17 research outputs found


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    One effort to improve breastfeeding promotion program recommended by WHO is to encourage the formation of breastfeeding peer-support groups. The best Peer-Support are people who are close to the life of the mother, who have a high and homogeneous intensity of interaction. The Community Service Program working together with Lactalover Breastfeeding Peer-Support Group, which consists of a household mother, will develop the Breastfeeding literacy program. This activity is gradual, starting with the training of peer lactation counselors aimed at increasing breastfeeding activities and breaking down the barriers to access to correct information around the practice. This community service activity proved to increase the capacity of homemakers, especially nursing mothers, to strengthen their role in supporting lactation literacy efforts. Peer-counselor training can overcome the obstacles of distance, time, and place for nursing mothers to get the information needed when facing obstacles in breastfeeding.

    Marital Age, Cigarette Exposure, Physical Activity, Sleep Duration, and Prenatal Depression

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    Background: Extensive studies indicate that prenatal depression disrupts a woman's life and has a detrimental effect on the mother-child and further breastfeeding. Numerous factors associated with nutrition, physical activity, sleep patterns, and exposure to cigarette smoke are strongly suspected of contributing to the dysregulation of hormones associated with depression. This study aims to examine the association between physical activity, nutritional status, prior exposure to cigarette smoke, and the risk of prenatal depression. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 79 pregnant women at the Pampang Primary Healthcare Center between January and March 2021. Using chi-square and multiple logistic regression, identify the risk factors that most significantly contribute to the risk of prenatal depression. Result: Married under the age of 19th (p<0.039), inactive daily exercise (p<0.023), inadequate sleep duration (p<0.045), and mothers who have been exposed to cigarette smoke for more than a year (p<0.001) all increased the risk of prenatal depression. Cigarette exposure, contributes most, with a 5.4-fold increased risk of developing mental disorders while breastfeeding. Conclusion: It is critical for health services to include early screening for prenatal depression during antenatal care as a means of preventing future breastfeeding difficulties, particularly in mothers with vulnerability


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    As the older population grows, the need for home care services will rise. Elderly independence is different. Chronically ill seniors need independence to manage their illness and achieve a high quality of life. Patalassang Village in Gowa, South Sulawesi, has a high proportion of old individuals with at least one chronic disease issue, threatening the community's quality of life. Increase independence to improve life quality. This activity helps the elderly manage chronic conditions, especially hypertension. Two-hour participative model for activity implementation. The activity aims to raise senior knowledge of primary hypertension by at least 45%. Based on the five evaluation indicators, 80% of hypertension was understood, so output indicators 36% above the target. Panaikang Village, Patalassang District, Gowa Regency's older community should be enthusiastic about sustaining quality of life, especially managing and improving health against chronic diseases


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    Kegiatan charity berkaitan dengan pemberian bantuan secara sukarela terhadap masyarakat tertentu, sementara stewardship adalah sebuah tindakan nyata untuk mempertimbangkan kepentingan pihak yang akan dipengaruhi oleh keputusan maupun kebijakan perusahaan. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan stakeholders sehingga mampu menyeimbangkan kepentingan dan kebutuhan setiap kelompok yang beraneka ragam. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 23 Oktober 2021. Metode pendekatan yang dilakukan berupa survei, dengan beberapa instrumen sosial dan kesehatan yang terstruktur. hasil pengabdian ini berupa kegiatan pendampingan masyarakat Pulau Karanrang memberi kepuasan dan rasa aman serta terpenuhinya upaya stewardship PT PLN Persero atas tanggungjawab sosial terhadap lingkungan dan kesehatan masyarakat di wilayah Pulau Karanrang. Saran kegiatan pengabdian ini diharapkan oleh mitra sasaran kepada mitra penanggung jawab dapat meningkatkan kulitas layana


