18,359 research outputs found

    Improving Students\u27 Motivation In Speaking By Using Role Play In Video Modelled Conversation (Vmc)

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    : Role play in Video Modelled Conversation are proposed in the teaching of speaking not only because of their appealing forms but also due to their salient features, as multimedia to improve the students\u27 motivation in speaking. This study investigated students\u27 motivation by using Dornyei\u27s framework of language learning motivation. A questionnaire and a semi-structured interview were also employed as a means of collecting the data through a classroom action research. The procedures included planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. The results showed that teaching speaking using Role Play in Video Modelled Conversations could successfully improve students motivation in speaking. They find this technology can enhance their English learning motivation and effectively boost their English speaking ability

    Pemanfaatan Alumina Waste dari Tailing Bauksit Menjadi Zeolit Adsorben

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    Alumina waste dari tailing bauksit merupakan produk samping yang berasal dari hasil benefisiasi bijih bauksit. Proses benefisiasi dilakukan dengan cara memisahkan partikel-partikel yang ada seperti lumpur atau clay, akar-akar, butiran bijih bauksit berkisar 2 mm yang dibuang atau menjadi waste product atau disebut sebagai limbah tailing. Tingginya kadar alumina dan silika dalam tailing bauksit menjadi salah satu alasan mengapa tailingini dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan dasar dalam pembuatan produk baru yaitu zeolit sintetis. Zeolit sintetis dipilih karena zeolit merupakan produk impor, harganya mahal dan memiliki sifat yang seragam serta >150 jenis zeolit sintetis dapat dibuat secara komersial dan bahkan di industri zeolit dapat dimanfaatkan secara luas sebagai adsorben, penukar ion, membrane, katalis, dan lain-lain.Hasil analisis kimia tailing bauksit menunjukkan komposisi: alumina (Al2O3) sekitar 49,41%, silika (SiO2) sekitar 12,58%, hematit (Fe2O3) sekitar 10,6% dan beberapa oksida anorganik lainnya dalam jumlah yang kecil. Proses konversi tailing bauksit menjadi zeolit adsorben dilakukan dengan metode fusi kaustik untuk mendapatkan ekstrak fusi (mother liquor) kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penambahan prekursor natrium silikat dengan formula sintesis Si/Al(1:1). Kristalisasi produk dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode hidrotermal pada suhu rendah dengan variable waktu inkubasi yang ditentukan. Reaksi sodium aluminat dan sodium silikat telah mentransformasi fasa amorf gel menjadi fasa kristalin zeolit yang berbentuk serbuk putih halus

    Recent advances and potential future applications of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry for identification of helminths

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    Helminth infections caused by nematodes, trematodes, and cestodes are major neglected tropical diseases and of great medical and veterinary relevance. At present, diagnosis of helminthic diseases is mainly based on microscopic observation of different parasite stages, but microscopy is associated with limited diagnostic accuracy. Against this background, recent studies described matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry as a potential, innovative tool for helminth identification and differentiation. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry is based on the analysis of spectra profiles generated from protein extracts of a given pathogen. It requires an available spectra database containing reference spectra, also called main spectra profiles (MSPs), which are generated from well characterized specimens. At present, however, there are no commercially available databases for helminth identification using this approach. In this narrative review, we summarize recent developments and published studies between January 2019 and September 2022 that report on the use of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry for helminths. Current challenges and future research needs are identified and briefly discussed

    Reconstructing Colonization Dynamics of the Human Parasite Schistosoma mansoni following Anthropogenic Environmental Changes in Northwest Senegal

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    © 2015 Van den Broeck et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. The attached file is the published version of the article

    Local perception of indoor air pollution with use of biofuel in rural communities of Uchalli Wetlands complex, salt range Pakistan

