Common Reasons for Discontinuing Early Breastfeeding Initiation


Breastfeeding confers numerous benefits for mother and infant, but regrettably, most mothers discontinue breastfeeding before their babies achieve six months of age due to subjective reasons. This study aims to identify several problems and constraints in promoting exclusive breastfeeding in South Sulawesi, Indonesia from January until June of the year 2013. This study used a cross-sectional study among 218 mothers using purposive sampling method. The correlation among variables was analyzed using chi-square test and logistic regression. Descriptive analysis was used to identify the reasons why mothers ceased breastfeeding and choose formula milk. Based on the regression analysis, it was shown that early breastfeeding initiation was the most influential variable to breastfeeding (OR:3.43, 95% CI:1.95-6.05). The most common reason to discontinue breastfeeding was nipple problem due to lower knowledge in giving breastfeeding and breast care. The main problem is not all birth attendants could support the initiation of early breastfeeding as the routine health activity. Several strategies should be conducted to change their behavior by increasing skills of counseling and knowledge on breastfeeding through the implementation exclusive breastfeeding policies at the Primary Heath Care Clinics

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