37 research outputs found

    Right, Left, High, Low: Narrative Strategies For Non–Linear Storytelling

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    Based on studies of affect, and on theoretical works concerning spatial semantics by Yuri Lotman, Mikhail Bakhtin, Michel Foucault and others, spatial story design provides a seven step algorithm of story development for inter- active audio-visual narrative. Following spatial semantics and its application in interactive storytelling, the author no longer creates the protagonist, his or her want or need, nor con- trols the story arc. Instead, spatial story design allows the author(s) to make the formative cre- ative decisions by designing a narrative space, and spatial dynamics that then translate into user generated storylines. Spatial story design serves as a framework for interdisciplinary col- laborations, and can be used to not only create interactive digital narrative but also screenplays, improvisational theatre, 360°  lms, and walk-in story world experiences for a number of users in either live or holographic virtual reality spac- es. Spatial story design could inspire creators of interactive narrative, storytellers in time-based media, and possibly also technology developers for authoring tools

    Advanced Metal Contamination Analysis for High Efficiency Solar Cell Manufacturing

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    AbstractIn view of the increasing importance of wafer surface purity for the manufacturing of high efficiency cells we present here a sensitive method for the quantitative determination of wafer surface contaminations. Our results show that the detection limits are sufficient for process control in solar cell manufacturing. Particularly, the analysis and recovery of Cu is regarded, which may – besides Fe – play an important role in the degradation of surface and interface quality of high efficiency solar cells

    Fluorine loss determination in bioactive glasses by laser‐induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS)

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    Fluoride‐containing bioactive glasses and glass‐ceramics in the SiO 2 ‐P 2 O 5 ‐CaO‐CaF 2 system are of great interest for dental applications, where the precipitation of fluorapatite supports tooth remineralization. Fluorine quantification in those glasses is key to estimate thermal properties and crystallization tendency. This work presents a study on fluorine determination by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) in four melt‐derived glass powders with varying P 2 O 5 concentrations. LIBS enables fluorine quantification with a reduced analysis time, minimal to no sample preparation, and high spatial resolution. The fluorine calibration curve was obtained from CaF 2 and SiO 2 mixtures as reference samples, and the fluorine loss upon glass melting has been determined as a function of P 2 O 5 content. The P 2 O 5 ‐free glass shows the lowest fluorine loss (13%), with HF volatilization likely being responsible for the loss. By contrast, the glass with the highest P 2 O 5 content (11.33 wt%) exhibits the largest fluorine loss (55%), owing to additional mechanisms involving the volatilization of phosphorus species like POF 3

    Influence of Ocean Acidification on a Natural Winter-to-Summer Plankton Succession : First Insights from a Long-Term Mesocosm Study Draw Attention to Periods of Low Nutrient Concentrations

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    Every year, the oceans absorb about 30% of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) leading to a re-equilibration of the marine carbonate system and decreasing seawater pH. Today, there is increasing awareness that these changes-summarized by the term ocean acidification (OA)-could differentially affect the competitive ability of marine organisms, thereby provoking a restructuring of marine ecosystems and biogeochemical element cycles. In winter 2013, we deployed ten pelagic mesocosms in the Gullmar Fjord at the Swedish west coast in order to study the effect of OA on plankton ecology and biogeochemistry under close to natural conditions. Five of the ten mesocosms were left unperturbed and served as controls (similar to 380 mu atm pCO(2)), whereas the others were enriched with CO2-saturated water to simulate realistic end-of-the-century carbonate chemistry conditions (mu 760 mu atm pCO(2)). We ran the experiment for 113 days which allowed us to study the influence of high CO2 on an entire winter-to-summer plankton succession and to investigate the potential of some plankton organisms for evolutionary adaptation to OA in their natural environment. This paper is the first in a PLOS collection and provides a detailed overview on the experimental design, important events, and the key complexities of such a "long-term mesocosm" approach. Furthermore, we analyzed whether simulated end-of-the-century carbonate chemistry conditions could lead to a significant restructuring of the plankton community in the course of the succession. At the level of detail analyzed in this overview paper we found that CO2-induced differences in plankton community composition were non-detectable during most of the succession except for a period where a phytoplankton bloom was fueled by remineralized nutrients. These results indicate: (1) Long-term studies with pelagic ecosystems are necessary to uncover OA-sensitive stages of succession. (2) Plankton communities fueled by regenerated nutrients may be more responsive to changing carbonate chemistry than those having access to high inorganic nutrient concentrations and may deserve particular attention in future studies.Peer reviewe

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    Play Episode

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    Im frĂŒhen 20. Jahrhundert begeisterten sich die Menschen fĂŒr Rekorde aller Art, fĂŒr die Geschwindigkeit der Eisenbahn, des Autos: schneller, schneller ... in die Zukunft. Die Futuristen riefen: "Wir erklĂ€ren, dass sich die Herrlichkeit der Welt um eine neue Schönheit bereichert hat: die Schönheit der Geschwindigkeit". Der sonderbare Eindruck des RĂŒckwĂ€rtslaufens der EisenbahnrĂ€der in der filmischen Aufnahme, der die menschliche Wahrnehmung verunsichert, traf im Kino auf die Freud'sche Traumanalyse. Traumbilder und Projektionen im Kinosaal formten ein neues ErzĂ€hlmantra. Das große Versprechen des 20. Jahrhunderts war der Kommunismus - ein Kinotraum. Heute scheint es, dass uns die Geschwindigkeitsfantasien des 20. Jahrhunderts ĂŒberholt haben. WĂ€hrend sich zwischen den Jahren 1500 und 1900 das Wissen der Menschheit nur etwa alle hundert Jahre verdoppelte, geschieht dies heute alle fĂŒnf Jahre - Tendenz steigend. Datenströme fließen in Echtzeit, Verkehrsströme haben sich vervielfacht. Unser Zeitbegriff klingt im Echoraum von updating nach. Zeit wird wahrgenommen als eine Art ewig andauernde Gegenwart. Der Begriff temporality ersetzt den Begriff time. Unsere Vorstellung von Zeit ist nicht mehr an eine Abfolge einzelner Schritte geknĂŒpft, sondern ein Fluss permanenter VerĂ€nderung. Diesem Zeitbegriff entspricht eine ErzĂ€hlform, die keinen Anfang und kein Ende hat, vielmehr einen Fluss von VerĂ€nderungskrisen, von Episoden und Staffeln beschreibt - die serielle ErzĂ€hlung im Fernsehen. Eine Staffel, die ĂŒbergeben wird und weiterlĂ€uft oder, wie im Englischen der Begriff season, auf den ewigen Fluss der wechselnden Jahreszeiten verweist

    Animal Husbandry, Tragedy, and the Patriarchal Psychosis

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    Localization of Inorganic Impurities in Silicon Samples by Sequential Etching and ICP-MS Detection

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    AbstractThe investigation of trace elemental contaminations in silicon material is of major interest as it has detrimental impacts for further process steps. Thus, the detection of surface impurities in silicon samples was investigated by sequential etching steps followed by ICP-MS measurements. Due to variations of etching solutions containing HCl, HF and HNO3 trace element contents could be assigned to different layers of silicon samples, like the outer surface, the silicon oxide and the sub-oxide layer as well as the bulk material. The method is not only suitable for silicon wafers but can also be adapted to powdery samples like etched silicon nanowires and kerf silicon. In this study, we show exemplarily the sequential etching procedure for metallurgical silicon powder samples. This method enables the layer dependent quantification of impurities in silicon samples