15 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Energy Equity Epic Sengkang Pty. Ltd

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    The effectiveness of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program in Indonesia still needs to be improved. This can be seen from the number of companies that make CSR programs only a formality obligation without thinking about how much the benefits of the program are implemented for the community and the environment. This article discusses the effectiveness of Corporate Social Responsibility at Energy Equity Epic Sengkang Pty. Ltd. which is analyzed using indicators of goal achievement, integration and adaptation. The research method used is a qualitative approach with data collection techniques through literature review, observation and interviews, then analysis and data processing are carried out using reduction techniques and relevant data grouping. The results of the research are presented using descriptive techniques in the Corporate Social Responsibility Program at Energy Equity Epic Sengkang Pty. Ltd. implemented by first communicating, coordinating and socializing with the government and the community. The areas of CSR implementation are education, health, economy, public facilities and the environment. CSR programs implemented meet effectiveness indicators, namely goal achievement, integration and adaptation

    Analisis Public Service Motivation (PSM) pada Kebijakan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (PTSP) Pengadilan Negeri Sengkang

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    Government agencies continue to simplify the flow of services, one of which is the Sengkang District Court (Sengkang District Court) through the One-Stop Integrated Service (PTSP) policy. The question arises whether this policy is in line with the Public Service Motivation (PSM) owned by employees. This article is the result of qualitative research, research data comes from observations at PTSP PN Sengkang, interviews with leaders, employees, and community service users, documentation comes from regulations related to PTSP, then analyzed using reduction, display and verification techniques which are presented narratively, the results of the study show the implementation of PTSP fulfills the elements of Public Service Motivation (PSM), namely Altruism (attitude that attaches importance to the interests of others). Norm-based (serving the public interest based on norms). Affective (commitment to public programs)

    Analisis Program One Agency One Innovation Dalam Meningkatkan Pelayanan Publik di Kabupaten Wajo

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    Encouraging innovation in government agencies is one of the ways to meet the demands of society for quality public services, the implementation of the One Agency One Innovation program as an effort to accommodate the creative and innovative ideas of the state civil servants in Indonesia which are welcomed by local government by holding the same program at the regional level and then the winner will represent at the national level.This research was conducted to analyze the One Agency One Innovation program in Wajo Regency which aims to find out how this program can motivate innovators to improve the quality of public services through their ideas. The method used is qualitative by collecting data using literature review, observation and interviews. The results of this study indicate that the motivation of the innovators is caused by the desire for achievement, the motivation of the leader, the desire to solve problems and the implementation of science. In terms of public services, innovators are able to carry the theme of innovation based on the scope of public services based on Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning public services, including; education, teaching, employment and business, information and communication, health and social security. The theme of innovation being proposed is a sector that is currently the main focus of the government. Keywords: agency, innovation, public servic

    Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Melalui Pembuatan Pupuk Organik dan Budidaya Sayur Organik

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    Teknologi modern dalam bidang pertanian yang menggunakan varietas unggul, pestisida kimia, pupuk kimia, menimbulkan dampak terhadap lingkungan, dan kesehatan manusia.  Produk pertanian yang memiliki residu bahan kimia beracun dapat memicu penuaan dini, dan penyakit degenerative. Pertanian organik merupakan salah satu terobosan untuk mewujudkan produk pertanian yang sehat dengan tetap menjaga keberlanjutan lingkungan. Konsumsi makanan organik yaitu sayur organik merupakan salah satu cara pola hidup sehat yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat dunia. Kendalanya adalah masih ada kelompok – kelompok tani yang membudi dayakan sayuran organik dengan biaya yang relative besar sehingga mengakibatkan harga jual sayur organik tinggi sehingga tidak semua lapisan masyarakat dapat mengkonsumsi sayur organik, dan keuntungan bagi petani organik menjadi lebih kecil. Tujuan dari Pengabdian ini adalah memberikan pelatihan/workshop kepada kelompok tani tentang cara membuat pupuk organik dan budidaya sayur organik dengan biaya yang murah. Metode yang digunakan adalah pemberian materi dan demonstrasi membuat pupuk organik dan budidaya sayur. Hasil yang dicapai pada kegiatan ini adalah kelompok tani memiliki kemandirian dalam membuat pupuk organik dan membudidayakan sayur organik dengan modal kecil sehingga harga jual sayur organik dapat terjangkau oleh semua lapisan masyarakat dan petani organik memperoleh manfaat ekonomi yang lebih besar


