8 research outputs found

    Kajian Peningkatan Produktivitas Padi Sawah Melalui Pengelolaan Hara Spesifik Lokasi (PHSL) Pada Lahan Berpotensi Hasil Rendah

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    The experiments was conducted at Kasang village, district of Batang Anai, Padang Pariaman regency during June until December 2013. The objectives of this experiment was to increased lowland rice production through specific location of nutrient management (SLNM) on low potential productivity of lowland. Four packages of fertilization such as Package A, B, C and D were arranged in Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) with 6 replications. Result of this experiment showed that; (1) SLNM treatments were significantly affected plant growth such as tiller number and plant high. Saveral of yield components also significantly affected by SLNM treatments packages such as panicles number, number of seeds per panicle, and percentage of filled grains. SLNM package A, B, and C significantly increased grain yields such as 24.9%, 34.2%, and 29.5% respectively compred to farmer package (Package D). The low grain yield with Famer package caused insufficient nutrient supplied for plant growth and yield is due to low fertilizer application and inaccurate nutrient management. The experiment suggested that the best application of inorganic fertilizer should be followed or combined with organic fertilizer such as animal manure or compost and the application of thus material should be in mature condition

    Kajian Peningkatan Produktivitas Padi Sawah Melalui Pengelolaan Hara Spesifik Lokasi (PHSL) Pada Lahan Berpotensi Hasil Rendah

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    The experiments was conducted at Kasang village, district of Batang Anai, Padang Pariaman regency during June until December 2013. The objectives of this experiment was to increased lowland rice production through specific location of nutrient management (SLNM) on low potential productivity of lowland. Four packages of fertilization such as Package A, B, C and D were arranged in Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) with 6 replications. Result of this experiment showed that; (1) SLNM treatments were significantly affected plant growth such as tiller number and plant high. Saveral of yield components also significantly affected by SLNM treatments packages such as panicles number, number of seeds per panicle, and percentage of filled grains. SLNM package A, B, and C significantly increased grain yields such as 24.9%,  34.2%, and 29.5% respectively compred to farmer package (Package D). The low grain yield with Famer package caused insufficient nutrient supplied for plant growth and yield is due to low fertilizer application and inaccurate nutrient management. The experiment suggested that the best application of inorganic fertilizer should be followed or combined with organic fertilizer such as animal manure or compost and  the application of thus material should be in mature condition. Key Words:  rice, specific location, fertilize

    The Application of Social Change and Ta’wil Theories in Understanding Musykil al-Ahadiths and Their Constribution to Shariah Economic Law Development in Indonesia

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    Although many studies have focussed on the application of social change and ta’wil theories; none of them have concentrated on the use of both theories simultaneously in understanding musykil al-ahadiths. This paper analyzed the application of social change and ta’wil theories in understanding musykil al-ahadiths and their contribution to the development of Shariah Economic Law (SEL) reform in Indonesia. Data were gained through indepth interview with some members of National Shariah Board (DSN) of Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) and literature study of Shariah Legislation Regulations and the DSN Fatwa (Legal Advice) on some issues of SEL reform such as Current Account, Savings, and Deposits. This study revealed that social change and ta’wil theories have been strong driver and technically played important role in understanding musykil al-ahadiths in giving significant contribution to the development of SEL in Indonesia. Ta’wil, especially in the Ushul al-Syafi’iyyah school which preferred what the word probably means in its context, has become very popular theory among the members of DSN in understanding musykil al-ahadiths. This finding gives a clear picture on how using social change and ta’wil theories in understanding sacred texts, the Holy Qur’an, Hadiths, Bible, Torah, and others in order to practice their teaching in the real life

    The Transformation of Rice Crop Technology in Indonesia: Innovation and Sustainable Food Security

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    The growth of the Indonesian population has led to an increase in the demand for rice, which the country has yet to satisfy. Indonesia needs a comprehensive strategy that integrates meaningful efforts to increase its agricultural production. This study aims to review the examined trends in rice yield in Indonesia for 70 years after Indonesia’s independence (1945–2016) followed by the identification of the application technology and factors that contribute to increasing rice yields to forecast sustainable food security scenarios up to 2030. This article reviews the results of research on rice production technology in Indonesia from 1945 to 2016, and the outlook for 2030. This paper examines the main points of the Indonesian transformation of rice technology: improvement of rice varieties, integrated crop management, innovations in agricultural machinery, and the Integrated Cropping Calendar Information System (ICCIS). We found that transformation has helped Indonesia increased its rice yields from 3 t ha−1 prior to 1961 to 4.6 t ha−1 in 1985, stagnated in 1990, and increased again in 2017 to 5.46 t ha−1. The increase in yield was sustained by an increase in the harvested area owing to cropping index (CI) innovation. Food security and sustainable development remain the primary goals of Indonesia’s agricultural sector. The application of appropriate technologies and institutional innovations can assist Indonesia in achieving its food security. Therefore, the transformation of technological innovations will continue to be an essential driver of future agricultural growth, including greater use of crop varieties, machinery, and land/institutional reforms