65 research outputs found

    Development of national production through integration of machine building enterprises into industrial park structures

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    The article studies organizational & economic peculiarities of functioning of domestic industrial enterprises which consist in transformation of corporate vertically integrated structures into inter-company production associations. It is suggested to create industrial parks, as a main tool of development of territorial inter-company productive networks in machine building complex. Expedience of creation of industrial parks on the basis of large machine building enterprises is substantiated. Such initiatives are aimed at development of production of component base for structural industrial enterprises. Principles of creation of industrial parks are based on identified motivating and suppressing factors of integration of machine building enterprises into network production structures. Targeted indicators of monitoring of effectiveness of industrial parks functioning are offered. It suggested to use the following indicators as basic ones, for conduct of monitoring of indicators: level of import substitution of component production for enterprise-integrator; growth of total investments at enterprises-residents of park; indicator of growth of production of innovational products in total volume of products manufactured by park; indicator of growth of jobs in park’s structure; indicator of growth of the number of SME in park’s structure.peer-reviewe


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    Purpose of the study: The relevance of the research is conditioned by the contradiction between the social and state need to form the positive attitude to healthy lifestyle (including extracurricular time) in student youth and the underestimation of the potential of students' self-study activities aimed at increasing of physical activity and development of readiness for physical culture in specified group of youth. The article is aimed at the study of the student’s readiness for independent physical education during the examinations as a manifestation of independence in general, as well as at the study of the significance of independent physical education of students during the examinations in the process of future specialist formation. Methodology: The leading approach to the study of this problem was the theory of the activity approach in the development of personality and independent activities of students which allowed to substantiate the place of readiness of university students for independent physical training during the examinations in the process of future specialist training. Results: Of all the types of special readiness, the readiness of university students for independent physical training during examinations is of particular importance, the specificity of which is that this type of readiness contains features of types of readiness for professional activity, as well as readiness to act in problem situations, in which connection the readiness for independent physical training during the examinations is an indicator of the future specialist's readiness to problem professional situation. Applications of this study: The results of the study allow specialists who study the quality of university graduates to use the assessment of the development of student’s readiness for independent physical training during the examinations as an indicator of the future specialist’s readiness to act in a problem situation. Novelty/Originality of this study: The authors note that this problem cannot be solved by simply increasing the hours envisaged by the curriculum for independent work in the framework of the subject “Physical Education”, i.e. increase in quantity. A qualitative change in the approach to independent work of students, an appropriate system of actions in her organization and planning are necessary to achieve the desired effect

    Copolymer of chitosan with acrylamide: electron beam stimulated synthesis, structure and properties

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    The aim of this research was to obtain the grafted copolymer of chitosan with acrylamide using the electron beam irradiation. Radiation dose was varied from 6 to 160 kGy. The highest yield of the product was observed at radiation dose of 12–40 kGy. Further increase in the dose caused a decrease in the product yield as well as its solubility in water. Using gel permeation chromatography, it was confirmed that unreacted chitosan remained in the product. NMR study of the water-soluble part of the product obtained under the doses of 6, 12, and 20 kGy showed that the length of the side chains of grafted acrylamide was about 2 elementary units. Investigation of chitosan solutions by means of dynamic light scattering revealed the presence of chitosan agglomerates in the solution. The possibility of obtaining dense films was demonstrated. Mechanical treatment of the copolymer in the ball mill caused an increase in the solubility of the samples obtained even at radiation doses of 80 and 160 kGy. It was determined by means of chromatographic methods that there were no products with low molecular weight in the ball-milled product, and unreacted chitosan did not undergo mechanocracking during the mechanical treatment

    The charge-assisted hydrogen-bonded organic framework (CAHOF) self-assembled from the conjugated acid of tetrakis(4-aminophenyl)methane and 2,6-naphthalenedisulfonate as a new class of recyclable Brønsted acid catalysts

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    The acid–base neutralization reaction of commercially available disodium 2,6-naphthalenedisulfonate (NDS, 2 equivalents) and the tetrahydrochloride salt of tetrakis(4-aminophenyl)methane (TAPM, 1 equivalent) in water gave a novel three-dimensional charge-assisted hydrogen-bonded framework (CAHOF, F-1). The framework F-1 was characterized by X-ray diffraction, TGA, elemental analysis, and 1H NMR spectroscopy. The framework was supported by hydrogen bonds between the sulfonate anions and the ammonium cations of NDS and protonated TAPM moieties, respectively. The CAHOF material functioned as a new type of catalytically active Brønsted acid in a series of reactions, including the ring opening of epoxides by water and alcohols. A Diels–Alder reaction between cyclopentadiene and methyl vinyl ketone was also catalyzed by F-1 in heptane. Depending on the polarity of the solvent mixture, the CAHOF F-1 could function as a purely heterogeneous catalyst or partly dissociate, providing some dissolved F-1 as the real catalyst. In all cases, the catalyst could easily be recovered and recycled

