95 research outputs found

    The differentiated assessment of damage to economy of subjects of the Siberian Federal District from road and transport accident rate

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    The results of assessment of damage from the road accident rate in subjects of the Siberian Federal District (SFD) of the Russian Federation are presented in the article. The thesis about spatial differentiation of the Gross Regional Product (GRP) losses in different regions of the country because of people's death and injuries in the road accidents (RA) and due to formations of property and ecological damage was chosen as a working hypothesis. The calculations, carried out for 12 subjects of the SFD, confirmed this idea. The range of calculated values of economic damage from road accident rate (in % of GRP) was from 1.3 (Tomsk region) to 12.6 (Republic of Tyva) in 2015. In article the attempt to explain the received result by heterogeneous development of economics in various Russian regions is made. The consequence of it is a heterogeneous quality of people's life and quite various perception of life value by inhabitants of different regions that influences their life safety level. © 2018 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved

    Program of integrated development of transport infrastructure of Tyumen

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    The article discusses the feasibility of the development of urban transport and technological systems through the development of Programs for the integrated development of transport infrastructure (PIDTI). PIDTI, being one of the many regulatory documents for urban development, is intended to create some kind of a planned basis for this development. The problem is that during the development and subsequent practical implementation of this strategic document, trends in changes in the lifestyle of citizens, potential ways of their livelihoods, financial and economic support, and just the stylistic features of public and private life are not taken into account. PIDTI developers often assume that in 20 years, the life of the city will be exactly the same as today, only all of its characteristics will increase quantitatively by 20-150% (depending on the strategy option). The works of such serious researchers as S.B. Pereslegin refutes this opinion. The experience of automobilization of Russian cities also speaks about this. Today, PIDTI performs the function of the ITS General Plans of cities of the Soviet period. In this regard, the issue of the ability of PIDTI to solve the problems of the functioning of a city as a living social and technological organism in future periods becomes very serious. The article discusses this issue at the intersection of the opinions of professionals and city residents

    Effect of seed inoculation and foliar fertilizing on structure of soybean yield and yield structure in Western Polissya of Ukraine

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    Growing soybeans requires adjustment of micronutrient nutrition on poorly fertile soils. Foliar fertilization can overcome the deficiency of micronutrients in plants in the most important period. Three factorial field experiment to study foliar fertilization with complex micronutrients, seed inoculation by Bradyrhizobium japonicum in two soybean varieties (Kassidy and ES Mentor) was conducted. Foliar fertilization with Quantum oil and WUXAL Oilseed significantly increased certain elements in soybean yield structure. Fertilizer WUXAL Oilseed with a higher concentration of Mo, Mn and B more effectively increased the number of pods and seeds from the plant and formed a higher yield in soybeans. Foliar fertilization with WUXAL Oilseed and Quantum oil increased seed yield to 3.00 t ha-1 and 2.94 t ha-1 , respectively in regard to variant without fertilizing, where yield was 2.71 t ha-1 . Variety Kassidy had greater number of pods and seeds, seed weight in comparison to foliar fertilizing ES Mentor. Seed inoculation gaves a stable increase in yield under different foliar fertilizations in varieties Kassidy and ES Mentor


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    Статья содержит информацию о необходимости разработки национальных культурных программ в Российской Федерации для развития духовных ценностей молодежи. Рассматриваются три федеральных культурных проекта, находящиеся в ближайшей перспективе реализации. Проводится анализ проекта «Пушкинская карта», рассматриваются результаты и итоги первых четырех месяцев осуществления программы.The article contains information about the need to develop national cultural programs in the Russian Federation for the development of spiritual values of youth. Three federal cultural projects that are in the near future of implementation are being considered. The analysis of the Pushkin Map project is carried out, the results and results of the fi rst four months of the program are considered

    Methodological provision of active management of economic risk in agrarian business

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    The article views main approaches to economic risks management. The article offers the algorithm of active management of aggregate economic risk, based on the use of complex of formalized and non-formalized calculation and analytical methods of reduction of uncertainty during decision making and aimed at reduction of probability of negative result of business risk situations by means of reasoned actions for timely adaptation to changing economic conditions. In the conducted research, the authors analyzed positive aspects and difficulties of practical use of the above methods under the conditions of modern stage of development of Russian agrarian business. The results of this analysis were the basis for formation and development of methodological provision of calculation and analytical components of active management of economic risks.peer-reviewe


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    This article discusses the features of project management, the possibility of its application in the organizations of the agro-industrial complex. The analysis of the structure of the agro-industrial complex was made, which allowed to allocate the fourth sphere of organization and management. The features of cost accounting in crop production are revealed and the limitations of the possibility of using the current classification as a source of information in project management are proved. The ways of updating of accounting information are offered. The factors contributing to the spread of project management in agriculture are identified. The allocation of innovative work and undertakings to projects implies the application of project management methods to them, which differ from operational management techniques. Using project management methods allows you to fulfill three main limitations of the project – meet deadlines, do not exceed the budget and perform the amount of work with the declared quality.Purpose – determination of methods for the application of project management in the agricultural sector.Methodology the article used statistical and economic analysis methods.Results: the most used methods and techniques of cost accounting are identified that are the result of organizational, technological and industry-specific features of production.Practical implications the obtained results should be applied to agricultural entities in order to implement the principles of project management.В данной статье были рассмотрены особенности проектного менеджмента, возможность его применения в организациях агропромышленного комплекса. Был произведен анализ структуры АПК, который позволил выделить четверную сферу организации и управления. Выявлены особенности учета затрат в растениеводстве и обоснованы ограничения возможности использования действующей классификации в качестве источника информации при проектном менеджменте. Предложены пути актуализации учетной информации. Выявлены факторы, способствующие распространению проектного менеджмента в сельском хозяйстве. Выделение инновационных работ и начинаний в проекты подразумевает применение к ним методов проектного управления, которые отличаются от приемов оперативного управления. Использование методов управления проектами позволяет исполнить три основных ограничения проекта – уложиться в сроки, не превысить бюджет и выполнить объем работ с заявленным качеством.Цель – определение методов применения проектного менеджмента в агропромышленном комплексе.Метод или методология проведения работы: в статье использовались статистические и экономические методы анализа.Результаты: выявлены наиболее используемые методы и приемы учета затрат которые являются следствием организационных, технологических и отраслевых особенностей производства.Область применения результатов: полученные результаты целесообразно применять субъектам сельского хозяйства, для того, чтобы реализовать принципы управления проектами


