1,114 research outputs found

    Puutuotteiden ja korvaavien tuotteiden välisen substituution markkinaoletukset pakkaus- ja tekstiilisektoreilla

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    Metsät ovat avainasemassa ilmastonmuutoksen hillinnässä, ja substituutio, eli puutuotteiden käyttö fossiilisten raaka-aineiden sijaan, on tunnistettu potentiaalisena tapana vähentää päästöjä. Siinä missä substituutiokirjallisuus on tähän mennessä tuottanut arvioita substituutiovaikutuksesta, ts. vältetyistä päästöistä, analyysit eivät ole juurikaan sisällyttäneet markkinaperspektiivejä. Tämä tutkielma vastaa tähän tutkimusaukkoon tarkastelemalla substituutioon liittyviä markkinaoletuksia analysoimalla arvoketjuja ja mikroekonomista kysynnänteoriaa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteina on tunnistaa vaikutusvaltaisimmat päätöksentekijät arvoketjuissa, ymmärtää paremmin substituution tämänhetkisestä tilannetta markkinoilla sekä tutkailla puupohjaisten tuotteiden kysyntätekijöitä. Tutkimuksen laajuutta rajoitettiin valitsemalla puusellupohjaiset tuotteet pakkaus- ja tekstiilisektoreilla tarkasteltavaksi tapaukseksi. 14 asiantuntijan näkökulmia substituutioon ja sellupohjaisten tuotteiden kysyntään valituilla sektoreilla selvitettiin puolirakenteisen haastattelun avulla. Tämän lisäksi jokaisen haastattelun lopussa täytettiin Likert-asteikko täydentämään haastatteluvastauksia ja mahdollistamaan kysynnän hintajouston ja ristijouston tarkastelu substituution näkökulmasta. Haastateltavien otos valikoitui lumipallo-otannalla sekä potentiaalisten haastateltavien tunnistamiseen valmistellun matriisin avulla. Ensinnäkin tulokset viittaavat siihen, että molemmilla markkinoilla päätösvalta materiaalien suhteen on sijoittunut arvoketjun loppupään toimijoille, kun taas metsäsektori on sijoittunut arvoketjujen alkupäähän. Toisekseen molemmilla sektoreilla on tahtoa löytää ympäristön kannalta kestävämpiä materiaaliratkaisuja, mutta välineet tähän ovat puutteelliset. Pakkaussektorilla muovin barrier-ominaisuudet ovat saavuttamattomissa kuitupohjaisilla materiaaleilla, jolloin muovin vähentäminen ei aina tarkoita itse raaka- aineen vaihtamista. Tekstiilisektorilla puupohjaisten tekstiilikuitujen tuotanto ei ole vielä tarpeeksi skaalautunutta kilpaillakseen samankaltaisten materiaalien kanssa. Tästä huolimatta joustoanalyysit viittaavat siihen, että substituutiota voidaan odottaa esiintyvän molemmilla sektoreilla. Kolmanneksi useiden tärkeiden kysyntätekijöiden tunnistamisesta huolimatta kaikista merkittävintä tekijää ei pystytty tunnistamaan. Tutkimuksen johtopäätökset osoittavat, että substituutiovaikutusten arviointiin käytettävissä markkinaoletuksissa on parannettavaa. Pakkaussektorilla preferenssit kuitupohjaisen pakkauksen suhteen tuovat esille tulkinnallisia ongelmia, samalla kun muovinkäytön vähentäminen ei aina johda puuraaka-aineeseen vaihtamiseen. Tekstiileissä uusien selluloosamuuntokuitujen odotetaan korvaavan enimmäkseen viskoosia ja täyttävän puuvillan tuotannon kasvun taantumisesta johtuvaa selluloosa-aukkoa synteettisten kuitujen korvaamisen sijaan. Yhteenvetona tulokset korostavat markkinadatan ja -konseptien paremman integroinnin tärkeyttä realistisimpien arvioiden saavuttamiseksi substituutiovaikutusanalyyseissä.Forests play a central role in climate change mitigation actions, and substitution, that is the use of wood products in place of fossil intensive materials, has been recognized as a potential way to avoid emissions. While there are studies estimating the substitution impact of products, i.e., the avoided emissions, there is a lack of studies integrating market perspectives into substitution estimation. To contribute to this research gap, this study explores the market assumptions of substitution through the theoretical lenses of value chains and microeconomic theory on demand. The objectives are to recognize powerful decision-makers in the value chains, to establish a better understanding for the current state of substitution in the markets, and to explore the determinants of demand of the wood-based products. To limit the scope of this study, the use of pulp-based products was examined in the cases of packaging and textile sectors. Semi-structured interviews with 14 experts were arranged to discuss their views on substitution and demand of the pulp-based products in the chosen sectors. Additionally, a Likert scale was filled at the end of each interview to supplement the interview answers and enable elasticity and cross-price elasticity analyses to examine substitution. The sample of respondents was chosen through the use of snowball sampling and a matrix to recognize potential interviewees. First, the findings of this study suggest that in both sectors, the decision-making power on materials is held by the operators at the end of the value chain whereas the forest sector is located at the beginning of the chain. Second, in both sectors, there is willingness to find more sustainable material solutions, but the tools for this are lacking. In the case of packaging sector, the barrier capacities of plastic are unattainable with fiber-based materials, meaning that reducing plastic use does not always imply switching the feedstock itself. In the textile sector, the production of wood-based textile fibers is not yet scaled enough for it to compete with similar materials. However, the analysis of elasticities indicates that some substitution can be expected in both sectors. Third, a number of important determinants of demand were identified, yet no single factor could be identified as the most important one. This study concluded that there is room to improve the market assumptions for substitution impact estimation. In packages, the market preferences of fiber-based packaging in some uses give a rise for interpretational issues, while plastic reduction goals do not always imply switching to wood feedstock. In textiles, the new man-made cellulosic fibers (MMCFs) are expected to mostly substitute for viscose and fill the cellulosic gap from stagnating production of cotton instead of substituting for synthetic fibers. To conclude, it is central to integrate market data and concepts better into future substitution impact analyses to facilitate more realistic estimates

