182 research outputs found

    Locals´ understanding of eutrophication, and perspective of land use of inner crater lakes slopes in western Uganda

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    Land degradation is a global issue and is causing enormous problems for humans and the environment as sediment from soil erosion is polluting the water; from ground water to river, lakes and oceans. In Uganda, this is a problem mainly caused by population pressure, deforestation, poor farming techniques and soil erosion. In the district of Kabarole and Bunyangabu 52 crater lakes are found. This study aimed to investigate local peoples´ experiences of living near crater lakes in Uganda, its benefits and challenges, understanding of current issues of land degradation and how it affects the lakes. Local people living near the lakes were selected trough purposive sampling for this study. The categories were lodge managers, fishermen, farmers, and village elders. In addition, agriculture students from the Mountains of the moon University and the District officer were interviewed as well. Two group discussions were held with participants residing close to two lakes; Nyabikere and Nyameteza. The results showed that the crater lakes are vital for local people since they provide fresh water and fish protein. The lakes also attract tourists to the area which can be beneficial for the local economy and development as well as for conservation activities. The important challenges for local people are problems with declining crop yields, soil erosion and changed weather conditions, especially rainfall in the “wrong” season and often with high intensity and amount. Local people relate the quality of the lake´s water to its suitability for domestic use purposes. There seems to be a weak understanding about eutrophication and their own contribution to it, even though the effects of eutrophication are known among the participants. Farmers had issues with soil erosion; crops and soil were washed away by runoff water. Erosion preventing techniques such as digging trenches was common practiced. Keeping the land fallow and planting trees were recommended by the participants to prevent soil erosion and improve soil fertility, but the ability to practice these techniques varied among the local people, and small land holding was a limiting factor to adopt such practices. The extension and advisory services regarding soil conservation seems inadequate within the country, and efforts to attract people to participate in meetings are necessary. Effective Risk Communication could be a way to address the issues with eutrophication and soil erosion in the crater lakes region in Uganda, and this should include stakeholders such as farmers, extension and advisory services, NGOs and the government. More research about soil conservation techniques and the transformation process among small scale farmers and their individual prerequisites are necessary for prevention of eutrophication and improvements of small scale farmers´ livelihood

    Regulation of eukaryotic cell physiology using organic bioelectronics

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    The field of organic bioelectronics deals with the implementation of conducting polymer science in biology and medicine. The purpose of this thesis was to develop organic bioelectronic devices for the regulation of eukaryotic cell physiology. The specific physiological concepts that the devices aimed to address were activation of voltage-gated ion channels, cellular mechanotransduction and cell adhesion. The conductive polymers that were used in these devices were polypyrrole and poly(3,4- ethylenedioxythiophene). These polymers are biocompatible which makes them suitable for studying cell physiology. Five devices are presented in the thesis. These are: a nano-fiber scaffold coated with a conducting polymer for electric cell stimulation with high charge transfer capacity, a microfabricated chip comprising microactuators for mechanical stimulation on a cellular level, a conducting polymer surface and a planar electrochemical transistor for control of cell adhesion, and finally a conducting polymer surface with self-disintegrating properties for non-invasive cell release. To evaluate the ability of these devices to address the key physiological concepts they were designed for. A number of cell lines with individual characteristics were chosen. Electric stimulation via conducting polymer coated nano-fibers was tested with a neuroblastoma cell line expressing voltage-operated Ca 2+ channels. A renal epithelial cell line was used to investigate the microactuator chip for mechanical cell stimulation. Renal epithelial cells were also used when investigating devices designed to regulate cell adhesion by interacting with extracellular serum proteins. A human bladder carcinoma cell line was used to examine the self-disintegrating polymer surface for non-invasive cell detachment of adherent cells. The results of the thesis show that it is possible to activate voltage-gated ion channels, induce stimuli that trigger cellular mechanotransduction, and control cell adhesion using organic bioelectronics

