321 research outputs found


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    The article discloses the problem of interactive technologies application at Ukrainian and German higher educational establishments that has been under study for the last twenty years. The definition of the notion “interactive technologies” and different interpretations of this concept that were given by Ukrainian and foreign scholars are highlighted. The peculiarities and varieties of interactive technologies (simulations, role-games, discussions, debates, cooperative and group learning, brainstorming, projects, graffiti, synthesis of ideas, collaborative work, fishbowl, roundabout and others) are brought to light.The article singles out similarities and differences of interactive technologies application in Ukraine and Germany. The author emphasizes on the organization of interactive activities at the lectures, the purpose of use of each kind of interactive technology in Ukrainian and German educational process. The detailed study, analyses and comparison of experience of foreign language teachers training in the above-mentioned countries are carried out

    Лісабонський договір і напрями та тенденції внутрішнього реформування ЄС на початку ХХІ ст. (Lisbon Treaty and the direction and trends of EU’s internal reform at the beginning of XXI Century)

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    Cтаттю присвячено аналізу Лісабонського договору та напрямів і тенденцій внутрішнього реформування ЄС на початку ХХІ ст . Дається стислий аналіз змін в інституційному устрої та праві ЄС, запроваджених Лісабонським договором (The article deals with the analysis of Lisbon Treaty and the direction and trends of EU’s internal reform at the beginning of XXI Century. The author consideres questions of major changes in the EU institutional and legal structure after the Lisbon Treaty takes effect

    A Review of the Eastern Partnership after Ten Years: the Need to Reconsider its Efficacy

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    This article analyses the effectiveness and prospects of the Eastern Partnership in the context of its ten-year implementation and the results of the Brussels Summit of 2017. The paper focuses on the current stage of the progress of the EaP partner states and the internal challenges of their development. A significant part of the article is devoted to Russia’s influence on the Europeanisation process of the Eastern European countries and the weak incentives from the EU towards these countries. The Normative Power concept was used to analyse the EU-Eastern European countries bi- and multilateral relations within the Eastern Partnership co-operation, taking into consideration that the EU norms and regulations’ implementation in Eastern Europe do not guarantee political normalisation in these countries. We conclude that after ten years of functioning, the Eastern Partnership has little capacity to influence political elite, domestic and regional processes in Eastern Europe, because depoliticised functional approach and the EU long-term incentives are not enough for the partners

    Modulating effects of bioactive water Naftussya from layers Truskavets’ and Pomyarky on some metabolic parameters