    Klassisen laulun alkeisopetus

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    Pedagoginen opinnäytetyöni käsittelee laulun alkeisopetusta. Olen perehtynyt työtä tehdessäni laulunopetusmetodeihin, ääniharjoitteiden funktioon laulunopetuksessa, peruskurssitasoiseen lauluohjelmistoon ja äänifysiologiaan. Äänenkäytön kannalta terveellisen laulutekniikan oppii vain säännöllisellä harjoittelulla ammattitaitoisen opettajan ohjauksessa ja itsenäisesti harjoitellen. Varsinkin lauluopintojen alussa opettajan merkitys oppimiselle korostuu; oppilaan tulee saada silloin välitöntä palautetta ja neuvoja ääniharjoitteita tehdessään ja kappaleita työstäessä. Ensimmäisen laulunopettajan vastuu oppilaastaan on suuri. laulun alkeisopetus luo perustan oppilaan äänellisille mahdollisuuksille ja saattaa jopa vaikuttaa hänen uravalintaankin. Ääniharjoitusten lisäksi tulee kappaleiden laulaminen aloittaa heti opintojen alusta alkaen. Lauluohjelmiston valinta on opettajalle haasteellista ja häneltä laajaa laulurepertuaarin tuntemusta. Kappaleita valittaessa opettajan tulee ottaa huomioon oppilaan musiikillisten taitojen lisäksi hänen persoonallisuuden piirteensä, ja nämä molemmat huomioiden pyrkiä valitsemaan sopivia kappaleita. Opettajan ja oppilaan välille on alusta lähtien tärkeää saada rakennettua toinen toistaan kunnioittava, luottamuksellinen vuorovaikutussuhde. Opettajan tulee hyväksyä oppilas sellaisena kuin hän on ja käyttäydyttävä häntä kohtaan eettisiä periaatteita noudattaen. Hänellä ei ole oikeutta yrittää muuttaa oppilastaan omien ihanteidensa mukaiseksi. Olen Tiinan kanssa työskennellessäni oppinut, kuinka nopeaa oppilaan äänellinen kehitys voi opintojen alussa olla. Hän oppi vuoden työskentelyn aikana käyttämään ääntänsä paljon monivivahteisemmin, keho laulamiseen osallistuen. Olemme hänen kanssaan harjoittaneet ½-1 kurssitasoista lauluohjelmistoa. Oppilaan äänelliselle kehitykselle tulee antaa rauhassa aikaa; sitä peräänkuuluttavat pitkän uran laulaneet ja opettaneet lauluveteraanit. Omassa opetuksessani olen tullut huomaamaan kuinka aaltoilevaa kehitys on. Oppimisen taantumistilanteissa opettajan on pysyttävä kärsivällisenä, oppilasta tukien. Laulun alkeisopetuksen valmiuksille on laulupedagogikoulutuksessa annettava sille kuuluva tärkeä merkitys.My pedagogical thesis deals with elementary teaching of singing. In my thesis, I have become acquainted with singing teaching methods, the function of voice practices in singing teaching, basic level song repertory and voice physiology. A healthy technique for voice use can only be acquired with regular practice with a professional teacher or in independent practice. The role of a singing instructor is emphasized at the beginning of training; the student needs immediate feedback and advice when practicing to use their voice and learning new pieces. The first singing instructor has a great responsibility of the student. The elementary teaching creates a base for the vocal possibilities and may even have an effect on the choice of career. In addition to vocal practices, the student should begin singing pieces at the very beginning of the training. Choosing the repertory is challenging for the teacher and requires an extensive knowledge of song repertory. When choosing suitable pieces, the teacher should take the students personality into account in addition to the musical skills of the student. It is important to build a mutually respectful and confidential relationship between the teacher and the student right from the beginning. The teacher must accept the student as they are and behave in accordance with ethical principles. The teacher does not have the right to change the student to reflect their own ideals. When working with Tiina, I have seen how fast the vocal development may be at the beginning of studies. During a year of work, she learned to use her voice in more nuanced manner using the whole body to sing. We have trained a ½-1 level repertory with her. Time should be given for the student’s voice to develop at its own pace; this is also a demand made by those, who have sang or taught a long career. In my own teaching work, I have noticed how the development may fluctuate. The teacher must remain patient and support the student during the regressive stages. The elementary teaching of singing must be given the significance it has in singing pedagogy