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    Mendongeng bagi anak memiliki banyak manfaat, termasuk dalam hal perkembangan kognitif. Seni interaktif menggunakan kata-kata dan tindakan untuk mengungkapkan elemen dan gambar dari sebuah cerita sambil mendorong imajinasi pendengar. Mendongeng bagi anak memiliki banyak manfaat, termasuk perkembangan kognitif, melalui seni interaktif menggunakan kata-kata dan tindakan untuk mengungkapkan elemen dan gambar dari sebuah cerita sambil mendorong imajinasi pendengar. Lactalover Makassar adalah kelompok pendukung menyusui yang berdiri sejak tahun 2017, juga mengembangkan berbagai tema pendidikan seperti parenting, psikologi tumbuh kembang, program gizi anak, kewirausahaan bagi ibu rumah tangga. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas mitra dalam pengasuhan anak melalui kegiatan mendongeng. Dilaksanakan pada tanggal 26 Juni 2022, di Kota Makassar, menggunakan metode partisipatif aktif, melalui kegiatan mendongeng selama 75 menit, oleh fasilitator. Berdasarkan antusiasme peserta dan feedback yang diberikan mengenai sejauh mana pesan moral melalui karakter dalam cerita tersampaikan cukup dipahami oleh anak-anak. Kegiatan mendongeng untuk masa depan adalah representasi bagaimana mengelola imajinasi anak secara interaktif dengan menguatkan respon neurobiologis tubuhnya dari berbagai indera visual, auditori, sensori, dan motorik. Setidaknya, dengan menyisihkan 15 hingga 20 menit per hari untuk mendongeng kepada anak-anak, terutama oleh orang tua, akan memperkuat hubungan emosional dan menjembatani kesenjangan dalam komunikasi keluarga yang banyak digantikan oleh media digita

    Common Reasons for Discontinuing Early Breastfeeding Initiation

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    Breastfeeding confers numerous benefits for mother and infant, but regrettably, most mothers discontinue breastfeeding before their babies achieve six months of age due to subjective reasons. This study aims to identify several problems and constraints in promoting exclusive breastfeeding in South Sulawesi, Indonesia from January until June of the year 2013. This study used a cross-sectional study among 218 mothers using purposive sampling method. The correlation among variables was analyzed using chi-square test and logistic regression. Descriptive analysis was used to identify the reasons why mothers ceased breastfeeding and choose formula milk. Based on the regression analysis, it was shown that early breastfeeding initiation was the most influential variable to breastfeeding (OR:3.43, 95% CI:1.95-6.05). The most common reason to discontinue breastfeeding was nipple problem due to lower knowledge in giving breastfeeding and breast care. The main problem is not all birth attendants could support the initiation of early breastfeeding as the routine health activity. Several strategies should be conducted to change their behavior by increasing skills of counseling and knowledge on breastfeeding through the implementation exclusive breastfeeding policies at the Primary Heath Care Clinics

    Assessing Breastfeeding Behaviour in Indonesia: Does Early Skin-to-Skin Contact Affect Mothers’ Breastfeeding Performance and Confidence?

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    Background and Objective: The skin-to-skin contact after birth is known as the first step in a feeding practice that helps mother and infant in establishing the breastfeeding bond and increases mothersʼ confidence in nurturing their infants. Despite the benefits, the absence of this contact commonly occurs in maternity practice, which seems to affect mothersʼ breastfeeding behaviour after discharge. This study aimed to analyse the effect of skin-to-skin contact on mothersʼ breastfeeding performance and self-efficacy. Methodology: This study involved 239 pregnant women who were selected based on cluster random sampling and data were collected from June 2014 to January 2015 in the coastal region of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Mothers were followed and observed several times: first, during the birth process until 2 h after; second, at 7-10 days postpartum; and third, four weeks postpartum to evaluate skin-to-skin contact, breastfeeding performance and breastfeeding self-efficacy. Subjects were divided into two groups with immediate and delayed skin-to-skin contact. Differences between the two groups were measured by independent t-test. Result: Mothers with immediate skin-to-skin contact were more able to breastfeed effectively (p = 0.001, 95% CI 2.04-5.52) and were more confident (p = 0.001, 95% CI 9.71-16.55) compared to those in the delayed group. Immediate skin-to-skin contact shows significant differences in breastfeeding performance and maternal confidence. Conclusion: Immediate skin-to-skin contact remarkably impacted motherʼs ability to adapt to breastfeeding. It also eliminated anxiety and lower self-esteem in the beginning of the postpartum period. Later, these mothers were able to cope with and overcome severe breastfeeding problems. This raised their breastfeeding quality to a greater level

    Assessing Breastfeeding Behaviour in Indonesia: Does Early Skin-to-Skin Contact Affect Mothers’ Breastfeeding Performance and Confidence?