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    Dampak yang dirasakan akibat Pandemi Covid-19 dirasakan oleh berbagai kalangan disetiap negara.  Berbagai kebijakan yang diterapkan oleh Pemerintah, salah satunya yaitu kebijakan social distancing (pembatasan sosial) bagaikan pedang bermata dua.  Sebagai akibat dari kebijakan social distancing berbagai kegiatan yang awalnya dilakukan dengan tatap muka, harus beralih dengan memanfaatkan teknologi digital.  Hampir semua bidang memanfaatkan teknologi digital seperti mengakses layanan publik, bidang Pendidikan atau bahkan melakukan belanja sehari-hari.  Sebelum pandemic, sebagian besar masyarakat berbelanja secara konvensional tetapi setelah pandemic proses berbelanja dilakukan secara online tidak hanya belanja fashion tetapi berbelanja harian seperti sayur mayur dan lauk pauk. Perubahan perilaku konsumen dari konvesional menjadi digital dapat menjadi peluang usaha baru.  Hal ini khususnya dapat menjadi salah satu cara Ibu Rumah Tangga untuk menambah pendapatan keluarga melalui berwirausaha secara online.  Terkait hal tersebut maka dilalukan kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini yaitu Edukasi untuk meningkatkan kesadaran Ibu-ibu terkait digital marketing.  Hasil yang didapat dari kegiatan ini yaitu para peserta memperoleh manfaat berupa pengetahuan terkait digital marketing


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    artikel ini merupakan hasil analisis kinerja karyawan di perusahaan PT. Pelayaran Eka Ivanajasa. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut bagaimana karyawan dapat berkerja dengan sebaik mungkin dan karyawan mempunyai motivasi yang tinggi dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan dengan adanya pemberian insentif. Maka terdapat hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan signifikansi pengaruh insentif terhadap kinerja karyawan. Dalam menganalisis data digunakan analisis deskriptif yang berisi distribusi item dari masing-masing variabel, kemudian analisis regresi linier sederhana dan penguji hipotesis. Dari hasil penguji dengan regresi linier sederhana dan analisis regresi parsial menunjukkan bahwa simultan variabel insentif (X) terhadap kinerja karyawan (Y) yang ditunjukkan oleh nilai R square yaitu sebesar 0,389. Angka ini menunjukkan bahwa simultan variabel insentif (X) yang digunakan dalam persamaan regresi ini memberikan kontribusi terhadap kinerja karyawan (Y) 38,9% sedangkan sisanya sebesar 63,3% dijelaskan oleh faktor lain yang tidak disertakan dalam penelitian ini. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa insentif berpengaruh signifikan dan positif secara parsial terhadap kinerja karyawan di perusahaan PT. Pelayaran Eka Ivanajas

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Guru dalam Melaksanakan Kurikulum Berbasis Lingkungan dengan Kearifan Lokal melalui Reading Worksheet

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    Peningkatan kemampuan guru dalam melaksanakan kurikulum berbasis lingkungan dengan kearifan lokal melalui reading worksheet di Sekolah Dasar Negeri (SDN) 008 Samarinda Ilir adalah kegiatan yang dilakasanakan oleh tim penulis yang hadir sebagai solusi atas permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh SDN 008 Samarinda Ilir yang membutuhkan penguatan terhadap implementasi kurikulum berdasarkan pada pelestarian lingkungan dan berkearifan lokal. Adapun untuk menjawab permasalahan terhadap penguatan implementasi kurikulum tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan Menyusun bahan ajar yang sesuai. Salah satu bahan ajar adalah worksheet. Lebih lanjut lagi worksheet yang disusun berfokus pada kegiatan membaca untuk membantu guru meningkatkan minat baca dan melatih kemampuan membaca siswa. Sehingga tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk merancang reading worksheet berdasarkan pada pelestarian lingkungan dan berkearifan lokal dan melatih guru untuk menggunakannya. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah metode ceramah dan demonstrasi. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah prototipe reading worksheet berdasarkan pada pelestarian lingkungan dan berkearifan lokal, peningkatan kemampuan 25 guru SDN 008 Samarinda Ilir

