40 research outputs found

    Preliminary Study for Design Core of Nuclear Research Reactor of TRIGA Bandung Using Fuel Element Plate MTR

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    The nuclear reactor has two types of power reactors based on the function that is used as electrical energy and research reactors and radioisotope used as a producer of nuclear science and technology research. Indonesia has three research reactors are two types of TRIGA research reactor in Bandung with a power of 2 MW and in Yogyakarta with a power of 100 kW and a research reactor in PUSPIPTEK Serpong with nominal power of 30 MW. For the second fuel elements TRIGA type reactor that is currently using elements of cylindrical material, while the fuel elements RSG-GAS reactor in Serpong-shaped plate. Reactor TRIGA Bandung is a reactor that can be used to predict the buffer reactor. However, this reactor has a problem because of the limited number of existing fuel element. Meanwhile, production of TRIGA fuel elements abroad already closed. Given that Indonesia has the ability to produce nuclear fuel elements for research reactors fueled plate it is proposed to modify the reactor core of TRIGA Bandung of the terrace patio made from a cylinder into fuel plates. In this research will be studied more deeply about aspects thermal-hydraulics TRIGA research reactor using fuel elements plate replacement to cylinder fuel element. The method used is the modeling and simulation of the fuel element plate using porous media and non-porous media with the program of CFD Code. Results of the simulation show that the phenomenon of flow and temperature distribution closer to the comparison of the design elements used fuel plate. So later this plate fuel elements can be used in a nuclear reactor core TRIGA research Bandung, Indonesia.The nuclear reactor has two types of power reactors based on the function that is used as electrical energy and research reactors and radioisotope used as a producer of nuclear science and technology research. Indonesia has three research reactors are two types of TRIGA research reactor in Bandung with a power of 2 MW and in Yogyakarta with a power of 100 kW and a research reactor in PUSPIPTEK Serpong with nominal power of 30 MW. For the second fuel elements TRIGA type reactor that is currently using elements of cylindrical material, while the fuel elements RSG-GAS reactor in Serpong-shaped plate. Reactor TRIGA Bandung is a reactor that can be used to predict the buffer reactor. However, this reactor has a problem because of the limited number of existing fuel element. Meanwhile, production of TRIGA fuel elements abroad already closed. Given that Indonesia has the ability to produce nuclear fuel elements for research reactors fueled plate it is proposed to modify the reactor core of TRIGA Bandung of the terrace patio made from a cylinder into fuel plates. In this research will be studied more deeply about aspects thermal-hydraulics TRIGA research reactor using fuel elements plate replacement to cylinder fuel element. The method used is the modeling and simulation of the fuel element plate using porous media and non-porous media with the program of CFD Code. Results of the simulation show that the phenomenon of flow and temperature distribution closer to the comparison of the design elements used fuel plate. So later this plate fuel elements can be used in a nuclear reactor core TRIGA research Bandung, Indonesia


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    In this research, a simulation method has been developed for designing a solar air conditioner and predicting its perfomances. This simulation based on solar irradiation data, solar collector performance data, LiBr-H2O absorption chiller single effect performance data, Phase Change Material (PCM) data as its inputs. Napthalene is used for HTTS and acetic acid is used for TTS. Energy balance, mass balance, and characteristic equations of each component are used in the solar air conditioning simulation. Validation of the developed simulation model was done with experiment data for solar air conditioning system with HTTS and LTTS without auxiliary heater. Generally, the tendency of the simulation and experiment results are similar. The application of HTTS and LTTS make the system can be operated more in 100 minutes

    Experimental Study on a Solar-Assisted High Temperature Heat Pump

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    Peningkatan Effisiensi Elektrik Modul Surya Menggunakan Bahan Berubah Fasa dan Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT)

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    Pemanfaatan Modul Surya (Photovoltaic-PV) untuk membangkitkan daya elektrik terkendala oleh efisiensi yang masih rendah. Efisiensi elektrik tersebut juga akan turun seiring dengan peningkatan temperatur sel PV selama PV beroperasi. Penggunaan Crude Palm Oil (CPO) sebagai bahan berubah fasa (Phase Change Material-PCM) bertujuan untuk menghambat kenaikan temperatur sel-PV, sedangkan untuk mendapatkan daya maksimum dengan menggunakan Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT). Jurnal ini memuat hasil pengujian penggunaan PCM dan MPPT untuk meningkatkan efisiensi elektrik PV, dan dari hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi antara PCM dan MPPT pada PV mampu meningkatkan efisiensi PV secara sigifikan dari 9,64% menjadi 16,27%


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    Flow field at the inlet of a combustor under the influence of swirler vanes was investigated computationally. The isothermal flow was examined to predict the combustion stability. The simulations indicate different flow-field characteristics can be achieved under the same swirl number. In addition to swirl number, swirl velocity induces the existence of centrifugal force. This force affect velocity profile peak, static pressure profile, radially; and recirculation zone, axially

    Studi Pengembangan Desain Teras Reaktor Nuklir Riset 2 MWTH dengan Elemen Bakar Plat di Indonesia

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    Reaktor TRIGA Bandung merupakan reaktor yang diprediksi dapat dijadikan reaktor penyangga. Namun reaktor ini mempunyai kendala karena terbatasnya jumlah elemen bakar yang ada. Sementara itu, produksi elemen bakar TRIGA di luar negeri sudah ditutup. Mengingat Indonesia mempunyai kemampuan dalam memproduksi elemen bakar nuklir untuk reaktor riset berbahan bakar plat maka diusulkan untuk memodifikasi teras reaktor TRIGA Bandung dari teras berbahan silinder menjadi teras berbahan bakar plat. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan studi pustaka pengembangan desain teras reaktor nuklir riset 2 MWth. Hasil riset yang telah dilakukan saat ini lebih mengarah ke kajian neutronik di teras reaktor menggunakan elemen bakar plat, sehingga untuk langkah selanjutnya diperlukan riset ke arah kajian termohidrolika. Dengan ini diharapkan dapat diperoleh desain teras reaktor nuklir riset 2 MWth yang lebih optimal dengan menggunakan elemen bakar plat sebagai pengganti elemen bakar silinder

    Optimasi sistem termal/ Suwono

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    Untuk kondisi tertentu seperti di tempat penambangan bawah tanah, atau pada pemadam kebakaran, pengkondisian udara individual sering sangat diperlukan untuk dapat menjagatiap individu pada tingkat yang optimal. Untuk tujuan ini, sistem pengkondisian udara yang konvensional tidak lagi tepat untuk diterapkan. Sistem pendinginan tabung vorteks meskipun ditinjau dari segi COP kurang, tampaknya mempunyai pelluang yang cukup besar untuk dapat memenuhi tujuan tersebut. Dalam tulisan ini, dibahas tentang gejala-gejala yang terlibat dalam pendinginan tabung vorteks. Realisasi perangkat pengujiannya bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan kepada para mahasiswa tentang efek pendinginan vorteks serta berbagai penerapannya melalui suatu praktikum percobaan