    Differential diagnostics of polymyalgia rheumatic in a university hospital in Finland

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    Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is a common inflammatory disease that causes muscle pain and morning stiffness, almost exclusively affecting patients over the age of 50. PMR is most common in Scandinavian countries, which increases its clinical importance in northern Europe. The diagnosis of PMR is mainly clinical and based on symptoms and laboratory evidence of acute phase reaction, besides ruling out other conditions. Due to there being many other conditions that are presented with similar symptoms and findings, diagnosing PMR can be difficult. This study aimed to analyze how often the diagnosis of PMR changes during a follow-up period in a university hospital setting as well as determine the most common conditions misdiagnosed as polymyalgia rheumatica. All patients diagnosed with polymyalgia rheumatica during the years 2016-2019 were identified from the Turku University Hospital discharge register. The diagnosis was confirmed if the patient fulfilled at least one of five classification criteria for PMR, the clinical follow-up of at least 12 months was compatible with polymyalgia rheumatica and no other diagnosis better explained the patient’s condition. Out of the 374 patients analyzed in this study, 65.5% were considered to have polymyalgia rheumatica after further evaluation and clinical follow-up. The most common conditions initially misdiagnosed as polymyalgia rheumatica were inflammatory arthritides (34.9%), musculoskeletal disorders due to repetitive strain or degeneration (13.2%), infections (9.3%), malignancy (9.3%), giant cell vasculitis (6.2%) and other vasculitis (6.2%). In conclusion, the diagnosis of polymyalgia rheumatica is challenging and it is essential to consider the differential diagnostics carefully

    Resisting Biopolitics : Hannah Arendt as a Thinker of Automation, Social Rights, and Basic Income

