214 research outputs found

    Solar technology and building implementation in Malaysia: A national paradigm shift

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    Solar technology is becoming increasingly popular. For example, the production of solarcells quadrupled in the 1999-2004 period, with a capacity of four gigawatts worldwide. Renewableenergy including solar power produces few or no harmful emissions and it is becoming increasinglyimportant to exploit it in the future. This paper presents a literature review of the application ofnumerous types of solar technology in buildings in Malaysia and identifies the challenges faced.Although several newly constructed green buildings use solar technology, Malaysia has yet to acceptit wholesale. If solar technology is to be adopted widely, then both public and private sectors mustcooperate to provide large-scale financial incentives and produce specialists in solar technology. Asthe first step, the government has established the Low Energy Office and the Green Energy Office,which use passive solar design and photovoltaic systems in their own buildings. However, the privatesector has yet to follow suit. It is anticipated that the application of solar technology in buildings willencourage sustainable development when all non-renewable energy sources decrease significantly. Ifpeople do not recognise the potential of such technology in daily life, it will soon be too late

    Developing Visual / Protocol 1 Sustainable Condition Assessment (BSusCA) Tool for Non-Residential Existing Building

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    Global warming and the destruction of the environment are presumed to be the most serious environmental problems. In Malaysia, a lot of people have responded to green building assessment tools, which has led to a growth in green building construction. Sustainable development assessment towards building is an approach that can fulfil demands without neglecting future requirements. Presently, “Non-Destructive Inspections” is a protocol 2 assessment that directly measures sustainable building standards. However, it is unclear how a key idea of sustainable construction has proven its value in the assessment framework since it does not use any prelims in rating a sustainable building. Truthfully, prelims help building stakeholders make precise decisions and plan for the future based on the current state of the building. Otherwise, stakeholders may confront a variety of challenges such as unplanned incidents, the difficulty of the qualifying process, and urgent priority work, particularly if they are unfamiliar with the certification framework. The aim of this research is to overcome the gap of sustainable development assessment protocol 2 by developing a Visual/Protocol 1 Inspection Method for the Building Sustainable Condition Assessment (BSusCA) system. The assessment is generated with an appropriate formula for a pre-assessment benchmarking tool. Hence, it will allow practitioners to understand the minimum requirements for achieving green building certification. This research only focused on the Non-Residential Existing Building (NREB), which includes Chowrasta Market (Pasar Chowrasta) and Kompleks Dato’ Kailan. This study adopted a mixed-method approach by means of questionnaires, case studies, interviews, surveys, and direct observations. The collected data was compared to the literature review. First, significant components of government assessment (pHJKR and SIRIM) and private benchmarking tools for existing building criteria (GBI) were compared. The outcomes indicated that achievement point benchmarks should at least reach 50% in each tool. Second, sub-criteria between pHJKR and GBI assessment tools for a reliable inspection were identified. GBI achieved the targeted benchmarks of ≥50 with an extra 5 points, whereas pHJKR’s targeted benchmarks were ≥74 and achieved with an extra 13 points. Based on these analyses, a Visual/Protocol 1 Inspection Method for the BSusCA system was created with six (6) different criteria. In addition, thematic analysis was used to look at the results of the interview about the BSusCA, and professionals concluded that this case study should be continued for the benefit of stakeholders and practitioners

    Is There Any Rukhṣah in Performing Praying During Covid-19? Maqashid Sharia Analysis

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    The application of rukhṣah in prayer during the Covid-19 pandemic requires a deeper understanding so that the application of rukhṣah is truly implemented in accordance with the corridors that have been determined by Islamic law. Researchers found that the application of rukhṣah in prayer has been carried out in all areas affected by the pandemic even though in some areas they did not take rukhṣah in prayer. However, the mind will be able to think well about the problems of society in accordance with the principles of maqashid sharia, so that it still prioritizes taking rukhṣah  rather than forcing the will. The policy on easing congregational prayers, eliminating Friday prayers and physical distancing for congregational prayers carried out by the government and the MUI is an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19 which leads to the achievement of maqashid sharia so that it provides benefits even in an emergency. The research method used is library research and is qualitative in nature. Sources of data used in this study sourced from primary and secondary data. The results of this study are that it is the ability to cover the genitals for children as a form of caution to avoid unwanted things. Keywords:Rukhṣah; Prayer; Covid-19; Maqashid Sharia

    Developing Visual/Protocol 1 Sustainable Condition Assessment (BSusCA) Tool for Non-Residential Existing Building