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    Background and Objective: The skin-to-skin contact after birth is known as the first step in a feeding practice that helps mother and infant in establishing the breastfeeding bond and increases mothersʼ confidence in nurturing their infants. Despite the benefits, the absence of this contact commonly occurs in maternity practice, which seems to affect mothersʼ breastfeeding behaviour after discharge. This study aimed to analyse the effect of skin-to-skin contact on mothersʼ breastfeeding performance and self-efficacy. Methodology: This study involved 239 pregnant women who were selected based on cluster random sampling and data were collected from June 2014 to January 2015 in the coastal region of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Mothers were followed and observed several times: first, during the birth process until 2 h after; second, at 7-10 days postpartum; and third, four weeks postpartum to evaluate skin-to-skin contact, breastfeeding performance and breastfeeding self-efficacy. Subjects were divided into two groups with immediate and delayed skin-to-skin contact. Differences between the two groups were measured by independent t-test. Result: Mothers with immediate skin-to-skin contact were more able to breastfeed effectively (p = 0.001, 95% CI 2.04-5.52) and were more confident (p = 0.001, 95% CI 9.71-16.55) compared to those in the delayed group. Immediate skin-to-skin contact shows significant differences in breastfeeding performance and maternal confidence. Conclusion: Immediate skin-to-skin contact remarkably impacted motherʼs ability to adapt to breastfeeding. It also eliminated anxiety and lower self-esteem in the beginning of the postpartum period. Later, these mothers were able to cope with and overcome severe breastfeeding problems. This raised their breastfeeding quality to a greater level

    Child Value and Gender Preference Among Konjo Tribe: A Rapid Ethnography Study in Bulukumba Rural Coast Indonesia

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    Parents' perceptions and expectations for their children are different in variousculture; it depends on how families assess the presence of children in the family and their preference for specific gender. This research aims to assess the perception of children value and gender preferences in Konjo Tribeof Bulukumba Rural Coast, in Indonesia. Using compressed design approach, through rapid etnography assessment. The subject consist of 30 informants, withspesific various couple, public figure, and health workers and assitant Family Planning Staff. The results show that value of children forKonjoTribe community divide into, 1) children are treasure, 2) children are symbol of pride, 3) children are special and precious, 4) children are symbol of family wholeness. While parents preferences of spesific gender in a single family of Konjo Tibe shows different meaning for the existance of sons and daughters, they do more prefer to have son rather than daughter for their first born. It means that in Konjo Tribe, the population will be enlivened with males more than females, considering man as a successor of their generation

    The Effect of the Extracts of Betel (Piper betel) Leaves on the Content of IL-1? as the Inflammatory Cytokine in Experimental Mice Using an Acute Wound Healing Modeling

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    This study aims to determine the effect of ethyl acetate derived from the leaves extraction of betel (Piper betel) on the content of Interleukin-1? (IL-1?) in experimental mice using an acute wound healing modeling. The experimental design used randomized post test only group with 72 experimental mice which divided into 4 groups and each group consisted of 6 mice with three replications. The negative control group (I) was given vaseline after incision. The positive control group (II) was given bioplasenton. The third group (III) was topically given the extracts of betel leaves at 2% concentration and the fourth group (IV) was given the extracts of betel leaves at 3% concentration after incision respectively. The determination of IL-1? applied Immunoassay Quantikine Elisa (IQE). The quantitative analysis (statistical test) used complete randomized design using one-way anova with Spearma