55 research outputs found

    Toward an integrated approach to perception and action: conference report and future directions

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    This article was motivated by the conference entitled “Perception & Action – An Interdisciplinary Approach to Cognitive Systems Theory,” which took place September 14–16, 2010 at the Santa Fe Institute, NM, USA. The goal of the conference was to bring together an interdisciplinary group of neuroscientists, roboticists, and theorists to discuss the extent and implications of action–perception integration in the brain. The motivation for the conference was the realization that it is a widespread approach in biological, theoretical, and computational neuroscience to investigate sensory and motor function of the brain in isolation from one another, while at the same time, it is generally appreciated that sensory and motor processing cannot be fully separated. Our article summarizes the key findings of the conference, provides a hypothetical model that integrates the major themes and concepts presented at the conference, and concludes with a perspective on future challenges in the field

    Towards a self-deploying and gliding robot

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    Strategies for hybrid locomotion such as jumping and gliding are used in nature by many different animals for traveling over rough terrain. This combination of locomotion modes also allows small robots to overcome relatively large obstacles at a minimal energetic cost compared to wheeled or flying robots. In this chapter we describe the development of a novel palm sized robot of 10\,g that is able to autonomously deploy itself from ground or walls, open its wings, recover in midair and subsequently perform goal- directed gliding. In particular, we focus on the subsystems that will in the future be integrated such as a 1.5\,g microglider that can perform phototaxis; a 4.5\,g, bat-inspired, wing folding mechanism that can unfold in only 50\,ms; and a locust-inspired, 7\,g robot that can jump more than 27 times its own height. We also review the relevance of jumping and gliding for living and robotic systems and we highlight future directions for the realization of a fully integrated robot

    Observation of a new boson at a mass of 125 GeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC

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    Supernova neutrino detection in NOvA

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    The NOvA long-baseline neutrino experiment uses a pair of large, segmented, liquid-scintillator calorimeters to study neutrino oscillations, using GeV-scale neutrinos from the Fermilab NuMI beam. These detectors are also sensitive to the flux of neutrinos which are emitted during a core-collapse supernova through inverse beta decay interactions on carbon at energies of O(10 MeV). This signature provides a means to study the dominant mode of energy release for a core-collapse supernova occurring in our galaxy. We describe the data-driven software trigger system developed and employed by the NOvA experiment to identify and record neutrino data from nearby galactic supernovae. This technique has been used by NOvA to self-trigger on potential core-collapse supernovae in our galaxy, with an estimated sensitivity reaching out to 10 kpc distance while achieving a detection efficiency of 23% to 49% for supernovae from progenitor stars with masses of 9.6 M☉ to 27 M☉, respectively

    Progress towards ignition on the National Ignition Facility

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    Will traditional biopsy be substituted by radiomics and liquid biopsy for breast cancer diagnosis and characterisation?

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    The diagnosis of breast cancer currently relies on radiological and clinical evaluation, confirmed by histopathological examination. However, such approach has some limitations as the suboptimal sensitivity, the long turnaround time for recall tests, the invasiveness of the procedure and the risk that some features of target lesions may remain undetected, making re-biopsy a necessity. Recent technological advances in the field of artificial intelligence hold promise in addressing such medical challenges not only in cancer diagnosis, but also in treatment assessment, and monitoring of disease progression. In the perspective of a truly personalised medicine, based on the early diagnosis and individually tailored treatments, two new technologies, namely radiomics and liquid biopsy, are rising as means to obtain information from diagnosis to molecular profiling and response assessment, without the need of a biopsied tissue sample. Radiomics works through the extraction of quantitative peculiar features of cancer from radiological data, while liquid biopsy gets the whole of the malignancy\u2019s biology from something as easy as a blood sample. Both techniques hopefully will identify diagnostic and prognostic information of breast cancer potentially reducing the need for invasive (and often difficult to perform) biopsies and favouring an approach that is as personalised as possible for each patient. Nevertheless, such techniques will not substitute tissue biopsy in the near future, and even in further times they will require the aid of other parameters to be correctly interpreted and acted upon