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    Global warming and the destruction of the environment are presumed to be the most serious environmental problems. In Malaysia, a lot of people have responded to green building assessment tools, which has led to a growth in green building construction. Sustainable development assessment towards building is an approach that can fulfil demands without neglecting future requirements. Presently, “Non-Destructive Inspections” is a protocol 2 assessment that directly measures sustainable building standards. However, it is unclear how a key idea of sustainable construction has proven its value in the assessment framework since it does not use any prelims in rating a sustainable building. Truthfully, prelims help building stakeholders make precise decisions and plan for the future based on the current state of the building. Otherwise, stakeholders may confront a variety of challenges such as unplanned incidents, the difficulty of the qualifying process, and urgent priority work, particularly if they are unfamiliar with the certification framework. The aim of this research is to overcome the gap of sustainable development assessment protocol 2 by developing a Visual/Protocol 1 Inspection Method for the Building Sustainable Condition Assessment (BSusCA) system. The assessment is generated with an appropriate formula for a pre-assessment benchmarking tool. Hence, it will allow practitioners to understand the minimum requirements for achieving green building certification. This research only focused on the Non-Residential Existing Building (NREB), which includes Chowrasta Market (Pasar Chowrasta) and Kompleks Dato’ Kailan. This study adopted a mixed-method approach by means of questionnaires, case studies, interviews, surveys, and direct observations. The collected data was compared to the literature review. First, significant components of government assessment (pHJKR and SIRIM) and private benchmarking tools for existing building criteria (GBI) were compared. The outcomes indicated that achievement point benchmarks should at least reach 50% in each tool. Second, sub-criteria between pHJKR and GBI assessment tools for a reliable inspection were identified. GBI achieved the targeted benchmarks of ≥50 with an extra 5 points, whereas pHJKR’s targeted benchmarks were ≥74 and achieved with an extra 13 points. Based on these analyses, a Visual/Protocol 1 Inspection Method for the BSusCA system was created with six (6) different criteria. In addition, thematic analysis was used to look at the results of the interview about the BSusCA, and professionals concluded that this case study should be continued for the benefit of stakeholders and practitioners

    Pengaruh Sikap, Pengetahuan dan Kemahiran Terhadap Pencapaian Kendiri Guru di Sabah

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    Kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti pengaruh sikap, pengetahuan dan kemahiran guru Bahasa Melayu terhadap pencapaian konsep kendiri guru Bahasa Melayu di Sabah. Reka bentuk kajian menggunakan kaedah tinjauan. Soal selidik sebagai instrumen kajian telah digunakan untuk mendapatkan data kuantitatif melibatkan seramai 380 guru Bahasa Melayu iaitu sebagai responden. Data kajian telah dianalisis menggunakan statistik IBM SPSS versi 22. Data yang diperoleh, dianalisis menggunakan ujian statistik parametrik iaitu regresi berganda. Keputusan menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan faktor peramal iaitu sikap, pengetahuan dan kemahiran guru terhadap pencapaian kendiri guru Bahasa Melayu. Implikasi daripada kajian ini, mencadangkan bahawa pencapaian kendiri guru Bahasa Melayu perlu sentiasa dipertingkatkan dan ditambah baik dari segi sikap, pengetahuan dan kemahiran dalam meningkatkan pencapaian akademik di sekolah

    Evaluasi Karkas Kambing Kacang Jantan Yang Memperoleh Ransum Berbasis Hay Daun Mangrove (Rhizophora apiculata)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karkas kambing kacang jantan yang memperoleh ransum berbasis hay daun mangrove (Rhizophora apiculata). Materi penelitian ini adalah 4 ekor kambing kacang jantan dengan umur 8-12 bulan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Ransum yang digunakan terdiri dari P1 (40% Rumput Lapangan + 60% Konsentrat), P2 (40% Hay Daun Mangrove + 60% Konsentrat), P3 (16% Hay Daun Mangrove + 24% Rumput Lapangan dan 60% Konsentrat, P4 (16% Hay Daun Mangrove + 24% Rumput Lapangan + 10% Jerami Amoniasi + 50% Konsentrat). Parameter yang diukur adalah bobot potong, bobot karkas, bobot komponen karkas dan bobot komponen non karkas. Data diolah menggunakan analisis deskriptif sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ternak yang diberi kombinasi pakan yang berbeda menghasilkan bobot potong tertinggi yaitu P2 (16,00 kg). Bobot karkas tertinggi yaitu P3 6,80 kg (46,01% dari bobot potong). Bobot komponen karkas tertinggi yaitu P3 6,80 kg (46,01% dari bobot potong). Bobot komponen non karkas tertinggi yaitu P2 9,76 kg (61,06 % dari bobot potong). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa pemberian kombinasi pada perlakuan P3 (16% Hay Daun Mangrove + 24% Rumput Lapangan + 60% Konsentrat) untuk pakan ternak kambing kacang jantan dapat memberikan hasil terbaik dilihat dari bobot potong yaitu 14,78 kg, bobot karkas yaitu 6,80 kg (46,01% dari bobot potong), bobot komponen karkas yaitu 6,80 kg (46,01% dari bobot potong) dan bobot komponen non karkas yaitu 7,98 kg (54,04% dari bobot potong)

