10 research outputs found

    Cell-free gene-regulatory network engineering with synthetic transcription factors

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    Gene-regulatory networks are ubiquitous in nature and critical for bottom-up engineering of synthetic networks. Transcriptional repression is a fundamental function that can be tuned at the level of DNA, protein, and cooperative protein-protein interactions, necessitating high-throughput experimental approaches for in-depth characterization. Here, we used a cell-free system in combination with a high-throughput microfluidic device to comprehensively study the different tuning mechanisms of a synthetic zinc-finger repressor library, whose affinity and co-operativity can be rationally engineered. The device is integrated into a comprehensive workflow that includes determination of transcription-factor binding-energy landscapes and mechanistic modeling, enabling us to generate a library of well-characterized synthetic transcription factors and corresponding promoters, which we then used to build gene-regulatory networks de novo. The well-characterized synthetic parts and insights gained should be useful for rationally engineering gene-regulatory networks and for studying the biophysics of transcriptional regulation

    High-throughput microfluidic platforms for characterizing and engineering cell-free gene regulatory circuits

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    Cell-free systems have emerged as a versatile platform for constructing complex biological systems from the bottom-up. In particular, they enable the rapid engineering and characterization of gene regulatory networks, a critical cellular subsystem that allows a cell to sense and respond to a myriad of signals with a computational-like logic. Building synthetic gene circuits provides the means to both program new functionalities and augment our understanding of natural networks. Genetic circuits are composed of elements that control transcription, translation and post-translational processes through biomolecular interactions involving DNA, RNA, proteins and small molecules. Even the design space of simple gene circuits can be sizeable, necessitating high-throughput methods capable of characterizing large libraries of regulatory components in a comprehensive manner that can guide the engineering of functional circuits. Therefore, we have developed microfluidic platforms that can be coupled with cell-free systems to facilitate the high-throughput screening of gene regulatory elements. In this work, we begin by presenting a microfluidic device capable of performing hundreds of independent cell-free transcription-translation reactions in parallel, using different combinations of surface immobilised DNA as the reaction templates. We employ this device to study different mechanisms for tuning transcriptional repression using synthetic zinc-fingers, whose affinity, specificity and coopertivity can be rationally engineered. Functional repression assays were combined with quantitative affinity measurements and thermodynamic modeling to generate a library of well-characterized synthetic transcription factors and corresponding promoters, with which we were able to build gene regulatory circuits de novo. As the first platform was limited to carrying out reactions in batch-mode, we then adapted the microfluidic device to enable the implementation of cell-free transcription-translation reactions at steady state, while maintaining high-throughput screening capabilities. The modified device consisted of individual reaction compartments that could be periodically supplied with cell-free reagents mixed on-chip to create programmable concentration gradients. For a proof of concept we measured the steady state repression levels for a subset of the synthetic components we had previously characterized in batch and demonstrated that we could implement a genetic toggle switch. Lastly, we developed a microfluidic device for generating double emulsion droplets to encapsulate cell-free gene expression reactions. The flow focusing device integrates pneumatic valves that enable on-chip mixing with minimal reagent volumes and drop sorting. Utilizing this device we were able to precisely titrate DNA template concentrations and monitor in vitro protein synthesis profiles in the droplets

    CFPU: A Cell-Free Processing Unit for High-Throughput, Automated In Vitro Circuit Characterization in Steady-State Conditions

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    Forward engineering synthetic circuits are at the core of synthetic biology. Automated solutions will be required to facilitate circuit design and implementation. Circuit design is increasingly being automated with design software, but innovations in experimental automation are lagging behind. Microfluidic technologies made it possible to perform in vitro transcription-translation (tx-tl) reactions with increasing throughput and sophistication, enabling screening and characterization of individual circuit elements and complete circuit designs. Here, we developed an automated microfluidic cell-free processing unit (CFPU) that extends high-throughput screening capabilities to a steady-state reaction environment, which is essential for the implementation and analysis of more complex and dynamic circuits. The CFPU contains 280 chemostats that can be individually programmed with DNA circuits. Each chemostat is periodically supplied with tx-tl reagents, giving rise to sustained, long-term steady-state conditions. Using microfluidic pulse width modulation (PWM), the device is able to generate tx-tl reagent compositions in real time. The device has higher throughput, lower reagent consumption, and overall higher functionality than current chemostat devices. We applied this technology to map transcription factor-based repression under equilibrium conditions and implemented dynamic gene circuits switchable by small molecules. We expect the CFPU to help bridge the gap between circuit design and experimental automation for in vitro development of synthetic gene circuits

    Trapping, entrainment and synchronization of semiflexible polymers in narrow, asymmetric confinements