    Elephants and humans at the African continent : a study of human–elephant conflict

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    Uppsatsen handlar om konflikten mellan människor och elefanter vilket är ett problem på alla de ställen i världen där människor och elefanter lever sida vid sida. Uppsatsen tar sin utgångspunkt från skogsreservatet Thuma Forest Reserv i Malawi där konflikten är ett faktum. Ett fältarbete utfördes under en tre veckors period i reservatet och dess närområde i syfte att studera förvaltarna av reservatet det vill säga Wildlife Action Group (WAG) och deras arbete med konflikthanteringen. Metoderna som användes i fältarbetet var deltagande observation och intervjuer. Uppsatsen är även baserad på litteratur studier vilket innebär att ämnet är beskrivet på en mer generell nivå. Konflik-ten mellan människor och elefanter uppstår när en interaktion mellan arterna sker med resultat att människors sociala, ekonomiska och kulturella liv påverkas negativt, eller att elefanters bevarande och livsmiljö hotas. Människans lust efter elfenben har gjort att elefanter genom historiens gång varit hårt utsatt för jakt och där med blivit klassade som utrotningshotade på vissa ställen. Människan har skapat reservat och nationalparker där elefanter och andra djur kan få en frizon. Men gränsen mellan vildmark och kultiverat land är ett begrepp som inte existerar för vilda djur. Detta innebär att det i gränsområdena är vanligt att elefanter orsakar stor förödelse i människans landområden. Grödor äts upp och tram-pas ner, hus förstörs och i värsta fall kan även människor bli dödade. Denna situation är just vad byarna kring Thuma F.R. befinner sig i. WAG arbetar med att lindra konflikten genom att bland annat bygga stängsel kring reservatet, lära bybor att odla chili som hindrar elefanter från att äta deras grödor och lär även byborna att ta hand om bikupor vilket gör att elefanter håller sig undan. Men konflikten är svårlöst, fortfarande är Thumas elefanter utsatta för tjuvskytte och elefanterna förorsakar problem i byarna. Hur framtiden ser ut är svår att veta men om WAG lyckas bra med sitt arbete kommer elefantpopulationen i reservatet att öka och kanske till den max nivå av vad reserva-tet kan bära och då kommer organisationen stå inför nya utmaningar. I andra delar av Afrika där ett gott förvaltande har pågått under en längre tid finns det en problematik med för många elefanter. Vilket inte är en lätt gåta att lösa. Förflyttning, utgallring och preventivmedel är exempel på olika sätt att hålla populationen i schack. Men alla metoder har sina för och nackdelar

    Composition and Coagulation Properties of Buffalo Milk Produced Under Swedish Conditions; Changes Taking Place During the First Weeks of Lactation

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    The domestic water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) contributes with a significant share of global milk production and is the major milk producing animal in many countries. In Europe, the buffalo milk has been used in the production of buffalo Mozzarella. There is an increasing interest in these multipurpose animals also in Northern Europe, and since 2012, there is also dairy farm production of Swedish buffalo Mozzarella. The composition and properties of the milk will strongly influence processing of buffalo milk into Mozzarella cheese, as changes take place during the first weeks of lactation. Since there is no data available on the composition of buffalo milk produced under Swedish conditions, this study was initiated. In this project, we investigated gross composition, milk protein profile, proteolytic activity, free fatty acids, total calcium, calcium activity and the coagulating properties of milk from individual water buffalos during the first six weeks of lactation. Compared with reference values recorded one week after calving, there were significant changes in many of the compositional parameters investigated. Weekly increase in pH (0.90%), lactose (2.25%) and α-lactalbumin content (4.32%) was observed, whereas total protein content decreased by 5.56% per week. Milk coagulation time and gel firmness did not change significantly during the study period, but in numerical terms there was increase in coagulation time and a decrease in gel firmness. Overall, significant changes in buffalo milk composition can help in devising a strategy for the best use of buffalo milk during the first weeks of lactation, particularly in small, artisanal dairy farmhouses

