83 research outputs found


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    The purposes of making this home door safeguard using RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) 125 KHz microcontrollers have as base ATmega328 is to make an easy tool of home door safeguard, cheap, practice in the uses of increasing comfortable and safeness in opening home door without handle many kind of keys that maybe really annoying. This tool will detect/work after the RFID detect tag card which facing the door, which automatically will read tag card to open the breach-blocking the door in the form of solenoid. The method which is used in making the this home safeguard using RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) 125 KHz microcontroller have as base ATmega328 is experimental. This method consist of some steps, they are (1) software, (2) the analysis of necessity, (3) the design of hardware and software, (4) the tool pretense, (5) the tool test and (6) the tool operational. The hardware is consists of (1) ATmega328 minimum system as the main controlled, (2) tag card as the key of opening door safeguard, (3) solenoid as the door’s key. Based on the test result it can be summarize that the door safeguard can works as good as the principle works that is planned. It is showed by all the series when it’s work, RFID sensor is able to detect tag card with its database, the solenoid are able to open the keys when database tag card have been matched by the microcontroller. The percentage of error in measurement this solenoid is 15.8% and the percentage of the success is 84.2%, the percentage of error in measurement 13 pin is 9.8% and the percentage of the success is 91.2%, the percentage of error in measurement RFID module is 2% and the percentage of the success is 98%, the percentage of error in the regulator is 0% and the percentage of the success is 100%. Key words: RFID Sensor, ATmega328, Tag Card, Home Safeguard

    Correlation Between Soil-Transmitted Helminth (STH) Infection and Eosinophil Score on Residents Around Landfill of Mojosongo Village, Jebres Sub-District, Surakarta City

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    Introduction: Soil-Transmitted Helminth (STH) infected more than one million people all over the world. In Indonesia, the prevalence of STH infection is still high in a few places, some of them are 40-60 % of all ages, with different species of helminth and intensity. Citizens around landfills usually has unhealthy  sanitary and life style. Some data indicated that they often suffer  alergic symptoms, like itchy on the skin and chronic coughing which could be due to STH infection.Objectives: This study was held to know the relationship between STH infection and eosinophil score at citizens around landfills of Kelurahan Mojosongo Kecamatan Jebres Kota Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia.Methods: Stool and blood sample from 96 citizens of study site who agreed to participate (by informed consent) were collected. Kato-Katz method was used to determine the helminths infection intensity. Eosinophil count was done on thin blood smear stained with Giemsa to identify the percentage of eosinophil among other cells on the blood smear subjects. .Results: Prevalence of STH infection was 7,29% (7/96) with egg density of 61 Eggs Per Gram Feses (EPGF). Single type of helminth infection occured among the participants and there was no co-infection. Hookworm infection was 6,25% (6/96) and Trichuris trichiura infection was 1,04% (1/96). There was no Ascaris lumbricoides infection. All of them were fall into catagory of light infection. The prevalence of eosinophilia was 27,8% (26/96) with 2,63% mean osinophil percentage. There was a very weak association between STH infection intensity and eosinophil score (r=0,190; p=0,032).Conclusion: The prevalence of STH infection of the population around landfills of Mojosongo, Surakarta was 7,29% and predominated by Hookworm. There was a very weak association between STH infection intensity and eosinophil score (r=0,190; p=0,032). Keywords: STH infection, STH infection intensity, eosinophil score, Kato-Katz, eosinophiliaINTISARIPendahuluan: Soil-Transmitted Helminth (STH) menginfeksi lebih dari satu milyar orang di seluruh dunia. Di Indonesia, prevalensi STH di beberapa tempat juga masih tinggi, ada diantaranya dengan prevalensi 40-60 % pada semua umur, dengan jenis cacing dan intensitas yang berbeda-beda. Masyarakat yang tinggal di sekitar Tempat Pembuangan sampah Akhir (TPA) biasanya sanitasi lingkungan dan kebiasaan hidupnya tidak sehat. Beberapa data menunjukkan bahwa mereka biasanya mengeluhkan adanya  gejala alergi seperti gatal-gatal pada kulit dan batuk kronis yang sangat mungkin disebabkan olef infeksi STH.Tujuan: Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui hubungan infeksi STH dengan angka eosinofil pada masyarakat di sekitar TPA Kelurahan Mojosongo Kecamatan Jebres Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia.Metode : Sampel tinja dan darah dikoleksi dari 96 warga yang bersedia berpartisipasi (dengan informed consent). Metode Kato-Katz digunakan untuk mengetahui adanya infeksi STH dan mengetahui intensitas infeksinya. Hitung eosinofil dilakukan pada sediaan apus darah tipis yang dipulas dengan Giemsa untuk mengetahui persentase eosinofil pada penderita.Hasil: Prevalensi infeksi STH secara keseluruhan sebesar 7,29% (7/96) dengan rata-rata jumlah telur 61 telur per gram feses. Semua menderita infeksi tunggal dan tidak ada yang infeksi campuran. Infeksi hookworm sebesar 6,25% (6/96) dan infeksi Trichuris trichiura sebesar 1,04% (1/96). Tidak ditemukan infeksi Ascaris lumbricoides. Semuanya menderita infeksi ringan. Prevalensi eosinofilia adalah 27,8% (26/96) dengan rata-rata persentase eosinofil 2,63%. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara intensitas infeksi STH dengan angka eosinofil, dengan kekuatan sangat lemah (r=0,190; p=0,032).Simpulan: Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara intensitas infeksi STH dengan angka eosinofil, dengan kekuatan sangat lemah (r=0,190; p=0,032). Kata kunci : infeksi STH, intensitas infeksi STH, angka eosinofil, Kato-Katz, eosinofili


