138 research outputs found

    The phylosophy and applicability of ecoremediations for the protection of water ecosystems

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    The problem of accelerated eutrophication of the water ecosystems has not been appreciated proportionally to the development of human society today. Accelerated or fast eutrophication is detected destiny in majority of ecosystems today, mainly due to adverse human impact. This paper aims to introduce ERM methods in treating the problems arising from increased total capacity and saprobity and also accelerated eutrophication. In this way the broadness and importance of ERM as an ecosystem service for the water protection should be emphasized. The basic characteristics of ERM are its high buffer and self-protective capacities, and preservation of natural habitats and biological diversity. ERM represents the ‘returning to nature’ approach aiming to preserve or re-establish the natural balance of the ecosystems, but also a human endeavor that enables new jobs and by-side activities important for economic and social development of the human society

    Towards Dasa Drndic's poetics of postmemory: the figure of the narrator

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    Jedan od formativnih elemenata poetike postmemorije "Holokaust romana" Daše Drndić jeste narativno višeglasje. U radu se višeglasju pristupa iz perspektive narativnih instanci, naročito kohezivne narativne figure - figure naratora arheologa-arhivatora-kustosa. Interpretativni fokus jeste na ovoj figuri u romanu "Sonnenschein", te njenim narativnim strategijama i afektivno-etičkim učincima u sklopu stvaranja i refleksije traumatskih narativa i njihovog pozicioniranja u kontekst savremenih politika kulture pamćenja.One of the formative elements of the post-memory poetics of the "Holocaust novel" by Daša Drndić is heteroglossia. In the paper, I have approached the poetics of heteroglossia from the perspective of narrative instances, especially the cohesive narrative figure of the archaeologist-archivist-curator narrator. A privileged interpretative focus is on this narrative figure in the novel "Sonnenschein" and its strategies and affective-ethical effects in the context of the disruption, production, and reflection of traumatic narratives and their positioning in the context of contemporary memory culture.Zbornik je rezultat istraživanja u okviru Studija Holokausta koje se pod pokrovitelјstvom Claims Conference (Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany) izvode na Univerzitetu u Kragujevcu.The collection of papers is the result of research within Holocaust Studies, which are conducted at the University of Kragujevac under the support of the Claims Conference (Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany)

    Phytochemical and biochemical analysis of selected species of subfamily Polygonoideae (Polygonaceae A. L. de Jussieu 1789) from Central and Western Balkan regions.

