29 research outputs found

    Hubungan Kepuasan Pasien Dengan Minat Kunjungan Ulang Di Puskesmas Sangkalan Kecamatan Susoh Kabupaten Aceh Barat

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    Pelayanan kesehatan puskesmas merupakan bentuk pelayanan yang diberikan kepada masyarakat yang merupakan indikator pengukur kepuasan penggunaan jasa kesehatan. Puskesmas Sangkalan merupkan salah satu puskesmas yang berada di Kecamatan Susoh Kabupaten Aceh Barat Daya yang masih dirasakan perlu adanya pebenahan dari segi kualitas pelayanan kesehatan. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah mengetahui bagaimana hubungan kepuasan pasien dengan minat kunjjung ulanng di Puskesmas Sangkalan Kecamatan Susoh Kabupaten Aceh Barat Daya. Metode penelitian ini adalah survey analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Puskesmas Sangkalan Kecamatan Susoh Kabupaten Aceh Barat Daya pada tahun 2016 dengan jumlah sampling sebanyank 35 responden yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi.Berdasarkan hasil analisis bivariat menggunakan uji statistik Chi square diperoleh yaitu, realibilitas (p=0,001), jaminan (p=0,000), empati (p=0,012) dan bukti fisiik (p=0,007).Hasil ini memperlihatkan bahwa berhubungan bahwa berhubungan dengan minat kunjungan ulang di Puskesmas Sangkalan. Disarankan untuk terus meningkatkan kompetensi tenaga ahli sesuai dengan profesinya, agat lebih meyakinkan masyarakat dalam memperoleh pengobatan, salah satunya menerapkan program 4S (senyum, sopan, santun, sabar) dan SEHATI (sehat, empati, handal, aman, tertib dan iman) sebagai program unggulan Puskesmas serta menyediakan saran dan prasarana yang menjadi kebutuhan utama Puskesmas Sangkalan Kecamatan Susoh Kabupaten Aceh Barat Daya.

    The Relationship Between Unsafe Action and Unsafe Condition with the Incedent on Workers Accidents in Welding Shop, West Aceh

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    Welding shop is a business place specializing in welding service for various types of metal in various ways ; Manually through electric welding, carbide, Argon, lathe, acetylene, or using the help of robotic or laser welding machines. The work accidents on worker in welding shop is often found.The research problem proposed is what factors are the risk factors for work accidents in welding shop of West Aceh Regency. The research design used cross-sectional method with person correlation analysis. The results of the study found a strong relationship between unsafe acts and work accidents on welding shop workers in West Aceh Regency. The P Value of the variable is 0.000 <0.05, it means there is a moderately strong relationship between unsafe conditions and work accidents for welding shop worker in West Aceh Regency, because the P Value of the variable is 0.023 <0.05. Suggestions for this research is the need to provide education and information about risk factors that can cause work accidents in welding shop workers in West Aceh district

    The Effect of Maternal Education and Knowledge on Stunting Incidence in Toddlers in Paya Baro Village, Meureubo District, West Aceh Regency

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    Maternal education and knowledge have an important role in influencing the incidence of stunting which is at risk from the mother's pregnancy to the first thousand days of life. The problem is the high stunting rate in Paya Baro village, which reaches 10.18%. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence between education and knowledge variables on stunting events in Paya Baro Village, Meureubo District, West Aceh Regency. This research method uses an analytical quantitative method which is used to analyze the influence of education and knowledge of toddler mothers on stunting events with a sample of 50 pregnant women in Paya baro village, Meureubo District, West Aceh Regency and the results obtained were presented in table form. The results can be seen characteristics based on the education of pregnant women as much as (39.1%) not going to school (17.4%) elementary education (13%) junior high school education (13%) high school education (17.4%) undergraduates. Meanwhile, the knowledge of mothers with a good level of knowledge (34.5%) and a poor level of knowledge as much as (43.75). The education variables of pregnant women have a meaningful relationship with the incidence of stunting p = value <0.001 and there is a meaningful influence between the knowledge of pregnant women on the incidence of stunting p = value <0.003. Conclusion there is an influence of maternal education and knowledge on the incidence of stunting in toddlers in Paya Baro Village, Meureubo District, Aceh Regency having an increased risk of stunting problems due to low levels of education and poor knowledge can increase stunting in children. It is hoped that policymakers can improve stunting prevention programs through community empowerment

