781 research outputs found

    Butterfly dispersal and longevity in unlogged and selectively logged forest

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    This study investigated butterfly dispersal and longevity in unlogged and selectively logged forest in lowland dipterocarp rainforest Sabah, Malaysia (Borneo). Fruit-baited traps were used to survey butterflies in unlogged forest and forest that had been selectively logged 10-12 years previously in 1988 and 1989. The study focused on butterflies in the subfamilies Satyrinae, Nymphalinae, Morphinae and Charaxinae of the family Nymphalidae. Traps were set up along four transects on existing paths and trails in unlogged forest (two transects, total length 4 km) and logged forest (two transects, total length 4 km). Traps were hung 1-2 m from the ground at 100 m intervals along transects (total of 80 traps). Traps were operated for 12 days each month (October 1999-September 2000). Dispersal and longevity were investigated in several of the more abundant species. Dispersal and longevity were investigated in seevral of the more abundant species. Dispersal and longevity were investigated in several of the more abundant species. Dispersal and longevity did not differ between habitats or sexes but did differ between species in relation to body size and subfamily. The maximum distance moved by an individual in this study was 4670m and the maximum lifespan was 175 days (Bassarona dunya in both cases)

    Optical/IR from ground

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    Optical/infrared (O/IR) astronomy in the 1990's is reviewed. The following subject areas are included: research environment; science opportunities; technical development of the 1980's and opportunities for the 1990's; and ground-based O/IR astronomy outside the U.S. Recommendations are presented for: (1) large scale programs (Priority 1: a coordinated program for large O/IR telescopes); (2) medium scale programs (Priority 1: a coordinated program for high angular resolution; Priority 2: a new generation of 4-m class telescopes); (3) small scale programs (Priority 1: near-IR and optical all-sky surveys; Priority 2: a National Astrometric Facility); and (4) infrastructure issues (develop, purchase, and distribute optical CCDs and infrared arrays; a program to support large optics technology; a new generation of large filled aperture telescopes; a program to archive and disseminate astronomical databases; and a program for training new instrumentalists

    Planting time for maximization of yield of vinegar plant calyx (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.)

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    Objetivou-se avaliar a produtividade de cálices de Hibiscus sabdariffa L., planta medicinal, em quatro épocas de plantio em Lavras M.G. Os tratamentos foram quatro épocas de plantio (18 de outubro; 15 de novembro; 18 de dezembro de 2001 e 15 de janeiro de 2002) e realizada uma colheita quando praticamente não existiam cálices em desenvolvimento, quase no final do ciclo da planta. Foram considerados os números de cálices por planta, as fitomassas frescas e secas dos cálices e a qualidade. Concluiu-se que a época de plantio influenciou o rendimento por planta e as fitomassas frescas e secas dos cálices, diferindo entre si pelo teste de Tukey a 5%. No plantio de outubro, houve maior rendimento (2.522 kg/ha), com produção de 5,24 vezes a mais em relação ao plantio do mês de janeiro (481 kg/ha). Os plantios nos meses de novembro e dezembro tiveram produções de 1.695 e 1.093 kg.ha-1 de cálices secos, respectivamente, e em relação ao mês de janeiro, a produção foi 3,52 e 2,27 vezes a mais.Deve-se realizar a colheita assim que os cálices estiverem maduros, a fim de preservar a qualidade

    A question of class: Treatment options for patients with relapsed and/or refractory multiple myeloma

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    Multiple classes of agent with distinct mechanisms of action are now available for the treatment of patients with relapsed and/or refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM), including immunomodulatory agents, proteasome inhibitors, histone deacetylase inhibitors and monoclonal antibodies. Additionally, several different drugs may be available within each agent class, each with their own specific efficacy and safety profile. This expansion of the treatment landscape has dramatically improved outcomes for patients. However, as the treatment options for RRMM become more complex, choosing the class of agent or combination of agents to use in the relapsed setting becomes increasingly challenging. Furthermore, treatment options for specific patient populations such as the elderly, those with high-risk cytogenetic abnormalities and those with refractory disease are yet to be defined in the current treatment landscape. When choosing an appropriate treatment approach, physicians must consider multiple criteria including both patient-related and disease-related factors. The aim should be to provide patient-specific treatment in order to gain a clinical benefit while minimizing toxicity. This review provides an overview of the mechanism of action and efficacy and safety profiles of each class of agent and of treatment regimens that combine different classes of agent, with a special focus on treating specific patient populations