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    U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji prikazani su rezultati istraživanja 15 vrsta  biljaka  koje  pripadaju  rodovima Rumex,  Polygonum, Bistorta,  Persicaria i  Fagopyrum,  podfamilije  Polygonoideae, familije  Polygonaceae,  sakupljenih  na  teritoriji  centralnog  i zapadnog  Balkana u periodu od 2009-2011. godine. Sprovedena istraživanja  su  se  odvijala  u  dva  pravca:  fitohemijska  i biohemijsko-biološka  ispitivanja.  Predmet  analiza  bili  su ekstrakti  herbi  i  rizoma  ispitivanih  biljaka.  Fitohemijska ispitivanja  obuhvatila  su,  pored  spektrofotometrijskog određivanja  ukupnih  fenola,  ukupnih  flavonoida  i  ukupnih antrahinonskih jedinjenja, i određivanje sadržaja 51 komponente iz standardne smeše različitih klasa fenolnih jedinjenja LC-MSMS  metodom,  odnosno  hromatografsko  profilisanje  ekstrakata LC-DAD-MS  metodom.  Odabirom  nekoliko  različitih  model sistema  za  merenje  antioksidantne  aktivnosti  (neutralizacija DPPH  radikala,  redoks  kapacitet  -  FRAP  test,  skevindžer aktivnost  prema  superoksidanjon  radikalu,  NO  radikalu  i  OH radikalu,  kao  i  inhibicija  lipidne  peroksidacije)  procenjen  je antioksidantni  potencijal  ekstrakata,  dok  je  za  procenu  njihove antiinflamatorne  aktivnosti  korišćen  potencijal  inhibicije biosinteze medijatora inflamacije u humanim trombocitima (kao model  sistemu).  Mikrobiološka  ispitivanja  su  obuhvatila određivanje  potencijala  ovih  vrsta  u  inhibiciji  rasta  serije  gram pozitivnih i gram negativnih sojeva batkerija. Konačno, urađena je  analiza  korelacije  hemijskog  sastava,  biološke  aktivnosti  i pripadnosti taksonomskim grupama.Phytochemical  and  biochemical  analysis  of  herbal  and  root ethanol  extracts  of  15  species  belonging  to  different  genera (Rumex,  Polygonum,  Bistorta,  Persicaria and  Fagopyrum)  of subfamily  Polygonoideae,  was  examined.  Phytochemical characterization  included  spectrophotometric  determination  of total  phenolic,  total  flavonoids  and  total  anthraquinone  contents, quantification  of  51  secondary  metabolites  by  LC/MS/MS analysis  and  chromatographic  fingerprinting by  LC/DAD/MS technique,  of  prepared  extracts.  The  antioxidant  activity  was evaluated  by  measuring  ferric  reducing  ability  (FRAP)  of  the extracts and their radical scavenging capacity towards DPPH, OH, NO and O2– radicals, and inhibition of lipid peroxidation). Antiinflammatory activity was evaluated by LC/MS/MS monitoring of selected  metabolites  (12-(S)-HHT,  12(S)-HETE,  PGE2 ,  PGF2α, and TXB2) formed in cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase pathways of arachidonic acid metabolism. Human platelets were used as a source  of  enzymes,  while  inflammation  was  induced  by calcimycin. The antibacterial activity of prepared  extracts against nine  bacterial  strains  was  evaluated  by  microtiter  assay  with resazurin as a colorimetric growth indicator

    Synthesis and biomedicinal investigation of novel styryl lactone and antitumor agent tiazofurin bioisosteres

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    U ovom radu prikazana je sinteza 11 tiazolnih izostera goniofufurona (1-11), 4 konformaciono kruta analoga goniofufurona (12-15) i jednog butadiolnog derivata  tiazofurina  (16).  Takođe,  izvršeno  je  ispitivanje  i  poređenje bioloških  aktivnosti  sintetisanih  analoga  sa  sa  aktivnošću  i  selektivnošću kako GF i TF tako i doksorubicina, jedinjenja širokog spektra dejstva (DOX). Hiralni  prekursor  novosintetisanih  jedinjenja  1-15  bila  je  D-glukoza,  a jedinjenja 16 D-arabinoza.A multistep synthesis of 11 novel thiazole isosteres of goniofufurone (1-11), 4 novel conformationally constrained isosteres of goniofufurone (12-15), as well as  one  butanediole  derivative  of  tiazofurin  (16)  has  been  achieved.  In  vitro cytotoxicity of newly synthetized derivatives has been evaluated and compared with the cytotoxicities of goniofufurone, tiazofurin and doxorubicin

    Synthesis and biomedicinal investigation of novel styryl lactone and antitumor agent tiazofurin bioisosteres

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    U ovom radu prikazana je sinteza 11 tiazolnih izostera goniofufurona (1-11), 4 konformaciono kruta analoga goniofufurona (12-15) i jednog butadiolnog derivata  tiazofurina  (16).  Takođe,  izvršeno  je  ispitivanje  i  poređenje bioloških  aktivnosti  sintetisanih  analoga  sa  sa  aktivnošću  i  selektivnošću kako GF i TF tako i doksorubicina, jedinjenja širokog spektra dejstva (DOX). Hiralni  prekursor  novosintetisanih  jedinjenja  1-15  bila  je  D-glukoza,  a jedinjenja 16 D-arabinoza.A multistep synthesis of 11 novel thiazole isosteres of goniofufurone (1-11), 4 novel conformationally constrained isosteres of goniofufurone (12-15), as well as  one  butanediole  derivative  of  tiazofurin  (16)  has  been  achieved.  In  vitro cytotoxicity of newly synthetized derivatives has been evaluated and compared with the cytotoxicities of goniofufurone, tiazofurin and doxorubicin

    Phytochemical and biochemical analysis of selected species of subfamily Polygonoideae (Polygonaceae A. L. de Jussieu 1789) from Central and Western Balkan regions.

