122 research outputs found
Gd5Si4−xPx: Targeted Structural Changes through Increase in Valence Electron Count
Phase transformations in the Gd5Si4-xPx system (0 ≤ x ≤ 2), studied through X-ray diffraction techniques, reveal an intimate coupling between the crystal structure and valence electron count. An increase in the valence electron count through P substitution results in breaking the interslab T−T dimers (dT−T = 3.74 Å; T is a mixture of Si and P) and shear movement of the ∝2[Gd5T4] slabs in Gd5Si2.75P1.25. The Gd5Si2.75P1.25 phase extends the existence of the orthorhombic Sm5Ge4-type structures to the valence electron count larger than 31 e−/formula unit. Tight-binding linear-muffin-tin-orbital calculations trace the origin of the T−T dimer cleavage in Gd5Si2.75P1.25 to a larger population of antibonding states within the dimers
Ставропигийский институт и Общество святого Василия Великого: история основания, деятельности, отношений
Дана стаття присвячена проблемі регіональних культурних взаємин між окремими особистостями та інституціями, а саме – Ставропігійським інститутом у Львові та Обществом святого Василія Великого в Ужгороді. Обидві інституції в другій половині ХІХ століття були осередками культурного та, в певній мірі, соціально-політичного життя двох західних українських регіонів. У нарисі охарактеризовано історію заснування та діяльності цих організацій, оцінено їх вплив на суспільно-політичне та культурне життя українського населення Австро-Угорської імперії. Автором досліджено характер та суть діяльності цих організацій, їх фінансове та матеріальне становище, культурний рівень. Звернуто увагу на ставлення влади до роботи товариств та його членів особисто. Опрацьовано матеріал присвячений мадяризаційним заходам на Закарпатті, становища освіти та науки в краї. У статті вводяться в науковий обіг нові архівні матеріали, що стосуються проблеми культурної співпраці обабіч Карпат в умовах асиміляторської політики Австро-Угорської імперії. Досліджено епістолярне спілкування, особисті та інституційні взаємини. В першу чергу мова йде про укладений договір між Ставропігією і Обществом св. Василія Великого, присвячений організації процесу продажу церковної і світської літератури. Аналізується також епістолярне спілкування між керівництвами товариств.On the background of social and economic shocks in Ukraine, problems of the inter-regional cooperation’s studying become very actual. Cultural relations between Galicia and Transcarpathia, Ukrainian lands which belonged earlier to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, have been reflected in historical and publicist literature many times. The author has also scrutinized this problem, in particular, an essay about the activity and cooperation between two well-known societies of nineteenth century, Stavropigiysky Institute in Lviv and the Society of St. Basil in Uzhgorod, has been submitted. During the second half of the nineteenth century both institutions were centers of cultural and, to certain extent, the social and political life of two western Ukrainian regions. The aim of the study is to submit the profound history of these societies’ foundation and their cultural and social political activities, formation and legal registration of the mutual cooperation, based on the processed sources and historic-graphical materials. The material, which is devoted to cultural relations has its separate scientific value as it is not studied enough. The structure of these societies, their financial status, directions of activities, scientific work, place and role in society of their times have been analyzed by the author of the publication. Attention is focused on a certain politicization of the activity of organizations, which by their origin had cultural and educational nature. The article includes also material which is describing the government’s attitude to the activities of societies and relevant effects of polonization and magyarization on their members.New materials concerning cultural cooperation problems of mentioned societies have been introduced into the scientific circulation in this publication. First of all, it is related to the signed agreement between Stavropigiyskiy Institute and the Society of St. Basil the Great, which is dedicated to sales process of church and secular literature. Epistolary communication between superiors of the societies has also been analyzed. Private letters is an important source for researchers. They have great scientific value. They are especially valuable for studying the heritage of famous historical figures, as in such letters different thoughts, which sometimes were not embodied in the scientific works, were often described. A description of correspondence between scientists, its subjects, importance for the implementation of private co-operation and cultural development has been offered by the author of the essay. The archives are the subject of the special scientific value. The authors of the studied letters discussed extremely important issues, such as magyarization of the intelligentsia of Transcarpathia, the influence of polonization on public life in Galicia and, as the consequence, the rapid spread of russophile sentiments there. In the analyzed letters a lot of information has been found, which proves the existence of close contacts on both sides of the Carpathians. The correspondence between people of Transcarpathia and Galicia to certain extent revived culture and education in the Region. Based on the processed material, conclusions of the study about the role of Stavropigiysky Institute in Lviv and the Society of St. Basil in Uzhgorod on the cultural development of Ukrainian lands in general have been made, and also about the importance of their mutual cooperation for inter-regional unity of Ukrainian lands. This fact is especially important in modern situation in Ukraine.