3,706 research outputs found

    Patterns and Predictors of Crime and Fear of Crime during the Crime Drop: A Multilevel Analysis of Repeated Cross-Sectional Data in Japan, 2007-2018

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    Many attempts have been made to examine the determinants of victimisation and the fear of crime, often guided by social disorganisation theory and environmental criminology. However, there have been only a handful of studies that have been carried out in East Asia so far. Consequently, it is unclear whether those factors which are reliably associated with higher or lower levels of crime and fear of crime in Western societies are generalisable to the dissimilar context of Japan. Against this backdrop, this thesis is concerned with the patterns and predictors of victimisation, repeat victimisation, fear of crime and perceived risk of victimisation in Japan, drawing on repeated cross-sectional data collected as part of a nationally representative household survey “the Japanese Public Safety Survey” (JPSS) and the census. Study 1 is concerned with the patterns and predictors of household property crime. Exploratory factor analysis was first performed to reveal the factor structure of eleven perceived neighbourhood disorder variables used in the JPSS. A series of multilevel logistic regression models demonstrated that the year variables were found to be negatively associated with household property crime risk. Detached house, homeownership, social support, and the presence of community policing were found to be associated with household property crime risk. Study 2 examined the patterns and predictors of repeat victimisation of residential burglary and vandalism. In contrast with what was found in Study 1, the survey year variables were not correlated with the risk of repeat residential burglary and vandalism victimisation. Social support and university degree were found to be the factors which distinguish repeat residential burglary victims from other groups. Social support and social disorder were found to be the factors that distinguish repeat vandalism victims from other groups. Social support and high ratio of manufacturing industry were found to be the factors that distinguish repeat residential burglary victims from single victims. Social disorder was found to be the factor that distinguishes repeat vandalism victims from single victims. Study 3 examined the patterns and predictors of fear and perceived risk of household property crime. The results of multilevel regression models revealed that, at the individual/householdlevel, experiencing previous victimisation, being older, living in a detached house and having higher annual household income were associated with increased fear of household property crime. At the neighbourhood-level, the presence of social disorder and community policing were statistically related to the levels of fear of household property crime. There was a statistical association between prior victimisation and perceived risk of victimisation, and different predictors were found to be associated with fear of crime and perceived risk of victimisation. The survey year variables were not found to be associated with fear of and the perceived risk of household property victimisation. The findings from the analysis furthered support the three models of fear of crime. In summary, the findings of three empirical studies yielded both consistencies and inconsistencies with the relevant literature derived mainly from studies conducted in Western industrialised countries, showing some applicability of the criminological theories to Japan. The thesis demonstrated the usefulness of multilevel modelling and multiple secondary data sources, and the importance of introducing measures dealing with neighbourhood social disorder, and crime prevention measures which reflect the crime trends or related problems of each municipality

    Inbreeding ratio and genetic relationships among strains of the Western clawed frog, Xenopus tropicalis

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    The Western clawed frog, Xenopus tropicalis, is a highly promising model amphibian, especially in developmental and physiological research, and as a tool for understanding disease. It was originally found in the West African rainforest belt, and was introduced to the research community in the 1990s. The major strains thus far known include the Nigerian and Ivory Coast strains. However, due to its short history as an experimental animal, the genetic relationship among the various strains has not yet been clarified, and establishment of inbred strains has not yet been achieved. Since 2003 the Institute for Amphibian Biology (IAB), Hiroshima University has maintained stocks of multiple X. tropicalis strains and conducted consecutive breeding as part of the National BioResource Project. In the present study we investigated the inbreeding ratio and genetic relationship of four inbred strains at IAB, as well as stocks from other institutions, using highly polymorphic microsatellite markers and mitochondrial haplotypes. Our results show successive reduction of heterozygosity in the genome of the IAB inbred strains. The Ivory Coast strains clearly differed from the Nigerian strains genetically, and three subgroups were identified within both the Nigerian and Ivory Coast strains. It is noteworthy that the Ivory Coast strains have an evolutionary divergent genetic background. Our results serve as a guide for the most effective use of X. tropicalis strains, and the long-term maintenance of multiple strains will contribute to further research efforts

    Delayed Follow-up Visits and Thyrotropin Among Patients With Levothyroxine During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Context: The indirect effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on clinical practice have received great attention, but evidence regarding thyroid disease management is lacking. Objective: We aimed to investigate the association between delayed follow-up visits during the pandemic and their serum thyrotropin (TSH) levels among patients being treated with levothyroxine. Methods: This study included 25 361 patients who made a follow-up visit as scheduled (n = 9063) or a delayed follow-up visit ( 4.5 mIU/L, aRR [95% CI] = 1.72 [1.60-1.85]; and TSH > 10 mIU/L, aRR [95% CI] = 2.38 [2.16-2.62]). Conclusion: A delayed follow-up visit during the COVID-19 pandemic was associated with less well-controlled TSH among patients with levothyroxine