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    The physical properties of polymeric actin facilitate many mechanical processes within the cell, including cellular deformation and locomotion, whereby the polymers can be confined to a range of different geometries. As actin polymers often form entangled solutions in the cell, we have investigated the effect of confinement on the evolution of entangled semiflexible polymer solutions. Using a microfluidic platform, we examined the physical dynamics of actin polymers confined within narrow (2-4 ÎŒm) rectangular channels. Focusing on the entanglement process of two actin polymers, we found that their prolonged entrainment leads to synchronized horizontal undulations and decreased translational diffusion. In the absence of cross-linking molecules or proteins, the long-range entrainment interactions are predominantly controlled by the geometric boundaries. We directly measure the deflection length Λ for an individual polymer, either solitarily confined within a channel or confined in the presence of a second filament, enabling the determination of the change in free energy associated with polymer entanglement. Our results indicate that geometrical confinement can serve as a solitary variable influencing the physical dynamics of entangled semiflexible polymers

    Microfluidic device for real-time formulation of reagents and their subsequent encapsulation into double emulsions

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    Emulsion drops are often employed as picoliter-sized containers to perform screening assays. These assays usually entail the formation of drops encompassing discrete objects such as cells or microparticles and reagents to study interactions between the different encapsulants. Drops are also used to screen influences of reagent concentrations on the final product. However, these latter assays are less frequently performed because it is difficult to change the reagent concentration over a wide range with high precision within a single experiment. In this paper, we present a microfluidic double emulsion drop maker containing pneumatic valves that enable injection of different reagents using pulsed width modulation and subsequent mixing. This device can produce drops from reagent volumes as low as 10 ÎŒl with minimal sample loss, thereby enabling experiments that would be prohibitively expensive using droplet generators that do not contain valves. We employ this device to monitor the kinetics of cell free synthesis of green fluorescent proteins inside double emulsions. To demonstrate the potential of this device, we perform DNA titration experiments in double emulsion drops to test the influence of the DNA concentration on the amount of green fluorescence proteins produced

    GreA and GreB Enhance Expression of Escherichia coil RNA Polymerase Promoters in a Reconstituted Transcription-Translation System

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    Cell-free environments are becoming viable alternatives for implementing biological networks in synthetic biology. The reconstituted cell-free expression system (PURE) allows characterization of genetic networks under defined conditions but its applicability to native bacterial promoters and endogenous genetic networks is limited due to the poor transcription rate of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase in this minimal system. We found that addition of transcription elongation factors GreA and GreB to the PURE system increased transcription rates of E. coli RNA polymerase from sigma factor 70 promoters up to 6-fold and enhanced the performance of a genetic network. Furthermore, we reconstituted activation of natural E. coli promoters controlling flagella biosynthesis by the transcriptional activator FlhDC and sigma factor 28. Addition of GreA/GreB to the PURE system allows efficient expression from natural and synthetic E. coli promoters and characterization of their regulation in minimal and defined reaction conditions, making the PURE system more broadly applicable to study genetic networks and bottom-up synthetic biology

    A multilayer microfluidic platform for the conduction of prolonged cell-free gene expression

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    The limitations of cell-based synthetic biology are becoming increasingly apparent as researchers aim to develop larger and more complex synthetic genetic regulatory circuits. The analysis of synthetic genetic regulatory networks in vivo is time consuming and suffers from a lack of environmental control, with exogenous synthetic components interacting with host processes resulting in undesired behavior. To overcome these issues, cell-free characterization of novel circuitry is becoming more prevalent. In vitro transcription and translation (IVTT) mixtures allow the regulation of the experimental environment and can be optimized for each unique system. The protocols presented here detail the fabrication of a multilayer microfluidic device that can be utilized to sustain IVTT reactions for prolonged durations. In contrast to batch reactions, where resources are depleted over time and (by-) products accumulate, the use of microfluidic devices allows the replenishment of resources as well as the removal of reaction products. In this manner, the cellular environment is emulated by maintaining an out-of-equilibrium environment in which the dynamic behavior of gene circuits can be investigated over extended periods of time. To fully exploit the multilayer microfluidic device, hardware and software have been integrated to automate the IVTT reactions. By combining IVTT reactions with the microfluidic platform presented here, it becomes possible to comprehensively analyze complex network behaviors, furthering our understanding of the mechanisms that regulate cellular processes

    Humoral profiles of toddlers and young children following SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination

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    Abstract Although young children generally experience mild symptoms following infection with SARS-CoV-2, severe acute and long-term complications can occur. SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines elicit robust immunoglobulin profiles in children ages 5 years and older, and in adults, corresponding with substantial protection against hospitalizations and severe disease. Whether similar immune responses and humoral protection can be observed in vaccinated infants and young children, who have a developing and vulnerable immune system, remains poorly understood. To study the impact of mRNA vaccination on the humoral immunity of infant, we use a system serology approach to comprehensively profile antibody responses in a cohort of children ages 6 months to 5 years who were vaccinated with the mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccine (25 Όg). Responses are compared with vaccinated adults (100 Όg), in addition to naturally infected toddlers and young children. Despite their lower vaccine dose, vaccinated toddlers elicit a functional antibody response as strong as adults, with higher antibody-dependent phagocytosis compared to adults, without report of side effects. Moreover, mRNA vaccination is associated with a higher IgG3-dependent humoral profile against SARS-CoV-2 compared to natural infection, supporting that mRNA vaccination is effective at eliciting a robust antibody response in toddlers and young children