22 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Morfologi Beberapa Spesies Jamur Fusarium

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    The research was conducted to study the morphological difference based on macroscopic and microscopic appearance of several Fusarium spp. Fusarium spp. isolates were propagated onto Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) by using single-spore method. All isolates were observed macroscopically and microscopically to determine colony appearance, colony growth diameter and formation of macroconidia, microconidia and conidiophores. The results showed that colony appearance of all isolates was similar. Therefore they could not clearly be differentiated by one to another. On the other hand, microscopic observation showed that there was different conidiophore morphology of F. oxysporum and other Fusarium spp. Microscopic morphology among F. oxysporum isolates were difficult to differentiate. Microconidia were produced in false-head which was the characteristic feature of most F. oxysporum. In conclusion, microscopic morphology observation could only be able to differentiate Fusarium spp. isolates at species level, but not to formae speciales. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan morfologi berdasarkan morfologi makroskopis dan mikroskopis beberapa isolat Fusarium spp. Isolat Fusarium spp. diperbanyak pada medium Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) dengan menggunakan teknik monospora. Semua isolat ini kemudian diamati secara makroskopis dan mikroskopis untuk mengetahui morfologi koloni, pertumbuhan koloni, bentuk makrokonidium dan mikrokonidium serta konidiofornya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar isolat mempunyai morfologi koloni yang hampir sama, sehingga tidak bisa dibedakan dengan jelas satu dengan lainnya. Akan tetapi, pengamatan secara mikroskopis menunjukkan adanya perbedaan morfologi konidiofor pada isolat F. oxysporum dengan Fusarium spp., sementara morfologi mikroskopis antara isolat Fusarium spp. sulit untuk dibedakan. Mikrokonidium yang dibentuk pada false-head merupakan karakter utama F. oxysporum. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa morfologi mikroskopis hanya dapat digunakan untuk membedakan Fusarium spp pada tingkat spesies, tetapi tidak pada tingkat forma spesialis

    Perencana Pengembangan Industri di Propinsi Kalimantan Timur dengan Mengintegrasikan Metode Location Quotient dan Analisis Bertingkat (Analytical Hierartycal Process)

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    Kopetisi di dunia yang semakin ketat diera globalisasi dan perdagangan bebas APEC, mengharuskan pengembangan industri provinsi Kalimantan Timur, Industri di propinsi Kaltim terdapat kesenjangan wilayah yang cukup besar antara Pulau Jawa dan Luar Pulau Jawa, diantaranya dalam hal jumlah unit USAha industri besar dan sedang, kontribusi sektor industri non migas, investasi sektor industri PMA dan PMDN, serta luas lahan kawasan industriHasil perhitungan Location Quotient (LQ) Tahun 2016, maka secara rata-rata dapat diidentifikasikan sektor-sektor yang merupakan sektor basis (nilai LQ>1) adalah sektor Pertambangan dan Penggalian (dengan sub sektor basis : Minyak dan Gas Bumi dan Pertambangan Tanpa Migas dengan nilai LQ masing-masing sebesar 3,81 dan 10,12) dengan nilai LQ keseluruhan 5,95. Sektor Pertambangan dan Penggalian merupakan sektor yang memiliki keunggulan sehingga mampu memenuhi kebutuhan di dalam Provinsi Kalimantan Timur serta mempunyai potensi untuk diekspor ke daerah di luar Kalimantan Timur. Sektor pertanian dan sektor pertambangan dan penggalian adalah sektor yang mampu menjadi sektor basis dominan di beberapa Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Hasil analisis Klassen Tipology terhadap PDRB Provinsi Kalimantan Timur tahun 2015-2016 sektor yang dikategorikan sebagai sektor potensial, yaitu sektor yang mempunyai kontribusi rata-rata tinggi namun tertekan yaitu sektor “Pertam-bangan dan Penggalian” dan Industri Pengolahan. Pembangunan ekonomi dengan mengacu pada kedua sektor tersebut selain berdampak pada percepatan pertumbuhan ekonomi juga akan berpengaruh pada Perubahan mendasar dalam struktur ekonomi. Sektor “Pertanian”, “Listrik, Gas dan Air Bersih”, “Bangunan”, Perdag. Hotel dan Restoran”, Pengangkutan dan Komunikasi”, Keuangan Persewaan, dan Jasa Perusahaan”, dan “Jasa-Jasa” termasuk ke dalam sektor berkembang, Sementara sektor-sektor yang tergolong ke dalam sektor prima dan terbelakang tidak memiliki kontribusi dan nilai pertumbuha

    Activation of Type I and III Interferon Signalling Pathways Occurs in Lung Epithelial Cells Infected with Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza Viruses

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    The host response to the low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) H5N2, H5N3 and H9N2 viruses were examined in A549, MDCK, and CEF cells using a systems-based approach. The H5N2 and H5N3 viruses replicated efficiently in A549 and MDCK cells, while the H9N2 virus replicated least efficiently in these cell types. However, all LPAI viruses exhibited similar and higher replication efficiencies in CEF cells. A comparison of the host responses of these viruses and the H1N1/WSN virus and low passage pH1N1 clinical isolates was performed in A549 cells. The H9N2 and H5N2 virus subtypes exhibited a robust induction of Type I and Type III interferon (IFN) expression, sustained STAT1 activation from between 3 and 6 hpi, which correlated with large increases in IFN-stimulated gene (ISG) expression by 10 hpi. In contrast, cells infected with the pH1N1 or H1N1/WSN virus showed only small increases in Type III IFN signalling, low levels of ISG expression, and down-regulated expression of the IFN type I receptor. JNK activation and increased expression of the pro-apoptotic XAF1 protein was observed in A549 cells infected with all viruses except the H1N1/WSN virus, while MAPK p38 activation was only observed in cells infected with the pH1N1 and the H5 virus subtypes. No IFN expression and low ISG expression levels were generally observed in CEF cells infected with either AIV, while increased IFN and ISG expression was observed in response to the H1N1/WSN infection. These data suggest differences in the replication characteristics and antivirus signalling responses both among the different LPAI viruses, and between these viruses and the H1N1 viruses examined. These virus-specific differences in host cell signalling highlight the importance of examining the host response to avian influenza viruses that have not been extensively adapted to mammalian tissue culture