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    Background. Previously we have been carry out comparative investigation immediate effects of Bioactive Water Naftussya from layers Truskavets’, Pomyarky and Skhidnyts’a on neuro-endocrine-immune complex at men with its dysfunction. The aim of this study is the influence of the use of the course of Bioactive Water Naftussya from layers Truskavets’ and Pomyarky on some metabolic parameters at similar patients. Materials and methods. The object of observation were 20 volunteers: ten women and ten men aged 33-76 years without clinical diagnose but with dysfunction of neuroendocrine-immune complex and metabolism. In daily urine and venous blood we determined the content of electrolytes, nitrogenous metabolites and lipids. After examination volunteers within 7 days used bioactive water Naftussya (250 mL three times a day) from Truskavets’ or Pomyarky layer, then repeated the tests listed. Results. Weekly use of Bioactive Water Naftussya increases in the normal level of plasma chloride and sodium, normalizes low level of bicarbonate and decreases within the normal levels of potassium and phosphate. Urinary excretion of sodium and chloride increases while excretion and concentration of uric acid decreases, as the urine concentration of phosphates. The index lithogenicity urine decreased from 112% to 103% norm standard. Initially reduced level of plasma triacylglycerides increases, while decreases in the normal level of cholesterol in low-density lipoprotein composition. No significant differences between the effects of Bioactive Water Naftussya both fields generally not found. Conclusion. Bioactive water Naftussya both Truskavets’ and Pomyarky layers causes favorable normalizing effects on abnormalities parameters of metabolism, which is a manifestation of its adaptogenic properties.Тижневе вживання Нафтусі підвищує в межах норми рівень в плазмі хлориду і натрію, нормалізує знижений рівень бікарбонату та знижує в межах норми рівні калію і фосфату. Екскреція з сечею хлориду і натрію зростає, а сечової кислоти – знижується, при цьому знижується і її концентрація, як і концентрація фосфатів. Попри відсутність суттєвих змін концентрацій в сечі креатиніну, кальцію і магнію, розрахований на їх основі початково підвищений індекс літогенності сечі нормалізується, знижуючись від 0,82±0,04 до 0,76±0,02, тобто від 112% норми (0,73±0,04) до 103% норми. Початково знижений рівень триацилгліцеридів підвищується від 66% норми до 80 % норми, натомість знижується в межах норми рівень холестерину в складі ліпопротеїнів низької густини. Суттєвих відмінностей між ефектами Нафтусі обох родовищ в цілому не виявлено.Недельное применение Нафтуси повышает в пределах нормы уровень в плазмехлорида и натрия, а такженормализует сниженный уровень бикарбоната и снижает в пределах нормы уровни калия и фосфата. Экскреция с мочой хлорида и натрия возрастает, а мочевой кислоты - снижается, при этом снижается и ее концентрация, как и концентрация фосфатов. Несмотря на отсутствие существенных изменений концентраций в моче креатинина, кальция и магния, рассчитанный на их основе изначально повышенный индекс литогенности мочи нормализуется, снижаясь от 0,82 ± 0,04 до 0,76 ± 0,02, то есть от 112% нормы (0, 73 ± 0,04) до 103% нормы. Изначально сниженный уровень триацилглицеридов повышается от 66% нормы до 80% нормы, зато снижается в пределах нормы уровень холестерина в составелипопротеинов низкой плотности. Существенных различий между эффектами Нафтуси обоих месторождений в целом не выявлено

    Yevheniya Borysivna Tykhomyrova

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    У біобібліографічному покажчику висвітлено життєвий і творчий шлях українського науковця, професора, доктора політичних наук, завідувача кафедри міжнародної інформації Східноєвропейського національного університету імені Лесі Українки – Євгенії Борисівної Тихомирової. Уміщено бібліографію праць науковця, що охоплюють період від 1982 до 2013 рр., а також біографічні дані та вітання колег. Бібліографічний опис видань оформлено згідно з чинними стандартами. Адресовано науковцям, викладачам, аспірантам, студентам. The bio-bibliographical index highlights the life and the career of the Ukrainian scientist, doctor, professor, the Head of the International Information Chair of Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University – Yevheniya Borysivna Tykhomyrova. The papers of the scientist are presented in the bibliographic order, covering the period from 1982 tо 2013. The issue contains the biographic information and colleagues’ greetings as well. The bibliographical description of the publications is compiled in accordance with the valid standards. The book is appointed to scholars, teachers, post-graduates, students

    Зміст особистісної готовності майбутнього соціального педагога до профілактичної діяльності

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    Автором статті визначена суть особистісної готовності майбутнього педагогічного працівника до професійної діяльності, вказаний комплекс якостей і рівні, що визначають професійну готовність майбутнього соціального педагога до профілактики вживання ПАР. By the author of the article defined essence of personality readiness future pedagogical worker to professional activity, the indicated complex of qualities and levels, that determine professional readiness of future social teacher to the prophylaxis of the use of drugsРоботу виконано на кафедрі соціальної педагогіки Східноєвропейського національного університету імені Лесі Українк

    Danyliuk Nina Oleksiivna : bio-bibliographical index

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    Біобібліографічний покажчик підготовлено до ювілею доктора філологічних наук, професора кафедри української мови Східноєвропейського національного університету імені Лесі Українки – Ніни Олексіївни Данилюк. Уміщено бібліографію праць науковця, що охоплюють період від 1982 до 2018 рр., а також біографічний нарис. Видання доповнене допоміжними покажчиками. Бібліографічний опис видань оформлено згідно з чинними стандартами. Для наукових працівників, викладачів, аспірантів, студентів