    Analisis Risiko Karakteristik, Sosial Ekonomi, Perilaku dan Kondisi Lingkungan Rumah terhadap Kejadian Malaria

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    Malaria merupakan penyakit menular yang menjadi perhatian global. Kecamatan Arongan Lambalek merupakan daerah rawan malaria di Kabupaten Aceh Barat dengan kategori Medium Incidence Area dengan nilai Annual Parasite Incidence (API) 3,67 per 1000 penduduk masih di atas target API Nasional pada fase eliminasi API kurang dari 1 per 1000 penduduk tahun 2013. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis karakteristik, sosial ekonomi, perilaku, dan kondisi lingkungan rumah yang berpengaruh terhadap kejadian malaria di Kecamatan Arongan Lambalek, Kabupaten Aceh Barat. Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasional analitik dengan pendekatan kasus kontrol dengan metode penarikan sampel yaitu purposive sampling. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini terdiri 33 kasus dan 33 kontrol, kelompok kasus adalah orang yang dinyatakan positif malaria sedangkan kelompok kontrol orang yang dinyatakan negatif berdasarkan pemeriksaan mikroskopis/rapid diagnostic test tahun 2014. Analisis statistik yang digunakan analisis univariat, bivariat (kai kuadrat), dan multivariat (regresi logistik). Hasil analisis bivariat diketahui ada lima variabel yang berpengaruh, yaitu pekerjaan (p = 0,000, OR = 0,05), pengetahuan (p = 0,000; OR = 17,5), sikap (p = 0,001; OR = 7,43), tindakan (p = 0,000; OR = 9,8), dan lingkungan (p = 0,000; OR = 9,0). Berdasarkan hasil analisis multivariat, pengetahuan adalah determinan yang paling berpengaruh (p = 0,006; OR = 12,783, CI 95% = 2,045–79,893). Penyuluhan yang intensif mengenai malaria perlu dilakukan untuk lebih menambah pengetahuan dan informasi masyarakat. The Risk Analysis of Characteristic, Socioeconomics, Behavioral, and Home Environment Conditions toward Malaria IncidenceMalaria is an infectious disease of global concern. The Subdistrict of Arongan Lambalek in West Aceh which belongs to the Medium Incidence Area category was a malaria endemic area with Annual Parasite Incidence (API) 3,67 at 1000 population in 2013. The API was higher than national API on elimination phage less than 1 at 1000 population. The objective of this research was to analyze the characteristic, socioeconomic, behavioral, home environment conditions to determine of malaria incidence in Arongan Lambalek Subdistrict, of West Aceh District. This research was analytic observational case control approach with purposive sampling method. The number of samples in this study comprised 33 cases and 33 controls, the cases are people who tested positive for malaria, while the control group of people who tested negative by examination microscopic/rapid diagnostic test in 2014. The statistical analysis used univariate, bivariate (chi-square), and multivariate (logistic regression). The results of the bivariate analysis are five variables known to affect malaria, they are job (p = 0.000, OR = 0.05), knowledge (p = 0.000; OR = 17.5), attitude (p = 0.001; OR = 7.43 ), action (p = 0.000; OR = 9.8), and the environment (p = 0.000; OR = 9.0). Based on the results of the multivariate analysis (logistic regression) knowledge is the most dominan determinan (p = 0.006; OR = 12.783, 95% CI = 2.045 to 79.893). Intensive counseling regarding malaria is needed, to make people know more knowledge and information about malaria


