80 research outputs found


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    Constructivist learning (CL), although the basic principles of the theory have been developed for years, has recently become a prominent approach in teaching and learning science. The implementation of the theory in schools, however, is still problematic: how to implement the constructivist learning theory into practice? What are the results of the implementation of CL? This paper reflects the practices and the results of the constructivist learning approach in Japan as a part of the JICA training experiences


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    Indeed there is no science as an exclusive subject matter in the current kindergarten’s curricullum; however, it does not mean that there is no science in kindergarten. It does and it is integrated to almost all themes constitute the curriculum. Science in kindergarten is considered important to develop the very beginning of a scientific way of thinking, that is logic, based on data/reality, and using a causal-effect relationship. Kindergarten teacher should be very carefull in intrducing science to young children since their reasoning is still syncretic and they frequently use magical causality


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    Character Discourse Between Students and School Teachers in YOGYAKARTA Special Province in Indonesia

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    : One of the critical points in character education in schools is the perception of good and bad characters between students and teachers. If there is a discourse on the perception, then there will be misleading on the character building in the classroom. The students who perceive that they do have good attitudes and perform good characters might be judged by the teacher as bad students. On the contrary, the teachers who believe that they have good attitudes and perform good characters might be considered by the students as disliked teachers. This survey research was conducted in 6 middle schools in Yogyakarta Special Province, involving 120 students and 120 teachers. The instrument of the research was mainly questionnaires consisting of three main groups of characters, namely performance, attitude, and behavior. Data were analyzed descriptively using a percentage. Inter-rater agreement analysis was administered to know the character admiration and discourse. The results indicate that there are some discourses between the students and the teachers on the behaviors, performance, and attitudes


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    Indonesian Government, putting into action the Educational System Law, is starting its efforts this year to develop schools to reach international standard schools (SBI). The Educational System Law (2003), specifically act number 20, states that “The government and/or district develop at least one school in every level to be promoted into an international standard school (SBI)”. That act arises many questions in the school level concerning the international standards school (SBI), such as what is SBI, what is the main goal, what is the requirement of schools to be promoted as SBI, how can schools develop themselves to reach SBI, what is the criterion of the success? Indeed, there are many ways for schools to develop themselves into an international level. Every school may use a different way that suitable to the school’s condition. This paper brings to mind the Learning Organization (LO) as one of the generic promising ways to develop a school into an international level. LO is basically an organization that learns and does continuously improvement. LO comprises of five major components: (1) shared vision, (2) system thinking, (3) personal mastery, (4) mental models, and (5) team learning. Besides, there are five subsystems where those components should be developed in LO: (1) learning, (2) knowledge, (3) technology, (4) people, dan (5) organization. Keywords: SBI, organisasi belajar, learning organizatio

    Analysis of Argumentation Contents in the High School Biology Textbook: A Discourse Analysis on the Topic of the Respiratory System

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    Abstract: Analysis of Argumentation Contents in the High School Biology Textbook: A Discourse Analysis on the Topic of the Respiratory System. Objectives: Study examines structure of learning discourse, explores aspects of discussion, examines presentation of learning motives in textbooks, analyzes a comparison of three biology textbooks on respiratory materials. Methods: A qualitative investigation of descriptive text, discourse structure analysis tasks, conversational type elements, learning motive explanations, Erlangga, Yrama Widya, Intan Pariwara as publishers of Biology textbook. Findings: Results revealed nature of conversation structure. Three scientific books observed that one side of the argument swamped any remaining sections of debate due to a rapid review of doubtful material. Examining three books analysed reveals a discussion of many quality,rating issues. In Good category, Book B got highest rating of 8.3. Book C received an 8.2 on the “upside” scale, whereas Book A received a 7 on the “appropriate” scale.Keywords: Argumentation, tektbook, discourse analysis.Abstrak: Analisis Isi Argumentasi dalam Buku Teks Biologi SMA: Analisis Wacana pada Topik Sistem Pernapasan. Tujuan: Penelitian ini mengkaji struktur wacana pembelajaran, memeriksa aspek argumentasi, meneliti penyajian motif pembelajaran buku teks, menganalisis perbandingan tiga buku biologi materi sistem pernapasan. Metode: Penelitian kualitatif jenis kalimat deskriptif, kegiatan analisis struktur wacana pembelajaran, aspek jenis argumentasi, presentasi motif pembelajaran, menggunakan buku teks biologi kelas XI semester 2 sebagai sample. Buku Biologi merupakan buku teks terbitan Erlangga, Yrama Widya, Intan Pariwara. Temuan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kualitas struktur hasil wacana dari persentase analisis argumentasi materi tiga buku biologi menyatakan aspek argumentasi lebih dominan dari semua aspek argumen lainnya. Perbandingan ketiga buku yang dianalisis memiliki wacana argumentasi kualitas dan skor berbeda. Skor buku B tertinggi dengan kategori “baik” dengan skor 8,3. Buku C Skor 8,2 dengan kategori “bagus” dan buku A skor 7 dengan kategori “cukup”.Kata kunci: Argumentasi, buku teks, analisis wacana.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v12.i2.20220

