449 research outputs found

    On Generators and Congenerators

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    The question of the existence of generators and cogenerators i n a category is of i n t e r e s t i n view of the special adjoint functor theorem. ISBELL has given an example (unpublished) which shows t h a t the existence of a cogenerator i s a necessary part of the hypothesis of the special adjoint functor theorem. This example also shows t h a t the category of groups has no cogenerator. (Clearly the f r e e group on one element i s a generator i n the category of groups.) It is well known t h a t there e x i s t generators and cogenerators i n the categories of commutative groups, Comrnutative Lie algebras (over a f i e l d ) and commutative r e s t r i c t e d Lie algebras, because a l l of these categories are module categories. By ISBELL1s r e s u l t when one drops the condition of cornmutativity for the category of commut a t i v e groups there i s no longer a cogenerator. We have Proved similar r e s u l t s for the categories of commutative Lie algebras and commutative r e s t r i c t e d Lie algebras. The r e s u l t s are summarized i n the l i s t below where we have included some r e l a t e d categories

    Generating loop graphs via Hopf algebra in quantum field theory

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    We use the Hopf algebra structure of the time-ordered algebra of field operators to generate all connected weighted Feynman graphs in a recursive and efficient manner. The algebraic representation of the graphs is such that they can be evaluated directly as contributions to the connected n-point functions. The recursion proceeds by loop order and vertex number.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX + AMS + eepic; new section with alternative recursion formula added, further minor changes and correction

    Structure of semisimple Hopf algebras of dimension p2q2p^2q^2

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    Let p,qp,q be prime numbers with p4<qp^4<q, and kk an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0. We show that semisimple Hopf algebras of dimension p2q2p^2q^2 can be constructed either from group algebras and their duals by means of extensions, or from Radford biproduct R#kG, where kGkG is the group algebra of group GG of order p2p^2, RR is a semisimple Yetter-Drinfeld Hopf algebra in kGkGYD{}^{kG}_{kG}\mathcal{YD} of dimension q2q^2. As an application, the special case that the structure of semisimple Hopf algebras of dimension 4q24q^2 is given.Comment: 11pages, to appear in Communications in Algebr

    Algebra Structures on Hom(C,L)

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    We consider the space of linear maps from a coassociative coalgebra C into a Lie algebra L. Unless C has a cocommutative coproduct, the usual symmetry properties of the induced bracket on Hom(C,L) fail to hold. We define the concept of twisted domain (TD) algebras in order to recover the symmetries and also construct a modified Chevalley-Eilenberg complex in order to define the cohomology of such algebras

    Kazhdan--Lusztig-dual quantum group for logarithmic extensions of Virasoro minimal models

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    We derive and study a quantum group g(p,q) that is Kazhdan--Lusztig-dual to the W-algebra W(p,q) of the logarithmic (p,q) conformal field theory model. The algebra W(p,q) is generated by two currents W+(z)W^+(z) and W−(z)W^-(z) of dimension (2p-1)(2q-1), and the energy--momentum tensor T(z). The two currents generate a vertex-operator ideal RR with the property that the quotient W(p,q)/R is the vertex-operator algebra of the (p,q) Virasoro minimal model. The number (2 p q) of irreducible g(p,q)-representations is the same as the number of irreducible W(p,q)-representations on which RR acts nontrivially. We find the center of g(p,q) and show that the modular group representation on it is equivalent to the modular group representation on the W(p,q) characters and ``pseudocharacters.'' The factorization of the g(p,q) ribbon element leads to a factorization of the modular group representation on the center. We also find the g(p,q) Grothendieck ring, which is presumably the ``logarithmic'' fusion of the (p,q) model.Comment: 52pp., AMSLaTeX++. half a dozen minor inaccuracies (cross-refs etc) correcte

    Weak Hopf algebras corresponding to Cartan matrices

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    We replace the group of group-like elements of the quantized enveloping algebra Uq(g)U_q({\frak{g}}) of a finite dimensional semisimple Lie algebra g{\frak g} by some regular monoid and get the weak Hopf algebra wqd(g){\frak{w}}_q^{\sf d}({\frak g}). It is a new subclass of weak Hopf algebras but not Hopf algebras. Then we devote to constructing a basis of wqd(g){\frak{w}}_q^{\sf d}({\frak g}) and determine the group of weak Hopf algebra automorphisms of wqd(g){\frak{w}}_q^{\sf d}({\frak g}) when qq is not a root of unity.Comment: 21 page

    Quantum Lie algebras associated to Uq(gln)U_q(gl_n) and Uq(sln)U_q(sl_n)

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    Quantum Lie algebras \qlie{g} are non-associative algebras which are embedded into the quantized enveloping algebras Uq(g)U_q(g) of Drinfeld and Jimbo in the same way as ordinary Lie algebras are embedded into their enveloping algebras. The quantum Lie product on \qlie{g} is induced by the quantum adjoint action of Uq(g)U_q(g). We construct the quantum Lie algebras associated to Uq(gln)U_q(gl_n) and Uq(sln)U_q(sl_n). We determine the structure constants and the quantum root systems, which are now functions of the quantum parameter qq. They exhibit an interesting duality symmetry under q↔1/qq\leftrightarrow 1/q.Comment: Latex 9 page

    Cotensor Coalgebras in Monoidal Categories

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    We introduce the concept of cotensor coalgebra for a given bicomodule over a coalgebra in an abelian monoidal category. Under some further conditions we show that such a cotensor coalgebra exists and satisfies a meaningful universal property. We prove that this coalgebra is formally smooth whenever the comodule is relative injective and the coalgebra itself is formally smooth

    On quantum group SL_q(2)

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    We start with the observation that the quantum group SL_q(2), described in terms of its algebra of functions has a quantum subgroup, which is just a usual Cartan group. Based on this observation we develop a general method of constructing quantum groups with similar property. We also describe this method in the language of quantized universal enveloping algebras, which is another common method of studying quantum groups. We carry our method in detail for root systems of type SL(2); as a byproduct we find a new series of quantum groups - metaplectic groups of SL(2)-type. Representations of these groups can provide interesting examples of bimodule categories over monoidal category of representations of SL_q(2).Comment: plain TeX, 19 pages, no figure

    Noncommutative fields and actions of twisted Poincare algebra

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    Within the context of the twisted Poincar\'e algebra, there exists no noncommutative analogue of the Minkowski space interpreted as the homogeneous space of the Poincar\'e group quotiented by the Lorentz group. The usual definition of commutative classical fields as sections of associated vector bundles on the homogeneous space does not generalise to the noncommutative setting, and the twisted Poincar\'e algebra does not act on noncommutative fields in a canonical way. We make a tentative proposal for the definition of noncommutative classical fields of any spin over the Moyal space, which has the desired representation theoretical properties. We also suggest a way to search for noncommutative Minkowski spaces suitable for studying noncommutative field theory with deformed Poincar\'e symmetries.Comment: 20 page
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