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    Ergonomi ialah suatu bagian dari ilmu pengetahuan terstruktur yang memberikan ulasan berupa penjelasan mengenai kemahiran dan dependensi manusia dalam bekerja, sehingga pekerja mampu bekerja secara maksimal dalam tatanan  yang teratur. Penyakit Akibat Kerja (PAK) yang dapat terjadi salah satunya adalah gangguan pada bagian tulang belakang yang biasa dikenal dengan nyeri punggung bawah, yaitu gangguan Muskuloskeletel Disorders (MSDs) di daerah punggung bagian bawah yang ditandai oleh nyeri pada daerah menjalar maupun lokal. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara sikap kerja, masa kerja, fasilitas kerja, dan jenis kelamin terhadap keluhan nyeri punggung bawah (low back pain) pada pekerja Dinas Transmigrasi dan Tenaga Kerja Aceh Barat. Metode penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif, dengan jenis penelitian survey analitik desain cross sectionalsurvey. Populasi yang digunakan merupakan semua pekerja Dinas Transmigrasi dan Tenaga Kerja Aceh Barat yang berjumlah 52 orang dan sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 52 responden . Hasil analisis menggunakan uji chi square ditemukan bahwa adanya pengaruh antara faktor sikap kerja (P-value = 0,023), masa kerja (P-value = 0,000), fasilitas kerja (P-value = 0,017) dengan keluhan nyeri punggung bawah  dan tidak adanya pengaruh antara jenis kelamin (P-value= 0,630 ) dengan keluhan nyeri punggung bawah. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini berdasarkan analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa adanya pengaruh ergonomi dilihat dari faktor sikap kerja, masa kerja, dan fasilitas kerja dengan keluhan nyeri punggung bawah .Sedangkan tidak ada pengaruh antara jenis kelamin terhadap keluhan nyeri punggung bawah pada pekerja Dinas Trasmigrasi dan Tenaga Kerja Aceh Barat

    The Relationship between Home Environmental Conditions and the Occurrence of Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) in Toddlers in Nagan Raya Regency

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    Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is an infection that lasts up to 14 days. Most ARI are caused by infection, but can also be caused by inhalation of chemical and chemical substances. In 2018 the population was 3,885, with 342 children under five. The number of toddlers experiencing ARI is 218 toddlers. The purposes of this study were to determine the relationship of environmental conditions in the home with ARI in toddlers. This research uses analytic survey method with Cross Sectional approach. The study was conducted on August 20-September 5 2019, population 342 and sample of 77 peoples. The results showed there were a relationship among the house floor (P value 0.01

    Removal of Heavy Metal Mercury (Hg) Liquid Waste through Electrolysis Method in Paya Ateuk Village, Pasie Raja District, South Aceh

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    Electrolysis is one of the methods used to remove heavy metal mercury (Hg). The electrolysis process is carried out on residual liquid waste from gold processing by utilizing chemical reactions through electrodes immersed in an electrolyte solution. This research method is experimental. We conducted laboratory tests to see the electrolysis process on the residual liquid waste from gold processing in a 10-liter container. We took samples from 10 different containers, 1 liter each from each tub. Sampling time was carried out in the morning, afternoon, and evening. The results showed a significant decrease in mercury (Hg) levels up to 1.30% with 12 volts of electricity for 100 minutes. In contrast, the lowest decrease occurred in the electric current of 3.3 volts within 25 minutes. We use the electrolysis method. This heavy metal removal technique can be applied and managed properly by the community and local government to minimize heavy metal pollution such as mercury in the surrounding environment due to waste from the community's traditional gold processing

    Description of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) Trends in The High Risk Area Zone of Exposure To Coal Smoke of The Electric Steam Power Plant (ESPP)/PLTU Nagan Raya

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    The cases of ARI increase every year after the active operation of the industry. This research aims to explore a description of ARI trends in the high risk zone of exposure to coal smoke of the electric steam power plant (ESPP)/PLTU Nagan Raya. The research method was a combination of cross sectional and phenomology designs. The sample research was 50 people with the criteria for residence 0-50 km from ESPP Nagan Raya with high risk area zone exposure, whilst the technical sample was purposive sampling. The results of this research found an increasing trend for ARI as many as 10% / month during 2019-2020. Chi square test showed P value = 0,000 in which the intrepretation was relationship suspected smoke exposure with symptoms of ARI. Based on in-depth interviews with the community, they experienced respiratory complaints due to the smoke from the ESPP during the establishment of the company, they also complained that their polluted soil and plants were not grown well. To conclude, there was an increasing trend of ARI in the high risk zone of exposure to ESPP smoke and there was relationship between suspected smoke exposure and complaints of ARI, and people were experiencing respiratory complaints