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    Hannah Arendt's support for the right to have rights arises as a critical response to the modern biopolitical human condition. While Arendt's reflections on human rights have received broad recognition, the question concerning the economic preconditions of citizenship in her work remains an unduly neglected subject. This article takes up this issue and argues that, for Arendt, the fulfillment of basic social rights is the sine qua non without which the fulfillment of political rights is impossible. Thinking with and against Arendt, I show that her famous distinction between the private, the social, and the political can be fruitfully reinterpreted as an argument for basic income. When Arendt's reflections on human rights are read in the light of her ideas concerning technology and automation, she no longer appears as a theorist who ignores social justice, but as a thinker who seeks to counter the modern biopolitical human condition and open up new realms for democratic political action. Instead of ignoring social questions, Arendt argues that with the help of technology, we can strive to politicize fundamental social questions in a way that they would achieve a self-evident stature as human rights, and as fundamental human rights, rise above political debate, even though we would remain conscious of their political origins. Arendt does not simply exclude the social questions from politics but argues that this is what all technologically developed societies can strive to do. In Arendt's futuristic vision, the private life of citizens will be politicized through technological intervention: ancient slaves will be replaced by machines. By comparing Arendt with Foucault and Agamben, I maintain that a critical reading of her work can provide us with a pathway toward understanding the right to life's basic necessities, to zoe, as a future human right.Peer reviewe

    Why Are Political Discussions with Fascists Impossible? : Reflections on the Far-Right Politics of Silence

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    This paper argues that twentieth-century fascist political theory is characterised by the systematic attempt to abolish communication from the public realm. By offering a novel reading of one the most systematic fascist thinkers, Carl Schmitt, who is compared with Soren Kierkegaard, Aristotle, Hannah Arendt, and Walter Benjamin as well as with the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, it is argued that Schmitt's Weimar era thought offers a many-sided challenge to the Western tradition of political thought. Against the Aristotelian notion of politics as rhetorical persuasion and speech, Schmitt mobilises the anti-Aristotelian political theorist, Thomas Hobbes, and an array of other thinkers for his own purposes in order to redefine "the political" as a realm of silence. For Schmitt, and for fascists more generally, the realm of the political appears as an arena in which absolute and non-negotiable existential truths collide-truths, which every political community must necessarily embody in both its constitution and spirit. Reinterpreting Schmitt's central works by relying on a broad array of rare materials, I maintain that Schmitt's famous criterion of the "the political" discloses the crucial moment in which communicative speech becomes impossible. It is argued that understanding the internal mechanics of twentieth century fascist political thought can be highly useful for grasping the momentum that especially far-right movements are experiencing today.Peer reviewe

    The Rise of the Homme Machine : Carl Schmitt’s Critique of Biotechnology and Utopias

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    This essay argues that Carl Schmitt’s postwar writings offer an original critique of biotechnology and utopian thinking. Examining the classics of utopian literature from Plato to Thomas More and Aldous Huxley, Schmitt illustrates the rise of utopianism that aims to transform human nature and even produce an artificial “human-machine.” Schmitt discovers a counterimage to the emerging era of biotechnology from a katechontic form of Christianity and maintains that human beings must recognize their shared humanity in God, warning us that without a realm of transcendence, the enemy no longer offers an existential mirror but begins to incarnate foreign values, which must be destroyed completely. By comparing Schmitt with Michel Foucault and Donna Haraway, it is also argued that Schmitt’s thinking unlocks a novel path to exploring the meaning and histories of biopolitics and posthumanism. From a Schmittian perspective, Foucault’s depiction of biopolitics appears as a mere prelude to the coming age of biotechnology that will lead us into a posthuman era. Demonstrating interesting contrasts with Haraway’s utopian vision of the cyborg, it is maintained that Schmitt’s thinking offers a distinctively conservative-Christian critique of posthumanism.Peer reviewe

    Outcome analysis for laparoscopic and open cholecystectom

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    Definition of the Bradysia luctifica group (Diptera, Sciaridae), with the description of five new species

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    The Bradysia luctifica group is characterized for a number of species with an Oriental-Australasian distribution. The group includes the following species: Bradysia abrupta sp. n. (Malaysia: Pahang, Selangor), B. calicula sp. n. (Malaysia: Sabah), B. conflexa sp. n. (Malaysia: Pahang), B. fornicata sp. n. (Malaysia: Pahang), B. luctifica (Skuse, 1888) (Australia: South Australia, Indonesia: Ceram, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea), B. robusta Mohrig, 2015 (Papua New Guinea) and B. torosa sp. n. (Papua New Guinea: Bismarck Archipelago). The species are keyed and the new species are described and illustrated.Peer reviewe
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