1,053 research outputs found

    EEOC v. CBS Broadcasting

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    Mapping Synaptic Pathology within Cerebral Cortical Circuits in Subjects with Schizophrenia

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    Converging lines of evidence indicate that schizophrenia is characterized by impairments of synaptic machinery within cerebral cortical circuits. Efforts to localize these alterations in brain tissue from subjects with schizophrenia have frequently been limited to the quantification of structures that are non-selectively identified (e.g., dendritic spines labeled in Golgi preparations, axon boutons labeled with synaptophysin), or to quantification of proteins using methods unable to resolve relevant cellular compartments. Multiple label fluorescence confocal microscopy represents a means to circumvent many of these limitations, by concurrently extracting information regarding the number, morphology, and relative protein content of synaptic structures. An important adaptation required for studies of human disease is coupling this approach to stereologic methods for systematic random sampling of relevant brain regions. In this review article we consider the application of multiple label fluorescence confocal microscopy to the mapping of synaptic alterations in subjects with schizophrenia and describe the application of a novel, readily automated, iterative intensity/morphological segmentation algorithm for the extraction of information regarding synaptic structure number, size, and relative protein level from tissue sections obtained using unbiased stereological principles of sampling. In this context, we provide examples of the examination of pre- and post-synaptic structures within excitatory and inhibitory circuits of the cerebral cortex

    A Profile of Private Vocational Training Schools

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    This paper outlines the salient features of private vocational training schools in four major regions of Canada. Schools are further described in terms of their operating principles and practices, the range of training programs offered and, finally, the regulatory and governance structures of federal and provincial governments and of the industry itself. This profile outlines the market-oriented nature of the proprietary school industry and is presented with reference to the community college and institute system where, to a limited degree, similar entrepreneurial features are found. On the basis of this comparison, some observations are made as to the potential contribution of proprietary schools toward current government efforts at improving training provision in Canada.Cet article dĂ©crit les caractĂ©ristiques principales des Ă©coles privĂ©es de formation professionnelle dans les quatre grandes rĂ©gions canadiennes. On trace le portrait dĂ©taillĂ© de leurs modes d'opĂ©ration, de l'Ă©ventail des programmes offerts, des structures de contrĂŽle et d'administration imposĂ©es par les gouvernements fĂ©dĂ©ral et provinciaux, et par l'industrie mĂȘme. Le profil dĂ©gagĂ© souligne la forte orientation de marchĂ© des Ă©coles privĂ©es et une comparaison avec les services offerts dans les collĂšges communautiares et les instituts techniques publics permet de dĂ©gager des traits communs aux deux systĂšms par rapport Ă  leur approche entrepreneuriale. A partir de cette comparaison, des observations sont tirĂ©es sur la contribution potentielle des Ă©coles professionnelles privĂ©es dans le cadre des politiques gouvernementales visant l'amĂ©lioration de l'enseignement professionnel au Canada

    Homework As Home Work: Mothers' Unpaid Educational Labour

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    Homework involvement represents one form of mothers' educational unpaid work that is absent in considerations of domestic labour. Using National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth survey data, we identify three homework trends that differentiate the homework activities of full-time employed mothers from the work of "at-home" mothers. We argue that these patterns reinforce class and gender divisions.Aider les enfants avec leurs devoirs représente une forme de travail éducatif non -rémunéré des m Úres, qui est absent lorsqu'on considÚre le travail domestique. En nous servant des données du Sondage national sur les enfants et les jeunes, nous identifions les trois tendances en ce qui est de l'accompagnement scolaire qui différencient les activités reliées aux devoirs des mÚres qui travaillent à temps plein du travail des mÚres qui restent à la maison. Nous discutons que ces modÚles renforcent les divisions entre les sexes

    Deinstitutionalization of Status Offenders: In Perspective

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    Psychosis in Alzheimer's Disease in the National Alzheimer's Disease Coordinating Center Uniform Data Set: Clinical Correlates and Association with Apolipoprotein E

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    Approximately 50% of late-onset Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients develop psychosis (AD+P), a heritable phenotype associated with more rapid cognitive decline. Prior studies conflict regarding whether apolipoprotein E (APOE) ϔ4 alleles are associated with AD+P, possibly due to small sample sizes, inconsistent diagnostic criteria, and different methodologies to assess psychosis. We used the National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center Uniform Data Set to evaluate the largest uniformly characterized sample of AD+P subjects studied to date for the association of APOE ϔ4 genotype, along with other demographic and clinical variables. Greater cognitive impairment and depressive symptoms were associated with AD+P, while the Caucasian race was protective. Neither APOE ϔ4 carrier status nor allele number was associated with psychosis. The AD+P phenotype is not associated with the APOE ϔ4 genotype. AD+P may represent a useful phenotype for the discovery of non-APOE ϔ4 genetic variation contributing to the risk of AD

    Prevalence of Peyronie's Disease-Like Symptoms in Men Presenting With Dupuytren Contractures.

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    IntroductionPeyronie's disease (PD) and Dupuytren contractures (DC) are often comorbid and are believed to have a similar underlying pathophysiologic mechanism.AimTo investigate the prevalence of PD-like symptoms (PDLS) in men with DC.MethodsFrom October 2013 to December 2016, men who were seen and evaluated for DC were offered the opportunity to participate in an anonymous survey. The survey assessed several basic demographic and sexual health factors and included items from the International Index of Erectile Function and the Erection Hardness Scale. Men who reported PDLS were asked a series of questions derived from the Peyronie's Disease Questionnaire and for their opinions on theoretical treatment modalities for sexual problems and penile deformity.Main outcome measurePrevalence of PDLS in men with DC.ResultsOne hundred forty men with DC were invited to participate; 85 surveys were returned (response rate = 61%). Twenty-two respondents (26%, 95% confidence interval = 17-35) reported PDLS. Approximately one fourth of all respondents had an Erection Hardness Scale score lower than 3. The most common specific PDLS concerns were penile curvature (91%), length loss (55%), narrowing (36%), and hinging (32%). In men with PDLS, 73% felt at least a little bothered by the symptoms when attempting sexual activity and 40% reported having sex less frequently because of the symptoms. Just 27% of men with PDLS had ever used a treatment for a sexual concern. In terms of treatments for penile deformities, 64% of men with PDLS expressed an interest in treatment administered in the form of an in-office procedure; 41% were potentially amenable to a surgical procedure.ConclusionThe prevalence of PDLS in men with DC is similar to the prevalence of DC in men diagnosed with PD. A substantial number of these men have distress and would consider standard-of-care treatments for PD. Shindel AW, Sweet G, Thieu W, et al. Prevalence of Peyronie's Disease-Like Symptoms in Men Presenting With Dupuytren Contractures. Sex Med 2017;5:e135-e141