    Динаміка етимологічного гнізда праслов’янського кореня *verp-/*vьrp- як генетичної мікросистеми

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    (uk) Опис системи праформ різних слов’янських етимологічних гнізд дозволяє відновити механізм праслов’янського словотвору, визначити певні тенденції щодо закономірностей номінації цілих лексичних груп. Прояснення всіх основних структурно-семантичних нюансів дії генетичних мікросистем тільки сприяє систематизації архітипів.(en) The description of old-forms of different Slavonic etymological clusters makes possible the restoration of the mechanism of old Slavonic word- formation and establishing tendencies concerning principles of whole lexical groups nom ination. The explanation of all major structural- semantic pecularities of the action of genetic microsystems contributes to the systematization of the archetypes

    Праслов’янський гідронімікон Словенії. І

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    (uk) Статтю присвячено проблемам реконструкції та етимології праслов’янського шару в гід­ронімії Словенії як частини західної зони південнослов’янського ареалу. Пропонована стат­тя — фрагмент більшого за обсягом дослідження з відповідної проблематики.(en) The article is devoted to the problems of reconstruction and etymology of Old-Slavonic stratum in hydronymy of Slovenia as the part of the western zone of South-Slavonic area. The publication is the fragment of more capable study in fact

    Feeding and Manual Brushing Influence the Release of Oxytocin, ACTH and Cortisol Differently During Milking in Dairy Cows.

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    Aim This study aimed to examine the effects of feeding or abdominal brushing on the release of the hormones oxytocin, ACTH and cortisol during milking in dairy cows. Methods Twelve cows in early lactation were used (2 × 2 factorial experimental design), testing the effects of two types of sensory stimulation during milking over a 3 day period; feeding concentrate or manual abdominal brushing (1 stroke/s). Blood samples for hormone analyses were collected at time at -15, -1, 0 (onset of cluster), every min for 8 min, at 10, 12, 14, 16, 30, and 60 min. Hormone levels were assayed and AUC was calculated. Results Milking was associated with an immediate and significant rise of oxytocin. When milking was combined with feeding, significantly higher levels of oxytocin were observed at 2 and 4 mins (p < 0.05). No effect of brushing on oxytocin levels was observed. Milking alone was associated with a significant rise of ACTH levels. Feeding in connection with milking reduced the immediate rise of ACTH levels (p < 0.05) and AUC (p < 0.02), whereas no effects of brushing were found. Milking caused a progressive rise of cortisol levels. Concomitant feeding did not influence cortisol levels, whereas brushing significantly decreased cortisol levels at 1, 5 and 14 mins after onset of milking (p < 0.05). Conclusion Feeding increases oxytocin release in response to milking and decreases ACTH levels. Abdominal brushing did not influence these variables, but decreased cortisol levels. These data demonstrate that activation of afferent vagal nerve fibres and of cutaneous sensory nerves originating from the abdominal skin in front of the udder influence milking related hormone release differently

    Feeding and Manual Brushing Influence the Release of Oxytocin, ACTH and Cortisol Differently During Milking in Dairy Cows