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    AbstractBackground. Hospital statistical indicators during the Covid-19 pandemic will be different from normal conditions before covid-19, One of the indicators for inpatient services is BOR which is the percentage of bed usage with Barber Johnson's ideal standard of 75-85%. During a pandemic, BOR information is needed to assist hospitals in terms of speed of service and policies in the use of beds and rooms. The purpose of this research is to predict the bed at Tlogorejo Hospital in 2021-2022. Method. This type of research is quantitative descriptive and uses secondary data, the data used is from March 2020 - June 2021 by way of observation. Result. The study results from the Barber Johnson chart with linear bed predictions are not efficient from July 2021 - May 2022 and efficient from July 2021 - May 2022. June 2021 - Dec 2022 while the results of the barber johnson chart predict beds with a BOR of 75% that all wards from July 2021-Dec 2022 are efficient. Conclusion. Therefore it is recommended to Tlogorejo hospital to add beds according to the predicted results of beds BOR 75 % or predicted results of bed Linier.Keywords: Predictions, beds, barber johnson charts and BOR.


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    Suyoko . NIM H0203062. Kesesuaian Lahan Kering untuk Tanaman Wortel (Daucus carota. L) dan Bawang Merah (Allium Oscolonium. L) di Sub DAS Samin Kabupaten Karanganyar. Dibawah bimbingan Drs. Joko Winarno, MSi dan Ir. Sumarno, MS. Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari 2007 sampai Juli 2007 di Sub DAS Samin Kabupaten Karanganyar khususnya kecamatan Tawangmangu dan sebagian kecamatan Matesih propinsi Jawa Tengah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesesuaian lahan untuk tanaman Wortel dan Bawang Merah dan memberikan masukan pengelolaaan tanah yang terbaik untuk tanaman Wortel dan Bawang Merah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif fenomologis yaitu penelitian yang menggambarkan kondisi lahan daerah penelitian dengan tanaman Wortel dan Bawang Merah yang akan dicari kelas kesesuaiannya. Penilaian kelas kesesuaian dengan cara mencocokan (matching) antara persyaratan tumbuh tanaman dengan karakteristik dan kualitas tanah/lahan yang telah dianalisis. Pengambilan sampel tanah dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Untuk melengkapi data dilakukan wawancara dengan metode Snowbolling dan verifikasi data dengan metode Triangulasi. Pembahasan dengan menggunakan pendekatan SWOT. Satuan analisis yang digunakan adalah Satuan Lahan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kelas kesesuaian lahan untuk tanaman Wortel dan Bawang Merah beragam. Kelas kesesuaian lahan tanaman Wortel dan Bawang Merah bervariasi yaitu mulai dari kelas S1 (sangat sesuai), S2 (cukup sesuai), S3 (sesuai marginal) dan N (tidak sesuai) dengan faktor pembatas kejenuhan basa (nr2) dan pH (nr3). Pada SPL 10 dan 11 tidak digunakan untuk budidaya tanaman sayuran terutama Wortel dan Bawang Merah dengan faktor pembatas kondisi tanah dan pasokan air irigasi yang sangat kurang (tergantung air hujan). Masukan untuk mengatasi faktor pembatas yang ada dengan pengapuran. dan pemberian bahan organik berupa pupuk kompos Kata kunci: Kesesuaian lahan, Satuan Lahan, Wortel, Bawang Merah, SWO