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    This article discussed the key approaches of project management, namely the varieties of Agile methods. A review analysis of Microsoft Project software was carried out, which flawlessly copes with the management and implementation of project activities. The features of building a standard model of the project, which often cannot be realized by using computer technologies, are revealed. The ways of the most suitable solution for the implementation of the original project actual today are proposed. Four of the most popular and most used Agile methods will help us use new knowledge in the field of effective project management.Purpose – is to get acquainted with Agile methods; provide recommendations on the most effective ways to select the Agile method for each individual project in particular.Method or methodology of the work: the article used empirical research methods.Results: the most used effective ways of organizing and conducting project activities are identified; their application in practice. Recommendations are provided on the most effective ways to select the Agile method for each individual project in particular.Practical implications it will be advisable to use the recommendations obtained in the project activities of medium and large organizations.  В данной статье были рассмотрены ключевые подходы проектного менеджмента, а именно разновидности методов Agile. Был проведен обзорный анализ программного обеспечения Microsoft Project, который безупречно справляется с ведением и реализацией проектной деятельности. Выявлены особенности построения стандартной модели проекта, которые зачастую не могут быть реализованы путем использования компьютерных технологий. Предложены пути наиболее подходящего решения для реализации оригинального проекта актуального на сегодняшний день. Четыре самых популярных и наиболее используемых метода Agile помогут нам использовать новые знания в сфере эффективного управления проектной деятельностью.Цель – ознакомление с методами Agile; предоставить рекомендации о наиболее эффективных путях подбора метода Agile для каждого отдельного проекта.Метод или методология проведения работы: в статье использовались эмпирические методы исследования.Результаты: выявлены наиболее используемые эффективные способы организации и ведения проектной деятельности; применение их на практике. Предоставлены рекомендации о наиболее эффективных путях подбора метода Agile для каждого отдельного проекта в частности.Область применения результатов: полученные рекомендации будет целесообразно использовать в проектной деятельности средних и крупных организаций, для того, чтобы реализовать принципы управления проектами

    Determination of generations X, Y, Z user preferences in the Russian mobile application market

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    In the work, the authors reveal the user preferences of the mobile application market. The study is based on the Strauss–Howe generational theory. The mobile application market appears to be dynamic and fast-growing in an environment of exponential growth in consumer demand and a highly competitive environment. In the article, the authors classify and identify categories and subcategories of mobile applications based on their functional and value purpose. This classification formed the basis for determining the dependence based on the analysis of contingency matrices between the preference of the application for its purpose and the age category of the user, which made it possible to identify the relationship between generations of users and their choice of certain types of applications. The text provides a justification for the choice of certain applications on a daily basis by generations X, Y, Z. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that the authors examine a market, the rapid growth of which is conditioned by the global socio-economic situation. The information obtained during the analysis of user preferences of the Russian mobile application market can be used by specialists in determining the target audience of a digital product and developing marketing strategies

    Postural Hyperventilation as a Cause of Postural Tachycardia Syndrome: Increased Systemic Vascular Resistance and Decreased Cardiac Output When Upright in All Postural Tachycardia Syndrome Variants

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    BACKGROUND: Postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is a heterogeneous condition. We stratified patients previously evaluated for POTS on the basis of supine resting cardiac output (CO) or with the complaint of platypnea or shortness of breath during orthostasis. We hypothesize that postural hyperventilation is one cause of POTS and that hyperventilation-associated POTS occurs when initial reduction in CO is sufficiently large. We also propose that circulatory abnormalities normalize with restoration of CO2. METHODS AND RESULTS: Fifty-eight enrollees with POTS were compared with 16 healthy volunteer controls. Low CO in POTS was defined by a resting supine CO /min. Patients with shortness of breath had hyperventilation with end tidal CO2 photoplethysmography, and CO was measured by ModelFlow. Systemic vascular resistance was defined as mean arterial blood pressure/CO. End tidal CO2 and cerebral blood flow velocity of the middle cerebral artery were only reduced during head-up tilt in the hyperventilation group, whereas blood pressure was increased compared with control. We corrected the reduced end tidal CO2 in hyperventilation by addition of exogenous CO2 into a rebreathing apparatus. With added CO2, heart rate, blood pressure, CO, and systemic vascular resistance in hyperventilation became similar to control. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that all POTS is related to decreased CO, decreased central blood volume, and increased systemic vascular resistance and that a variant of POTS is consequent to postural hyperventilation