    Radiation-Thermal Synthesis of Copolymers of Chitosan with Acrylamide as a Means of Betulin Delivering

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    Радиационно-термическим методом с использованием ускоренных электронов получены привитые сополимеры хитозана с акриламидом. Образование привитых сополимеров подтверждено методами ИК‑спектроскопии и гель-проникающей хроматографии. Показано, что эффективность и степень прививки зависят от дозы ионизирующего облучения и с ростом дозы проходят через максимум. Найдены условия получения сополимеров с высоким выходом продукта. Полученные сополимеры использованы для получения композитов бетулина с помощью механохимической обработки. Показано, что скорость выделения бетулина в водный раствор при растворении композита зависит от pH раствора, что позволяет рассматривать механокомпозиты на основе сополимеров хитозана с акриламидом как перспективные средства для контролируемой доставки лекарственных веществGraft copolymers of chitosan with acrylamide were obtained by the radiation-thermal method using accelerated electrons. The formation of graft copolymers was confirmed by IR spectroscopy and gel permeation chromatography. It is shown that the efficiency and degree of grafting depend on the dose of ionizing radiation, and pass through a maximum with increasing dose. The conditions for obtaining copolymers with a high yield of the product were found. The resulting copolymers were used to obtain betulin composites using mechanochemical processing. It has been shown that the rate of release of betulin into an aqueous solution during the dissolution of the composite depends on the pH of the solution, which makes it possible to consider mechanocomposites based on copolymers of chitosan with acrylamide as promising means for controlled drug deliver

    The Structure of Carbon Gels Obtained by Carbonization of Organic Xerogels Based on Larch Bark Tannins and Pine Cellulose

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    Впервые предложено получать углеродные гели путем карбонизации органических гелей, синтезированных золь-гель конденсацией формальдегида с таннинами коры лиственницы и целлюлозой сосны. По данным метода БЭТ, введение целлюлозы в состав органического таннин-формальдегидного геля меняет такие характеристики пористой структуры получаемых углеродных гелей, как удельная поверхность, общий объем пор, удельная поверхность микропор, объем микропор, объем мезопор, средний диаметр пор. Развитие пористой структуры углеродных гелей, полученных с использованием добавок растворенной целлюлозы (10 и 20 мас%), происходит в результате формирования мезопор со средним диаметром 22.83 и 21.54 нм. Введение порошка целлюлозного аэрогеля в исходный органический гель способствует формированию микропор в получаемом углеродном геле. Наиболее развитую микропористую структуру имеет углеродный гель, полученный карбонизацией органического таннин-целлюлозного геля, содержащего 20 мас% целлюлозного аэрогеля (удельная поверхность 754 м2/г, из них 80 % (606 м2/г) приходится на поверхность микропор). Методом сканирующей электронной микроскопии установлено, что морфологию поверхности углеродных гелей, получаемых карбонизацией органических таннин-целлюлозных гелей, можно регулировать путем вариации как концентрации целлюлозы, так и её состояния (раствор целлюлозы или порошок целлюлозного аэрогеля) при синтезе исходного органического геляFor the first time, it was proposed to obtain carbon gels by carbonization of organic gels synthesized by sol-gel condensation of formaldehyde with larch bark tannins and pine cellulose. According to the BET method, the introduction of cellulose into the composition of an organic tannin- formaldehyde gel changes such characteristics of the porous structure of the obtained carbon gels as specific surface area, total pore volume, micropore surface area, micro- and mesopore volume, and average pore diameter. The development of the porous structure of carbon gels obtained with the use of dissolved cellulose additives (10 and 20 wt%) occurs as a result of the formation of mesopores with an average diameter of 22.83 and 21.54 nm. The introduction of cellulose aerogel powder into the original organic gel promotes the formation of micropores in the resulting carbon gel. The most developed microporous structure has a carbon gel obtained by carbonization of an organic tannin-cellulose gel containing 20 wt% cellulose aerogel (specific surface 754 m2/g, of which 80 % (606 m2/g) relates to the surface of micropores). Using scanning electron microscopy, it was found that the surface morphology of carbon gels obtained by carbonization of organic tannin-cellulose gels may be controlled by varying both the concentration of cellulose and its state (cellulose solution or cellulose aerogel powder) during the synthesis of the initial organic ge

    Checklist to the Elatostema (Urticaceae) of Vietnam including 19 new records, ten new combinations, two new names and four new synonyms