    Pemanfaatan Biochar dan Pupuk Kandang Ayam pada Pertanaman Jagung Hibrida di Tanah Ultisol

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    This study aims to evaluate the growth and production of hybrid maize on ultisol soils using biochar and chicken manure to support sustainable agriculture. This study used a factorial design based on the randomized block design, which consisted of two treatment factors and three replications. The first factor is the dosage of biochar consisting of 4 levels, namely without biochar (control), 0.25 kg.m-2; 0.5 kg.m-2; and 1 kg.m-2. The second factor is the dose of chicken manure, consisting of four levels, namely without chicken manure (control), chicken manure with a dose of 0.25 kg.m-2; 0.5 kg.m-2; and 1 kg.m-2. The results showed that biochar treatment had a significant effect on plant height. The interaction between treatments has a significant effect on the weight of the ear without the cob. The best biochar treatment was at a dose of 0.25 kg.m-2 while the best treatment of chicken manure was at a dose of 1 kg.m-2

    Pemanfaatan Biochar dan Pupuk Kandang Ayam pada Pertanaman Jagung Hibrida di Tanah Ultisol

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    This study aims to evaluate the growth and production of hybrid maize on ultisol soils using biochar and chicken manure to support sustainable agriculture. This study used a factorial design based on the randomized block design, which consisted of two treatment factors and three replications. The first factor is the dosage of biochar consisting of 4 levels, namely without biochar (control), 0.25 kg.m-2; 0.5 kg.m-2; and 1 kg.m-2. The second factor is the dose of chicken manure, consisting of four levels, namely without chicken manure (control), chicken manure with a dose of 0.25 kg.m-2; 0.5 kg.m-2; and 1 kg.m-2. The results showed that biochar treatment had a significant effect on plant height. The interaction between treatments has a significant effect on the weight of the ear without the cob. The best biochar treatment was at a dose of 0.25 kg.m-2 while the best treatment of chicken manure was at a dose of 1 kg.m-2

    Evaluasi Penyebab Longsor Lereng Jalan di Kabupaten Lahat

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    Fenomena alam lanjutan berupa tanah longsor dan banjir di sebagian besar wilayah Kabupaten Lahat, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan pada Januari 2020 disebabkan oleh hujan yang sangat deras. Istilah tanah longsor digambarkan sebagai hasil dari berbagai gerakan material lereng (ke luar dan ke dalam) termasuk batuan, tanah, tanaman, bahan buatan manusia, atau kombinasi dari keduanya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengevaluasi faktor-faktor penyebab kegagalan lereng di Kabupaten Lahat. Serta menganalisis stabilitas lereng dari nilai safety factor (FK) menggunakan program Slope/W. Lokasi penelitian adalah Desa Muara Siban STA 222+850 dan Desa Kuba STA 227+700. Hasil analisis dari program Slope/W di lokasi 1 Desa Muara Siban, nilai Faktor Keamanan Awal (FK) dengan metode Bishop adalah 1,640. Sedangkan setelah rembesan terjadi, nilai FK menjadi 1.199. Nilai FK awal dengan metode Bishop di lokasi 2 Desa Kuba adalah 1,718 dan setelah rembesan FK adalah 1,158. Semua nilai FK berdasarkan hasil program Slope/W menunjukkan penurunan setelah rembesan terjadi pada rentang nilai 1,033-1,199. Hasil analisis program Slope/W dari penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa telah terjadi longsor dan lereng dalam kondisi kritis (1,07-1,25). Jadi, hasil penelitian ini sebagai berikut: penyebab longsor terjadi karena dua hal, yaitu adanya aliran rembesan pada tubuh menuju kaki lereng dan karena drainase jalan yang buruk

    Peat Soil Improvement Method Using Woven Bamboo and Cerucuk

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    Most of the land in South Sumatera is the problematic soil, one of that is peat. Peat has low soil bearing capacity, and it becomes a problem when construction is built. Before the installation process, it is necessary to handle that soil. Soil improvement that can be done on peat to increase the bearing capacity value is the reinforcement method or physical stabilization. The results of research on woven bamboo and cerucuk are used as reinforcement material, which is expected to be an alternative to improve soil bearing capacity. The research methodology used was on the scale of the laboratory and analyzed by comparing the soil bearing capacity without reinforcement in bearing capacity ratio (BCR). The maximum bearing capacity with cerucuk reinforcement and without woven bamboo is 39.33 kPa with variations of the two outer rods of the left and right sides from 750 angle toward the foundation plane. However, using the 3 layers of reinforcement woven bamboo that is combined with cerucuk, which has diameter 1,5 cm and length 60 cm generates the highest soil bearing capacity value. The maximum of bearing capacity is 58 kPa. The BCR is 10,88 or in percentage is 988,2%, or 10 times greater than bearing capacity without reinforcement. So, it can be inferred that woven bamboo and cerucuk are used as an alternative to improve bearing capacity on peat soil