5,011 research outputs found

    Impact of demographic factors on employee engagement:a study with reference to vasan publications private limited,chennai

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    Employee plays a vital role in each and every organization; the interest of employee will help to achieve the organization’s objectives. Successful employee engagement strategy creates a community at a work place and not just a work force. When the employees are effectively and positively engaged with their organization, they form an emotional connection with the company. This effects their attitude towards both their colleagues and the company’s client and improves customer satisfaction and services levels. Employee Engagement Surveys have gained importance among the companies and in this work the researcher has studied the impact of Demographic Variables on Employee Engagement The researcher adopted descriptive research and the data is collected from the employee through convenience sampling method with the help of personally administrated questionnaire containing close ended questions and the sample size is 50. This data was analyzed and classified with the help of statistical tools and the findings and suggestion are extracted from the same

    Impact of mutual fund investment in indian equity market.

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    The mutual fund investments have emerged as important players in the Indian equity market in the recent past. This research makes an attempt to understand whether a relationship exists between Mutual Fund investment and Equity Market returns in India. The past ten years of data was analyzed with appropriate statistical tools to prove the impact of Mutual Fund Investments in Indian Equity Market. Markets become more efficient with the growing presence of institutional investors who predominantly go by fundamentals. The popular belief that fund inflows and returns are positively related. ( Warther, 1995) is also proved.Key words : Mutual Fund Flow, Equity Market, Sensex, Nifty.

    Wal-Mart and Rural Poverty

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    Wal-Mart® has created tremendous economic benefits for consumers by providing more choices at lower prices. The benefits are felt especially in communities that had only local retail monopolies prior to the arrival of the store. Yet no mretailer evokes stronger negative emotions than this chain. Recent media attention has focused on questionable labor practices and low wages combined with lack of benefits paid by the corporation, while academic studies have examined effects of the stores on retail wages, employment levels and numbers of establishments. Missing from the literature is an analysis of whether the "Wal-Mart effect" is large enough to measurably influence community-wide family poverty rates over time. This is the first study to carefully and comprehensively examine whether a relationship exists between existing and new locations of Wal-Mart stores and county-wide faily poverty rates.Marketing,

    Jovian vortices and jets

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    We explore the conditions required for isolated vortices to exist in sheared zonal flows and the stability of the underlying zonal winds. This is done using the standard 2-layer quasigeostrophic model with the lower layer depth becoming infinite; however, this model differs from the usual layer model because the lower layer is not assumed to be motionless but has a steady configuration of alternating zonal flows [1]. Steady state vortices are obtained by a simulated annealing computational method introduced in [2], generalized and applied in [3] in fluid flow, and used in the context of magnetohydrodynamics in [4-6]. Various cases of vortices with a constant potential vorticity anomaly atop zonal winds and the stability of the underlying winds are considered using a mix of computational and analytical techniques

    Knowledge and Practice of Breast Cancer Screening and Awareness of Its Risk Factors Among Reproductive Women of Jammu and Kashmir

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    INTRODUCTION: Breast cancer is the most common type of malignancy among women worldwide, therefore, it becomes necessary to understand the breast cancer literacy among women. Breast cancer literacy includes knowledge of breast cancer screening, practice of breast cancer screening and awareness of breast cancer risk factors. OBJECTIVES: To determine level of awareness and practice of breast cancer screening, to assess level of awareness of breast cancer risk factors and to establish role of demographics in uptake and knowledge of breast cancer screening. MATERIALS AND METHOD: In this study, reproductive women were taken and questionnaires given were filled by 381 respondents. Relevant questions were asked keeping in view the objectives. Role of age and maximum education of women was also established. RESULTS: It was found that majority of women who were aware of breast cancer screening belonged to age-group 21-30 having mean of 56.19% and also showed higher practice of the same as compared to others (mean=50.1%) followed by women belonging to age-group 31-40 whose knowledge mean came out to be 25.5% and mean of practice was found to be 35.26%. The other two age groups of 15-20 and 41-45 showed low knowledge and less practice of breast cancer screening. Similar results were found out for other parameter. CONCLUSION: Women whose maximum education was graduate and above showed higher level of awareness of breast cancer screening and risk factors and also higher practice of breast cancer screening as compared to women who had lower educational background

    Dynamic Reconfiguration with I/O Abstraction

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    Dynamic reconfiguration is explored in the context of I/O abstraction, a new programming model that defines the communication structure of a system in terms of connections among well-defined data interfaces for the modules in the system. The properties of I/O abstraction, particularly the clear separation of computation from communication and the availability of a module\u27s state information, help simplify the reconfiguration strategy. Both logical and physical reconfiguration are discussed, with an emphasis on a new module migration mechanism that (1) takes advantage of the underlying I/O abstraction model, (2) avoids the expense and complication of state extraction techniques, (3) minimizes the amount of code required for migration and confines that code to a separate section of the program, and (4) is designed to permit migration across heterogeneous hosts and to allow replacemnt of one implementation by another, even if the new implementation is written in another programming language. The flexibility of the migration mechanism is illustrated by presenting three different paradigms for constructing reconfiguration modules that are supported by this new mechanism. A uniform specification mechanism is provided for both logical and physical reconfiguration

    Numerical Modeling and Use of Settlement Reducing Auger Cast-In-Place Piles Below a Mat Foundation

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    The 45-story Great American Tower, the tallest building in Cincinnati, is not only changing the downtown skyline, but is an excellent case study of innovation in geotechnical engineering. This project is an excellent example of the use of technological advances in site characterization and soil-structure methods. When an opportunity arises to combine state-of-the-art concepts with advanced modeling tools, engineers need to combine knowledge and forward thinking to geotechnical solutions to promote the state-of-practice. The Great American Tower at Queen City Square in Cincinnati, Ohio combines a mat foundation with a limited number of auger cast-inplace (ACIP) piles, with the piles primarily acting as settlement reducers. Promoting the unique soil-structure interaction based foundation system required the use of sophisticated numerical modeling tools and seamless communication with the designers, contractor, and owner. Traditional standard penetration test boring data (SPT) was initially used to develop a numerical analysis of the soil-structure interaction using FLAC 3D software. The model was further modified with cone penetration (CPT) and pressuremeter testing (PMT), load test results on several ACIP pile elements of varying lengths, but all tipping above bedrock, and ongoing monitoring. Integrating industry knowledge, with sophisticated modeling techniques, has provided a successful real-world case study

    An Incremental Distributed Algorithm for Computing Biconnected Components

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    This paper describes a distributed algorithm for computing the biconnected components of a dynamically changing graph. Our algorithm has a worst case communication complexity of O(b + c) messages for an edge insertion and O(b\u27 + c) messages for an edge removal, and a worst case time complexity of O(c) for both operations, where c is the maximum number of biconnected components in any of the connected components during the operation, b is the number of nodes in the biconnected component containing the new edge, and bprime is the number of nodes in the biconnected component in which the update request is being processed. The algorithm is presented in two stages. First, a serial algorithm is presented in which topology updates occur one at a time. Then, building on the serial algorithm, an algorithm is presented in which concurrent update requests are serialized within each connected component. The problem is motivated by the need to implement casual ordering of messages efifciently in a dynamically changing communication structure