Статья посвящена проблеме региональных культурных взаимоотношений между отдельными личностями и организациями, а именно – Ставропигийским институтом во Львове и Обществом святого Василия Великого в Ужгороде. Оба института во второй половине XIX века были центрами культурной и, в определенной степени, социально-политической жизни двух западных украинских регионов. В очерке охарактеризованы история основания и деятельности этих организаций, оценено их влияние на общественно-политическую и культурную жизнь украинского населения Австро-Венгерской империи. Автором исследовані характер и суть деятельности этих организаций, их финансовое и материальное положение, культурный уровень. Обращено внимание на отношении власти к работе обществ и его членов лично. Обработано материал посвященный мадьяризационным мерам в Закарпатье, уровень образования и науки в крае. В статье вводятся в научный оборот новые архивные материалы, касающиеся проблемы культурного сотрудничества в условиях ассимиляторской политики Австро-Венгерской империи. Исследованы эпистолярное общение, личные и институциональные отношения. В первую очередь речь идет о заключенном договоре между Ставропигией и Обществом св. Василия Великого, посвященный организации процесса продажи церковной и светской литературы. Анализируется также эпистолярное общение между руководствами обществ
Educational Fiscal Policy and Its Effects on How our Children Learn: Comparing Minnesota and Illinois
The study compares Illinois’ and Minnesota’s education fiscal policies. Illinois funds it’s education system mainly from the local level, whereas Minnesota funds it’s mainly from the state level. Thus, in Illinois, if there are discrepancies between household incomes in wealthier and poorer areas, the schools in wealthier areas would receive more money than those in poorer areas. Test scores are then compared. Illinois typically has lower scores than Minnesota. The conclusion is that Illinois’ policies are hindering their students’ learning, compared to Minnesota students, with some mixed results
Probing the Long- and Short-Range Structural Chemistry in the C‑Type Bixbyite Oxides Th0.40Nd0.48Ce0.12O1.76, Th0.47Nd0.43Ce0.10O1.785, and Th0.45Nd0.37Ce0.18O1.815 via Synchrotron X‑ray Diffraction and Absorption Spectroscopy
The long- and short-range structural chemistry of the C-type bixbyite compounds Th0.40Nd0.48Ce0.12O1.76, Th0.47Nd0.43Ce0.10O1.785, and Th0.45Nd0.37Ce0.18O1.815 is systematically examined using synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction (S-PXRD), high-energy resolution fluorescence detection X-ray absorption near edge (HERFD-XANES), and extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (EXAFS) measurements supported by electronic structure calculations. S-PXRD measurements revealed that the title compounds all form classical C-type bixbyite structures in space group Ia3̅ that have disordered cationic crystallographic sites with further observation of characteristic superlattice reflections corresponding to oxygen vacancies. Despite the occurrence of oxygen vacancies, HERFD-XANES measurements on the Ce L3-edge revealed that Ce incorporates as Ce4+ into the structures but involves local distortion that resembles cluster behavior and loss of nearest-neighbors. In comparison, HERFD-XANES measurements on the Nd L3-edge supported by electronic structure calculations reveal that Nd3+ adopts a local coordination environment similar to the long-range C-type structure while providing charge balancing for the formation of oxygen defects. Th L3-edge EXAFS analysis reveals shorter average Th–O distances in the title compounds in comparison to pristine ThO2 in addition to shorter Th–O and Th–Ce distances compared to Th–Th or Ce–Ce in the corresponding F-type binary oxides (ThO2 and CeO2). These distances are further found to decrease with the increased Nd content of the structures despite simultaneous observation of the overall lattice structure progressively expanding. Linear combination calculations of the M-O bond lengths are used to help explain these observations, where the role of oxygen defects, via Nd3+ incorporation, induces local bond contraction and enhanced Th cation valence, leading to the observed increased lattice expansion with progressive Nd3+ incorporation. Overall, the investigation points to the significance of dissimilar cations exhibiting variable short-range chemical behavior and how it can affect the long-range structural chemistry of complex oxides
Stabilization mechanism of molecular orbital crystals in IrTe2
Doped IrTe2 is considered a platform for topological superconductivity and therefore receives currently a lot of interest. In addition, the superconductivity in these materials exists in close vicinity to electronic order and the formation of molecular orbital crystals, which we explore here by means of high-pressure single crystal x-ray diffraction in combination with density functional theory. Our crystallographic refinements provide detailed information about the structural evolution as a function of applied pressure up to 42 GPa. Using this structural information for density functional theory calculations, we show that the local multicenter bonding in IrTe2 is driven by changes in the Ir-Te-Ir bond angle. When the electronic order sets in, this bond angle decreases drastically, leading to a stabilization of a multicenter molecular orbital bond. This unusual local mechanism of bond formation in an itinerant material provides a natural explanation for the different electronic orders in IrTe2. It further illustrates the strong coupling of the electrons with the lattice and is most likely relevant for the superconductivity in this material
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