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    The objectives of this study are to develop authentic tasks for the speaking skill for the Grade X students of MAN 1 Salatiga and to identify the characteristics of the authentic speaking tasks for Grade X students of MAN 1 Salatiga in the academic year of 2012/2013. This study was a research and development (R & D) study. The development procedure comprised identifying needs for materials (needs analysis), developing the materials grids, writing the first draft of the materials, evaluating the first draft by expert judgment, rewriting the second draft of the materials, evaluating the second draft, and developing the final draft of the materials. The instruments used in this study were interview guidelines and questionnaires. The data from the need analysis and evaluation were analyzed quantitatively, while the data from the interviews were analyzed qualitatively. The average scores obtained from the evaluation questionnaires of the ranging from 4.0 to 4.23 showed the expert agreement on the developed tasks. Based on the expert judgment results, authentic speaking tasks that are suitable for Grade X students of MAN 1 Salatiga are those which help them explore their speaking skills. Meanwhile, the characteristics of authentic speaking tasks that are suitable for Grade X students of MAN 1 Salatiga are that: (1) the goals of the tasks should be feasible and appropriate to the indicators stated in the course grids; (2) the inputs should be comprehensible, not be too long, be in interesting and familiar topics, use brief and motivating explanations, and use simple vocabulary which might help the students to accomplish the tasks and improve their vocabulary mastery; (3) the activities should be referring to the real life interaction as close as possible, varied, interesting, challenging, simple, motivating, sequenced from guided to free, and from easy to difficult; (4) the teacher should play roles as a prompter, a resource, a tutor, an instructor, a facilitator, and a monitor; (5) the students should play roles as active and responsive participants; (6) the setting should be varied from individual, pairs, small groups, or whole class works; and (7) the instruction should be clear, the vocabulary should be simple and understandable, the illustration should be clear, interesting, and understandable, and the recording should be clear

    Potential of Selected Entomopathogenic Hyphomycetes for Controlling the Rice Pests, Sitophilus Oryzae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and Corcyra Cephalonica (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)

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    The rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae (l.) and the rice moth, Corcyra cephalonica Stn.' are serious stored grain pests worldwide. They attack a wide variety of stored products and are the two important pests of stored rice. The use of entomopathogenic fungi (EF) is a novel approach to the control of insect pests of stored grains. The potential of dry conidia of three genera of EF, Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae and Paecilomyces fumosoroseus was examined in the laboratory against the adults of S. oryzae and the larvae of C. cephalonica. The pathogenicities of nine selected isolates of the EF (BbGc, BbPs, BbPc, MaOrMaj, MaSc, MaGmC, MaOrMan, MaPs, PfPp) to S. oryzae adults and C. cephalonica larvae were evaluated in the laboratory. All the isolates tested were pathogenic against S. oryzae adults and C, cephalonica larvae but pathogenicity varied among the isolates. Two isolates of B. bassiana (BbGc and BbPs) and one isolate of M. anisopliae (MaPs) were superior and caused high mortality against both these insects compared to other isolates. The median effective concentration (EC50) for isolates BbGc, BbPs and MaPs against C, cephalonica larvae were 1.238 x 106, 2.072 X 106, 1.775 X 106 conidia g-1 respectively. However, higher ECso values for these isolates were recorded against S. oryzae adult, namely 9.491 x 1 06, 1 .377 X 1 07, 1.120 x 107 conidia g-1 respectively. Thus, it can be concluded that C, cepha/onica larvae were more susceptible than S. oryzae adults to the three selected fungal isolates. The median lethal time (LT 50) at concentration 1 x 109 for these isolates against C. cepha/onica larvae were 3.5 d for BbGc, 3.6 d for BbPs and 3.5 d for MaPs and against S. oryzae adults were 3.1 d for BbGc, 3.3 d for BbPs and 2.5 d for MaPs

    Tinjauan yuridis terhadap sistem alih daya (outsourcing) pada pekerja di Indonesia

