10 research outputs found

    Researching the aptitude of young volleyball players (children and adolescents)

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    In order to establish a child’s calculated performance in a selected branch of sport we need to clarify if he or she has the external and internal conditions with which he or she can be competitive. In our research the target age group of boys and girls are teenagers (13-16 year-olds) (N= 124). This research has a wide range of aspects; it covers anthropometrical measurements, general motor testing, parental and players’ questionnaires. Our aim is to determine the player’s aptitude for high performance. Based on the listed literature the right person is whose height at women is 175-195cm, at men is 185-210cm; moreover his or her motor skill standards are far better than the peers or the individual has favorable parental, environmental or any other kind of condition

    The Körmend growth study 1968 and 2008: Somatotypes of the boys

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    The Körmend Growth Study, a series of cross-sectional anthropological surveys, repeated in every 10 years since 1958, was among the firsts to demonstrate the existence of secular trends in the growth and the maturation of children. In this paper the authors give an overview on the physique of the Körmend boys based on the Körmend Growth Study. Somatotype (physique; defined according to the Heath–Carter anthropometric method) of 6–18-year-old boys, measured in 1968 (K-68) and 2008 (K-008), was analyzed and compared. Significant age-dependent changes in somatotypes were found in both study periods. Secular changes in the somatotype of boys were also observed in this West-Hungarian town

    Boys' BMI from early preschool to late adolescence: evaluation of six decades' data

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    Growth and maturation of children is a dynamic and complex biological process, influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. Children’s growth pattern can change from time to time, therefore, it is necessary to investigate the state of children’s somatic development repeatedly. According to a widely accepted and scientifically proven theory, the children’s growth and maturation status is a sensible indicator of the nutritional and health conditions of the general population. Thus, the information about the growth and the development of children and youth mirrors the biological status and/or welfare of a population. The “Körmend Growth Study”, a chain of repeated cross-sectional growth studies performed on children in the town of Körmend (Hungary) was one of the first realizations of this principle. Anthropological investigations have been performed in Körmend in every 10 years since 1958 in a systematic way. The data are prepared from groups of 1,563 to 2,867 boys in Körmend, between 1958 and 2008 at 10-year intervals. The Body Mass Index (BMI) was introduced into the human biology practice for the statistical evaluation of the nutritional status according to the suggestions of Keys and coworkers. Comparing distinct ten-year intervals from 1958 to 2008, a characteristic tendency of the BMI can be observed in boys

    Analysis of Body Mass Index (BMI) of 3 to 18-year-old boys in 6 cohorts

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    Growth and maturation of children is a dynamic and complex biological process, influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. Children’s growth pattern can change from time to time, therefore, it is necessary to investigate the state of children’s somatic development repeatedly. According to a widely accepted and scientifically proven theory, children’s growth and maturation status is a sensible indicator of the nutritional and health conditions of the general population. Thus, information about growth and development of children and youth mirrors the biological status and/or welfare of a population. The „Körmend Growth Study”, a chain of repeated cross-sectional growth studies performed on children in the town of Körmend (Hungary) was one of the first realizations of this principle. Anthropological investigations have been performed in Körmend in every 10 years since 1958 in a systematic way. The data are prepared from groups of 1563 to 2867 boys in Körmend, between 1958 and 2008 at 10-year intervals. Body Mass Index (BMI) was introduced into the human biology practice for the statistical evaluation of nutritional status according to the suggestions of Keys and coworkers. Comparing distinct ten-year intervals from 1958 to 2008, a characteristic tendency of BMI can be observed in boys

    Data on the biological development of Kaposvár (South-West Hungary) children (preliminary study)

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    It was planned to involve 35% (3000 children) of the 6-15-year-old Kaposvár (South-West Hungary) children in the investigation. In the case of the present survey there is data of 459 10-14 year-old children (201 boys and 258 girls). The aim of this study was to analyse directions and velocities of secular growth changes from 1928 to 2012 in 10-14 year-olds. In 2012 the anthropometric programme involved 28 body measurements according to the Martin technique, with regard to the recommendations of the International Biological Programme, but this paper focused on the changes in height and weight. Positive secular changes have been observed in Kaposvár in the last more than eighty years, which can be explained by changes of economical, social factors of environment