23 research outputs found


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    Danau Maninjau di Sumatera Barat adalah danau dengan tingkat pemanfaatan sangat tinggi di wilayah daratan maupun perairannya. Di daerah perairan pemeliharaan ikan di keramba jaring apung (KJA) merupakan salah satu kegiatan utamanya. Bahwa kegiatan tersebut telah menyebabkan pertambahan jumlah keramba jaring apung yang signifikan sehingga menyebabkan penurunan kualitas air dan kematian massal ikan yang dipelihara di keramba jaring apung. Pemantauan kualitas air dilakukan pada level permukaaan di perairan Sungai Batang, Sungai Tampang, Maninjau, Intake PLTA pada bulan November 2013 dan September 2015. Hasil riset menunjukan bahwa jumlah KJA pada tahun 2013 adalah 16.120 petak dengan parameter kualitas air adalah kecerahan rata-rata 1,75±0,15 m, total N 1,25±0,48 mg/L, total P 0,47±0,12 mg/L, Ortofospat 0,30±0,04 mg/L, nitrat 1,26±0,3 mg/L dan khlorophyl 1320 mg/m3. Pada bulan September 2015 jumlah KJA sebanyak 21.651 petak dengan kecerahan air rata-rata 1,50±0,26 m, total N 1,71±0,62 mg/L, total P 0,51±0.17mg/L, Ortofospat 0,20±0,05 mg/L, nitrat 1,36 ± 0,8 mg/L dan khlorophyl 1364,1 mg/m3. Rasio kadar TP dan TN pada permukaaan Danau Maninjau bulan November 2013 dan September 2015 masing-masing adalah 4,47 dan 3,51.Berdasarkan kadar TN, TP, khlorophyl dan kecerahan perairan, maka Danau Maninjau berdasarkan indeks status trofik (Carlson’s,1977) tergolong eutrofik berat. Kata Kunci : Danau Maninjau, keramba jaring apung, kualitas air, status trofik

    The nutritional content of bilih fish (Mystacoleucus padangensis blkr) eggs waste as source of fish feed material

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    The purpose of study was to know nutrient content of bilih fish Mystacoleucus padangenesis Blkr eggs meal to provide basic information for local material based fish feed development. The eggs were collected from fishermen. Parameters observed were proximate (protein, fat, moisture and ash), minerals (mangan and zinc), amino acid total, fatty acid, and vitamins (A, C and E) levels. The study showed that bilih fish eggs meal contained protein 22,44-59,90%, fat 12,67-18,09%, moisture 7,33-10,62%, ash 3,25-5,43%, amino acid total 14,57-27, 50%, fatty acid 0,24-0,53%, mangan 1,38-1,66 mg/100 g, zinc 22,39-24,73 mg/ 100 g, vitamin  A 188,95-218,44 mg/100 g, vitamin C  10,42-18,08  mg/100 g and  vitamin  E 8,64-10,39 mg/100 g samples. It can be concluded that the egg meal of bilih fish is potentially be used as an enrichment ingredients of diet to improve fish growth and reproduction.  Keywords: Bilih fish eggs, proximate, amino acid, fatty acid, minerals, vitamin   ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui kandungan nutrisi tepung telur ikan bilih Mystacoleucus padangenesis Blkr sebagai informasi dasar dalam pengembangan pakan ikan menggunakan bahan lokal. Telur dikumpulkan dari nelayan.  Parameter yang diamati adalah proksimat (protein, lemak, air dan abu), mineral (mangan dan seng), total asam amino, asam lemak, dan vitamin (A, C, E). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tepung telur ikan bilih mengandung protein 22,44-59,90%, lemak 12,67-18,09%, air 7,33-10,62%, abu 3,25-5,43%, asam amino total 14,57-27, 50%, asam lemak 0,24-0,53%, mangan 1,38-1,66 mg /100 g , seng 22,39-24,73 mg/100 g, vitamin A 188,95-218,44 mg/100 g, vitamin C 10,42-18,08 mg/100 g dan vitamin E 8,64-10,39 mg/100 g sampel. Sebagai kesimpulan adalah bahwa tepung telur ikan bilih memiliki potensi untuk digunakan sebagai bahan pengkayaan pakan untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan reproduksi ikan. Kata kunci: telur ikan bilih, proksimat, asam amino, asam lemak, mineral, vitami

    Embryo Development of Ospheronemus gouramy Lac With Young Coconut Cocos Nucifera L Water Immersion