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    U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji prikazani su rezultati istraživanja 15 vrsta  biljaka  koje  pripadaju  rodovima Rumex,  Polygonum, Bistorta,  Persicaria i  Fagopyrum,  podfamilije  Polygonoideae, familije  Polygonaceae,  sakupljenih  na  teritoriji  centralnog  i zapadnog  Balkana u periodu od 2009-2011. godine. Sprovedena istraživanja  su  se  odvijala  u  dva  pravca:  fitohemijska  i biohemijsko-biološka  ispitivanja.  Predmet  analiza  bili  su ekstrakti  herbi  i  rizoma  ispitivanih  biljaka.  Fitohemijska ispitivanja  obuhvatila  su,  pored  spektrofotometrijskog određivanja  ukupnih  fenola,  ukupnih  flavonoida  i  ukupnih antrahinonskih jedinjenja, i određivanje sadržaja 51 komponente iz standardne smeše različitih klasa fenolnih jedinjenja LC-MSMS  metodom,  odnosno  hromatografsko  profilisanje  ekstrakata LC-DAD-MS  metodom.  Odabirom  nekoliko  različitih  model sistema  za  merenje  antioksidantne  aktivnosti  (neutralizacija DPPH  radikala,  redoks  kapacitet  -  FRAP  test,  skevindžer aktivnost  prema  superoksidanjon  radikalu,  NO  radikalu  i  OH radikalu,  kao  i  inhibicija  lipidne  peroksidacije)  procenjen  je antioksidantni  potencijal  ekstrakata,  dok  je  za  procenu  njihove antiinflamatorne  aktivnosti  korišćen  potencijal  inhibicije biosinteze medijatora inflamacije u humanim trombocitima (kao model  sistemu).  Mikrobiološka  ispitivanja  su  obuhvatila određivanje  potencijala  ovih  vrsta  u  inhibiciji  rasta  serije  gram pozitivnih i gram negativnih sojeva batkerija. Konačno, urađena je  analiza  korelacije  hemijskog  sastava,  biološke  aktivnosti  i pripadnosti taksonomskim grupama.Phytochemical  and  biochemical  analysis  of  herbal  and  root ethanol  extracts  of  15  species  belonging  to  different  genera (Rumex,  Polygonum,  Bistorta,  Persicaria and  Fagopyrum)  of subfamily  Polygonoideae,  was  examined.  Phytochemical characterization  included  spectrophotometric  determination  of total  phenolic,  total  flavonoids  and  total  anthraquinone  contents, quantification  of  51  secondary  metabolites  by  LC/MS/MS analysis  and  chromatographic  fingerprinting by  LC/DAD/MS technique,  of  prepared  extracts.  The  antioxidant  activity  was evaluated  by  measuring  ferric  reducing  ability  (FRAP)  of  the extracts and their radical scavenging capacity towards DPPH, OH, NO and O2– radicals, and inhibition of lipid peroxidation). Antiinflammatory activity was evaluated by LC/MS/MS monitoring of selected  metabolites  (12-(S)-HHT,  12(S)-HETE,  PGE2 ,  PGF2α, and TXB2) formed in cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase pathways of arachidonic acid metabolism. Human platelets were used as a source  of  enzymes,  while  inflammation  was  induced  by calcimycin. The antibacterial activity of prepared  extracts against nine  bacterial  strains  was  evaluated  by  microtiter  assay  with resazurin as a colorimetric growth indicator