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    More than 2.4 billion people around the world in the rural community depend on biomass fuel (wood, charcoal animal dung, and crop residue). Incomplete combustion of this fuel has led to increased amounts of indoor pollution and raise in global warming; this has further led to the increase in the incidence of diseases. Therefore, interventions to reduce biomass fuel related emission by alternative fuels and improved combustion efficiency can improve health, add to socioeconomic development. The area selected for sampling was the Uchalli Wetlands Complex which in the Northwest of Khushab district in Pakistan which houses three saline lakes surrounded by forest and villages. A questionnaire was designed with questions regarding the household fuel use and techniques to improve livelihood and to create awareness and locals from the age of 19-95 were interviewed with a majority of males, houses in the area were mainly of stone blocks and majority males in the area worked in the city. Combined family system was prevalent in the area (80%) with about 42% of the population having no formal education. A wide variety of stoves were observed in the area with wives having a major decision (69%) in fuel choice which mainly depended on the cheapness and availability of the fuel. The cooking being mostly done (79.8%) outside in summers and indoors in winters. Majority of the respondents (94.7%) were aware that liquid petroleum gas and natural gas are better ways of reducing pollution and decreasing the incidence of diseases which included using dry wood, proper ventilation and many others

    Ready, Willing, and Able? Exploring the Relationships and Experiences of International Students at a Federal University in the United Arab Emirates

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    The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a young and diverse country that has experienced increased international student enrolment in recent years. This empirical, descriptive study examined the experiences of international students at a federal higher education institution in the UAE through the lens of the intergroup contact theory. Research questions focused on interactions with national students, adjustment to college, and institutional support. Surveys of 126 students found that national and international students desired more connections and overall had positive perceptions of each other. Some of the main international student barriers to adjustment and engagement related to language or cultural differences, and they felt generally supported on campus by faculty and staff but desired more intentional structured outside-of-the-classroom programs. This chapter offers a unique contribution by exploring the experiences, assumptions, and constructions of international students who study in a federal institution in a highly diverse country context

    Seasonal Occurrence of Rice Yellow Mottle Virus in Lowland Rice in Côte d’Ivoire

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    Monthly plantings of the rice variety Bouaké 189 were made under lowland irrigated conditions, to obtain information on the phenological and seasonal occurrence of pests and diseases on the West African Rice Development Association (WARDA) research farm near Bouaké, Côte d’Ivoire. Regular sampling of insect pests and observations on rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV) disease infection throughout the year provided information on the occurrence of RYMV and potential insect vectors. RYMV incidence and grain yields varied depending on planting date, and for a given planting date, varied from one year to another. There was no evidence that RYMV incidence increases in successive seasons under continuous cropping. There was no significant correlation between RYMV incidence and either rainfall or wind speed. Leaf feeding damage by the beetle vector of RYMV, Trichispa sericea Guerin-Meneville (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), and percentage RYMV infected plants were severe in the July and August plantings in 1993, but whereas T. sericea was not observed thereafter, RYMV spread continued. The white leafhoppers Cofana spectra (Distant) and C. unimaculata (Signoret) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), the green leafhoppers Nephotettix spp. (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), the spittle bug Locris rubra F. (Hemiptera: Cercopidae), the diopsids Diopsis longicornis Macquart and D. apicalis Dalman (Diptera: Diopsidae), and the grasshopper Oxy hyla Stål (Orthoptera: Acridadae) were the most abundant of the insect pests and had distinct population peaks within a year. However, population abundances were not correlated with RYMV incidence. The variability of RYMV in time and space and the potential role of weeds as alternative hosts for RYMV are discussed

    Resilience of local communities to climate change around a ramsar site in Pakistan

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    The Taunsa Barrage controls water flow in the River Indus for irrigation and flood control purposes. The river ecology is sensitive to climate change due to the high portion of its flow derived glacial melt. To assess the socio-economic status of the rural communities living within the Taunsa Barrage Wildlife sanctuary, a questionnaire was developed based on the perception of local communities about their resilience capacity and climate change. Temperature and rainfall data over the period 1951 – 2010 were analysed and used as an indicator of climate change. 85 of the respondents (n =100) reported that there had been an increase extreme climatic events over the past 60 years. These communities have proved to be resilient (94% n = 100) to it by changing occupations and lifestyles. However at the same time they have increased the pressure on natural resource use and this is causing a serious problem in the management of the protected area