    Systematic Literature Review: Multiple-tier Diagnostic Instruments in Measuring Student Chemistry Misconceptions

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    Misconception is a conception of someone who is not by scientific concepts recognized by experts. One way to identify students' misconceptions is by conducting tests using diagnostic instruments. This study aims to identify misconceptions in chemistry learning as well as the most widely used types of multiple-tier diagnostic instruments. The research method used is a systematic literature review (SLR) by analyzing relevant research results from the Google Scholar and ERIC databases of 47 articles based on their suitability with the research theme within the last seven years (2016-2022). The systematic literature review method reviews articles systematically by following the steps that have been determined. The research findings show that students' misconceptions mostly occur in the buffer solution material with the most widely used diagnostic instrument, namely the three-tier multiple-choice (50%). The dominant cause of students' chemical misconceptions occurs due to students' internal factors in the form of a mismatch between students' preconceptions and the concepts taught by experts and strategies for applying learning models that are often used as a method to reduce students' chemical misconceptions such as the application of the Dual Situated Learning Model (DSLM) as well as implementing the Elicit, Confront, Identify, Resolve, Reinforce (ECIRR) model

    Respons guru terhadap pengembangan bahan ajar quipper school pada materi perubahan lingkungan untuk meningkatkan manajemen pembelajaran guru

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    Quipper school merupakan bahan ajar yang dapat membantu bagi para guru untuk melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar dan sudah banyak digunakan secara mendunia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: a). Mengetahui kelayakan bahan ajar QS dalam meningkatan manajemen pembelajaran guru; dan b). Mengetahui respon guru terhadap penggunaan bahan ajar quipper school dalam proses pembelajaran. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode DDR (Design and Development Research) yaitu penelitian yang dimulai dengan mendesain, mengembangkan, dan mengevaluasikan dengan tujuan meciptakan produk yang diinginkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada semester genap, pada bulan Maret hingga Mei  2018 , tahun pelajaran 2017/2018 di  SMA Negeri 1 Depok Yogyakarta, dan SMA Negeri 6 Yogyakarta. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa lembar observasi dan angket. Hasil dari keseluruhan nilai skor akhir data menyatakan bahwa 90,97% guru memberikan respon positif dan menyatakan sangat setuju terhadap penggunakan bahan ajar quipper school dalam meningkatkan manajemen pembelajaran. Quipper school's teaching material is the latest innovation that is currently worldwide, so that with Quipper School's teaching materials it can make it easier for teachers to carry out teaching and learning activities, which are not only done in the school environment, but can also be done outside of school. This study aims to: a). Knowing the feasibility of Quipper School teaching materials on Environmental Change material used in the learning process to improve teacher learning management; and b). Knowing the teacher's response to the use of Quipper School teaching materials in the learning process. The method in this study using the DDR (Design and Development Research) method is a study that begins with designing, developing, and evaluating with the aim of creating the desired product. This research was conducted in even semester, from March to May 2018, 2017/2018 school year in Depok 1 Public High School, and Yogyakarta 6 Public High School. The instruments used in this study were observation sheets and questionnaires. The results of the study stated that 90.97% of teachers gave a positive response and stated strongly agree with the use of Quipper School teaching materials in improving learning management
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