    Pengawasan Pengiriman Dan Pengembalian Container Kosong Di Depo Pt. Salam Pacific Indonesia Lines

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    This final project research aims to determine the process of monitoring the delivery and return of empty containers at the depot of PT. Greetings Pacific Indonesia Lines, know the documents required for shipping and returning empty containers at the depot of PT. Greetings Pacific Indonesia Lines and to find outthe problems that occur when shipping and returning containers at the PT.Greetings Pacific Indonesia Lines. The method used for data collection is the method of observation, interview and interview. The place of this research was carried out at PT. Greetings Pacific Indonesia Lines, which I carried out from April to August 2021. The results of this research are knowing the shipping process of containers, Checking containers, Washing data/quantity collection containers, Making receipts/receipts. The process of returning the container, Checking the condition of the container, Checking the receipt / document proof of the return of the container, Collecting data and changing the status of the returned container. Documents when shipping and returning, Factory certificates, EIR documents, Bill of lading documents, Documents when returning, Release Order/RO Documents, Factory road documents, EIR Documents. The obstacles that occur in PT. Salam Pacific Indonesia Lines does not use safety equipment, Damage to equipment occurs, jams occur in the stockpile depot, Flooded stacking field


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan menggambar flora peserta didik kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Cina Kabupaten Bone, untuk melihat sejauh mana kemampuan menggambar peserta didik kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Cina Kabupaten Bone. Sasaran penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas VII SMP yang berjumlah 35 orang. Teknik analisis pengumpulan datanya adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Adapun teknik yang digunakan peneliti dalam skripsi ini adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian terhadap kemampuan menggambar flora peserta didik kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Cina Kabupaten Bone. Yaitu: hasilnya dikategorikan cukup dengan hasil akumulasi nilai rata-rata 70,51, sebanyak 25 orang peserta didik yang mendapatkan nilai di atas rata-rata atau (71%), sedangkan 10 peserta didik yang memperoleh nilai di bawah nilai rata-rata atau (28%) PENDAHULUAN Muatan seni budaya dan keterampilan sebagaimana yang diamanatkan dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 19 tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan tidak hanya terdapat dalam satu mata pelajaran karena budaya itu sendiri meliputi segala aspek kehidupan. Dalam mata pelajaran Seni Budaya, aspek budaya tidak dibahas secara tersendiri tetapi terintegrasi dengan seni. Karena itu, mata pelajaran Seni Budaya pada dasarnya merupakan pendidikan seni yang berbasis budaya. Pendidikan Seni Budaya diberikan di sekolah karena keunikan, kebermaknaan, dan kebermanfaatan terhadap kebutuhan perkembangan peserta didik, yang terletak pada pemberian pengalaman estetik dalam bentuk kegiatan berekspresi/berkreasi dan berapresiasi melalui pendekatan: “belajar dengan seni,” “belajar melalui seni” dan “belajar tentang seni.” Peran ini tidak dapat diberikan oleh mata pelajaran lain. Pendidikan Seni Budaya memiliki sifat multilingual, multidimensional, dan multikultural. Multilingual bermakna pengembangan kemampuan mengekspresikan diri secara kreatif dengan berbagai cara dan media seperti bahasa rupa, bunyi, gerak, peran dan berbagai perpaduannya. Multidimensional bermakna pengembangan beragam kompetensi meliputi konsepsi (pengetahuan, pemahaman, analisis, evaluasi), apresiasi, dan kreasi dengan car

    Rancang Bangun Alat Pengupas Kopi Menggunakan Satu Rol Pengupas

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    This study focuses on the discussion about a coffee skin peeler using a peeler roller which will be designed to help the community or farmers in processing coffee beans so that it is faster and easier to process them. The purpose of this study was to design a transmission system for a coffee grinder with a capacity of 40 kg and to determine the effect of slit distance on time with a capacity of 5 kg and to determine the effect of slit distance on good and bad results with a capacity of 5 kg. The method used is by conducting a literature study, field study, design planning and collecting tools and materials. The author conducted research in the form of designing and manufacturing a wet coffee peeler using 1 peeler roller. The design of the coffee peeler consists of a bottom frame supported by a trolley wheel, a gasoline motor as a drive, a pulley, a belt. This test was carried out with a calculation time of 5 minutes with a coffee peeler machine by peeling 5 kg of wet coffee. From the results of the study obtained good results with a gap of 4 mm that is 2.1 kg, a gap of 5 mm, 1.7 and a gap of 6 mm that is 1 kg. While the results are not good with a gap of 4 mm which is 2.8 kg, a gap of 5 mm is 3.2 kg and a gap of 6 mm is 3.9 kg. Keywords: Design, coffee machine, gap distance, performance, coffee peeler