103 research outputs found

    Experiencing Design “Pleasures”: Framework for Pleasurable Experiences On Designed Objects

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    This paper explores the importance of human perceptual experiences toward objects, an effort to understand how human (as users of object) experiencing pleasures when interacting with a designed object. Having the purpose to explore the theoretical structure of human and object interaction, the paper contextualizes the concept of pleasurable experience in product use by (1) understanding the conceptual traces of “pleasure in design” in the history of design thinking (e.g. modernism and post-modernism), (2) correlating the identified traces with research results from other related field (e.g. cognitive psychology) to clarify the conceptual mechanism of human pleasurable experience, and (3) synthesizing results to define the theoretical framework in assessing pleasurable experience when human interact with a designed object. Following the path of Patrick Jordan’s theory on the pleasure in human factors, the study indicates that there are four identified functions of pleasure in product use: pleasure of using, pleasure of interacting, pleasure of understanding, and pleasure of owning. Those dimensions represent the experiential aspect of arousal (on the continuum of temporal – perpetual) and interactivity (on the continuum of individual – group)

    Eksposisi Riset Desain: Membangun Tradisi Riset melalui Pemahaman Atas Kontekstualitasi Pengetahuan Desain

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    Dalam 10 (sepuluh) tahun terakhir, pengetahuan mengenai desain sebagai sebuah disiplin ilmu telah berkembang melalui literatur, diskusi kelompok daring, dan konferensi Internasional. Beranjak dari pemahaman bahwa disiplin desain mewadahi praktika sekaligus aktivitas riset, dalam makalah ini didiskusikan eksposisi riset desain melalui pemaparan mengenai makna desain, pendekatan metodologis untuk riset desain, serta kaitannya dengan kontekstualisasi pengetahuan yang dihasilkan. Dengan menggunakan kajian atas literatur, paparan dalam makalah ditujukan sebagai pembuka diskusi mengenai riset desain dan peranannya dalam memproduksi pengetahuan. Model skematik yang dihasilkan berfungsi sebagai kerangka pedahuluan untuk memahami peran riset desain dan hubungannya dengan pengetahuan yang dihasilkan, sehingga posisi riset desain dapat lebih mudah dipahami dan lebih jelas. Skema relasional yang ditampilkan diharapkan dapat menjadi landasan konseptual untuk pengembangan tradisi riset desain di perguruan tinggi

    Perancangan Aplikasi Mobile tentang Etika Digital pada Pola Asuh Anak Usia Remaja Awal

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    COVID-19 has led to a shift from offline to online teaching and learning in schools, increasing screen time for early adolescents. This increases exposure to non-educational content, enabling cyberbullying, pranks, pornography, and hoaxes. Parents play a crucial role in digital parenting by understanding and regulating digital activities, often using parental control apps for safety reasons. For security reasons, many parents begin to use parental control apps to monitor the use of gadgets. This study aims to identify parenting approaches to introduce digital ethics and then design apps that can accommodate parenting styles in early-adolescent teenagers. The research used quantitative and qualitative methods. The design method used was the Four Basic Activities of Interaction Design. The Parentika app features were designed based on the TOSS (Teen Online Safety Strategies) framework, considering the balance between parental control and self-moderation. Based on the results of the Parentika app’s evaluation by users, it is proven to be excellent based on effectiveness, efficiency, and user satisfaction. Through Parentika apps, parents can participate in educating themselves about digital ethics. In addition to being digital mentors, it is hoped that parents can also become role models for early adolescence.­Pemberlakuan pembatasan kegiatan sosial sebagai akibat pandemi Covid-19 mewajibkan terjadinya peralihan pola belajar-mengajar sekolah, dari yang semula tatapmuka luring menjadi daring (online). Hal tersebut menyebabkan terjadi lonjakan screen time gawai anak khususnya usia remaja awal. Remaja bisa mengkonsumsi konten selain materi edukasi seperti konten hiburan atau sosial media. Sehingga adanya pelanggaran etika digital dalam bentuk cyberbullying, prank atau konten pornografi dan hoax. Peranan penting orang tua dibutuhkan untuk menanamkan kesadaran etika digital. Salah satunya melalui digital parenting, yaitu dengan memberi pengertian dan meregulasi aktivitas digital. Dengan alasan keamanan, banyak orangtua mulai menggunakan teknologi aplikasi parental control untuk memonitor penggunaan gawai anak usia remaja awal. Perancangan diawali dengan pengambilan dan analisis melalui metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Selanjutnya dilakukan perancangan dengan metode Four Basic Activities of Interaction Design. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pendekatan pola asuh dalam mengenalkan etika digital serta merancang aplikasi yang dapat mengakomodasi pola asuh digital untuk anak usia remaja awal. Perancangan fitur aplikasi didasarkan pada framework TOSS (Teen Online Safety Strategies), mempertimbangkan keseimbangan antara parental control dengan self-moderation. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi rancangan aplikasi Parentika terbukti sangat baik di mata orangtua berdasarkan skor SUS. Remaja awal merasa fitur yang ditawarkan non-intrusif bagi penggunaan gawai pribadi. Aplikasi Parentika mendorong orangtua berpartisipasi dan mengedukasi etika digital. Selain menjadi digital mentor, diharapkan orang tua dapat menjadi sosok teladan atau role-model bagi remaja awal. Kata kunci: etika digital, remaja awal, pola asuh, screen time, aplikasi mobil