    Importance of far-infrared mapping in a spiral galaxy: AKARI observation of M81

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    The importance of the far-infrared (FIR) mapping is demonstrated for a face-on spiral galaxy, M81, by analyzing its imaging data at 65, 90, and 140 {\mu}m taken by AKARI. Basic products are the dust temperature map, the dust optical depth map, and the colour-colour diagram. The main features are as follows. (i) The dust temperature derived from the total fluxes at 90 {\mu}m and 140 {\mu}m reflects the relatively low temperatures seen in the interarm and spiral arms excluding the warm spots, rather than the high temperatures in warm spots and the centre. This indicates that the total FIR luminosity is dominated by the dust heated by the general interstellar radiation field. (ii) The galaxy is more extended at 140 {\mu}m than at the other shorter wavelengths, which reflects the radial dust temperature gradient. (iii) The dust optical depth derived from the FIR mapping is broadly consistent with that estimated from the FIR-to-ultraviolet luminosity ratio. (iv) The FIR colour-colour diagramis useful to identify a 'contamination' of warm dust. The existence of small-scale warm star-forming regions is supported in the bright spots along the spiral arms. This contamination also leads to an underestimate of dust optical depth (or dust column density).Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Calcium-calmodulin does not alter the anion permeability of the mouse TMEM16A calcium-activated chloride channel.

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    The transmembrane protein TMEM16A forms a Ca(2+)-activated Cl(-) channel that is permeable to many anions, including SCN(-), I(-), Br(-), Cl(-), and HCO3 (-), and has been implicated in various physiological functions. Indeed, controlling anion permeation through the TMEM16A channel pore may be critical in regulating the pH of exocrine fluids such as the pancreatic juice. The anion permeability of the TMEM16A channel pore has recently been reported to be modulated by Ca(2+)-calmodulin (CaCaM), such that the pore of the CaCaM-bound channel shows a reduced ability to discriminate between anions as measured by a shift of the reversal potential under bi-ionic conditions. Here, using a mouse TMEM16A clone that contains the two previously identified putative CaM-binding motifs, we were unable to demonstrate such CaCaM-dependent changes in the bi-ionic potential. We confirmed the activity of CaCaM used in our study by showing CaCaM modulation of the olfactory cyclic nucleotide-gated channel. We suspect that the different bi-ionic potentials that were obtained previously from whole-cell recordings in low and high intracellular [Ca(2+)] may result from different degrees of bi-ionic potential shift secondary to a series resistance problem, an ion accumulation effect, or both

    Inner membrane YfgM–PpiD heterodimer acts as a functional unit that associates with the SecY/E/G translocon and promotes protein translocation

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    PpiD and YfgM are inner membrane proteins that are both composed of an N-terminal transmembrane segment and a C-terminal periplasmic domain. Escherichia coli YfgM and PpiD form a stable complex that interacts with the SecY/E/G (Sec) translocon, a channel that allows protein translocation across the cytoplasmic membrane. Although PpiD is known to function in protein translocation, the functional significance of PpiD-YfgM complex formation as well as the molecular mechanisms of PpiD-YfgM and PpiD/YfgM- Sec translocon interactions remain unclear. Here, we conducted genetic and biochemical studies using yfgM and ppiD mutants and demonstrated that a lack of YfgM caused partial PpiD degradation at its C-terminal region and hindered the membrane translocation of VemP, a Vibrio secretory protein in both Escherichia coli and Vibrio alginolyticus. While ppiD disruption also impaired VemP translocation, we found that the yfgM and ppiD double deletion exhibited no additive or synergistic effects. Together, these results strongly suggest that both PpiD and YfgM are required for efficient VemP translocation. Furthermore, our site-directed in vivo photo-crosslinking analysis revealed that the tetratricopeptide repeat domain of YfgM and a conserved structural domain (NC domain) in PpiD interact with each other and that YfgM, like PpiD, directly interacts with the SecG translocon subunit. Crosslinking analysis also suggested that PpiD/YfgM complex formation is required for these proteins to interact with SecG. In summary, we propose that PpiD and YfgM form a functional unit that stimulates protein translocation by facilitating proper interactions with the Sec translocon

    Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity in Lombok Strait Reconstructed From Coral Sr/Ca and δ18O, 1962–2012

