19 research outputs found

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    Ahmet Rasim'in Servet'te tefrika edilen Bir Hatıra adlı romanıArşivdeki eksikler nedeniyle romanın tam metni verilememiştir. Bkz. Tefrika bilgi form

    Overcoming temporal dispersion for measurement of activity-related impedance changes in unmyelinated nerves

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    OBJECTIVE: Fast neural Electrical Impedance Tomography (FnEIT) is an imaging technique that has been successful in visualising electrically evoked activity of myelinated fibres in peripheral nerves by measurement of the impedance changes (dZ) accompanying excitation. However, imaging of unmyelinated fibres is challenging due to temporal dispersion (TP) which occurs due to variability in conduction velocities of the fibres and leads to a decrease of the signal below the noise with distance from the stimulus. To overcome TP and allow EIT imaging in unmyelinated nerves, a new experimental and signal processing paradigm is required allowing dZ measurement further from the site of stimulation than compound neural activity is visible. The development of such a paradigm was the main objective of this study. APPROACH: A FEM-based statistical model of temporal dispersion in porcine subdiaphragmatic nerve was developed and experimentally validated ex-vivo. Two paradigms for nerve stimulation and processing of the resulting data - continuous stimulation and trains of stimuli, were implemented; the optimal paradigm for recording dispersed dZ in unmyelinated nerves was determined. MAIN RESULTS: While continuous stimulation and coherent spikes averaging led to higher signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) at close distances from the stimulus, stimulation by trains was more consistent across distances and allowed dZ measurement at up to 15 cm from the stimulus (SNR = 1.8±0.8) if averaged for 30 minutes. SIGNIFICANCE: The study develops a method that for the first time allows measurement of dZ in unmyelinated nerves in simulation and experiment, at the distances where compound action potentials are fully dispersed

    Organotopic organization of the porcine mid-cervical vagus nerve

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    Introduction: Despite detailed characterization of fascicular organization of somatic nerves, the functional anatomy of fascicles evident in human and large mammal cervical vagus nerve is unknown. The vagus nerve is a prime target for intervention in the field of electroceuticals due to its extensive distribution to the heart, larynx, lungs, and abdominal viscera. However, current practice of the approved vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) technique is to stimulate the entire nerve. This produces indiscriminate stimulation of non-targeted effectors and undesired side effects. Selective neuromodulation is now a possibility with a spatially-selective vagal nerve cuff. However, this requires the knowledge of the fascicular organization at the level of cuff placement to inform selectivity of only the desired target organ or function. / Methods and results: We imaged function over milliseconds with fast neural electrical impedance tomography and selective stimulation, and found consistent spatially separated regions within the nerve correlating with the three fascicular groups of interest, suggesting organotopy. This was independently verified with structural imaging by tracing anatomical connections from the end organ with microCT and the development of an anatomical map of the vagus nerve. This confirmed organotopic organization. / Discussion: Here we show, for the first time, localized fascicles in the porcine cervical vagus nerve which map to cardiac, pulmonary and recurrent laryngeal function (N = 4). These findings pave the way for improved outcomes in VNS as unwanted side effects could be reduced by targeted selective stimulation of identified organ-specific fiber-containing fascicles and the extension of this technique clinically beyond the currently approved disorders to treat heart failure, chronic inflammatory disorders, and more

    Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) mediates cardioprotection by remote ischaemic conditioning

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    This work was supported by the British Heart Foundation (Ref: RG/14/4/30736), Medical Research Council (MR/N02589X/1) and The Wellcome Trust (Ref: 200893/Z/16/Z). A.V.G. is a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow. S.M. is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow (Ref: 654691)

    Impaired brain glymphatic flow in experimental hepatic encephalopathy

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    Background & Aims: Neuronal function is exquisitely sensitive to alterations in the extracellular environment. In patients with hepatic encephalopathy (HE), accumulation of metabolic waste products and noxious substances in the interstitial fluid of the brain is thought to result from liver disease and may contribute to neuronal dysfunction and cognitive impairment. This study was designed to test the hypothesis that the accumulation of these substances, such as bile acids, may result from reduced clearance from the brain. Methods: In a rat model of chronic liver disease with minimal HE (the bile duct ligation [BDL] model), we used emerging dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI and mass-spectroscopy techniques to assess the efficacy of the glymphatic system, which facilitates clearance of solutes from the brain. Immunofluorescence of aquaporin-4 (AQP4) and behavioural experiments were also performed. Results: We identified discrete brain regions (olfactory bulb, prefrontal cortex and hippocampus) of altered glymphatic clearance in BDL rats, which aligned with cognitive/behavioural deficits. Reduced AQP4 expression was observed in the olfactory bulb and prefrontal cortex in HE, which could contribute to the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the impairment in glymphatic function in BDL rats. Conclusions: This study provides the first experimental evidence of impaired glymphatic flow in HE, potentially mediated by decreased AQP4 expression in the affected regions. Lay summary: The 'glymphatic system' is a newly discovered brain-wide pathway that facilitates clearance of various sub-stances that accumulate in the brain due to its activity. This study evaluated whether the function of this system is altered in a model of brain dysfunction that occurs in cirrhosis. For the first time, we identified that the clearance of substances from the brain in cirrhosis is reduced because this clearance system is defective. This study proposes a new mechanism of brain dysfunction in patients with cirrhosis and provides new targets for therapy

    Common clonal origin of conventional T cells and induced regulatory T cells in breast cancer patients