    Differences between the effects of water Naftussya from fields of Truskavets’ and Pomyarky on the parameters of the EEG, HRV, immunity and metabolism

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    Background. In previous studies involving subjects of both sexes with dysfunction of the neuroendocrine-immune complex, we found that the weekly use of Naftussya as Truskavets’ and Pomyarky deposits generally has the same effect on its parameters.The purpose of this study is to identify the differences between the effects of water of these deposits. Material and research methods. Observations were conducted with the participation of 22 volunteers with a clinical diagnosis chronic pyelonephritis with dysfunction of the neuroendocrine-immune complex and metabolism. At first, they collected a daily urine, which determined the content of electrolytes and nitrogen metabolites, and then in the morning they started taking samples of capillary and venous blood for biochemical, hormonal and immune assays, as well as registering the HRV and EEG. After the initial survey, 10 volunteers spent 7 days drinking water Naftussya from the Pomyarky (NP) deposit, while the remaining 12 from Truskavets deposit (NT) (250 ml three times a day), after which the above tests repeated. Results. The use of NP does not affect the symmetrical theta-and delta-rhythms, as well as causes the right asymmetry of the alpha-rhythm, whereas NT causes the left-hand asymmetry of all three rhythms. Increased asymmetry of alpha-rhythm and amplitude of delta-rhythm under the influence of NP decreases to normal, whereas NT causes even more deviation of these parameters from the norm. The use of NP reduces both the normal spectral power (SP) of VLF band of HRV and the increased SP of LF band without affecting the normal SP of HF band. Instead, NT increases the SP of LF and HF bands without affecting the VLF band. The described differences in neurotropic effects are accompanied by a more pronounced increase in blood levels of active T-lymphocytes and T-killers and more pronounced stimulation of NP intensity of phagocytosis by neutrophils of Staph. aureus and E. coli, as well as the activity and completeness of phagocytosis the latter's. This leads to a somewhat more pronounced reduction of bacteriuria. Conclusion. The revealed differences, apparently, are due to differences in the composition of organic substances and autochthonous microflora

    Comparative investigation of immediate effects on neuro-endocrine-immune complex of bioactive water Naftussya from layers Truskavets’, Pomyarky and Skhidnyts’a. Communication 1. Generic effects