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    Coral geochemical tracers have been used in studies of the paleoclimatology and paleoceanography of the tropics and subtropics. We measured Sr/Ca and oxygen isotope ratios (δ18O) in a coral sample collected from the southern part of Lombok Strait, a significant outlet of the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) to the Indian Ocean, to reconstruct the historical record of sea surface temperature (SST) and seawater δ18O. Seawater δ18O can be used to approximate sea surface salinity (SSS) because it reflects the balance of evaporation and precipitation. The resulting time series reconstructed SST and SSS, covering the period 1962–2012, shows no clear trend of global warming, although the record includes a large cooling event (~4°C) during 1996–1997. Although neither SST nor SSS shows a systematic relationship with El Niño–Southern Oscillation and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), weak but significant correlations are found partly. In addition, the coral data show signals of major IOD and El Niño events in 1994 and 1997, respectively, although climatic trends recorded in the coral are not consistent with those found along the Java-Sumatra coast. To evaluate other influences on the ITF in Lombok Strait, we compared our coral record with coral records from sites in the Java Sea, the southern part of Makassar Strait, and Ombai Strait. During the northwest monsoon (December–January–February), variations in SST and SSS at Lombok Strait site are similar to those at the Java Sea and southern Makassar sites for the period 1962–1995, which suggests that low-salinity water from the Java Sea is carried at least to the southern part of Makassar Strait where it suppresses the ITF upstream from Lombok Strait. However, the SST and SSS records differ at the three sites during the southeast monsoon (June–July–August), indicating that surface conditions in Lombok Strait vary separately from those in the Java Sea. In the longer term, although global warming has been widely identified in the Indonesian Seas, the coral record shows no clear warming trend in the southern part of Lombok Strait, where fluctuations in the ITF may be modulating the distribution of heat in the surface waters of the western Pacific and eastern Indian Ocean

    LRRN4 and UPK3B Are Markers of Primary Mesothelial Cells

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    Mesothelioma is a highly malignant tumor that is primarily caused by occupational or environmental exposure to asbestos fibers. Despite worldwide restrictions on asbestos usage, further cases are expected as diagnosis is typically 20–40 years after exposure. Once diagnosed there is a very poor prognosis with a median survival rate of 9 months. Considering this the development of early pre clinical diagnostic markers may help improve clinical outcomes.Microarray expression arrays on mesothelium and other tissues dissected from mice were used to identify candidate mesothelial lineage markers. Candidates were further tested by qRTPCR and in-situ hybridization across a mouse tissue panel. Two candidate biomarkers with the potential for secretion, uroplakin 3B (UPK3B), and leucine rich repeat neuronal 4 (LRRN4) and one commercialized mesothelioma marker, mesothelin (MSLN) were then chosen for validation across a panel of normal human primary cells, 16 established mesothelioma cell lines, 10 lung cancer lines, and a further set of 8 unrelated cancer cell lines.Within the primary cell panel, LRRN4 was only detected in primary mesothelial cells, but MSLN and UPK3B were also detected in other cell types. MSLN was detected in bronchial epithelial cells and alveolar epithelial cells and UPK3B was detected in retinal pigment epithelial cells and urothelial cells. Testing the cell line panel, MSLN was detected in 15 of the 16 mesothelioma cells lines, whereas LRRN4 was only detected in 8 and UPK3B in 6. Interestingly MSLN levels appear to be upregulated in the mesothelioma lines compared to the primary mesothelial cells, while LRRN4 and UPK3B, are either lost or down-regulated. Despite the higher fraction of mesothelioma lines positive for MSLN, it was also detected at high levels in 2 lung cancer lines and 3 other unrelated cancer lines derived from papillotubular adenocarcinoma, signet ring carcinoma and transitional cell carcinoma

    Very Low Nucleation Rates of Glucose Isomerase Crystals under Microgravity in the International Space Station

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    In situ observation of the nucleation and growth of glucose isomerase (GI) crystals under microgravity was conducted using an optical microscope during the first flight of the Advanced Nano Step project undertaken in the International Space Station (ISS). Very low apparent nucleation rates (J’) of GI crystals in the solution and on the substrate of the growth container were confirmed compared with those on the ground. In particular, J’ of GI crystals in the solution were a few times lower than that on the substrate. The growth rates (R) of the {101} faces of GI crystals on the substrate and the apparent growth rates (R’) in the solution were measured. The very low nucleation rates allowed us to successfully measure R at a very high supersaturation region (up to ln(C/Ce) = 6), at which R cannot be measured on the ground