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    The interaction between genetic and environmental factors influences the development process of the embryo and also determines various individual characteristics. Using coconut water as a diluent for goldfish spermatozoa, because coconut water can be used as an energy source for spermatozoa. This study aimed to analyze the effect of immersing gouramy eggs with young head water on embryo development. This research was conducted at the Freshwater Hatchery of Marine and Fishery Polytechnic, Pariaman from November 2022 to December 2022. This study used an experimental method with a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The treatment used as the research subject was the concentration of immersing young coconut water : without immersing young coconut water (P0); 15 ml/L (P1); 25 ml/L (P2); 35 ml/L (P3). Observational data on embryo development were analyzed descriptively based on the results of research observations. The data is presented in pictures and the results of the description are referred to using relevant references. The results of this study concluded that the addition of young coconut water to the process of hatching gouramy eggs gave more significant results in the P3 treatment with a dose of 35 ml/l of young coconut water, namely the embryonic cell division process was faster than other treatments


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    Pesatnya kegiatan penangkapan ikan bilih endemik di Danau Singkarak, sudah mengindikasikan penurunan populasi dan ukuran ikan tersebut. Oleh karena itu perlu dikelola agar dapat dimanfaatkan secara berkelanjutan. Salah satu alternatif pengelolaannya adalah berbasis kearifan lokal. Untuk itu diperlukan kebijakan pengelolaan ikan bilih berbasis kearifan lokal yang ada pada masyarakat nelayan. berdasarkan analisis SWOT dari sembilan strategi yang diperoleh, maka tiga strategi yang menjadi prioritas utama pengelolaan ikan bilih yaitu (1) pengelolaan penangkapan ikan berbasis kearifan lokal dengan nilai manfaat 0,518, (2) pengelolaan habitat ikan melalui pembuatan reservat secara ko-manajemen dengan nilai manfaat 0,280 dan (3) pengelolaan populasi ikan melalui pembenihan dan restoking dengan nilai manfaat 0,202. Peraturan yang lebih baikdalam pengelolaan dan pelestarian ikan bilih adalah dengan hukum adat dengan nilai manfaat 0,095.Overfishing of bilih fish endemic in Singkarak lake indicated a decrease in population and size of the fish. Therefore, it is necessary to do a management in order a sustainable. One of the alternative management is based on local wisdom. The aim of this research was to determine of management priorities based on local wisdom that exist in the fish communities. From the research finding it can be explained that among the nine strategies which were obtained from the SWOT analysis, then the three strategies of the top priority of the management of bilih fish are (1) the management of fishing based on local wisdom with advantage value of 0.518, (2) management of fish habitat through the creation of reserves comanagement with a advantages value of 0.280 and (3) management of fish populations through hatchery and restocking with advantage value of 0.202. The better regulation in management and conservation bilih fish by customary law with adventages value of 0,095

    Isolation and Analysis of Heavy Metal Content in Scales from Three Species of Farmed Fish in Lake Maninjau

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    The study isolated and analyzed heavy metal content in fish scale from Osphronemus goramy, Cyprinus carpio, and Oreochromis niloticus in Lake Maninjau. Fish weights (n=10) for O. goramy, C. carpio, and O. niloticus were 389.99±24.96 g, 633.30±87 g, and 210.5±12.12 g. Isolation begins with washing scales using running water, followed by 24-hour immersion in 10% NaCl (1:10 w/w) in a refrigerator. Afterward, they are oven-dried at 50°C for 3.5 hours and ground into powder. Fish scale results were analyzed using the dry weight/wet weight formula x 100. AOAC-compliant spectrometry tested heavy metal concentrations of Hg, Pb, Cr, As, Ag, and Cu. Results for O. goramy, C. carpio, and O. niloticus were 65.85%, 61.68%, and 55.63%, respectively. The concentration of heavy metals in O. goramy showed the highest level was Pb (185 mg/kg), followed by Cu (83 mg/kg), Ag (<14.66 mg/kg), Cr (<5 mg/kg), Hg and As (0.43 mg/kg). In C. carpio the highest concentration was Pb (152 mg/kg), followed by Cu (121 mg/kg), Cr (50 mg/kg), Ag (15 mg/kg), Hg and As (<0.50 mg/kg). Meanwhile, in O. niloticus, the highest concentration was Cu (160 mg/kg), followed by Pb (149 mg/kg), Cr (50 mg/kg), Ag (15 mg/kg), Hg and As (< 0.50 mg/kg)