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    Sydoruk Nadiya O, Zukow Walery. Comparative investigation of immediate effects on neuro-endocrine-immune complex of bioactive water Naftussya from layers Truskavets’, Pomyarky and Skhidnyts’a. Communication 1. Generic effects. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(8):85-101. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.59762http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/3734   The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2016;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 02.07.2016. Revised 25.07.2016. Accepted: 28.07.2016.  COMPARATIVE INVESTIGATION OF IMMEDIATE EFFECTS ON NEURO-ENDOCRINE-IMMUNE COMPLEX OF BIOACTIVE WATER NAFTUSSYA FROM LAYERS TRUSKAVETS’, POMYARKY AND SKHIDNYTS’A.Communication 1. GENERIC EFFECTS Nadiya O Sydoruk1, Walery Zukow2 1JSC “Dnipro-Beskyd”, Truskavets’, Ukraine   [email protected] of Physical Education, Health and Tourism, Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, Poland  [email protected] Abstracts Background. Ukraine has a number of fields Bioactive Water Type “Naftussya” focused on the Ukrainian Carpaty: Truskavets’, Skhidnytsya, Shklo, Mrazhnytsya, Opaka, Mizun’, Selyatyn, Guta etc and Podillya: Sataniv, Husyatyn, Makiv etc. Until now conducted comparative studies of their effects only on clinical symptoms as well as excretion of urine and bile. The aim of this study – compare immediate effects of Bioactive Water Naftussya from layers Truskavets’, Pomyarky and Skhidnyts’a on neuro-endocrine-immune complex. Methods. The object of observation were 15 volunteers-men without clinical diagnose but with moderate disfunction of neuroendocrine-immune complex (disadaptation). In basal conditions and after drinking Control (distillated, filtered, well) and Bioactive Waters recorded EEG (“NeuroCom Standard”) and HRV (“Cardiolab+VSR”). In blood counted up Leukocytogram, on the basis of which determined Popovych’s Adaptation Index and Strain Index. In serum of venous blood determined content of principal adaptation Hormones: Cortisol, Testosterone and Triiodothyronine (ELISA) as well as Na+ and K+ (flaming photometry) for evaluation of Mineralocorticoide activity. Immune status evaluated on a set of I and II levels recommended by the WHO. Results. Observed cohort characterized disadaptation documented high frequentlyties of Disharmonious General Adaptation Reactions (53,7%) as well as Distress (11,1%), decreased Popovych’s Adaptation Index, plasma level of Triiodothyronine, Vagal tone, Completeness of Phagocytose, blood level of “Active”, Theophilline resistance and CD4+ T-Lymphocytes, CD16+ NK-Lymphocytes as well as IgA while increased Popovych’s Strain Index, plasma level of Cortisol, Mineralocorticoide activity, Bayevskiy’s Stress and Activity Regulatory Systems Indexes, Sympathetic tone, blood level of CD8+ T-Lymphocytes as well as IgM. By method od discriminant analysis it is detected 38 variables specific to Basal level and after 1,5 h after drink Control Waters (CW) and Bioactive Waters Naftusssya (BAWN). Discriminant variables divided on four clusters. First cluster reflects caused by BAWN reversion of activating trend after CW for 17 variables (changes in Euklidian Units relative to Basal Level makes -0,14±0,03 and +0,45±0,06 respectively) while second cluster reflects reversion of inhibiting trend for 12 variables (changes relative to Basal Level makes +0,38±0,09 and -0,20±0,07 respectively). Information about these 29 variables condensed in major canonical root (62,6% discriminant properties). Means of its makes for Basal Level (n=54) +0,05±0,13 Mahalanobis’ Units, after CW (n=15) -3,10±0,31 while after BAWN in total (n=39) +1,12±0,20, separately for layers Truskavets’ (n=12) +1,28±0,28, Pomyarky (n=12) +1,13±0,28 and Skhidnyts’a (n=15) +0,99±0,29. Third cluster reflects attenuation of activating trend for 4 variables (changes relative to Basal Level makes +0,47±0,08 and +0,25±0,02 respectively) while fourth cluster reflects reduction of inhibiting trend for 5 variables (changes relative to Basal Level makes -0,31±0,04 and -0,10±0,03 respectively). Information about these 9 variables condensed in minor canonical root (37,4% discriminant properties). Means of its makes for Basal Level +1,03±0,14, for CW -0,94±0,20, for layers Truskavets’ -1,03±0,30, Pomyarky -1,28±0,28 and Skhidnyts’a -0,93±0,30. Conclusion. Bioactive Water Naftussya from layers Truskavets’, Pomyarky and Skhidnyts’a causes approximately equal immediate effects on 29 parameters of neuro-endocrine-immune complex different from effects of Control (distillated, filtered, well) Waters. Keywords: Bioactive Water Naftussya, EEG, HRV, Cortisol, Testosterone, Triiodothyronine, Leukocytogram, Immunity

    Bortnikov Valerii Ivanovych : Bio-bibliographical Guide

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    У біобібліографічному покажчику висвітлено життєвий і творчий шлях відомого українського науковця, доктора політичних наук, професора, завідувача кафедри політології та державного управління Східноєвропейського національного університету імені Лесі Українки – Валерія Івановича Бортнікова. Уміщено бібліографію праць науковця, що охоплюють період від 1982 до 2015 рр. та біографічний нарис. Бібліографічний опис видань оформлено згідно з чинними стандартами. Для наукових працівників, викладачів, аспірантів, студентів.The bio-bibliographical index highlights the life and the career of the Ukrainian scientist, doctor of political sciences, professor, head of the department of political science and public administration at the Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University – Valerii Ivanovych Bortnikov. The papers of the scientist are presented in the bibliographic order, covering the period from 1982 tо 2015 and the issue contains the biographic information. The bibliographical description of the publications is compiled in accordance with the valid standards. The book is appointed to scholars, teachers, post-graduates, students