    Феминистичке студије периодике и авангарда

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    Након прегледа досадашњих резултата дисциплинарног укрштања феминистичких студија периодике и студија авангарде у домаћим академским истраживањима, важност овог укрштања у раду показује се на примеру укључивања занемарене периодичне грађе у обликовањe наратива о авангарди југословенске револуционарне омладине. Истраживање часописа Босанска вила, као и информативно-политичке (Пијемонт) и женске штапе (Домаћица) до Првог светског рата с феминистичких позиција омогућава да се у наратив о првој јужнословенској авангарди укључи женско ауторство као његов конститутивни елемент. Ова теза аргументована је публицистичко-есејистичким текстовима, активистичким деловањем и уметничком праксом Надежде Петровић, Исидоре Секулић и Маге Магазиновић

    Freshwater Cyanobacterial blooms and Cyanotoxin production in Serbia in the past 25 years

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    Since 1980 cyanobacterial blooms occurred in a large number of reservoirs lakes and water flows (rivers and channels) in Serbia. Among 83 water ecosystems examined, 58 were found in blooming condition almost every year during last 2 decades. All natural lakes, accumulations, rivers and canals in Vojvodina province (agricultural part) proved to be sites with frequent cyanobacterial proliferation. During the summer 2005-spring 2006 microcystin-LR survey in Vojvodina, the toxin was permanently present in all examined ecosystems and the highest value of 362.68 μgL-1 was detected in Ludoš Lake. The part of Central Serbia is very problematic for ground water supply. For that reason more than 20 reservoirs serve as drinking water suppliers. Significant and persistent cyanobacterial blooms have been recognized in 9 of them. Samples for cyanotoxin analyses were taken during and after blooms in Ćelije Reservoir and in drinking water in Kruševac town 2 days later. Concentration of microcystin-LR was 650 μgL-1 in the reservoir while the tap water contained 2.5μgL-1

    Influence of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene polymorphism C677T on the risk of recurrent spontaneous abortions

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    Introduction: Spontaneous abortion (SA) is a frequent obstetric complication. Up to 15% of pregnancies end by spontaneous abortion in the first trimester. Five percent of women have two, and 1-2% of women have more than three abortions. The risk of spontaneous abortion is influenced by variety of genetic and environmental factors. Enzyme methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) is primarily involved in homocysteine remethylation to the methionine. Gene polymorphism C677T in the MTHFR gene causes enzyme thermolability which leads to hyperhomocysteinemia, that might increase the risk of developing placental thrombosis and spontaneous abortion. Aim: The aim of our study was to determine whether the MTHFR C677T polymorphism is associated with the increased risk of SA. Material and methods: This study included 157 women who had at least two unexplained spontaneous abortions and 135 healthy women with at least one child, without previous SA. Detection of MTHFR C677T polymorphism genotypes was performed by PCR-RFLPs method. Investigation of differences between genotype and allele frequencies, in the group of women with SA and the control group, was completed using the x2 test. Results: In the group of patients with recurrent spontaneous abortions, 58 of them had CC genotype (36.94%), 74 had CT genotype (47.13%), and 25 had TT genotype (15.92%). In the control group, 59 of them had CC genotype (43.07%), 55 had CT genotype (40.74%), and 21 had TT genotype (15.56%). The frequency of C allele in the group of patients was 60.51%, and T allele 39.49%; while the frequencies in the control group were 64.07% and 35.93%, respectively. The difference in the genotype (p=0.470) and allele (p=0.393) frequency between the two groups of patients was statistically insignificant. Conclusion: Our results do not show any influence of the analyzed polymorphism on SA

    Plant mediated synthesis of zero valent iron nanoparticles and its chracterisation

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    Nanoscale zero valent-iron (nZVI) particles represent an important material for diverse environmental applications because of the exceptional electron-donating properties, which can be exploited for applications such as reduction, catalysis, adsorption, and degradation of a broad range of pollutants. The search for “green” strategies leads to the advancement in the plantmediated synthesis of ZVI nanoparticles.Within the framework of this work, the possibility of synthesis of nano zerovalent iron (nZVI) was investigated using extracts of oak, mulberry, green tea, pomelo peel, fresh orange peel and orange peel that was previously dried. Also, the subject of the investigation was the characterization of the obtained nanomaterials