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    Regulatory CD4+ T cells (Treg) prevent tumor clearance by conventional T cells (Tconv) comprising a major obstacle of cancer immune-surveillance. Hitherto, the mechanisms of Treg repertoire formation in human cancers remain largely unclear. Here, we analyze Treg clonal origin in breast cancer patients using T-Cell Receptor and single-cell transcriptome sequencing. While Treg in peripheral blood and breast tumors are clonally distinct, Tconv clones, including tumor-antigen reactive effectors (Teff), are detected in both compartments. Tumor-infiltrating CD4+ cells accumulate into distinct transcriptome clusters, including early activated Tconv, uncommitted Teff, Th1 Teff, suppressive Treg and pro-tumorigenic Treg. Trajectory analysis suggests early activated Tconv differentiation either into Th1 Teff or into suppressive and pro-tumorigenic Treg. Importantly, Tconv, activated Tconv and Treg share highly-expanded clones contributing up to 65% of intratumoral Treg. Here we show that Treg in human breast cancer may considerably stem from antigen-experienced Tconv converting into secondary induced Treg through intratumoral activation

    Identifying the Source of a Humoral Factor of Remote (Pre)Conditioning Cardioprotection.

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    Signalling pathways underlying the phenomenon of remote ischaemic preconditioning (RPc) cardioprotection are not completely understood. The existing evidence agrees that intact sensory innervation of the remote tissue/organ is required for the release into the systemic circulation of preconditioning factor(s) capable of protecting a transplanted or isolated heart. However, the source and molecular identities of these factors remain unknown. Since the efficacy of RPc cardioprotection is critically dependent upon vagal activity and muscarinic mechanisms, we hypothesized that the humoral RPc factor is produced by the internal organ(s), which receive rich parasympathetic innervation. In a rat model of myocardial ischaemia/reperfusion injury we determined the efficacy of limb RPc in establishing cardioprotection after denervation of various visceral organs by sectioning celiac, hepatic, anterior and posterior gastric branches of the vagus nerve. Electrical stimulation was applied to individually sectioned branches to determine whether enhanced vagal input to a particular target area is sufficient to establish cardioprotection. It was found that RPc cardioprotection is abolished in conditions of either total subdiaphragmatic vagotomy, gastric vagotomy or sectioning of the posterior gastric branch. The efficacy of RPc cardioprotection was preserved when hepatic, celiac or anterior gastric vagal branches were cut. In the absence of remote ischaemia/reperfusion, electrical stimulation of the posterior gastric branch reduced infarct size, mimicking the effect of RPc. These data suggest that the circulating factor (or factors) of RPc are produced and released into the systemic circulation by the visceral organ(s) innervated by the posterior gastric branch of the vagus nerve

    Astrocytes Modulate Baroreflex Sensitivity at the Level of the Nucleus of the Solitary Tract.

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    Maintenance of cardiorespiratory homeostasis depends on autonomic reflexes controlled by neuronal circuits of the brainstem. The neurophysiology and neuroanatomy of these reflex pathways are well understood, however, the mechanisms and functional significance of autonomic circuit modulation by glial cells remain largely unknown. In the experiments conducted in male laboratory rats we show that astrocytes of the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS), the brain area that receives and integrates sensory information from the heart and blood vessels, respond to incoming afferent inputs with [Ca2+]i elevations. Astroglial [Ca2+]i responses are triggered by transmitters released by vagal afferents, glutamate acting at AMPA receptors and 5-HT acting at 5-HT2A receptors. In conscious freely behaving animals blockade of Ca2+-dependent vesicular release mechanisms in NTS astrocytes by virally driven expression of a dominant-negative SNARE protein (dnSNARE) increased baroreflex sensitivity by 70% (p < 0.001). This effect of compromised astroglial function was specific to the NTS as expression of dnSNARE in astrocytes of the ventrolateral brainstem had no effect. ATP is considered the principle gliotransmitter and is released by vesicular mechanisms blocked by dnSNARE expression. Consistent with this hypothesis, in anesthetized rats, pharmacological activation of P2Y1 purinoceptors in the NTS decreased baroreflex gain by 40% (p = 0.031), whereas blockade of P2Y1 receptors increased baroreflex gain by 57% (p = 0.018). These results suggest that glutamate and 5-HT, released by NTS afferent terminals, trigger Ca2+-dependent astroglial release of ATP to modulate baroreflex sensitivity via P2Y1 receptors. These data add to the growing body of evidence supporting an active role of astrocytes in brain information processing. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Cardiorespiratory reflexes maintain autonomic balance and ensure cardiovascular health. Impaired baroreflex may contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease and serves as a robust predictor of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. The data obtained in this study suggest that astrocytes are integral components of the brainstem mechanisms that process afferent information and modulate baroreflex sensitivity via the release of ATP. Any condition associated with higher levels of "ambient" ATP in the NTS would be expected to decrease baroreflex gain by the mechanism described here. As ATP is the primary signaling molecule of glial cells (astrocytes, microglia), responding to metabolic stress and inflammatory stimuli, our study suggests a plausible mechanism of how the central component of the baroreflex is affected in pathological conditions

    Diagrammatic representation of the nervous control of hormone secretion by enteroendocrine cells of the gastrointestinal tract.

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    <p>Extrinsic vagal parasympathetic nerves either directly or via activation of the enteric neurones trigger release of hormones (hypothesised circulating cardioprotective factors) by releasing acetylcholine (among other transmitters). ACh, acetylcholine; AChR, acetylcholine receptor; BOM, bombesin; CCK, cholecystokinin; CGPR, calcitonin gene-related peptide; GliC, glicentin; GLP-1/2, glucagon-like peptide-1 and 2; OXM, oxyntomodulin; PYY, peptide YY; VIP, vasoactive intestinal peptide.</p