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    Elatostema (Urticaceae) comprises several hundred herbaceous species distributed in tropical and subtropical Africa, Asia, Australia and Oceania. The greatest species richness occurs on limestone karst in Southeast Asia. Taxonomic revisions of Elatostema are largely out of date and contradict each other with respect to the delimitation of Elatostema and Pellionia. Most herbaria in SE Asia and worldwide contain significant amounts of unidentified material. As part of a broader revision of Elatostema in SE Asia, we present an updated checklist for Vietnam based on field visits, a review of specimens in herbaria worldwide, a review of type material and nomenclature. We recognize 77 taxa (75 species and two infraspecific taxa) of Elatostema in Vietnam, 23 of which were previously ascribed to Pellionia. Nineteen of these are new records for the country, i.e., E. attenuatoides, E. austrosinense, E. backeri, E. brunneinerve, E. crassiusculum, E. crenatum, E. fengshanense, E. glochidioides, E. malacotrichum, E. nanchuanense, E. oblongifolium, E. obtusum, E. oppositum, E. pergameneum, E. prunifolium, E. pseudolongipes, E. pycnodontum, E. salvinioides and E. xichouense. We place E. baviensis in synonymy of E. platyphyllum, E. colaniae in synonymy of E. myrtillus, P. macroceras in synonymy of E. hookerianum, and P. tetramera in synonymy of E. dissectum for the first time. Fourteen taxa (18% of all the recognized taxa) are endemic to Vietnam, which makes Elatostema one of the richest genera for endemic species in this country; this level of endemism is comparable to levels observed in Orchidaceae. Our checklist suggests that the highest diversity and endemism of Elatostema occurs in northern Vietnam, and that there is the greatest floristic similarity of northern Vietnam to SW China. The relationship among floristic regions is also investigated. We could find no records of Elatostema for 33 out of 63 provincial units of Vietnam, including all the southernmost provinces. We propose that further studies on the diversity of Elatostema in central and southern Vietnam are severely needed

    Morphological Changes in Betulin Particles as a Result of Polymorphic Transformations, and Formation of Co-Crystals under Heating

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    Changes in the morphology of betulin crystals during heating at selected temperatures corresponding to polymorphic transformations were investigated. It was shown that the prismatic crystals of starting betulin form III were converted into needles at 120 °C after water removal, followed by the III→II polymorphic transformation. During further heating up to 180 °C, the whiskers of betulin form I were grown. Experiments on betulin heating in the presence of dicarboxylic acids, adipic or suberic showed that the morphological changes can serve as a test for the formation of cocrystals. According to morphological changes, the formation of cocrystals of betulin with adipic acid under heating was identified. The interaction of adipic acid vapor with the surface of betulin crystals was suggested. In contrast, morphological changes in the mixture of betulin and suberic acid under heating provided only the evidence of polymorphic transformations of the components. The results on cocrystal formation by heating were compared with the preparation of cocrystals by the liquid-assistance grinding method. Despite the fact that polymorphic forms with a high surface area were formed when betulin was heated, dissolution studies showed that the starting betulin polymorph III exhibited the highest dissolution rate in comparison with betulin polymorphs obtained under heating

    Late Saalian and Eemian palaeoenvironmental history of the Bol'shoy Lyakhovsky Island (Laptev Sea region, Arctic Siberia)

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    Paleoenvironmental records from permafrost sequences complemented by IRSL and 230Th/U dates from Bol'shoy Lyakhovsky Island (73?20?N, 141?30?E) document the environmental history in the Laptev Sea region for at least the past 200 ka. Pollen spectra and insect fauna indicate that relatively wet grass-sedge tundra habitats predominated during an interstadial c. 200-170 ka ago. Summers were rather warm and wet, while stable isotopes reflect severe winter conditions. The pollen spectra reflect sparser grass-sedge vegetation cover during a late Saalian stadial, c. 170-130 ka ago, with environmental conditions much more sever compared with the previous interstadials. Open Poaceae and Artemisia plant associations dominated vegetation at the beginning of the Eemian Interglacial, c. 130 ka ago. Some shrubs (Alnus fruticosa, Salix, Betula nana) grew in more protected and wetter places as well. The climate was relatively warm during this time, resulting in the melting of the Saalian ice wedges. Later, during the interglacial optimum shrub tundra with Alnus fruticosa and Betula nana s.l. dominated vegetation. Climate was relatively wet and warm. Quantitative pollen-based climate reconstruction suggests that mean July temperatures were 4-5?C higher than the present during the optimum of the Eemian Interglacial, while late Eemian records indicate significant climate deterioration

    Obtaining of Betulin Diacetate and Betulin Dipropionate Composites with Aerosil

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    Методом механической активации получены композиты диацетата бетулина и дипропионата бетулина с аэросилом и изучены их физико-химические свойства. При растворении композитов в воде достигается повышенная концентрация диацетата и дипропионата бетулинаThe composites of betulin diacetate and betulin dipropionate with aerosil were obtained by mechanochemical methods. The physico-chemical properties of the composites were studied. The composites are characterized by increased concentration of betulin diacetate and betulin dipropionate at dissolution in wate