    Pemosisian Desain Produk sebagai pendukung industri kerajinan: Tinjauan sudut pandang Pemerintah Indonesia tahun 1970-1980

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    Product design education was officially established in 1973 by the Department of Art Education at ITB. In this era, product design is ideally conceived as a discipline directly connected to the manufacturing industry, with its graduates professing to be industrial designers. The designs are intended to be manufactured on a mass scale. However, at the time, the manufacturing industry in Indonesia was still dominated by small-to medium-scale craft-based industries. Therefore, the conventional comprehension of product design was not fully concurrent with the Indonesian economic situation between 1970 and 1980 if adopted out of context. On other hand, some phenomena implied the intention of the Indonesian government to posit product design discipline as a support for the development of the craft industry through the involvement of several activities, such as training and exhibitions. This situation depicts the gap in knowledge between what was understood as the basis of product design education and the government's agenda for establishing product design in Indonesia. This research uses a historical approach to investigate documents and other resources regarding establishing a Product Design major in ITB. The resources studied to determine the positioning of product design in Indonesia from the perspective of the government's economic agenda at the time, that are discussed in this paper

    Perancangan Aplikasi Mobile tentang Etika Digital pada Pola Asuh Anak Usia Remaja Awal

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    COVID-19 has led to a shift from offline to online teaching and learning in schools, increasing screen time for early adolescents. This increases exposure to non-educational content, enabling cyberbullying, pranks, pornography, and hoaxes. Parents play a crucial role in digital parenting by understanding and regulating digital activities, often using parental control apps for safety reasons. For security reasons, many parents begin to use parental control apps to monitor the use of gadgets. This study aims to identify parenting approaches to introduce digital ethics and then design apps that can accommodate parenting styles in early-adolescent teenagers. The research used quantitative and qualitative methods. The design method used was the Four Basic Activities of Interaction Design. The Parentika app features were designed based on the TOSS (Teen Online Safety Strategies) framework, considering the balance between parental control and self-moderation. Based on the results of the Parentika app’s evaluation by users, it is proven to be excellent based on effectiveness, efficiency, and user satisfaction. Through Parentika apps, parents can participate in educating themselves about digital ethics. In addition to being digital mentors, it is hoped that parents can also become role models for early adolescence.­Pemberlakuan pembatasan kegiatan sosial sebagai akibat pandemi Covid-19 mewajibkan terjadinya peralihan pola belajar-mengajar sekolah, dari yang semula tatapmuka luring menjadi daring (online). Hal tersebut menyebabkan terjadi lonjakan screen time gawai anak khususnya usia remaja awal. Remaja bisa mengkonsumsi konten selain materi edukasi seperti konten hiburan atau sosial media. Sehingga adanya pelanggaran etika digital dalam bentuk cyberbullying, prank atau konten pornografi dan hoax. Peranan penting orang tua dibutuhkan untuk menanamkan kesadaran etika digital. Salah satunya melalui digital parenting, yaitu dengan memberi pengertian dan meregulasi aktivitas digital. Dengan alasan keamanan, banyak orangtua mulai menggunakan teknologi aplikasi parental control untuk memonitor penggunaan gawai anak usia remaja awal. Perancangan diawali dengan pengambilan dan analisis melalui metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Selanjutnya dilakukan perancangan dengan metode Four Basic Activities of Interaction Design. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pendekatan pola asuh dalam mengenalkan etika digital serta merancang aplikasi yang dapat mengakomodasi pola asuh digital untuk anak usia remaja awal. Perancangan fitur aplikasi didasarkan pada framework TOSS (Teen Online Safety Strategies), mempertimbangkan keseimbangan antara parental control dengan self-moderation. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi rancangan aplikasi Parentika terbukti sangat baik di mata orangtua berdasarkan skor SUS. Remaja awal merasa fitur yang ditawarkan non-intrusif bagi penggunaan gawai pribadi. Aplikasi Parentika mendorong orangtua berpartisipasi dan mengedukasi etika digital. Selain menjadi digital mentor, diharapkan orang tua dapat menjadi sosok teladan atau role-model bagi remaja awal. Kata kunci: etika digital, remaja awal, pola asuh, screen time, aplikasi mobil

