13 research outputs found

    Analysis of Consumer Confidence on Mobile Commerce in Indonesia

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    The rapid development of mobile-based information technology, can change an existing business process. Such as loss of distributors in a single chain of business processes. Mobile Commerce industry is getting a good condition to grow. With the decrease in Mobile communication costs, more and more people are using mobile computing devices that can connect to the Internet. There are several m-Commerce applications in Indonesia, namely Lazada, Tokopedia, Buka Lapak, Shoppee and etc. The existence of these applications in Indonesia traders switch to online stores. This study takes three examples of m-Commerce applications in Indonesia with the top three criteria in terms of the best reviews and the highest number of reviews. The results of the sampling application is Lazada, Tokopedia and Buka Lapak. The process of collecting data taken will be analyzed to know about the level of consumer confidence in an m-Commerce application. This is evidenced by a collection of examples of online stores that exist in m-Commerce applications that inform ratings, discount information and existing features. The results obtained from this research is, consumer confidence can be seen from the review feedback that exist in each - each m-Commerce. Many discounts and low prices have no effect on consumer buying interest in the online store. The researcher's suggestion is to reward the most traded buyers with points that can be redeemed for certain goods, discounted goods or subsidized postage

    Effectiveness of note duration information for music retrieval

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    Content-based music information retrieval uses features extracted from music to answer queries. For melodic queries, the two main features are the pitch and duration of notes. The note pitch feature has been well researched whereas duration has not been fully explored. In this paper, we discuss how the note duration feature can be used to alter music retrieval effectiveness. Notes are represented by strings called standardisations. A standardisation is designed for approximate string matching and may not capture melodic information precisely. To represent pitches, we use a string of pitch differences. Our duration standardisation uses a string of five symbols representing the relative durations of adjacent notes. For both features, the Smith-Waterman alignment is used for matching. We demonstrate combining the similarity in both features using a vector model. Results of our experiments in retrieval effectiveness show that note duration similarity by itself is not useful for effective music retrieval. Combining pitch and duration similarity using the vector model does not improve retrieval effectiveness over the use of pitch on its own

    The effect of using pitch and duration for symbolic music retrieval

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    Quite reasonable retrieval effectiveness is achieved for retrieving polyphonic (multiple notes at once) music that is symbolically encoded via melody queries, using relatively simple pattern matching techniques based on pitch sequences. Earlier work showed that adding duration information was not particularly helpful for improving retrieval effectiveness. In this paper we demonstrate that defining the duration information as the time interval between consecutive notes does lead to more effective retrieval when combined with pitch-based pattern matching in our collection of over 14 000 MIDI files

    Exploring microtonal matching

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    Most research intomusic information retrieval thus far has only examined music from the western tradition. However, music of other origins often conforms to different tuning systems. Therefore there are problems both in representing this music as well as finding matches to queries from these diverse tuning systems. We discuss the issues associated with microtonal music retrieval and present some preliminary results from an experiment in applying scoring matrices to microtonal matching

    Sensitivitas dan spesifisitas uji tempel pada dermatitis kontak alergi karena nikel.

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    Objectives of the study are as follows: first to compare the sensitivity and specificity of 5.0% nickle sulfate (NS) prepared by Pharmacy Unit Dr. Sardjito General Hospital and 5% NS International standard, and the second is to determine the ideal concentration of NS that can produce equal sensitivity and specificity with 5% NS International standard. Total number of sample is 86 subjects that have been recruited from Dermatology Clinic Sardjito General Hospital. Forty one patients with nickle allergic contact dermatitis and 45 patients with other dermatitis or healthy volunteers participated in the study. Every subject was tested with 5% NS International standard and 5.5%, 5.0%, 4.5%, 4.0%, 3.5%, 3.0%, 2.5%, 2.0% NS made by Pharmacy Unit Dr. Sardjito General Hospital. Result of the study shows that the sensitivity and specificity of 5% NS International standard are 95.12% and 95.56% respectively, while 5.0% NS made by Pharmacy Unit Sardjito General Hospital are 92.68% and 100% respectively (this differences is not statistically significant). Among different concentration of nickle sulfate made by Pharmacy Unit, 2.5% NS is the optimal concentration that can produce sensitivity and specificity which are equal to 5% NS International standard, both on the first and the second assessments (p = 0,06). Conclusion: 2.5% NS patch test made by Pharmacy Unit, Dr. Sardjito General Hospital can be used as standard material patch test for allergic contact dermatitis caused by nickel. Key word: nickle sulfate - pacth test - nickle allergic contact dermatitis

    Compression-based Modelling of Musical Similarity Perception

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    Similarity is an important concept in music cognition research since the similarity between (parts of) musical pieces determines perception of stylistic categories and structural relationships between parts of musical works. The purpose of the present research is to develop and test models of musical similarity perception inspired by a transformational approach which conceives of similarity between two perceptual objects in terms of the complexity of the cognitive operations required to transform the representation of the first object into that of the second, a process which has been formulated in informationtheoretic terms. Specifically, computational simulations are developed based on compression distance in which a probabilistic model is trained on one piece of music and then used to predict, or compress, the notes in a second piece. The more predictable the second piece according to the model, the more efficiently it can be encoded and the greater the similarity between the two pieces. The present research extends an existing information-theoretic model of auditory expectation (IDyOM) to compute compression distances varying in symmetry and normalisation using high-level symbolic features representing aspects of pitch and rhythmic structure. Comparing these compression distances with listeners’ similarity ratings between pairs of melodies collected in three experiments demonstrates that the compression-based model provides a good fit to the data and allows the identification of representations, model parameters and compression-based metrics that best account for musical similarity perception. The compression-based model also shows comparable performance to the best-performing algorithms on the MIREX 2005 melodic similarity task

    Sulukan gaya Surakarta :: Suatu kajian musikal

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    Effective retrieval of polyphonic audio with polyphonic symbolic queries

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    Accurately finding audio recordings in response to symbolic queries is one of the key challenges in the field of music information retrieval. Pitch is one of the main features of music; in this paper we propose and evaluate approaches for using pitch information in polyphonic symbolic queries to retrieve full tracks of audio recordings. The audio data is first converted into symbolic data, using an automated transcription process. This is a noisy process, adding up to three times as many notes to the transcription than are actually present. Nevertheless, recordings can be accurately retrieved by manually-constructed queries (either in full or truncated) using the longest common subsequence algorithm (and a sliding window if the queries are truncated). Precision at 1 of about 80% was achieved, and around 85% of queries return correct answers in the top 10 from a collection of 1808 recordings. Truncated queries are as effective as untruncated queries for retrieving correct answers in the first rank position. Thus, the burden on users is reduced as they only need to produce a small fraction of a song as a query

    Obstetrics in the Transkei

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    A survey of 1 286 deliveries was conducted at Sir Henry Elliot Hospital, Umtata, over a period of 6 months, from July to December 1970. All the patients were Bantu, mostly from primitive social backgrounds. Incidence of illegitimacy was remarkably high because of the cus':om of proving fertility before marriage. Complications during pregnancy and labour such as eclampsia, postpartum haemorrhage, ruptured. uteri, vesicovaginal fistulae and high perinatal mortality, were often a result of poor antenatal care and deficient family planning. Antenatal attendance has to be encouraged if obstetric care is to improve. There is obviously an urgent need for medical services in the Transkei to provide maternity clinics in the outlying districts. There is also the problem of teaching the primitive Bantu modern family care