity to increase selling prices, then e-marketing to cut middlemen, when providing insights for recording financial reports. The results of this research and community service are that the Kemabang Karomah farmer group is able to increase their knowledge of human resources and is ready to diversify products to anti-pollutant plants, and be able to use e-marketing applications

    Islamic Economic Students Knowledge and Attitude Toward Halal Pharmacy Product in East Java, Indonesia

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    A Muslim has a limitation in consuming or wearing something. A Muslim is only permitted to consume something halal, either in food, drink, clothes, even finance. In the pharmaceutical industry, the standard of Halal Pharmaceutical is the most crucial document that should be followed to standardize the quality and the safety of halal. This research will analyze the knowledge and attitude of Islamic economics students who have the basic knowledge about halal and analyze how their attitude to the halal pharmacy. The research method is qualitative, with a literature review and descriptive analysis data from the questioner. Information on the label will influence the choices before buying and or consuming the medicine on the customer site. Consumers prefer to choose medicine with a halal label so that it will also benefit industries that have halal labels. But, in halal pharmacy, customers still hard to applied halal things in medicine; even though customers understand about halal, customers' attitude does not imply the principle of halal in the medicine

    The role of financial factors and non-financial factors on corporate bond and sukuk rating Indonesia

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    Purpose – This study aims to analyze the determinants of ratings of corporate bonds and sukuk issued by firms listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the 2013–2019 period. Design/methodology/approach – This study uses a quantitative approach by testing hypotheses and using logistic regression. Ordinal logistic endogenous (or dependent) variables (Y) in ordinal logistics use data in the form of levels (ordinal scale). Independent (or exogenous) variables (X), include financial and nonfinancial factors for dependent (or endogenous) variables (Y), namely, of corporate bonds and sukuk ratings. There are two approaches to the study they are Logit and Gompit (Negative Log-Log. The population of the study is Indonesian companies listed on the IDX that issued bonds and sukuk for the 2013–2019 periods. The sampling technique is purposive. In total, 16 corporate companies adhering to the above criteria and issuing bonds and sukuk were chosen. In total, 270 types of bonds and 280 types of sukuk were selected as samples. Findings – The results of the Logit and Gompit regression show that leverage ratio, firm size, security structure and maturity date are important determinants of corporate bond ratings while profitability and liquidity ratios appear to have no influence on the rating. In the case of sukuk, profitability, liquidity and maturity date play important roles in influencing the corporate sukuk rating. However, there is no evidence to suggest that leverage ratio, company size and security structure may affect sukuk ratings. Research limitations/implications – For both sukuk and bond issuers, it is necessary to pay attention to the factors that may affect the ratings. Specifically, Sukuk issuers need to pay attention to the return of asset, current ratio, growth and structure. On the other hand, bond issuers need to consider depth to equity, structure and maturity. As for investors, the findings of this study reveal that both bond and sukuk ratings reflect their performance. Practical implications – This study provides useful information for investors that allows them to assess the risk of sukuk or bonds chosen based on rating and financial performance. Originality/value – The novelty of this study lies in its econometric methodology used to identify factors which influence sukuk and bond ratings. Specifically, this study used two different techniques that allow a robust conclusion to be drawn. Furthermore, this study provides a systematic analysis which allows comparison between factors which affect bond and sukuk ratings in Indonesia

    Atitudes of Consumers Toward Islamic and Conventional Ctredit Cards in Indonesia

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    This study aims to analyze the attitudes of consumers towards Islamic and conventional credit cards. Using online questionnaire survey data from 51 respondents in Surabay, East Java, the study revealed that most consumers possesed credit cards because of their convienience factor, relationship with their existing bank, and card salesmen. Therefore, thr sale is the most powerful way to invite the community to have an islamic credit card. Many customers do not care wether their credit cards are islamic based or not, as long as the salesmen promoted cards to them and the cards are able to meet their personal needs, especially for sales and purchase transactions online they will utilize the cards. The large number of Muslim in Surabaya should be a share of lucrative market for Islamic credit cards. Therefore, the education about the Islamic manner of consumption and the dangers of usury should be promoted in Surabaaya


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    This study aims at determining the differences holding period of sharia commercial banks and conventional commercial banks on the IDX. This study uses a purposive sampling method, and from the specified criteria there were 7 samples gained from 3 Islamic Commercial Banks and 4 Conventional Commercial Banks that meet the criteria and can be used as samples. The data used is in the form of daily reports obtained from the IDX website from 2018 until 2019. The results of this study show the differences holding period in the Sharia Commercial Banks and Conventional Commercial Banks where holding period of conventional are longer than sharia. From the results of the study, it appears that investors are not faithful with Islamic stocks, investors consider the risks and benefits of investing

    Diversitas Marketing dengan Praktek SEO pada Produk Bisnis di Pondok Pesantren Ploso, Mojo Kediri

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    Desa Ploso terletak di Kecamatan Mojo Kabupaten Kediri provinsi Jawa Timur. Di desa ini terdapat pondok pesantren Al-Falah yang sampai sekarang menganut sistem manajemen tradisional. Pengembangan skill wirausaha dirasa perlu untuk dikembangkan mengingat potensi dan pengaruh pondok pesantren yang luas dalam masyarakat. Sebetulnya santri memiliki potensi untuk membantu perekonomian masyarakat sekitar, dengan cara memasarkan produk potensial dari Kediri dan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi yang sudah ada. Dengan adanya teknologi Search Engine Optimization (SEO), diharapkan para santri dapat memiliki skill lebih (bukan hanya ilmu agama) dan bisa membantu masyarakat sekitar pondok. Hasil dari penelitian kali ini adalah masih perlunya pendidikan tambahan berupa pelatihan dan workshop yang serupa dari pihak luar agar para santri mampu memiliki bekal skill yang cukup diluar ilmu agama. Dismaping itu sarana dan prasarana pondok masih sangat kurang untuk perkembangan ilmu dibidang marketing dan teknologi

    Indonesian Islamic Commercial Banks’ Efficiency: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis

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    Islamic banks in Indonesia are continuously experiencing a rapid growth; thus, it results in a competitive financial sector. Consequently, maintaining an excellent performance is a prerequisite to gain customers’ trust and loyalty, one of the ways is enhancing productivity and efficiency performance. Drawing on this issue, the present study aims to examine the efficiency of Islamic banks listed in the Financial Services Authority (OJK) in the period of 2015 to 2019. Employing Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) as a parametric approach, this study measured the efficiency level of cost and profit efficiency of the Indonesian Islamic commercial banks. The data were a cross-section and panel data obtained from financial reports established by seven Indonesian Islamic commercial banks. The result of frontier analysis on the efficiency costs showed that the value of sharia banks’ average efficiency in Indonesia was approximately 93.41%, while the efficiency of profit resulted in 55.35%. These results suggest that Islamic banks tend to be efficient in controlling costs from the year of 2015 to 2019. It is a worth saying that this study’s results contribute to providing fruitful insights for Islamic banks to increase their efficiency by controlling their cost of production such as the cost of funds and cost of operation