    Looking into the Credibility of Appearance: Exploring the Role of Color in Interface Aesthetics and How it Affects our Perception on System’s Credibility

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    Dalam penelitian ini dikaji hasil tiga eksperimen sebagai kelanjutan studi yang pernah dilakukan oleh Kurosu-Kashimura [1] dan Noam Tractinsky [2] tentang relasi antara persepsi pengguna dengan kualitas estetik dan usability tampilan interface. Berdasar dua premis utama yaitu bahwa persepsi estetik dipengaruhi latar belakang kultural serta tampilan yang atraktif dapat mempengaruhi persepsi kehandalan sebuah produk., Dalam penelitian ini dievaluasi bagaimana persepsi pengguna migran (:orang Indonesia yang berada di Jepang) terhadap relasi antara tampilan estetik dan apparent usability pada sebuah interface produk. Dalam eksperimen dilakukan investigasi efek tampilan warna pada sebuah interface produk terhadap persepsi trustworthy (tingkat kepercayaan) dan credibility (tingkat kredibilitas) produk secara umum. Sebagai stimulus, digunakan tampilan layout-utama (hasil modifikasi) layar ATM bank di Jepang. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa nilai estetik tampilan interface mempengaruhi persepsi user atas credibility (tingkat kredibilitas) dan trustworthy (tingkat kepercayaan) sebuah objek. Latar belakang budaya pengguna tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap persepsi estetik tampilan interface apabila pengguna telah melakukan adaptasi eksperiential atau memiliki pengalaman interaksi dengan produk dengan komposisi layout sejenis. Lebih lanjut hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa warna memiliki pengaruh penting dalam meningkatkan kualitas ke-atraktif-an, persepsi kredibiltas (credibility), dan tingkat penerimaan (acceptability) pengguna (user). Eksperimen lebih lanjut perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana dan seperti apa sebuah kombinasi warna pada sebuah tampilan interface, dapat memiliki pengaruh yang bermakna pada keterpakaian sebuah produk

    Evaluasi Pengalaman Pembelajaran Daring Berbasis Praktikum dengan Kualitas Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa Menggunakan UEQ Scales

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    Latar Belakang: Mahasiswa pada program sarjana Desain Komunikasi Visual umumnya mempelajari mata kuliah berbasis praktikum, karena mereka membutuhkan kemampuan kerja tangan untuk mengimplementasikan dasar pemahaman teoritik ke dalam suatu perancangan karya desain. Tujuan: Mengukur efektivitas pembelajaran praktikum secara daring dan menganalisis hubungan pengalaman pengguna dengan kualitas belajar yang dihasilkan. Metode: Menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan instrument penelitian UEQ Scales dan nilai UTS mahasiswa untuk mengetahui hubungan relasional yang dimiliki. Hasil: Menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan pembelajaran yang dilakukan secara daring belum berjalan dengan efektif dan aspek pengalaman pengguna memiliki pengaruh dengan kualitas belajar yang dihasilkan. Kesimpulan: Aspek pengalaman pengguna yang dimiliki pada perkuliahan praktikum secara daring mempengaruhi kualitas hasil belajar yang dihasilkan. Pengaruh tersebut ditunjukkan dengan kesan pengalaman pembelajaran yang menyulitkan, kemudian diikuti dengan penurunan nilai tugas mahasiswa