    A reflection on a peripheral movement; The “Save Aru” social movement 2013-2015 from a historical perspective

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    This article examines the struggle of the Aru Islands community to preserve their forests and their natural environment in the shape of the “Save Aru” social movement from 2013 to 2015. Today this social movement is still alive and kicking. In 2010, the Aru Islands community was taken by surprise by the plan of a private corporation (PT Menara Group or PT MG) to annex forest areas in the Aru Islands in order to convert them into sugar-cane plantations. Their outrage at this plan spurred the citizens of Aru to fight the might of this corporate and preserve their forests and environment. Not all has gone smoothly as the civil society movement in Aru has been divided into pro-splitting and counter-splitting on a regional division agenda. Meanwhile, this exploitative business has become a scourge for the Aru people who want to preserve their forests and the environment as a whole. Thanks to the campaign, environmental awareness appears to be growing rather than abating among the Aru Islands community. Young people in the Aru have been sharing their stories about the natural resources around them under threat from the power of private corporate capital with friends, family, and neighbours. The danger of deforestation by private corporations is a problem and a challenge that must be faced by all communities, whether they be Aru, Indonesian, or international, who care about the preservation of the forests in the Aru Islands as a “lung” of the world, helping to reduce the effects of global warming and the ozone depletion.</p

    Consumers' Perception of Omah Maha Hampers of College Students' Entrepreneurship

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    This research is a qualitative study with a case study approach. This research was conducted in one Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise, Omah Maha. Omah Maha is a Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise organized by a group of students supported by Politeknik Negeri Samarinda. This research aimed to know consumers' perceptions of the hamper Omah Maha produced. The hamper created by Omah Maha is unique since it is a new business supported by Politeknik Negeri Samarinda, yet it is well known. Moreover, it has produced more than 50 packages in the first month. The research was conducted from September to November 2022. The data were collected through questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The subjects of the study were the consumers who met the criteria of this study. The data were analyzed and described qualitatively. The study found that the consumers had some perceptions of the hamper produced by Omah Maha, such as the price being affordable since the consumers could decide the price range. Furthermore, the strategy of promotion was interesting. Omah Maha used some digital platforms to advertise their product and offer special prices in the advertisement. The consumers also thought that the hamper had cultural value. Moreover, social factors, location and excellent service are also some factors that were considered. Keywords: consumers' perceptions, hamper, cultural value, Omah Maha, case stud

    Pelatihan Calon Reporter bagi Mahasiswa Jurnalistik UTU dan Mahasiswa UIN Ar-Raniry pada Harian Serambi Indonesia

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    In today's digital age, information advancement has become critical for society's well-being. Misinformation, when disseminated, can have negative impacts and even turn into a disaster for the public. Therefore, it is crucial for reporters and journalists in the media to possess the intelligence to conduct research, analyze, interpret, and deconstruct from a journalistic perspective. This will enable aspiring reporters to effectively utilize media (tools) such as print, electronic, and internet to meet human needs, particularly when navigating the challenges of new media. Therefore, the goal of this training program for aspiring reporters is to equip communication science students with the skills necessary to become creative and innovative writers who can effectively convey information to the public. The benefits of this training are to produce individual reporters who are capable of providing sharp and critical arguments regarding news and able to absorb information from various public channels. A critical attitude towards issues and emerging problems is needed, handled with wisdom and prudence, not easily swayed by negative opinions. The goal is for aspiring reporters to gain a clear understanding of ideas and concepts through precise, thorough writing, and to possess a brilliant conscience towards the perspective of events. This training utilizes lecture and question-answer methods. As a result, aspiring reporters can generate and convey high-quality writing that conveys information or news about the atmosphere or conditions of events, enabling platform users (media) to understand rumors and news that reporters format and disseminate to a broader audience