53 research outputs found

    Aapplication of endoscopic ultrasound probes for the morphological diagnosis of peripheral lung tumors

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of thin ultrasonic probes to search and verification of peripheral lung tumors. Materials and Methods: In 2016, the Chelyabinsk oncologic dispensary, outpatient phase, bronchoscopy was performed 323 using the ultrasonic probe of 20 MHz with a view to finding and verifying peripheral tumors. Results: Ultrasound imaging of tumors reached 168 (52%) of the total number of the bronchoscope with a mini ultrasound probes. Histological verification was obtained in 93 (55%) patients. Conclusion: The use of ultrasound probes as a supplement routine bronchoscopy for the purpose ultrasound imaging tumors and to obtain material for histological examination is a highly informative method in 55% of cases, it allows to verify the process of outpatient.Цель исследования - оценить эффективность применения тонких ультразвуковых зондов для поиска и верификации периферических новообразований лёгких. Материалы и методы. В 2016 году в Челябинском онкологическом диспансере, на амбулаторном этапе, было выполнено 323 бронхоскопии с применением ультразвуковых 20 МГц зондов с целью поиска и верификации периферических новообразований. Результаты. Ультразвуковая визуализация новообразований достигнута и произведена биопсия новообразования лёгкого у 168 (52%) пациентов. Гистологическая верификация получена у 93 (55%) больных. Заключение. Применение ультразвуковых зондов как дополнение рутинной бронхоскопии с целью визуализации новообразования и получения материала для гистологического исследования является высокоинформативным методом и в 55 % случаев позволяет верифицировать процесс на амбулаторном этапе

    Biocompatible fluorescent silicon nanocrystals for single-molecule tracking and fluorescence imaging.

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    Fluorescence microscopy is used extensively in cell-biological and biomedical research, but it is often plagued by three major problems with the presently available fluorescent probes: photobleaching, blinking, and large size. We have addressed these problems, with special attention to single-molecule imaging, by developing biocompatible, red-emitting silicon nanocrystals (SiNCs) with a 4.1-nm hydrodynamic diameter. Methods for producing SiNCs by simple chemical etching, for hydrophilically coating them, and for conjugating them to biomolecules precisely at a 1:1 ratio have been developed. Single SiNCs neither blinked nor photobleached during a 300-min overall period observed at video rate. Single receptor molecules in the plasma membrane of living cells (using transferrin receptor) were imaged for ≥10 times longer than with other probes, making it possible for the first time to observe the internalization process of receptor molecules at the single-molecule level. Spatial variations of molecular diffusivity in the scale of 1-2 µm, i.e., a higher level of domain mosaicism in the plasma membrane, were revealed

    Exciton localization in doped Si nanocrystals from single dot spectroscopy studies

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    Large-scale vortical flows arising in shearflows of stellar accretion disks with Keplerian azimuthal velocitydistributions is investigated. The two reasons of thedevelopment of large-scale instability is shown: hydrodynamicalinstability and magnetorotational instability (MRI).The presence of large-scale structures leads to angularmomentumredistribution in the disk.Large-scale vortical flows arising in shear flows of stellar accretion disks with Keplerian azimuthal velocity distributions is investigated. The two reasons of the development of large-scale instability is shown: hydrodynamical instability and magnetorotational instability (MRI). The presence of large-scale structures leads to angularmomentum redistribution in the disk.

    Staff management, conflicts, communication in the company SIA “Prieks Ture”

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    Bakalaura darba temats ir uzņēmumu personāla vadība, konflikti, komunikācija uzņēmumā SIA ”Prieks Tūre”. Darba mērķis ir apskatīt to būtību, svarīgumu organizācijas darbībā uz uzņēmuma SIA “Prieks Tūre” piemēra, kā arī izanalizēt iespējas uzlabot uzņēmuma iekšējo komunikāciju. Uzņēmums darbojas tūrismā sfērā, nodrošina gan avio lidojumus, gan autobusu tūres. Salīdzinājumā ar citam tūrisma firmām SIA “Prieks Tūre” cenšas piedāvāt klientiem īpaši pievilcīgās cenas saglabājot pakalpojuma augsto kvalitāti, veido piedāvājumus izvērtējot viņu vēlmes. Uzņēmumā tiek nodarbināti ap 40 cilvēki, 10 no viņiem strādā ofisā un viņiem ir tiešā saskarsmē ar vadītāju. Izmantojot teorētiskas zināšanas sniegt priekšlikumus uzņēmuma labvēlīgas un funkcionālas sistēmas izveidošanai, kas ierobežos kļūdainu lēmumu pieņemšanu, attīstīs organizācijas darbinieku komunikācijas prasmes un ļaus veidot efektīvu uz mērķu sasniegšanu orientētu darba komandu. Bakalaura darbā teorētiskā daļā tiek apskatītas: •personāla vadības pieejas, kā arī vadītāju tipi un to salīdzināšana; •komunikācijas veidi organizācijā; • iespējamas barjeras tajos; • veidi kā uzlabot komunikāciju, un kas nepieciešams labākas komunikācijas attīstībai; •konfliktu rašanas iemesli un kā izvairīties no tiem. Bakalaura darba praktiskajā daļā autore analizē darba organizāciju uzņēmuma SIA “Prieks Tūre” komunikācijas attīstību starp darbiniekiem un iespējamo konfliktu rašanas iemeslus, kas traucē pilnvērtīgam darbam. Darba gaitā tika izveidota aptaujas anketa par komunikāciju svarīgumu uzņēmumā ar kuras palīdzību tiek veikta sakrāto rezultātu analīze.Bachelor work subject is a corporate employee’s management, conflicts, communication in the company SIA ’’Prieks Ture”. The work objective is to examine the nature of the operation in the company SIA “Prieks Ture”, for example, as well as to analyse the opportunities to improve the internal communications. The company operates in the field of tourism offering flights and the bus tours. Compared to other tourism companies SIA “Prieks Ture” tries to offer to the customer’s reasonable prices while maintaining high quality of service, where they taking in consideration customer wishes. The company employs around 40 people, 10 of them working in the office and they have direct contact with the company managing director. Using theoretical knowledge to present proposals to the company that will offer friendly and functional system, that will enables making wrong decisions, develops companies’ employee’s communication skills and will creates achievement driven team. The theoretical part of bachelor work discuses: •employees management approach and the managing directors types and their comparison; •communication types in the company; •possible barriers they are facing; •ways to improve communications and what is needed for it improvement •reasons for a conflicts and how to avoid them. In the practical part of bachelor work an author analyses work organisation in the company SIA “Prieks Ture”, communication between employees and the potential reasons for a conflict, which hinders work efficiently. During course work questionnaire has been created on the basis of importance of communication in the company, it results has been used analysed

    Exciton localization in doped Si nanocrystals from single dot spectroscopy studies

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    The results of low-temperature photoluminescence characterization of single silicon nanocrystals prepared from highly doped silicon-on-insulatorwafers are presented. The effect of B, P, As, and Sb impurities on ensemble as well as individual emission spectra are determined by comparison with the line shapes of undoped nanocrystals. From the statistical analysis of the luminescence spectra, the donor ionization energies for nanocrystals emitting in the range of 1.5-2.0 eV are estimated to be 140-200 meV, while the exciton-impurity binding energy for As- and Sb-doped nanocrystals is found to be about 40-45 meV.QC 20120921</p