21 research outputs found

    Ideal Self-Congruence: Its Impacts on Customer Love and Loyalty to Luxury Brands in Indonesia

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    Purpose: This research is conducted to examine the influence of ideal self-congruence on customer love and loyalty to two luxury brands. Ā  Theoretical Framework: Luxury brands have three dimensions, namely functional, experiential, and symbolic. A brand is said to be luxurious if it has some characteristics such as high quality, high price, sensuality, beauty, exclusivity, historicity, and uniqueness. Customer loyalty to brand is a crucial strategy choice for companies struggling to maintain business continuity. The organizations believes that brand loyalty can provide benefits for organization. Brand love is one of the determinants of brand loyalty. The concept of love developed in the context of interpersonal relationships. Ā  Design/Methodology/Approach: Sample random sampling technique used as sampling method in this study, this research collected 214 data through self-administrative survey from respondents of two luxury handbag brands in Indonesia. Analysis method in this research using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Ā  Findings: There are significant relationships between ideal self-congruence and customer love to brand, between ideal self-congruence and customer loyalty to brand, and between customer love and customer loyalty to brand. Ā  Research/Practical/Social Implications: On the theoretical level, this research contributes to a better understanding of how to create customer loyalty to brand through tracking the self-congruence construct and the customer love to brand. On the managerial level, this research provides a very useful actionable guidance to loyalty program managers on how to create luxury brand which incorporates customer ideal self-congruence and simultaneously arises a strong emotional bonding to brand. Ā  Originality/Value: The contemporary interest in customer loyalty to brand has resulted in a variety research of it conducted in many areas. Our investigation indicates that there are a few researches which address the relationship between ideal self-congruence, brand love, and customer loyalty to luxury brands

    Why Do Millennials Perform Dysfunctional Behavior Toward an Organization? An Exploratory Study in an Urban Campus

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    Organizations can determine what constitutes dysfunctional behavior in several ways, often by aligning with the shared social values of the local society in which the organization operates. In relation to this, urban environments pose a particular challenge to organizations as its higher degree of diversity compared to rural areas. This exploratory study aims to identify the causes of millennialsā€™ dysfunctional behavior toward organizations. Further, the authors would explore the dimension characteristics of dysfunctional behavior of millennials toward an organization. This study was conducted on an urban campus, with 197 students from various study programs being the respondents. Data collection used open-ended questions distributed through online surveys, followed by focus group discussions to obtain more detailed answers. The results showed that the main targets of the studentsā€™ dysfunctional behavior were the college itself, the lecturing staff, and the student-led organizations. The most common reasons for this behavior were disappointment with the goal and being encouraged by other students. The study also found that despite being aware that their actions were deemed unethical by the target, students who committed dysfunctional behaviors did not feel guilty because they believed the target deserved it. The findings of this study are useful for organizational behavior research, particularly in the study of dysfunctional behavior, as it provides empirical data to support that retaliation is one of the antecedents of dysfunctional behavior. Keywords: revenge behavior, perception of justice, service failure recovery, consumer ethical standard

    Pengaruh E-Service Quality Terhadap E-Loyalty Melalui E-Satisfaction

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    ABSTRACT This research aims to determine the influence in the perspective of E-Service Quality, E-Loyalty and E-Satisfaction. This study used a quantitative method with the Partial Least Square (PLS) data analysis tool and assisted with SmartPLS 4.0 software. The subjects of this study were users of the Lazada e-commerce platform in Jambi City. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The number of samples used in this study was 100. The results showed that e-service quality had a positive and significant effect on e-loyalty, e-service quality had a significant effect on e-satisfaction, and e-satisfaction could affect electronic loyalty. With the e-satisfaction variable in this study can influence or mediate between e-loyalty and e-service quality variables, the findings of this study support a partial mediating effect.   Keywords: E-Service Quality, E-Loyalty, E-Satisfaction

    The Impact of Motivation on Proactive Behavior in the Perspective of Self-Determination Theory

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    Using the Self-Determination Theory, the authors investigate the consequence of motivation. Speciļ¬cally, this study analyzes the impacts of amotivation, extrinsic motivation, and intrinsic motivation toward proactive behavior of headquarter employees. Answering research problems and examining hypotheses, the authors applied regression technic to analysis eighty three data collected in the state organization which cover the Divisions under Directors of Finance and Human Resources and Sales Division outside of Finance & Human Resources Directors. The results of this research show that amotivation, extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation signiļ¬cantly and directly affect headquarter employeeā€™s proactive behavior. These ļ¬ndings imply that company should give attention to the emergence of amotivation because amotivation can reduce or eliminate an employeeā€™s proactive behavior in work which can ultimately disrupt the companyā€™s performance. Moreover, the authors conclude by presenting theoretical and managerial implication