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    The practice of outsourcing at this time is increasingly being carried out by both entrepreneurs and outsourcing service providers themselves. Along with the development of industrial labor relations with an outsourcing system, it creates many negative things for the development of workers / laborers. Many workers' rights are neglected by companies that use outsourcing services. The issues raised are how the regulation regarding the outsourcing system for workers in Indonesia and how legal protection for outsourcing workers in Indonesia. The results of this research are that the regulations regarding the outsourcing system in Indonesia are contained in Article 64 to Article 66 of the Manpower Act, where in 2020 after the issuance of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation there are changes regulated in Article 81 numbers 18 to 20. Legal protection for outsourced workers / laborers in the work copyright law is regulated in Article 81 point 20, however until now the implementing regulations of this article have not been issued by the Government. How to cite item: Suyoko., Ghufron AZ, M. (2020).Tinjauan yuridis terhadap sistem alih daya (outsourcing) pada pekerja di Indonesia. Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum, 12(1). 99-109.doi:10.26905/idjch.v12i1.5780

    Pengaruh Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, Pendapatan Asli Daerah, Dan Dana Alokasi Umum Terhadap Pengalokasian Anggaran Belanja Modal (Studi Kasus Pada Kabupaten/Kota Di Provinsi Jawa Tengah Tahun Anggaran 2009-2011)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh pertumbuhan ekonomi, pendapatan asli daerah, dan dana alokasi umum terhadap pengalokasi anggaran belanja modal. Dalam penelitian ini metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah sampel jenuh yaitu seluruh populasi akan dijadikan sampel penelitian. Sampel yang diperoleh dan dapat digunakan dalam penelitian ini sejumlah 105 Laporan Realisasi APBD serta PDRB per Kapita di Kabupaten/Kota di Jawa Tengah. Variabel yang diuji dalam penelitian ini adalah Belanja Modal, Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD), dan Dana Alokasi Umum (DAU). Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah statistik deskriptif, analisis regresi berganda dan uji asumsi klasik. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa Pertumbuhan Ekonomi tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Alokasi Anggaran Belanja Modal. Sedangkan PAD dan DAU berpengaruh secara parsial dan signifikan terhadap Alokasi Anggaran Belanja Modal


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    There are three submarine ridges found on northeast of Flores waters. One of them is Baruna Komba submarine ridge found on south of Komba (Batutara) Volcano. Two others are Abang and Ibu Komba volcanoes located more to the southeast of the Baruna Komba. The position of the Baruna Komba situated more closely to the active Komba volcano and it is considered that the formation of Baruna Komba ridge is younger than the Abang and Ibu Komba volcanoes. The Baruna Komba also interpreted before as a magmatic volcano. Data from marine magnetism shows that there is a low or negative anomaly on Baruna Komba ridge whereas on Abang and Ibu Komba ridges, they are high and positive anomalies. These data indicate that the Baruna Komba ridge is not a volcanic ridge but it is a submarine ridge formed by a volcanic detritus or non magnetized sedimentation. The low anomaly around these submarine ridges gives northwest to southeast lineation and we interpreted also as a big fault on the west side of these ridges. On the other hand, the Abang and the Ibu Komba ridges are closely related to submarine magmatic volcanoes. Keywords : The Baruna Komba, magmatic volcano, volcanic detritus, Northeast Flores Waters. Di perairan sebelah timur laut pulau Flores ditemukan tiga bukit bawah laut. Salah satunya adalah Baruna Komba sebagai bukit bawah laut yang ditemukan di selatan gunung api Komba. Dua bukit lainnya adalah Abang dan Ibu Komba di sebelah tenggara Baruna Komba. Posisi Baruna Komba terletak lebih dekat dengan gunung api Komba yang masih aktif sehingga ditafsirkan sebagai bukit bawah laut termuda dibandingkan gunung api bawah laut Abang dan Ibu Komba. Baruna Komba ditafsirkan sebelumnya sebagai gunung api juga. Dari data magnetik kelautan menunjukkan bahwa adanya anomali negatif atau rendah di atas Baruna Komba, sedangkan di atas Abang dan Ibu Komba menunjukkan anomali positif atau tinggi. Data magnetik ini menandakan bahwa bukit bawah laut Baruna Komba bukan sebagai gunung api tetapi terbentuk oleh material seperti lava, breksi gunung api dan lahar yang terendapkan sewaktu letusan gunung api Komba. Sebaliknya, bukit bawah laut Abang dan Ibu Komba dapat ditafsirkan sebagai gunung api bawah laut yang bersifat magmatik. Kata Kunci : Baruna Komba, gunung api bersifat magmatik, endapan vulkanik, perairan timur laut Flores