    Promotional Strategy Planning for DOCI RAMEN

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    The culinary world today is growing rapidly along with the progress of time. Doci Ramen is one of the businesses that operate in middle 2012. On the other hand, the promising oppurtunity creates a whole different level of competition in this market. With so many competitors offering similar products, Doci Ramen has to come up with an execellent business plan to survive the harsh rivalry. So far, doci rame has not reached its target and still pretty unheard of the study was conducted on Doci Ramen by analysing external an internal factors in order to get the root cause of failure to achieve the revenue target. This research was look up the potential customers’ dwelling around Jl. Dipatiukur throught focus group discussion, questionnaires and interviews. The research then produced an analysis of potential customers and their consumption patterns,the result of this research are how lack of advertisement and promotions for new comers influenced the fact that not many people will know of the newly established place. Doci Ramen was also focused on the promotional activity that conducted inside the Doci Ramen and intended for consumers who ready know and have visited the Doci Ramen, while the external promotion activites that sould research to reach the potential costumers that has never visited. The result of this research will become the foundation of new business strategy solution on how to create a better brand awareness both in its business to customer by reaching the target market with intergrated marketing commnuncation as weel as in its business to business by building up a good partnership between its business partner. The key objective in this new scheme is to raise public awareness which result better revenue for Doci Ramen in the future. The new promotional strategic implementation will involve the restaurants’ management with help of teh necessary agents from external resources for duration of one year focusing in B2B and B2C plans. This short term period promotion marketing startegy wiil help Doci Ramen to get its short term goals and aids the Doci Ramen to achieve the intended investment plang in long termKey words: promotion strategy, brand awareness, culinary industr

    Promotional Strategy Planning for DOCI RAMEN

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    The culinary world today is growing rapidly along with the progress of time. Doci Ramen is one of the businesses that operate in middle 2012. On the other hand, the promising oppurtunity creates a whole different level of competition in this market. With so many competitors offering similar products, Doci Ramen has to come up with an execellent business plan to survive the harsh rivalry. So far, doci rame has not reached its target and still pretty unheard of the study was conducted on Doci Ramen by analysing external an internal factors in order to get the root cause of failure to achieve the revenue target. This research was look up the potential customers’ dwelling around Jl. Dipatiukur throught focus group discussion, questionnaires and interviews. The research then produced an analysis of potential customers and their consumption patterns,the result of this research are how lack of advertisement and promotions for new comers influenced the fact that not many people will know of the newly established place. Doci Ramen was also focused on the promotional activity that conducted inside the Doci Ramen and intended for consumers who ready know and have visited the Doci Ramen, while the external promotion activites that sould research to reach the potential costumers that has never visited. The result of this research will become the foundation of new business strategy solution on how to create a better brand awareness both in its business to customer by reaching the target market with intergrated marketing commnuncation as weel as in its business to business by building up a good partnership between its business partner. The key objective in this new scheme is to raise public awareness which result better revenue for Doci Ramen in the future. The new promotional strategic implementation will involve the restaurants’ management with help of teh necessary agents from external resources for duration of one year focusing in B2B and B2C plans. This short term period promotion marketing startegy wiil help Doci Ramen to get its short term goals and aids the Doci Ramen to achieve the intended investment plang in long termKey words: promotion strategy, brand awareness, culinary industr

    The Semantics of “New” Batik Clothes: Identifying Users’ Perception on the Colors and Patterns of Newly Developed West Javanese Batik Clothes

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    Batik is a traditional textile art of Indonesia, in which through its appearance we may excerpt the customs, traditional values, way of life, spiritual meanings, and cultural characteristics of Indonesian people. Previous researches on batik have-for the most part-uncovered and elaborated batik as a solely artifact of art, distancing its relation with those who use it. As results, most of batik research tends to frame batik as an object of preservation and do not elaborate more on the context of batik as an object of perception (of users) or batik as an object of consumption. To address this issue, the paper explores perceptual identification of batik users using semantic differential method, evaluating actual users’ perception on the element of colors applied on clothes of West Javanese batik as object of study. The obtained data will be cross-referenced to identify gender and subject-experience variables. The implication of the findings for the creative process and marketability of batik will be discussed, in hoping to gain applicable knowledge for the preservation as well as new development of West Javanese batik design
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