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    AimThis study aimed to examine the effects of feeding or abdominal brushing on the release of the hormones oxytocin, ACTH and cortisol during milking in dairy cows. MethodsTwelve cows in early lactation were used (2 x 2 factorial experimental design), testing the effects of two types of sensory stimulation during milking over a 3 day period; feeding concentrate or manual abdominal brushing (1 stroke/s). Blood samples for hormone analyses were collected at time at -15, -1, 0 (onset of cluster), every min for 8 min, at 10, 12, 14, 16, 30, and 60 min. Hormone levels were assayed and AUC was calculated. ResultsMilking was associated with an immediate and significant rise of oxytocin. When milking was combined with feeding, significantly higher levels of oxytocin were observed at 2 and 4 mins (p < 0.05). No effect of brushing on oxytocin levels was observed. Milking alone was associated with a significant rise of ACTH levels. Feeding in connection with milking reduced the immediate rise of ACTH levels (p < 0.05) and AUC (p < 0.02), whereas no effects of brushing were found. Milking caused a progressive rise of cortisol levels. Concomitant feeding did not influence cortisol levels, whereas brushing significantly decreased cortisol levels at 1, 5 and 14 mins after onset of milking (p < 0.05). ConclusionFeeding increases oxytocin release in response to milking and decreases ACTH levels. Abdominal brushing did not influence these variables, but decreased cortisol levels. These data demonstrate that activation of afferent vagal nerve fibres and of cutaneous sensory nerves originating from the abdominal skin in front of the udder influence milking related hormone release differently

    High level of multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli in young dairy calves in southern Vietnam

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    This study investigated the occurrence of antimicrobial-resistant Escherichia coli in dairy calves in southern Vietnam. Fecal samples were taken directly from the rectum of 84 calves from 41 smallholder dairy farms, when newborn and at 14 days of age for isolation of E. coli. Escherichia colistrains were isolated from 144 of the 168 fecal samples tested. Of the 144 E. coli isolates, 40% were found to be susceptible to all 12 antimicrobial drugs tested and 53% of the E. coli isolates were resistant to at least three antimicrobials. Calves were colonized with antimicrobial-resistant E. coli already on the day of birth. Resistance to tetracycline was most common, followed by resistance to sulfamethoxazole, ampicillin, trimethoprim, and ciprofloxacin. Four isolates carried a gene encoding for extendedspectrum cephalosporinases (ESC), and these genes belonged to blaCTX-M group 1 (2 isolates), blaCTX-M group 9 (1 isolate), and blaCMY-2 (1 isolate). Thirty-three isolates had a plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance (PMQR) phenotype, and 30 of these carried the qnrS gene. These results are of importance for management routines of dairy cattle to prevent the spread of antimicrobial resistance

    Is there a special mechanism behind the changes in somatic cell and polymorphonuclear leukocyte counts, and composition of milk after a single prolonged milking interval in cows?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A single prolonged milking interval (PMI) e.g. after a technical stop in an automated milking system is of concern for the producer since it is associated with a short-lasting increase in milk somatic cell count (SCC), which is a major quality criterion used at the dairy plants. The content of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) and how the milk quality is influenced has not been much investigated. The SCC peak occurs without any obvious antigen challenge, possibly indicating a different leukocyte attraction mechanism after a PMI than we see during mastitis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Composite cow milk samples were taken at the milkings twice daily during 7 days before and 5 days after a PMI of 24 h. Milk was analyzed for SCC, PMN, fat, protein and lactose, and at some occasions also casein and free fatty acids (FFA).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>During the PMI the proportion of milk PMN increased sharply in spite of marginally increased SCC. The peak SCC was not observed until the second milking after the PMI, in the afternoon day 1. However, the peak SCC value in <it>morning </it>milk did not occur until one day later, concomitantly with a <it>decrease </it>in the proportion of PMN. After declining, SCC still remained elevated while PMN proportion was decreased throughout the study as was also the milk yield, after the first accumulation of milk during the PMI. Milk composition was changed the day after the PMI, (increased fat and protein content; decreased lactose, whey protein and FFA content) but the changes in the following days were not consistent except for lactose that remained decreased the rest of the study.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The PMI resulted in increased SCC and proportion of PMN. Additionally, it gave rise to minor alterations in the milk composition in the following milkings but no adverse effect on milk quality was observed. The recruitment of PMN, which was further enhanced the first day <it>after </it>the PMI, appeared to be independent of milk volume or accumulation of milk per se. Hence, we suggest that there is a special immunophysiological/chemoattractant background to the increased migration of leukocytes into the milk compartment observed during and after the PMI.</p