    The Impact of Green Marketing Mix on Brand Image of Unilever Indonesia

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    Today, this environmental issue encourages companies to start looking for a marketing idea that prioritizes marketing campaigns to care for the environment, known as green marketing. The company strives to build an image in the minds of its customers by emphasizing the concept of environmental sustainability. This study aims to understand whether the green marketing mix affects the brand image of Unilever Indonesia. This research applied quantitative research with a survey method. The research proposes a conceptual model consisting of the following variables: green product, green price, green place, green promotion, and brand image. The results show that all independent variables partially affect the brand image variable. The most influential variables are green products and green prices. The target population for this study was Unileverā€™s customers, using a sampling technique in the form of purposeful sampling, with 160 respondents. The results of this study show that each independent variable affects the dependent variable brand image. Based on the findings, this study provides theoretical and managerial implications for companies building a positive and strong brand image. Keywords: green marketing, brand image, marketing strateg

    The Effect of Innovation Capability on Market Performance Mediated by External Collaboration on SMEs

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    The functions and roles of SMEs in Indonesia are quite numerous both economically, politically, socially, culturally, and securely. Economic-social-political functions and roles, for example, are to increase peopleā€™s income, reduce unemployment, poverty, and urbanization flows. This study aims to determine the effect of innovation capability on market performance mediated by external collaboration in Batam SMEs. This study took a sample of 257 respondents, who are managers or owners of SMEs, selected using non-probability sampling method with purposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling with partial least square (SEM PLS) approach. The results showed that innovation capability has a significant effect on market performance in SMEs, a significant relationship was observed between innovation capability and external collaboration and between external collaboration on market performance, while the results of the indirect effect showed that external collaboration mediates the relationship between innovation capability and market performance. Suggestions for Batam City SMEs to continue to maximize innovation capabilities and collaborate with various parties to improve market performance. Keywords: innovation capability, market performance, external collaboration, MSME


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    Abstract. Business competition between merchant in the modern market which is is getting tighter needs effective marketing strategies. An effective sales strategy can be arranged based on the knowledge of consumers. The increasingly competitive business environment that causes businesses must continue to provide the best service to customers for the development and success of trading businesses in the present and who will date. This problem can be addressed properly if you have accurate information about customers. Accurate information about these consumers can be obtained through customer data collection methods that is called customer data mining. Customer data mining is a method of finding consumer data which includes various kinds of aspects ranging from characteristics to the way consumers purchase. Using the instrument questionnaire, this research is a consumer survey. This paper is a brief report on the results of consumer data excavation, analysis of the results of statistical data based on the results of consumer data processing, and formulation of recommendations regarding promotion and sales strategies for merchant in the modern marketAbstrak. Persaingan bisnis antar pedagang yang semakin ketat menuntut pedagang manciptakan strategi penjualan yang efektif. Strategi penjualan yang efektif dapat disusun berdasarkan pengetahuan tetang perilaku konsumen. Lingkungan bisnis yang semakin kompetitif menyebabkan pelaku usaha harus terus berupaya memberikan pelayanan terbaik kepada konsumen demi perkembangan dan kelangsungan usaha dagang di masa sekarang dan yang akan dating. Masalah ini dapat diatasi dengan baik jika pedagang mempunyai informasi akurat mengenai perilaku konsumen. Informasi akurat mengenai perilaku konsumen tersebut dapat diperoleh melalui metode pengalian data konsumen (customer data mining). Customer data mining merupakan metode mencari data konsumen yang mencakup berbagai macam aspek mulai dari karakteristik sampai dengan perilaku pembelian yang dilakukan konsumen. Menggunakan instrumen kuesioner, penelitian ini merupakan seuatu survei konsumen. Tulisan ini merupakan merupakan laporan singkat mengenai hasil penggalian data konsumen, analisis hasil data statistik berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data konsumen, dan rumusan rekomendasi mengenai strategi promosi dan penjualan bagi pedagang pasar modern.