    Reproductive performance of asian catfish ( Hemibagrus wyckii Bleeker, 1858), a candidate species for aquaculture [version 2; referees: 2 approved]

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    Background: Hemibagrus wyckii Bagridae is one of the important economic fish species that lives in the rivers and reservoir in Riau Province, Indonesia. The present study aimed to determine the reproductive performance of H.wyckii under culture conditions. Method s: A total of 10 female and 10 male fish were selected, and weight, length, characteristics of egg and sperm, and hatchery performance were measured. Eggs were fertilized using the dry method. Egg weight and egg diameters were measured for 50 eggs per female. Egg size (50 eggs for each fish) was measured using Labo microscope model  L-711 using software camera 3. Then, saline solution was added over the eggs, followed by the addition of pooled sperm from 10 males. Results: Average relative fecundity, egg weight and egg diameter were 2060±512 eggs/kg fish, 29.86±1.21 mg and 2.67±0.26 mm, respectively. The fertilization rate and hatching rate were 60.91±4.68% and 42.91±2.92% respectively. Sperm characteristics such as volume per fish (mL), pH, concentration (per mL), motility (%) and duration of motility (second) were 0.82±0.20, 7.15±0.12, 3.68±0.15, 72.77±1.46 and 47.5±4.84, respectively. Conclusion: The study results and scientific observations regarding reproductive performance suggest that H. wyckii can be considered a new candidate species for aquaculture

    Biophysical Characteristics on Nesting Habitat of Green Turtle Chelonia mydas in the Coastal Zone of Kasiak, Bindalang and Karabak Ketek Island of West Sumatra, Indonesia

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    The research was conducted on three small islands of the marine conservation area of West Sumatra, namely Kasiak Island, Bindalang Island, and Karabak Ketek Island from January to December 2016. This research aimed to study the variation of the biophysical character of the nesting habitat of the green turtle (Chelonia mydas L, 1758) by survey method, measurement, observation, and analysis. All data were analyzed using Main Component Analysis (PCA), Kruskal Wallis Test Analysis. Based on PCA analysis, the contribution of the main character is 43.28%. These results are supported by biophysical conditions of spawning habitats for green turtles on Karabak Ketek Island as an ideal island of spawning sites favored by green turtles compared to the location of Bindalang Island and Kasiak Island habitats. Kruskal Wallis analysis of Karabak Island rank; 11.90, with a chi-square value; 10.47, sig value 0.005 (5% -10%). This value shows the difference between the spawning habitat's biophysical character on the character of the coastal slope parameter (KP) is 9.60°. It is also the ideal slope value for the sandy beach habitat (PSe) and fine sandy beaches (PHA) as the central spawning location for green turtles in West Sumatr


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    Penelitian tentang biologi reproduksi ikan bilih di Danau Singkarak dilakukan pada bulan Januari –Desember 2010. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui distribusi ukuran, tingkat kematangan gonad, fekunditas dan pemijahan ikan bilih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ukuran panjang ikan bilih betina matang gonad berkisar antara 70-109 mm dan bobot tubuh berkisar antara 6,4-8,7 gram, ikan jantan pada panjang antara 70-89 mm dengan bobot antara 4,5-6,6 gram. Persentase ikan betina yang memijah setiap stasiun berkisar 68,4-75,7% dan ikan jantan berkisar 73,4-78,4%. Pada saat memijah ikan bilih beruaya dari danau ke sungai Sumpur, Paninggahan dan Baing setiap hari dimulai pukul 16.00 hingga 23.00 WIB. Karakteristik habitat pemijahan mempunyai kecepatan arus sungai antara 10-15 m/detik, kedalaman perairan berkisar antara 20-40 cm, substrat dasar perairan terdiri dari kerikil dan karakal.Study of biology reproduction bilih fish on Lake Singkarak has done a series of studies in January and December 2010. The purpose of this study is to reveal the size distribution, gonada mature level, fecundity and spawning of bilih fish. The research proves that the size of mature female fish gonads bilih range in size of 70-109 mm with a weight of 6.4 to 8.7 g and males 70-89 mm and weighs 4.4 to 6.6 g. Percentage of female fish to spawn each research station ranged from 68.5-75.7 % and males 73.4-78.3%. Bilih spawning fish populations by conducting migration from lakes to rivers Sumpur, Paninggahan and Baing everyday starting at 16:00 until 23:00 am. Characteristics of spawning habitat with river flow velocity between 10-15 m / sec, water depth between 20-40 cm, bottom substrate consists of gravel and karakal