    Improving selection of markers in nutrition research: evaluation of the criteria proposed by the ILSI Europe Marker Validation Initiative

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    The conduct of high-quality nutrition research requires the selection of appropriate markers as outcomes, for example as indicators of food or nutrient intake, nutritional status, health status or disease risk. Such selection requires detailed knowledge of the markers, and consideration of the factors that may influence their measurement, other than the effects of nutritional change. A framework to guide selection of markers within nutrition research studies would be a valuable tool for researchers. A multidisciplinary Expert Group set out to test criteria designed to aid the evaluation of candidate markers for their usefulness in nutrition research and subsequently to develop a scoring system for markers. The proposed criteria were tested using thirteen markers selected from a broad range of nutrition research fields. The result of this testing was a modified list of criteria and a template for evaluating a potential marker against the criteria. Subsequently, a semi-quantitative system for scoring a marker and an associated template were developed. This system will enable the evaluation and comparison of different candidate markers within the same field of nutrition research in order to identify their relative usefulness. The ranking criteria of proven, strong, medium or low are likely to vary according to research setting, research field and the type of tool used to assess the marker and therefore the considerations for scoring need to be determined in a setting-, field- and tool-specific manner. A database of such markers, their interpretation and range of possible values would be valuable to nutrition researchers

    Could petroleum biodegradation be a joint achievement of aerobic and anaerobic microrganisms in deep sea reservoirs?

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    Several studies suggest that petroleum biodegradation can be achieved by either aerobic or anaerobic microorganisms, depending on oxygen input or other electron acceptors and appropriate nutrients. Evidence from in vitro experiments with samples of petroleum formation water and oils from Pampo Field indicate that petroleum biodegradation is more likely to be a joint achievement of both aerobic and anaerobic bacterial consortium, refining our previous observations of aerobic degradation. The aerobic consortium depleted, in decreasing order, hydrocarbons > hopanes > steranes > tricyclic terpanes while the anaerobic consortium depleted hydrocarbons > steranes > hopanes > tricyclic terpanes. The oxygen content of the mixed consortia was measured from time to time revealing alternating periods of microaerobicity (O2 ~0.8 mg.L-1) and of aerobicity (O2~6.0 mg.L-1). In this experiment, the petroleum biodegradation changed from time to time, alternating periods of biodegradation similar to the aerobic process and periods of biodegradation similar to the anaerobic process. The consortia showed preferences for metabolizing hydrocarbons > hopanes > steranes > tricyclic terpanes during a 90-day period, after which this trend changed and steranes were more biodegraded than hopanes. The analysis of aerobic oil degrading microbiota by the 16S rRNA gene clone library detected the presence of Bacillus, Brevibacterium, Mesorhizobium and Achromobacter, and the analysis of the anaerobic oil degrading microbiota using the same technique detected the presence of Bacillus and Acinetobacter (facultative strains). In the mixed consortia Stenotrophomonas, Brevibacterium, Bacillus, Rhizobium, Achromobacter and 5% uncultured bacteria were detected. This is certainly a new contribution to the study of reservoir biodegradation processes, combining two of the more important accepted hypotheses

    Interdisciplinarity and infectious diseases : an Ebola case study

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    International audienceHigh-profile epidemics such as Ebola, avian influenza, and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) repeatedly thrust infectious diseases into the limelight. Because the emergence of dis-eases involves so many factors, the need for interdisciplinary approaches to studying emerging infections, particularly those originating from animals (i.e., zoonoses), is frequently discussed. However, effective integration across disciplines is challenging in practice. Ecological ideas, for example, are rarely considered in biomedical research, while insights from biomedicine are often neglected in ecological studies of infectious diseases. One practical reason for this is that researchers in these fields focus on vastly different scales of biological organization, which are difficult to bridge both intellectually and methodologically. Nevertheless, integration across biological scales is increasingly needed for solving the complex problems zoonotic diseases pose to human and animal well-being. Motivated by current events, we use Ebola virusas a case study to highlight fundamental questions about zoonoses that can be addressed by integrating insights and approaches across scales
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