    Bibliometrics Analysis of Green Accounting Research

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    This research delves into Green Accounting, which integrates environmental considerations into traditional accounting practices. Green Accounting has garnered significant attention in the context of heightened global ecological awareness and sustainability efforts. The study examines the trends in Green Accounting publications, investigating various aspects such as subject areas, types of publications, and international dissemination. The objectives encompass analyzing publication trends from 1992 to mid-2023 and identifying influencing factors, exploring the implications of different publication types, revealing the significance of dominant subject areas, recognizing key international channels for dissemination, making global comparisons, acknowledging prominent authors' contributions, examining affiliations and roles of authors, and uncovering prevalent themes in Green Accounting publications. The methodology involves employing bibliometric analysis utilizing Scopus and VOSviewer tools to discern patterns and advancements in Green Accounting. The findings demonstrate fluctuations driven by environmental concerns, policy shifts, funding availability, and industry involvement. Dominant article types highlight interdisciplinary green economic engagement focusing on economic and ecological aspects. The research identifies global contributions to Green Accounting from developed and developing nations, driven by notable authors such as Cairns, Bartelmus, and Markandya, and spanning diverse affiliations like Universite McGill and the University of Bath, showcasing international interdisciplinary collaboration. Themes encompass environmental accounting, economics, corporate social responsibility, sustainable development, finance, and align with the Sustainable Development Goals. The study's novelty lies in its comprehensive analysis of Green Accounting's landscape, shedding light on its development, global involvement, and influences, thus providing valuable insights for stakeholders, policymakers, and researchers to advance sustainable practices. The implications underscore the need for ongoing research to address ecological challenges through Green Accounting, utilizing the understanding of trends, subject areas, and global engagement to formulate greener strategies, fostering collaboration among authors and affiliations, and enhancing overall awareness for facilitating sustainable development progress

    Pengaruh Experiential Marketing Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Ritel Di Indonesia

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    Kompetisi pada industri retail sangat dinamis dan dibutuhkan strategy baru agar organisasi dapat unggul dalam kompetisi tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa pengaruh experiential marketing terhadap loyalitas pelanggan melalui kepuasan pelanggan sebagai variabel intervening pada IKEA Alam Sutera. Data penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini berjumlah 236 responden yang diambil dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Data yang diperoleh selanjutnya diolah menggunakan metode analisis Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) dengan software IBM SPSS AMOS 23. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa experiential marketing memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan, kepuasan pelanggan memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan, experiential marketing memiliki pengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan, dan kepuasan pelanggan berperan sebagai variabel intervening antara experiential marketing dan loyalitas pelanggan. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat menjadi dasar yang kuat bagi organisasi unutk menyusun strategi yang lebih berdampak terutama untuk tetap bertahan dan unggul dalam kompetisi saat ini

    Firm Performance: The Role of Determinant Variables Water Awareness, Intellectual Capital, and Corporate Social Responsibility

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    Purpose: This study aims to investigate of firm's performance through water awareness, intellectual capital, and corporate social responsibility. Ā  Theoretical framework: Ā The main goal of the signaling theory by Spence (2002) is to reduce the information asymmetry between two parties. Research by Ericson and Call (2008), Shabaati et al. (2010), Helena, Pedro, and Jardon (2010), and others have demonstrated that intellectual capital has a favorable impact on performance.Ā  Clacher, Hagendorff, Jo, and Harjoto (2012), as well as Ameer and Othman (2012), discovered a beneficial relationship between CSR and a company's financial performance. Ā  Design/methodology/approach: The present study was conducted on 21 manufacturing companies in Indonesia with a total of 106 samples. The data of the present study were financial reports and sustainability reports which were obtained from the Indonesian stock exchange website and each company's website during the period 2015-2019 by using purposive sampling techniques and multiple linear regression methods. Ā  Findings: Ā The findings revealed that water awareness and corporate social responsibility affect company performance, but not the firmā€™s intellectual capital. However, a firm's sustainability is empirically proven to affect company performance. Ā  Research, Practical & Social implications: Ā This study is useful for managers to examine the effectiveness of water awareness and sustainability practices including intellectual capital towards the company's performance. Ā  Originality/value: The value of the study is useful for managers to examine the affect company performance, but not the firmā€™s intellectual capital. However, a firm's sustainability is empirically proven to affect company performance. This measurement of firmā€™s sustainability model will be very useful for decision makers and policy makers